CONTRACT 060424 BunningFOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. NO SCALEValley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com1673 Park Hill Rd Northampton,MA01062DRAWN BY: C.M.S.DATE:6/4/2024SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERCaitlin BunningRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.CONTRACTPROJECT PLAN PROJECT NOTES: THIS PLAN SET, COMBINED WITH THE BUILDING CONTRACT, PROVIDES BUILDING DETAILS FOR THE RENOVATION PROJECT. THE LEAD CARPENTER SHALL VERIFY THAT SITE CONDITIONS, AND DIMENSIONS ARE CONSISTENT WITH THESE PLANS BEFORE STARTING WORK. WORK NOT SPECIFICALLY DETAILED SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE SAME QUALITY AS SIMILAR WORK THAT IS DETAILED. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL BUILDING AND LOCAL CODES. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS AND SPECIFIC NOTES SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND GENERAL NOTES. THE SALE PERSON/DESIGNER SHALL BE CONSULTED FOR CLARIFICATION IF SITE CONDITIONS ARE ENCOUNTERED THAT ARE DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN, IF DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND IN THE PLANS OR NOTES, OR IF A QUESTION ARISES OVER THE INTENT OF THE PLANS OR NOTES. CARPENTER OR SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS (INCLUDING ROUGH OPENINGS). ALL TRADES SHALL MAINTAIN A CLEAN WORK SITE AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY. PLEASE SEE ADDITIONAL NOTES CALLED OUT ON OTHER SHEETS. OWNER: Caitlin Bunning PROJECT 673 Park Hill Rd ADDRESS: Northampton, MA DESIGNER:VHI BLDG PERMIT: INDEX OF DRAWINGS TITLE SHEET CONTRACT 1 EXISTING CONDTIONS 2 PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN 3 ELECTRICA PLAN 4 CABINET ELEVATIONS 5 CABINET ELEVATIONS(CONT.)6 COUNTERTOP DIAGRAMS 7 EXT 71068 EXT 6068 EXT 6034 EXT 2633 EXT 2668 EXT 3068 EXT 2968 EXT 2468EXT 5068EXT 4850EXT 4850EXT 4850EXT 4068 UP EXT 3068EXT 2668EXT 4068EXT 1668 3'-5"5'-8"6'-6 1/2"2'-0"11'-3 1/2"CL7'-9"6'-10" CL1'-6"13'-3 1/2"GARAGE BEDROOM KITCHEN C.H.: 7'-8" EXISTING FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1 FOOT Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com2673 Park Hill Rd Northampton,MA01062DRAWN BY: C.M.S.DATE:6/4/2024SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERCaitlin BunningRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.EXISTING CONDTIONS DN EXT 71068 EXT 6068 EXT 6034 EXT 2633 EXT 2668 EXT 3068 EXT 2968 EXT 2468EXT 5068EXT 4850EXT 3068EXT 1668 E1 5 E1 5 E2 5 E2 5 E3 6 E3 6 E4 6 E4 6 E5 6 E5 6 GARAGE KITCHEN C.H.: 7'-8" PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN 3/8" = 1 FOOT Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com3673 Park Hill Rd Northampton,MA01062DRAWN BY: C.M.S.DATE:6/4/2024SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERCaitlin BunningRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN DN R R R RR R R R R R 4 4 R R R 3 3 4 UNDERCABINET LIGHTING MOVE EXISTING SURFACE LIGHT INDUCTION SLIDE IN RANGE & NEW HOOD MICROWAVE POP UP OUTLET KITCHEN Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com4673 Park Hill Rd Northampton,MA01062DRAWN BY: C.M.S.DATE:6/4/2024SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERCaitlin BunningRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.ELECTRICA PLANELECTRICAL PLAN 3/8" = 1 FOOT DW WALLWALL36"14"78"19"24" CL 89"82" 171" 160" PENN 24" DEPTH CORNER CL 48" CL 30"82" 36"24"36"15"13"36" 12" DEPTH 12" DEPTH DIAGONAL 35 7/8"18 1/8"36"34 3/4"1 1/8"CL 18 5/8"CL 12"CL 12"13 1/2"90"92"LAZY SUSAN TRAY BASEPULL OUT WASTE BASKET LAZY SUSAN DW WALLWALLCL 54"33" 24"12"36"15" DIAGONAL 12" DEPTH 12" DEPTH CORNER 24" DEPTH 63" 87" 36"36"15"34 3/4"1 1/8"18 1/8"36"90"LAZY SUSAN Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com5673 Park Hill Rd Northampton,MA01062DRAWN BY: C.M.S.DATE:6/4/2024SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERCaitlin BunningRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.CABINET ELEVATIONSE1E1 E2E2 1 1/2"36"1 1/2"30"33" 26" DEPTH 102" CL 19 1/2" CL 34 1/2"48"90"72"18"ROLL OUTS WALLWALL12"12"30"36" 90" 12"78" 24" DEPTH CORNER34 3/4"1 1/8"35 7/8"18 1/8"36"LAZY SUSANOPEN SHELVING WALLWALL36" 18"34 3/4"1 1/8"10 1/2"10 1/2"10 1/2"Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com6673 Park Hill Rd Northampton,MA01062DRAWN BY: C.M.S.DATE:6/4/2024SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERCaitlin BunningRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.CABINET ELEVATIONS(cont.)E3E3 E4E4 E5E5