25-026 (16) a ment to be debated from Your bank account. Your Confirmation nu 6l�3fZ(CheC 62315U6 to o business days for the p Y right is to return this payment if resented to your bank.They have the Date of Confirmation:ntnumbernot (Checking)it will take nt 022 - NOTE..When paying by payment is P s this transaction against your account. Your account is not verified until this P naval by your financial institution. unable to process ect to approval for payment(s)of$325.00 has been received and is subl Your requestPayment Information Account Information Payment Type: Credit Card Roger P Lipton Name: ,,.............8848 pton 9 Laurel Mountain Road Payer Name: pton Address: West WhatelY Card Number: Roger P Li City: State: MA 01039 zip: rri hwilliams@greenmiles.co Email: Transaction Information o Payment Type Fee Credit Card Amount gie,fl0 Quantity $325.00 1 Transactta planning and Northampton Permits Planning Permit:Other Richard Property Owner Name: Watling Application Name:Richard Watling John M.McLaughlin . Watling #for Work Location'. 25 Assessors Map {� �}{�__0lECE ll LI E Assessors Block#Work Location: 025 ssessors Lot#for Work Location: `JNORTHAMPTON. 026 J U N 2 4 2022 imcla gAh n@greenmiles.corn jmclaugCITY CLERKS OFFICE MA U106Q Total:$325.00 P1.;34y'Ie'ina Al Permit Application Today's Date: 06/23/2022 Owner Applicant Richard Watling Richard Watling do John M. McLaughlin 129 Riverbank Road 77 Pleasant Street; PO Box 210 Northampton,MA 01060 Northampton, MA 01061 413-586-8218 jmclaughlin@greenmiles.com City of Northampton department N Work Location Information How many lots involved in the project: 1 ';') E C IE D W E Map/Block/Lots of all lots in project: 25/025/026 Deed Book of all lots in project: 9858/235 T 1 Project work address: 129 RIVERBANK RD LI I JUN 2 .4 2022 -J City/State/Zip: Northampton 01060 Zoning District: SC CITY CLERKS OFFICE NORTHAMMPTON.MA 01060 Application for following Permit Types ❑Planning Bd. Special Permit w/Site Plan ['Planning Bd. Special Permit w/Site Plan for flag lots ❑Planning Bd. Special Permit w/MAJOR Site Plan ['Planning Bd. Site Plan (NO Special Permit) ['Administrative Site Plan Review alarming Bd. Major Site Plan or 40R Approval ['Approval Not Required Plans (No Special Permit) ❑Subdivision Preliminary ❑Subdivision Definitive IF Preliminary approved ❑Subdivision Definitive IF NO Preliminary ['Subdivision Definitive Amendment ❑Zoning Board Special Permit ❑Zoning Board Finding ®Appeal of Building Commissioner-Zoning ['Comprehensive Permit ❑Variance ['Demolition(Demolition Delay) ❑Historic District Determination of Non- A plicability Historic District(Elm St)Determination of ❑Central Business Architecture Appropriateness ❑West Street Architecture ['Wetlands Notice of Intent, Abbreviated NOI or ❑Wetlands Notice of Intent IF ONLY local wetlands ANRAD, IF state wetlands Wetlands Request for Determination OR Resource Delineation ❑Wetlands Amendment Wetlands Certificate of Compliance request nwetlands extension 210 Main St., Rm. 11, City Hall,Northampton, MA 01060 (413) 587-1262 , I ,/ 7 Ivor s Fee Information Appeal of Building Commissioner-Zoning- $325 S 325 Total fee amount: S 325.00 Existing Use Partially constructed garage detached at ground level and attached at second floor level to pre-existing nonconforming structure. Planned Use Please see attached memorandum. Detailed Project Information Commissioner Appeal Description: Please see attached memorandum. Special Permit Description: n%a Files Uploaded: Supporting Information: Appeal and Exhibits.pdf Comprehensive(40b): Drainage Information: Traffic Information: Plan Sheets: Wetlands Information: Approval Not Required: Autocad: Tiff or PDF: Historic Information: By typing my name in the signature box, I certify that all the information above is accurate to the best of my knowledge, I am the property owner or have permission from the property owner to apply for this permit. I also grant permission to the City of Northampton to inspect the proposed work Signature: John M. McLaughlin Date Signed: 06/23/2022 210 Main St., Rm. 11, City Hall,Northampton, MA 01060 (413) 587-1262 • Ci NJ. L c EN MI E LIrro * Ali1h .► ,; LA\ Yl t sfitri i 11.N''i: ! \}!1, 1'.O.it()\ 2It {tt'K+Fk P ' ,{'It ' ♦Oft l!!\1111(1% >!\n!U'l.u2li) t;;i'.!.{,'.a : '.! t':!! - • BRAD A 1Ni\lli \I ..\` 1 Nth I S \II `Ii1 1)rt!; .ij I':'•.\'ID( ,.t /',1!,5 !. )! tU! .�II dtl \'t `,1! \Yl: ,:!Ril l-�t'!II F1'o".ir '.ii\\ /i.`.1.! !{; IK.vllr+i \till••• !•I , •,4".c:r' Pitt A\i !tl:\( }:li! kr%(1) , \\,.11 ; rv. w .