32A-090 (2) 32A - 090 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION RISENAME: Andrea Schmid AN EMPLOYEE-OWNED COMPANY CLIENT# 551274 WORK ORDER#10302 PROGRAM: Eversource GAS MA CONTRACTOR: J&L Energy Inc ADDRESS: 13 Graves Avenue , Northampton 42 Sargent Street PHONE: 508-237-1654 Winthrop MA 02152 EMAIL: andrewricotta@gmail.com 781-428-338 Combustion Safety Test: \.! No INSPECTOR: BlowerDoor: # N/A Pre # ti/A Post MEASURE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY INSTALLED INSPECTED HOME AIR SEALING 6 6 WALLS - CLAPBOARD SIDED 4" 2,248 2290 WEATHERSTRIP DOOR 3 3 DOOR- INSULATE RIGID BOARD 1 4 BASEMENT CEILING- 6" FIBERGLASS 944 gJ J DOOR SWEEP 3 3 COMMON WALL-DRILL AND PLUG 4" 100 NOTES: ivo V-01,4,69 po o/t tFs1 6 (.4 riS c= I-(4"6 VCP r1(C Li Lc.1c R r"rto(l P A F'biv w CC'KS AGv . vvr t'ws7Rc:(6v you SQF oN f3'9 i 1''7 CE'(Li,vc LIC- ftFri gp Yg Ire-" of SAG( r7°r> (c.2r744< -C. OCCU//11G N4Ve COSl,)ntr Pt,Pap )4 A/6'LcS 13C7weeAi 4 G/-1i7 v.'S" 4m0 9t C' - O T=C404 t+"1tvUJ wS_ v"Cia5U1-A1E 574;94/.4Y zo A-77r c ga( ?WE C4' 1 I'NSUL '7G 5t4 i1 w'4Y Iv•4CL lac N61 4/t 1- viol PA/146EP. DISCLOSURE: I have installed the measures listed above,in accordance with the terms of the contract. ---- -- 6/5/2-4 CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE Date have inspected the house at the above address and determined the energy conservation measures checked above were completed by the Contractor. DAII inspected measures were completed in accordance with contract and meet program standards. Deficiencies Found-We will notify the contractor of the deficiencies and the contractor will contact you to arrange for a repair. INSPECTOR SIGNATURE DATE I confirm the measures listed above have been completed to my satisfaction. I have received a copy of the Certificate of Completion/Inspection and hereby authorize the release of any final payments to the Contractor. I understand this Certificate of Completion does not in any manner void any warranties provided to me by the Contractor. C I/1\eR- 5 1 (�P1)A) lc aLI CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE FINAL CUSTOMER CO-PAY RISE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION NAME: Diana Davies AN EMPLOYEE-OWNED COMPANY CLIENT# 551272 WORK ORDER # 10302 PROGRAM: Eversource GAS MA CONTRACTOR: J&L Energy Inc ADDRESS: 11 Graves Avenue I Northampton 42 Sargent Street PHONE: 508-237-1654 Winthrop MA 02152 EMAIL: andrewricotta@gmail.com 781-428-338 Combustion Safety Test: 'e No INSPECTOR: BlowerDoor: # 1v/4 Pre hi/A Post MEASURE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY INSTALLED INSPECTED HOME AIR SEALING 6 BASEMENT SILLS- RIGID BOARD INSULATION 171 471 WEATHERSTRIP DOOR 3 3 DOOR- INSULATE RIGID BOARD 1 BASEMENT CEILING -6" FIBERGLASS 944 Q bb DOOR SWEEP 3 COMMON WALL -DRILL AND PLUG 4" 100 0 SHEATHING ACCESS 3 ATTIC FLAT- 5" FLOORED R-16 DENSE CELLULOSE 1,600 -16170 NOTES: Aic (310 ►vrR pt, 7 7 Rtr(4✓Sc }(aa6- v&nl9/(cL,'TE )2(,/-10✓Fp ,4 f tv- w KS A60 v✓i /44 S 1416/0 S0.2 lI'gtr'/ir'"'T (C/<<':vC. We fNSiica;Ltc- 7-4-e 2 HJ4Y 70 i-rr(c i vie c4 7 57ArRV,“Y i.✓ACLc V()t= 1 f Mr" vEa*t 12,41A-6 60. DISCLOSURE: I have installed the measures listed above,in accordance with the terms of the contract. � /5 / q CONTRACTOR SIGNA RE Date I have inspected the house at the above address and determined the energy conservation measures checked above were completed by the Contractor. ❑AII inspected measures were completed in accordance with contract and meet program standards. ❑Deficiencies Found-we will notify the contractor of the deficiencies and the contractor will contact you to arrange for a repair. INSPECTOR SIGNATURE DATE I confirm the measures listed above have been completed to my satisfaction. I have received a copy of the Certificate of Completion/Inspection and hereby authorize the release of any final payments to the Contractor. I understand this Certificate of Completion does not in any manner void any warranties provided to me by the Contractor. Cim dx- 5c rvkef ( 194 A-) 6/c 2 CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE FINAL CUSTOMER CO-PAY