44-050 BP-2024-0839 1095 FLORENCE RD COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block:Lot: 44-050-001 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Permit: Alts Renovations Repair PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2024-0839 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Project# KITCH/BATH RENO 2024 Contractor: License: Est. Cost: 30000 Const.Class: Exp.Date: Use Group: Owner: LLC THE DAY FARM. Lot Size (sq.ft.) Zoning: WP/WSP Applicant: LLC THE DAY FARM, Applicant Address Phone: Insurance; 528 FLORENCE RD FLORENCE, MA 01062 ISSUED ON: 07/05/2024 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: RENO KITCHEN AND 1ST FLOOR BATH POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Driveway Final: Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHA\'IPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: Fees Paid: $195.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Office of the Building Commissioner V&� ;, JUG T e Commonwealth of Massachusetts ., FORLAMAd' ' l of l.)uildingt L\ebuldlionb anti31.411(.61 uJ i It �; 2�24 Mas achusetts State Q -'' Building Code, 780 CMR MUNICIPALITY ; USE NOR A t A iplt cn To c Repair, RenovateOr Demolish a Revised Mar 20/1 MACN,Mq�FCTp One- Two-Family f� Ns !`Thison For Official Use Only Building Permit Number: - r ' ;17' Date Applied: gel 10 ',/�� 5 .//�Z •7-2-oZy Building Official Print Name Signature ( � s}T dtUre Date SECTION 1:SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property Address: 1.2 Assessors Man& Parcel Numbers INT 1.I a Ts this an accepted street?yes v` no Map�Nu ber Tit?, /S3 Parcel Number 1.3 Zoning Information: � I.4_P�op�ty��lensiuns: � i�� S R s;,y1� cGl..t1,y H !t�~--{{��, i �- Zoning District Proposed Use I Lot Area(FA ft) Frontage(ft) 1.5 Building Setbacks(ft) No chain e • Front Yard J Side Yards Rear Yard Required Provided Required Provided Required Provided N/A N/A 1/ 1 6 I.Vutcr Supply: (M G 1 1C f GA\ 1 9 T/. ..1 7 .. 1' f ... K_.... D C...... .. T:...... 1 C....�....,.. « «r.�..1. &, . s 7.. / I.r ■•OIF e.UI.% •OIV1 anu 1.0 0t..a5'.. t,lspuaal .aJaw u.. Public Private 0 Zone: __ Outside Flood Zone? Municipal 0 On site disposal system Check ifyes� r SECTION 2: PROPERTY OWNERSHIP' 2.1 01% r'of Record: i fO vtri LL-C. -to.rewe t rr 0‘.0106 Name(Print) ` j.)►UNcst4, Da.)-/ City,State,ZIP .10q . c t.Ore u' Qom• Ll t73-5 -01. (a 1No.and street Telephone Email Address SECTION 3:DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK2(check all that apply) New Construction 0 Existing Building ill Owner-Occupied 0 Repairs(s) 0 Alteration(s) 0 Addition 0 Demolition ❑ Accessory Bldg. 0 Number of Units Other 0 Specify: _ Brief Description of Proposed Work: .gemocke=..t to ,eh ..4. (_ r4.I-N I`4- FtQ,4. SECTION 4: ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Costs: (Labor and Materials) Official Use Only I. Building $ ; 51000 1. Building Permit Fee: $ Indicate how tee is determined: 2.Electrical $ •Z 000 0 Standard City/Town Application Fee I ! 0 Total Project Cost3(Item 6)x multiplier x 3. Plumbing S Di 000 2. Other Fees: S 4.Mechanical (HVAC) $ List: 5. Mechanical (Fire $ Total All Fe rt6 Suppression) ( Q. Check No.