�(ecnnuk•c.to Appeal of Building Commissioner's Order I have recently been retained to represent Richard Watling("client")of 129 Riverbank Road. Pursuant to M.G.L.A.40A § 8 and M.G.L.A. 40A § 15,this is an appeal of the Northampton Building Commissioner's order set forth in the letter of May 26,2022 (the "letter/order")which was received by the client on June 1,2022, mandating the removal of the partially constructed garage structure located at the rear of my client's property located at 129 Riverbank Road(the"subject structure"). A copy of the letter/order is attached hereto as Exhibit A. As this Board may recall, in September 2021 this Board granted my client a Special Permit to complete the construction of the subject structure;however that Special Permit was based upon the condition that my client purchase additional property from the owner of the adjacent property located at 117 Riverbank Road within 45 days of the decision. A copy of the decision is attached hereto as Exhibit B. Unfortunately,despite his best efforts,my client was unable to effectuate that purchase,and according to the explicit terms of that Special Permit, it is now null and void. This Board should overrule the Building Commissioner's order to remove the subject structure because the order is premature. My client may be entitled to zoning relief which would 1 justify the completion of the subject structure. The teardown order at this time is draconian and punitive. An order to tear down a structure should be a last resort, issued only when there is no possibility of zoning relief that could legalize the structure. See Sheppard v. Zoning Bd of Appeal of Boston, 81 Mass.App.Ct. 394 at 407 (2012). As set forth herein, my client will soon be seeking zoning relief from this Board which, if granted, could allow for lawful completion of the structure. Under these circumstances, the order to remove the garage structure, is not justifiable at this time. I requested an extension of time regarding the letter/order but the request for an extension was denied. I will very soon file an application for a Special Permit pursuant to Northampton Zoning Ordinance § 350-9.3 A (10). I would have preferred to file the special permit application simultaneously with this appeal, but as set forth below I am engaged in related negotiations which are not completed. This Board should allow my client to pursue the special permit application rather than simply uphold the order to remove the subject structure immediately This Board could determine that my client is entitled to a special permit pursuant to § 350-9.3 A (10), without my client obtaining additional land from the owner of 117 Riverbank Road. However. I may soon be able to file an application which would seek. as an alternative. zoning relief similar to what was granted in 2021. If I am unable to have a definitive answer with reference to seeking zoning relief similar to what was granted in 2021 (purchasing land from the neighbor) I will within approximately one week, file the application for special permit seeking relief without purchasing land from the neighbor, with the understanding that I may amend the application while it is pending. As stated above, the application for special permit will be made pursuant to Northampton Zoning Ordinance § 350-9.3 A(10) which provides: 2 A preexisting nonconforming structure or use may be changed, extended or altered ... With a special permit for a single-or two-family home when the Zoning Board makes a finding the change which includes new zoning violations(such as reduction of open spacer new setback encroachments or further encroachments into the setback, etc.)will not be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood than the existing nonconforming single-or two-family structure. (Emphasis added.) My client has a single-family,nonconforming home. In 2021 he filed for zoning relief to allow him to construct the subject structure. The new construction would have created new dimensional violations and violate the open space ordinance. City officials were particularly concerned that the new construction would be not in compliance with the open space ordinance. The city insisted that my client go forward with his application by purchasing land from the owners of the neighboring property, 117 Riverbank Road. My client planned to purchase additional property from the owners of 117 Riverbank Road. At the urging of city officials,he retained a surveyor who created an Approval Not Required("ANR")plan depicting his property obtaining 1,620.78 square feet from the owners of 117 Riverbank Road. Yet,during the 2021 proceedings he was not able to reach an agreement with the owners of 117 Riverbank Road to purchase the property depicted in the ANR plan. If he did or said anything that led to the inference that there was an agreement in place,he apologizes for the confusion. One of the factual allegations made in the Building Commissioner's letter/order is the contention that my client specifically told the board at the hearing on September 9,2021,that he had an"agreement to purchase the strip of land from the neighbor."The letter/order is,at least in part. based upon this factual contention.My client does not remember making such a statement nor can he recall his attorney at the time making such a statement. If such a statement was made, it was in error. 