601 FAIRWAY VILLEGE LEEDS MA-10.10.2024_Egress StampedGENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES: DESIGN LIVE LOADS: 2015 I.B.C. and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 9th Edition Amendments 2015 I.B.C. table 1604.5 - Risk Category II. * Live Load Uniform:L.L. = 100 psf DESIGN CODES: * National Design Specifications (N.D.S.) * American Concrete Institute (ACI) CONCRETE AND REINFORCEMENT: * Concrete shall conform to with the current ACI-301 Standard Specifications of Structural Concrete. Minimum 28 day compressive strength (F'c) and design properties as follows Footing, wall, and interior slabs elements:Exterior Slabs: F'c = 3500 psi min.F'c = 4000 psi min. Water/Cement ratio = .5 max Water/Cement ratio = .45 max Slump = 4" max Slump = 4" max Entrained Air = 3% max Entrained Air = 6% max * Deformed reinforcement: New billet steel, ASTM A615 grade 60. * Reinforcement shall be fabricated and placed per ACI Manual of Standard Practice (ACI-315). &RQFUHWHFRYHURYHUUHLQIRUFHPHQWò´IRUFRQFUHWHSODFHGDJDLQVWIRUPV´IRUFRQFUHWHSODFHGDJDLQVWHDUWK * Keep reinforcement clean and free of dirt, oil, and scale. Oil forms prior to placing reinforcement. * Wire mesh reinforcement must lap one full mesh at side and end laps, and shall be wired together. Provide adequate supports for mesh to insure its locations as shown in the drawings. Conduits and pipes shall be placed above bottom bars and below top bars and shall not exceed 1 3 of the concrete thickness at any cross section. Parallel runs shall be spaced a minimum 3diamteres on center. No aluminum or coated conduit shall be used. * Do not use Calcium Chloride in any add mixtures with reinforced concrete. * Appearance of finished concrete shall be approved by the Architect. STRUCTURAL STEEL: * All structural steel work shall conform with the current AISC construction manual and AWS structural welding code D1.1 * Angles, channels, plate, and miscellaneous: ASTM A36. WOOD FRAMING: * Dimension lumber is designed and shall be supplied using Jacob Smith Engineering and Design values design criteria. * General framing: Pressure Treated Southern Pine #1 grade and better (Maximum Moisture Content 19%) U.N.O. 1RWH³3UHVVXUH7UHDWHG/XPEHU´VKDOOEHIUDPLQJPDWHULDORIWKHVSHFLILHGVSHFLHVZKLFKKDVEHHQSUHVVXUHWUHDWHGZLWKGHFD\DQG insect resistant solution, meeting all current standards for wood in contact with concrete or earth. Sill plates in contact with masonry or concrete foundations, footings or slabs may be treated Timber Strand LSL (zinc borate treatment). Sodium borate treatment may also be acceptable for sill plate applications when protected from weather. Acceptable treatment mediums for wood in contact with earth or in exterior applications include ACQ-C and ACQ-D (Alkaline Copper Quaternary) and copper azole (CBA-A and CBA-B). DO NOT USE WOODS WHICH HAVE BEEN TREATED WITH AMMONIA BASED CARRIERS. All connectors shall meet the recommendations of the pressure treated wood manufactures, but shall be not less than Hot Dipped Galvanized meeting requirements of ASTM A653, such as Simpson ZMAX. (G185). All screws, nails and bolts shall match hangers and other connectors, and shall meet ASTM A123 for individual connectors, and ASTM A153 for fasteners. For durability, it is our recommendation that connectors used in exposed conditions with treated limber be stainless steel. Do not mix galvanized and stainless products. Do not allow aluminum to contact treated wood. * Nailing per shall comply with IBC Table 2304.9.1 except where more or larger nailing shown on drawings. * All roof rafters, joists, beams shall be anchored to supports with metal framing anchors. * Provide continuous wall studs each side of wall openings equal to one half or greater of number of studs interrupted by openings. * All wall studs shall be continuous from floor to floor or from floor to roof. * Metal connectors: Simpson Strong Ties unless otherwise noted, install with number and type of nails to achieve maximum rated capacity. Note that heavy duty and skewed hangers may require special order. * Simpson Strong Drive Heavy Duty Connector Screws (S.D.S.): 14‘[OHQJWKVSHFLILHGSHUSODQ * All beams shall be braced against rotation at points of bearing. STRUCTURAL ERECTION AND BRACING REQUIREMENTS. * The structural drawings illustrate the completed structure with all elements in their final positions, properly supported and braced. The contractor, in the proper sequence, shall provide proper shoring and bracing as may be required to achieve the final completed structure. * Observations of foundation reinforcing or steel framing required by the owner, lender, building department or any other party will be accomplished by the engineer at the owner's expense. At least 24 hours advance notice is requested. 5JACOB SMITH ENGINEERING AND DESIGN INC.NEW EGRESS WINDOW601 FAIRWAY VILLAGELEEDS MA01061PERMIT DRAWINGSNEW BASEMENT EGRESS FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1 2" = 1'-0" 1 S1 1.See the General Notes on Sheet S1. 2. Coordinate all dimensions, elevations and openings with architectural drawings and mechanical requirements. SCALE: 1 2" = 1'-0" 2 S1 1.See the General Notes on Sheet S1. 2. Coordinate all dimensions, elevations and openings with architectural drawings and mechanical requirements. NEW BASEMENT EGRESS WINDOW INTERIOR ELEVATION