\L`. Check Amount: 6.Total Project Cost: $ 2jl�j ad6 l 0 paid in Full 0 Outstanding Balatlee Due:___ l 011 City of Northampton /' • Massachusetts F. to PAP 1 y y • DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 212 Main Street o Municipal Building �' Northampton, MA 01060 ssr,� 1r C PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING A BUILDING PERMIT FOR WINDOWS, DOOR'S, OOR'S,ROOFS,nCNO vV tTIOt•ti,ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR, ETC. . I. Building Permit Application signed by legal owner and filled out by owner or authorized agent. 2. One it of glans and cnenifinaiinnc of nrnnncpd wnrk (firiit;iI and hard ennv) 3. Construction Debris Affidavit tilled out and signed by applicant. 4. Worker's Compensation Insurance Affidavit tilled out and signed by applicant. 5. Contractors must supply a copy CSL, HIC, and proof of Liability insurance. 6. Energy Conservation Compliance Certificate (new/replacement windows). 1. lawny uwuvl a LiLcii.av L' Atniptii,n u ruin (ll .114,1 4,aulc). 8. Note any Special Permit requirements (if applicable). 9. Energy Code —all new construction (Gut/Rehab) requires a HERS Rater Affidavit 10. Please provide the appropriate fee in the form of a check made payable to: The City of Northampton. SECTION 5: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 5.1 Construction Supervisor License(CSL) License Number Expiration Date Name of CSL liolder List CSL Type(see below) No.and Street Type Description U Unrestricted(Buildings up to 35900 cu.ti.) City/Town.State.ZIP R Restricted I&2 Family Dwelling Y M Masonry RC Rooting Covering - WS Window and Siding SF Solid Fuel Burning Appliances i insulation Telephone Email address D Demolition iIIC Registration Number Expiration Date . I i iC Company Name or HIC Registrant Name No.and Street Email address City/Town,State,ZIP Telephone SECTION 6:WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c. 152.§ 25C(6)) Workers Compensation insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the Issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached? Yes No 0 SECTION 7a:OWNER AUTHORIZATION TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNER'S AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I,as Owner ot'the subject property,hereby authorize_. ..A C - Ili i"1. • to act on my behalf:,in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Paint Owner's Name(Electronic Signature) Date SECTION 7h:OWNER' OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION By entering my name below, I hereby attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that all of the information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and understandinu. N1C.�\0(7s -DQ _ �/5lzq Print Owner's or Authorized Agent's Name(Electronic Signature) Date NOTES: I. An Owner who obtains a building permit to do his/her own work,or an owner who hires an unregistered contractor (not registered in the Home Improvement Contractor(HIC)Program),will not have access to the arbitration program or guaranty fund under M.G.L.c. 142A. Other important information on the HIC Program can be found at Nlvw..mass,apv Uca Information on the Construction Supervisor License can be found at www.:ra.ss.gov tips 2. When substantial work is planned,provide the information below: Total floor area(sq.fl.) (including garage,finished basement/attics,decks or porch) Gross living area(sq. IL.) Habitable room count Number of fireplaces Number of bedrooms Number of bathrooms Number of halt%baths Type of heating system Number of decks/porches Type ot'cooling system Enclosed _Open I 3. -Total Project Square Footage"may be substituted for T otai Project Cost" ' - The ('ummunrs•t'ulth of.