3 My wanted to purchase the property next door,but he was unable to meet with the then owners of 117 Riverbank Road because they were out of state during the timeframe. Ultimately he was able to contact them by phone and email. Unfortunately,by then the owners had been in contact with government officials,and despite his best efforts,he was unable to effectuate an agreement to purchase. I have tried to confirm statements that were made at the hearing in September but: 1. I have been unable to find any recording or video of the hearing of September 9,2021; 2. the decision and the minutes from the hearing are lacking in certain important detail;and 3. while I have called the attorney who represented my client at the September 9,2021 hearing, I have yet to hear back from him. I will submit a public formal records request to the City of Northampton in the hope of obtaining needed information pertaining to that hearing and other related matters, including emails between city officials and the former owners of 117 Riverbank Road. I understand the City was concerned about the open space ordinance.My understanding is that that at the hearing on September 9,2021,there were between eight and twelve neighbors in attendance. My client has told me that all of the neighbors in attendance were in favor of my client's application,three of whom actually spoke in favor of his application. Northampton Zoning Ordinance § 350-9.3 A(10)specifically provides that new construction can violate "open space"so long as there is a finding that the new construction will not be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood. I respectfully submit this Board can and should grant a special permit without requiring that my client purchase additional land from the owner of 117 Riverbank Road, so long as the board finds that such an arrangement would not be substantially more detrimental to neighborhood. 4 Evidence should be obtained from the neighbors pertaining to the issue as to whether the zoning relief being sought by my client would be substantially detrimental to the neighborhood even if he does not obtain additional land from the owner of 117 Riverbank Rd. If the evidence from the neighbors is still supportive of my client, it would be difficult to see how any reasonable board could find that such zoning relief would be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood,even if city officials oppose such a finding. Despite the fact that this Board could readily determine that my client is entitled to the special permit without purchasing any land from the neighboring property,he is diligently trying to make such a purchase. Fortuitously, 117 Riverbank Road was sold to a new party this month. My law firm has contacted the lawyer who represents the new owner and we are attempting to reach an agreement to purchase the same piece of property shown on the 2021 ANR plan. The property is encumbered by a mortgage, which means a partial mortgage release would be required for the new. Owner to sell any part of the property at 117 Riverbank Road. Further, the new owner will soon be relocating septic system and wants to confirm its location before agreeing to convey property to my client. If we are able to reach an agreement with the neighbor, I plan to include in the special permit application a provision or proposed condition concerning purchase of additional land from the neighbor. 1 understand that my client acted unilaterally in the past and in a very problematic way. According to the minutes from the hearing of September 9, 2021, his prior attorney admitted some violations. I am concerned that the Building Commissioner's order to tear down the subject structure may be punitive. The Board should not approve tearing down the subject structure unless it first determines there is no zoning relief that would allow my client to move forward. 5 By not later than Monday June,27,2022,my client intends to pay the fines referenced in the letter/order without admitting any wrongdoing. My client,on his own,applied for a building permit and paid the required fee to the City of Northampton. The City accepted payment for the building permit and to date has not returned those funds. Accordingly, I submit that the Building Commissioner's order/letter,at this time, must be overturned. My client is entitled to seek zoning relief rather than being ordered to tear down the structure. The letter/order appeared to be based on inaccurate facts, which constitutes an additional reason to overturn the building Commissioner's decision. Sincerely, ? e4 /I ca lin 6 City of Northampton Q5' ;m4e-, is .. Massachusetts eY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS +• 212 Main Street • Municipal Building .r.� Northampton, MA 01060 May 26, 2022 Richard H. Watling 129 Riverbank Road Northampton, MA 01060 J RE: ORDER TO REMOVE STRUCTURE 129 Riverbank Road Map 25, Lot 26 Dear Mr. Watline: This letter constitutes an Order to remove the garage structure partially constructed on the above- referenced property. The basis for this Order is as follows. In March 2019 you submitted a Zoning Permit Application to the Northampton Building Department to construct an addition to the single-family residence on your property. You were informed both by email and by the issuance of a Building Permit Checklist that you would need a special permit under section 350-9.3 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance in order to construct the addition. Despite being informed of the zoning relief you would need to build the addition, you commenced construction without the benefit of a special permit or a building permit. On May 12, 2020, the Building Department posted your property with a Stop Work Order. In May 2020, you applied for both a building permit and a special permit. You requested several extensions of the hearing on the special permit. Meanwhile you continued your illegal