2018-10-29 BOS minutes Chesterfield Select Board Minutes
Monday, October 29, 2018 at 4:00 p.m.
Town Office Building- 422 Main Road
The Select Board meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Mr. Recos, Chair
Select Board Members Present: Roger Fuller, Patricia Colson-Montgomery, Robert Recos
Select Board Members Absent:
Town Administrator Present: Susan Labrie
Administrative Assistant Present: Kristine Zdaniewicz
Public Present: Peter Spotts—Country Journal;Justin West—MLP Manager; Larry Holmberg—
Emergency Management Director; Don Willard—Recreation Commission Chair
Recorder of Minutes: Kristine Zdaniewicz
Common Acronyms:
CDBG: Community Development Block Grant
COA: Council of Aging
DHCD: Department of Housing and Community Development
DLTA: Direct Local Technical Assistance
HCG: Hampshire Council of Governments
HCDC: Hilltown Community Development Corporation
HRHS: Hampshire Regional High School
MPO: Municipal Planning Organization
PVPC: Pioneer Valley Planning Commission
RFP: Request for Proposals
WG&E: Westfield Gas &Electric
The Select Board reviewed the draft minutes from their October 15,2018 meeting. On a motion by Ms.
Colson-Montgomery, seconded by Mr. Fuller, the Select Board voted unanimously to approve the
October 15, 2018 Select Board minutes.
Additions to the Agenda:
Chesterfield General Store
Ms. Labrie reported that the Alcohol License application was returned from the State ABCC. They
requested that the name on the Local Licensing Board Application be changed to The Chesterfield
General Store, Inc. instead of Mr. Gregory Monette and instead list Mr. Monette as the Manager. The
Select Board signed the amended application.
Davenport Site Feasibility Study:
The Select Board discussed the feasibility study results that were presented by Mr. Roy Brown at a
meeting on October 25,2018. The Select Board reported that the study concluded the Davenport site is
a feasible location for a new public safety complex and/or Town offices. Mr. Recos reported that the
Public Safety Complex Committee is planning to meet to discuss the study results.
Broadband Project Update:
Mr. Justin West, Municipal Light Plant Manager, provided a Broadband Project update. He reported
that the Town is waiting for the Make Ready work estimates from both Eversource and Verizon. The
Make Ready work required has been received but no cost was associated yet as WG&E needs to review
the results. It may be argued that some of the pole replacement costs should be covered by the utility
companies instead of the Town. Until that process is complete, the actual cost will not be provided by
the utility companies. Mr. West noted that there are far fewer utility poles that need to be replaced in
Chesterfield than some other towns going through the process.
Mr. West reported that WG&E will soon be soliciting bids on our behalf to construct the network. He
stated that once the Make Ready costs and network construction costs are known, the Town can
determine how much funding remains to offset some of the expense of hooking up each subscriber's
home. He anticipated construction will begin in the summer of 2019.
The Town will also need to solicit Internet Service Providers(ISP)for our network. Once the ISP is
known and network subscription costs are determined, we need to advertise the network and secure
subscribers. Mr. West is hoping to hold another informational session prior to the start of the Annual
Town Meeting in May as he did last year.
The Select Board discussed the Broadband hut with Mr. West and acknowledged a decision must be
made on whether to order a pre-cast concrete hut or construct our own. Mr. Fuller reported that he had
spoken to the Town of Otis' broadband representative. Otis constructed their hut out of wood and
attached it to their fire station. Mr. Fuller opined it would be much less expensive to construct our own
building. It was agreed to do a site visit to view Plainfield's concrete pre-fab hut and to research other
construction options before making a final decision. The Select Board also discussed the proposed
location for the hut with Mr. Larry Holmberg,Holmberg&Howe Associates. Mr. Holmberg agreed to
meet Mr. Fuller at the Town Hall site to determine the exact location and discuss if any variances might
be required.
Town Administrator's Report:
Dawson Greene Dog:
Ms. Labrie reported that she requested Ms. Chelsea Dawson-Green provide information from Bella's
veterinarian indicating the treatment that Bella has received and why the behavioral training has not
continued. The Select Board suggested that since Ms. Labrie had not had any response to her request,
that she send a certified letter indicating non-compliance with the Order of Conditions set at the Dog
Hearing. Ms. Labrie will draft the letter.
Regionalizing EMD Position:
Ms. Labrie reported that she forwarded the Highway Department pickup truck specifications to the
Goshen Select Board. She has not received a response but noted that Goshen recently hired their first
Town Administrator and she will follow up with him.
Alarm Panel in Town Office:
Ms. Labrie reported that the alarm panel replacement for the Town Offices was awarded to Security&
Fire Integrations LLC. They require a 50%deposit which is included in this week's warrant. The work
will be scheduled after they receive the deposit.