►lussuc•husetts Dcrprtrttnt'nt of IltthrctrWt I rc ideltts `: # I Congress, .Street, Suite 100 . _ Boston. 11.111211.1-201- 1+11'aa;mr[4.S.Joa••rlitt 1)ut kers't unapcn%ation Insurance.ittidas it:Bualdcrs l *infractor.,I.ht'tric oars. Plumbers. IO HI III F 11 N%I I II 1111 P1 H\1I 1 11\(, \1 111014111. .%pplicant InformaUun Please Print I.el_•ilils Name H..- . , _-. ...'crimp In.i.% . 1\1 t J11 0 L 5 Cq‘I Address 10615 r 4v act t t < i-tUc.A ( i1, st:l:: /,,, ,roc e( ct. MA Ol b( l- IJlta,:)t: 9/ '_ 30- U 9 („ _...__._....________ ►t r taco Ai t11111l.!,.r ( i,.tI. the .01.:=.,1,1t.ite !Full.: I 1pt of project Irequired) I.01:.1,r 1.. ., t:1 . - .- t.,r:1 J r t.•lu4ant .a;v:::r.:. ..•. :.,,rtr. .... :l: ... .•1::. r \ Xllt'7ilikicitti; •-', `1 �.j IN.1t9i►Iitfaa • 1:.r:1.t •.•r...••.:,.• .,•Inc . y gin•cr .11 \. . •i,•r• r• 111 litllltlln:i JLitlJ7tt1tl • ,1.a11 J:i..:1x,-..n.l .lnj'..... tap•1.. ..' r.i.K .;...I1JI,.;.... ..•.•l , • .Harr th:et Al:. •alga.', ..t.i..1 LI,. .t1..1, ,t4"sil,a'11..t11..•: .;1. 1,,:1.. I I.71 I iCl'ltiCitl rt'p.n1's tat dtllilhtgi, ,a,.r,41,1;,:..a:t., .:Iasi. . I_._-.1 Pltlsal+:::}:rr st ..or Aldo:. I .1 :.^ .t •sa•J. `�: 1 i. ..1>Fn .if ." tt..' • :1.1:0•.•f.'a .1 �) Ii..K •..1 ...1.t...,... ;.1. ..• .,..:. i».. .. t..10rl .:c'?;' .7:....24:-. 4 ....Li I • JR.',,1 f,I�.It:, 1 .4 14 i_J t)till•• r,. 1 V. at. A.,n,t.,i;•.,:::n.:il..+tit.:r.:u..v7..aux•.i tan a t:Lht• !:%:t.pu-.si ixi ‘14. t .s_. :i,I ..a..1 :hs.,a. tnrd., .cr. I\.•.aunt, ..nag, tt:.i,:.aa:,tcso,1%d 1 ! t• .,;•1,i:..St1 tt:r!.it:..I.• !..•t . ..._ -! , :It. •:-.1 ta. :...tt. ."t.t...•*. ..h.•,t•: t..t •.oily.. .0tT1,cL.itt ;,,tray in.!wr,'irt! . ..•• •,v.• ...,•^un III ..::':Ji, t.^.l,..i:,•:t Is,, a.. ,r•:J.;'..1i.Jti.1 t.cr,hr.'-'u:.a.k.•tt .t•.t.-r.11,..4 .Jircr,i.1 r....t .:.a.n rwh...;.r: .! . :1:s:v !if...b,.t ..i. h . ..:.-..iti.,.0. J'• 4....-.h.is •:•.. ..',.,.t-,..*-t... .4==1. :t II'. -..- ..0(1.... ..an.3•::kt .t Ac1rt.r.1 ri.t t:J..t 71t.ta..:.. . .,1q•1•, . U . .1.• ..•r .. ... . .nr:• Ins:. rtttl.I 1•n n., ih.1: ..,•A4.'; . •ltrr ;. ...} t I.n.tv: I an;an employer that A prurialin•,►l•arAers'co'mpen.satiun in.sureuu-a'far rn;-employees. Helm..A the policy and job site ire jnrmalian. In'..:1Jt11 i( ,'nIl`.3r:4 \,;111C - 11 t_, - .,l Sit'-Ms La -- I \riratital I)att:. .1,.1,, `tti .\ JI.,, .Ca,. St.r:i t;h .ittach a cups of the starkers' compensation lwIic declaration pact'►shuniiit the polies number and expiration dsttc1. I JIItttC to'..ii1C t ail C:.yC as, tct.i:Uhd Ut1tict WA.. l 1:. ::.5.1 1!,.l l ritt3:lta1 iailt t.pUr11,II.4'l'Zt1 d tine up Its S i•51 M.1 10 and or uni•icar in+rrl.ttt -tint.as t.cl!as till pin;title. 