2024-11-05 SITE-C-1TP-10 TP-9 TP1 TP2 TP3 TP4 PT 3-4 PT 7-8 Land of SOUTHAMPTON CONSULTING GROUP LLC Area = 80,004± SF PROPERTY LINE PROPE R T Y L I N E Buildin g S e t b a c k L i n e Building Setback Line PROPOSED 2-FAMILY HOME GFE: 89.0 BFE: 90.5 TOW: 100.5 FFE: 101.5 100 100 105 110 115 99PRELIMINARY LIMIT OF CLEARING/GRUBBING: 25,000± SQUARE FEET 98HPS: ELEV. 102.2± 9095 89.0 99.5± 90.4± 4 2 3 1160.5'27.0'69.8'38.0'63.0'20.0'1 5 . 0 '15.0 ' 15' AT THROAT R 1 0 . 0 'R5.0'85 84 86 8788 88 MAX. 10% GRADE AT INSIDE RADIUS 89 239.2' TO E'ly PROPERTY L I N E STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NOTE: SEPTIC SYSTEM AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT COMPONENTS ARE SHOWN SCHEMATICALLY, PENDING FINAL DESIGN SCHEMATIC S.A.S. RESERVE AREA MAX. 2:1 GRADING, TYPICAL 100 105 1009 0 PARKING SPACE (TYP.) RETAINING WALL, TYPICAL (BY OTHERS) 467.84' 2 5 . 5 1 ' 131. 5 2' 1 9 . 9 4 ' 40 . 12 ' 50.00' 279.98'90.6 ' Zoning Permit Submittal Scale SheetProject Date Revision/Issue Prepared For: No.Date Prepared By: Site Services, LLC 78 Poplar Ave., West Springfield, MA 01089 Land Use Consulting 413.437.0446 · info@jgsiteservices.com JG Residential Site Development1005 Park Hill Road (Parcel ID 49-054-001), Northampton, Mass. 10.21.2024 240105 Southampton, MA 01073 108 Fomer Road c/o Esther Clark Southampton Consulting Group, LLC C-1Two-Family Home ProjectSchematic Site Development PlanLOCUS MAP Source: MassGIS, USGS Topographic Quadrangle Maps Scale: 1:12,000 1" = 20' Zoning Table: WSP District 2-Family Home Item Required Provided Min. Frontage*175'467.84' Min. Area*80,000 SF 80,004± SF Min. Open Space*60%- Front Setback 20'27'± Side Setback 15'69.8'± L 239.2'± R Rear Setback 20'90.6'± Min. Lot Depth 160'160.5'± at Building Max. Height**35'<35' Accessory Use Setback***10'N/A * For Lots in Existence Prior to June 7, 2007 ** Required Dimension at Lot Creation Date *** Conditional Dimension - see Chapter 350, Attachment 24 Plan Notes: 1.The premises shown hereon are a portion of the same as conveyed to the Southampton Consulting Group, LLC as recorded at the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Book 15072, Page 148. 2.For reference to the existing conditions and boundary information shown hereon, see plan by Pioneer Land Planning entitled "EXISTING CONDITIONS 1005 PARK HILL ROAD NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS PARCEL: 049-054," dated October 3, 2024. 3.This plan has been produced for Zoning Determination submittal purposes with the City of Northampton, as part of critical permitting path determinations. This plan, however, shall not be used for final site permitting, construction, or the conveyance of land. Feet 0 20 40