RFP Land Request Responses:
i The Select Board discussed the five responses to the Town's RFP to purchase 3+acres of land within Yz
mile of the Town center. One lot was not large enough, two others had wetlands issues and were most
likely not developable. The two remaining lots may be suitable for the Town's needs with one being
more favorable because of its size and location. The Select Board agreed to pursue the more favorable
option. The Select Board discussed how to proceed with requesting permission to examine the property
further by performing perc tests, excavating test pits, and possible soil borings. Positive results for
building potential would be needed before proposing to purchase the property. If the results are positive
and we believe the property is buildable, a vote will be needed at a Special Town Meeting to approve of
purchasing the property. The Select Board agreed to make a proposal through a realtor on behalf of the
Town with contingencies in order to conduct the necessary testing and Town Meeting approval to
purchase the property.
Subordination Request From HCDC:
The HCDC requested that the Select Board review and vote on a CDBG loan subordination request for a
home in Cummington. The current home value is $168,000 with over$83,000 in equity remaining after
the requested subordination. It was noted that the owner would like to refinance their mortgage. With
sufficient equity remaining, Ms. Colson-Montgomery made a motion to approve the subordination
request, seconded by Mr. Fuller. Unanimous vote.
New Hingham Roof:
Mr. Fuller informed the Select Board that he inspected the tarping that was completed on the New
Hingham School roof. He noted that he was satisfied with the work and the cost associated with it.
Payment to the contractor was approved.
Police Department Office Hours:
During the Select Board meeting,Ms. Labile received an email request from the Police Chief to place a
sign on his office door that the Police Department office hours were being postponed from Monday
night to Tuesday from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. She posted this at approximately 6:00 p.m. The Select Board
discussed the fact that people were planning on the Monday evening office hours and that there have
been a few times recently that there had been no Monday evening hours or the Chief was not available
and complaints were received. Mr. Recos noted he had heard from residents that they had tried
unsuccessfully to meet with the Chief on a Monday. The Select Board opined that there should always
be someone from the Police Department available on Monday evenings during their posted office hours,
preferably the Chief.
Highway Department Liaison Report:
Transfer Station
Mr. Fuller reported that the Transfer Station recyclable platform had been repaired by the Town's
maintenance personnel and the erosion near the landfill cap at the Transfer Station has been repaired by
the Highway Department. Ms. Labrie will inquire if DEP had inspected the repair.
North Road/Damon Pond Road Engineering Project Contract
Mr. Fuller reported that he reviewed the contract for the North Road/Damon Pond Road Engineering
Project and will meet with Ms. Labrie to discuss proposed amendments.
led after they receive the deposit.
Stage Road Drainage
Mr. Fuller reported that Stage Road drainage work is continuing. He noted the Town will need
easements for access to maintain the drainage areas.
Material Cleanup Request
Mr. Recos requested that the Highway crew be directed to clean up some metal construction material
that had fallen over the bank on the Highway Department property. Mr. Fuller will speak with Highway
Superintendent Matt Smith.
Recreation Building:
Mr. Don Willard, Recreation Commission Chair,was present to discuss the repairs needed at the
Recreation building. (The roof over the picnic tables is not level due to deteriorating posts and support
columns.) Mr. Willard stated the roofs support posts and their footings/support columns need to be
replaced. A contractor had estimated the repair work would be around$10,000 and the pavement under
the roof would need to be removed. Mr. Willard opined that he did not have this funding in his budget
and would rather spend funds on children's activities than infrastructure. The Select Board noted they
did not expect the Recreation Commission to pay for the repairs. The funding could come from the
Major Repairs account. Mr. Willard expressed thanks but also noted that repairing the footings and
posts would give them what they have now. He suggested for a better return on the repair funds, to look
into pouring a frost wall and slab and constructing additional interior space since the Recreation
Commission was already discussing renovating and reconfiguring the interior of the building to add
kitchen space. The Select Board was willing to entertain other ideas.
Next Select Board Meeting:
Tuesday, November 13, 2018 at 4:00 p.m.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:01 p.m.
t he was satisfied with the work and the cost associated with it.
Payment to the contractor was approved.
Police Department Office Hours:
During the Select Board meeting,Ms. Labile received an email request from the Police Chief to place a
sign on his office door that the Police Department office hours were being postponed from Monday
night to Tuesday from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. She posted this at approximately 6:00 p.m. The Select Board
discussed the fact that people were planning on the Monday evening office hours and that there have
been a few times recently that there had been no Monday evening hours or the Chief was not available
and complaints were received. Mr. Recos noted he had heard from residents that they had tried
unsuccessfully to meet with the Chief on a Monday. The Select Board opined that there should always
be someone from the Police Department available on Monday evenings during their posted office hours,
preferably the Chief.
Highway Department Liaison Report:
Transfer Station
Mr. Fuller reported that the Transfer Station recyclable platform had been repaired by the Town's
maintenance personnel and the erosion near the landfill cap at the Transfer Station has been repaired by
the Highway Department. Ms. Labrie will inquire if DEP had inspected the repair.
North Road/Damon Pond Road Engineering Project Contract
Mr. Fuller reported that he reviewed the contract for the North Road/Damon Pond Road Engineering
Project and will meet with Ms. Labrie to discuss proposed amendments.
led after they receive the deposit.