1n Ihi ttnnt of a `IOP 11()12K ()Ft DER and is line rt up to S22`t11 4)0.1 .i.t. against the \tt,l.tz st. t i:,r tit t)ll., A.tIC11Kt1: n:.:‘ Ili tor.artlCd tti 11;i O1ii..tat ISai,lij:•itavll,VI the DIA tor insurance i, .:J_i t:111t..tT1.,t1 des he,rrhl e ' J1•re fur-Mr rftin, lrev/a/tie t of IJer urt'that the information prot•irle./+ehui't•ik roe and a urrert. r :;:•.1`,..ii I1),,,, /i f A5-- z4-1 i'}:,•tti :; 3 -cso _( offi,inn ate•will'. I)..nett write in this area. te•he a woe/fled ha•titr an tuat,t ri)fia-ial (.10 or Tins it: Permit.'1_icense is Issuing.iuthorits (circle inset: 1. Board of llr:.Ilh :. Ruildiall; Itep alttncalt ;. t L it'. ivan(leek 1. Electrical Inspector S. I'tun,Iun;; Inspector tt.()the+ iI t nttta-t Person: Phone h' City of Northampton .'' Massachusetts ,w+ ''`r. i ,4 , ;I. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 212 Main Street • Municipal Building -j y — Northampton, MA 01060 r4I W '.IC\'\ . CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AFFIDAVIT (FORA T T T1 T`A♦/.'T TTT f.'P. AND I:EN IT' A TT ON r r.OJF., • T•'C `I'l/1\ ALL VL IVI LPLI I I111V APVL/ l\I.i I V IJ T 1111 V.1 V i 1\IIJ L+L IJ) In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54, a condition of Building Permit Number is that all debris resulting from this work shall be disposed of in a properly licensed waste disposal facility, as defined by MGL c 111, S 150A. The debris will be disposed of in: Location of Facility: \ICO\qi, Rou A,&.. (J The debris will be transported by: Name of Hauler: 1,Gh6111 (1. ` Signature of Applicant: Date: (-125- Z4jl City of Northampton Massachusetts � DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 4 ;; 212 Main Street o Municipal Building Northampton, MA 01060 3�'N,y �•����� � {{ HOMEOWNERS'EXEMPTION ELIGIBILITY AFFIDAVIT 1, (\1 iC_1ic\Q,s t, \XLLk (Insert filll legal name), born — (insert month, day, year), hereby depose and state the following: ( (z2-11 q97 1. 1 am seeking a building permit pursuant to the homeowners'exemption to the permit requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code, codified at 780 CMR 110.R5.1.3.1, in connection with a project or work on a parcel of land to which 1 hold legal title. 2. 1 am not engaged in, and the project or work for which 1 am seeking the aforementioned homeowners' exemption, does not involve the field erection of manufactured buildings constructed in accordance with 780 CMR 110.R3. 3. I qualify under the State Building Code's definition of"homeowner"as defined at 780 CMR 110.R5.1.2: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one-or two-family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures.A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a home owner. 4. 1 do not bold a valid Massachusetts construction supervision license and, except to the extent that 1 qualify for and will abide by the Massachusetts State Building Code's requirements for the supervision of the project or work on my parcei, am not engaged in construction supervision in connection with any project or work involving construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving any activity regulated by any provision of the Massachusetts State Building Code. 5. If 1 engage any other person or persons for hire in connection with the aforementioned project or work on my parcel, I acknowledge that 1 am required to and will act as the supervisor for said project or work. Signe under the pains an enal ties of perjury on this 25-- day of )Lott , 20 Ly (Signatu re) N A _r0 . i ,...1-„-- — _ 1 21-- if. LZ„,•_,_) .i cs . • .. C.H V-11. I I , CH T-IT-1 .: III tr '' BATH . •. ...