construction. The Building Department issued two subsequent Stop Work Orders on August 10, 2020, and September 15,2020. On both occasions,the Building Department issued Massachusetts Non- Criminal Building Code Violation Notice,Ticket Nos. B051-010501 and B051-010502, which imposed a fine of$100 for a first violation of the State Building Code and a fine of$500 for a second violation of the State Building Code, respectively. You neither appealed nor paid either Violation Notice. In the hearing before the ZBA on the special permit you represented to the Board that you had an agreement to purchase a strip of land from an abutting landowner. You filed an ANR plan with the Board showing the strip of land to be conveyed to you. On or about September 14, 2021, the ZBA issued a special permit finding allowing the proposed addition subject to the following condition: The applicant shall record the deed transfer as shown in the ANR within 45 days of this decision date. If the applicant fails to record the deed transfer within 45 days, this permit shall expire and be null and void. You failed to procure the adjoining land within 45 days, as required by the special permit, and you have not acquired the land to date. As such,the special permit has expired by its terms, and it is null and void. Based upon the foregoing. the garage structure was constructed in violation of both the State Building Code and the Northampton Zoning Ordinance. You are hereby ORDERED to remove the garage structure from the property at 129 Riverbank Road commencing no later than 48 hours from your receipt of this Order. You must continue such removal diligently and without interruption, and you must complete the removal within 30 days of this Order. Failure to abide by this Order will result in the filing of an enforcement action in Hampshire Superior Court without further notice seeking to enforce the payment of the fines assessed for violation of the State Building Code and for injunctive relief ordering the removal of the illegal structure. In addition, the city will seek reimbursement for the costs and fees, including attorneys' fees, incurred in enforcing the building and zoning codes. Very truly yours. 1,6 • , 191-1T '•nathan Flagg Building Commissioner Cc: Wayne Feiden, Director of Department of Planning and Sustainability Carolyn Misch,Assistant Director of Department of Planning and Sustainability Alan Seewald,City Solicitor i i EXHIBIT B J CITY OF NORTHAMPTON PERMIT DECISION ` DATES PROJECT INFORMATION Submitted 05/12/2020 Owner Name/Address Richard Watling Northampton MA 01060 129 Riverbank Rd Hearing 9/9/2021 Applicant Name/ Address(if different) Extension 6 extensions Applicant Contact 413-320-7442 richardwatling129@yahoo.com Hearing Closed 9/9/2021 Site Address 129 Riverbank Rd Northampton MA 01060 Decision 9/13/2021 Site Assessor Map ID 25-26 B9858 P235 Zoning District SC Filed with 9/13/2021 Permit Type Zoning Board Special Permit Clerk Appeal 10/4/2021 Project Description Create new non conformity with addition to the home Deadline projecting into the rear setback by 16+-' An appeal of this decision by the Zoning Board may be made by any person within 20 days after the date of the filing of this decision with the City Clerk,as shown.Appeals by any aggrieved party must be pursuant to MGL Chapter 40A, Section 17 as amended and may be made to the Hampshire Superior Court with a certified copy of the appeal sent to the City Clerk of the City of Northampton. Plan Sheets/Supporting Documents by Map ID: 1. Existing Conditions Plan Stamped by Randy Izer 2. Subdivision Approval Not Required Plans dated June 2021, Randy Izer BOARD MEMBER PRESENT FAVOR OPPOSED ABSTAIN/NO COUNT VOTE TALLY (Favor-Opposed) David Bloomberg,Chair ✓ ✓ ❑ ❑ Sara Northrup,Vice Chair ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Elizabeth Silver 0 ❑ ❑ Cl Maureen Scanlon ❑ ✓ Bob Riddle ✓ ❑ Cl 3-0 To Approve APPLICABLE APPROVAL CRITERIA/BOARD FINDINGS ZONING 9.3 A10 The Zoning Board granted the special permit to expand the non-conformity of the structure by allowing a new and greater non-conformity(rear yard setback)with an addition extending to within 3.4'of the rear lot line. Upon hearing from abutters,who voiced support for the project,the Board discussed the impacts to the most affected abutter and the broader neighborhood and determined that based on the information submitted that the new encroachment would not be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood than the existing non-conforming setback of the house. The Board noted that one non- conformity will be eliminated with the acquisition of a portion of the abutter's parcel. pg. 1 • • CITY OF NORTHAMPTON PERMIT DECISION y � CONDITIONS 1. The applicant shall record the deed transfer as shown in the ANR within 45 days of this decision date. If the applicant fails to record the deed transfer within 45 days, this permit shall expire and be null and void. Minutes Available at WWW.NorthamptonMa.Gov I,Carolyn Misch,as agent to the Zoning Board certify that this is an accurate and true decision made by the Planning Board and certify that a copy of this and all plans have been filed with the Board and the City Clerk and that a copy of this decision has been mailed to the Owner,Applicant. pg. 2