----, ( i I CHIMP GARAGE - , --- . . KITCHEN ui c....•7 3 , 1 . n f I • '''''' _.. . 1 , ..... . : , ..• . . : C.14.Tir-O• • % . ..:: . . . . . _ . 1 . 1095 FLORENCE ROAD ...„ NORTHAMPTON,MA 01062 „.. EXISTING LAYOUT .- 0 2' 4 8' DATE: 6/11/2024 SCALE: 1/4.1.-0" SCALE: 1/4"=l'-0" FIGURE 1/3 N FIREPROOF SHEETROCK GARAGE WALL& 30'X 41"DOUBLE HUNG,TEMPERED WINDOW ' INCREASE WALL DEPTH TO ACCOMMODATE 40"X 42"DOUBLE CASEMENT WINDOW ADDITIONAL INSULATION .___Z. _7, o - IP a MI_ I CH..5-11' • BATH POCKET DOOR 7'X 8' 56 SF PANTRY RANG: 5'-4'X 9' [1 L ( Li - HALL 48 SF I/ t•..•e, 3'-6"X 13' FRIDGE 56 SF CLOSET 7'X 3' '"`° r 21SF • CaEAT-IN KITCHEN 17'X 25' 425 SF J GARAGE MUD • m LA r;.- 11'X 6' f m 66 SF 4 . ! -1 VIr 1 i - - ,i ! cars el ' IIIiIIIIII • rH...____ REPLACE EX.GARAGE DOOR WITIH • FIRE RATED 34"X 80"DOOR - C.H s•o • ALL EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE FURRED IN I F TO ACCOMMODATE NEW INSULATION (5.5"ROCKWOOL COMFORTBATT R-23) 30"x 53"DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW 1095 FLORENCE ROAD TYP OF 5 NORTHAMPTON,MA 01062 PROPOSED KITCHEN&BATH REMODEL 0 2' 4' 8' DATE: 6/11/2024 SCALE: 1/4"=1.-0" SCALE: 1/4 -1'-0 FIGURE 2/3 SIMPLEX RECEPTACLE FOR N SIMPLEX RECEPTACLES FOR DISHWASHER FAN SWITCH WITH TIMER RANGE&RANGE HOOD UNDER COUNTER LIGHT FAN INTEGRAL WITH OVERHEAD LIGHT i 1 i 1=1___X ' ' c,FI$ S �/ Vurl W'-I FI$`/ BATH k?— / ry LIGHT FIXTURE(TYP) 2 • \� KITCHEN // L \ --- 77: -..—.Li I . 1-: I F1 SIMPLEX RECEPTACLE____ / 7 t • _ FOR FRIDGE t �, _` PANTRY - S s ' • .-� 3 I / III --' \ 1 I 0 I / / HALL /i / \\ l 2 \ — / / \ . I ——, I / \ r it I / \ z \\ {I I DINING � —‘I 1 1 -- 0 8 d6 Si3 11 ® -1 Ii- A t T 1' I KEY- \\ 1 \RECEPTACLES: I MOUNTED AT 18"AFF UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. I "GFI"INDICATES INTEGRAL GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER. 2 4 SIMPLEX RECEPTACLE --. .'/ - ------fil - p DUPLEX RECEPTACLE qp DUPLEX RECEPTACLE MOUNTED 6"ABOVE COUNTER 1095 FLORENCE ROAD ,y. SWITCHES TO DINING AND KITCHEN PENDANTS NORTHAMPTON,MA 01062 W DOUBLE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE MOUNTED 6"ABOVE COUNTER INCLUDE DIMMERS TOGGLE SWITCHES: KITCHEN&BATH REMODEL MOUNTED AT 48"AFF UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. PROPOSED ELECTRICAL WORK S TOGGLE SWITCH NOTE: ELECTRICIAN TO FILE SEPARATE ELECTRICAL PERMIT WITH CITY 0 2' 4' 8' DATE: 6/11/2024 FOR WORK,THESE DRAWINGS FOR CONCEPTUAL PURPOSES ONLY AND $ FAN SWITCH HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED OR REVIEWED BY AN ELECTRICIAN. SCALE: 1/4"-1'-0" SCALE: 1/4"=1.-0" FIGURE 3/3 0041,000 Customer(Sell) v �++���,.� 21 WEST ST. QUOTATION `/YEARS r k MILES HATFIELD,MA 01088 PATTY JORDAN BUILDING 14ATLNIALS SU►►LIEN jordanp@rkmiles.com Creation Date I PARADIGM 4/3/2024 IP w N D O W S BILL TO: SHIP TO: NICK DAY-06-06-2024 Phone: Fax: Phone: Fax: QUOTE NAME PROJECT NAME CUSTOMER PO# DATE REQUESTED NICK DAY-06-06-2024 Unassigned Project SALES REPRESENTATIVE TERMS SHIP VIA QUOTE NUMBER jordanp@rkmiles.com 860843 Lineltem# Description Net Price Quantity Extended Price 1-1 S485.04 1 S485.04 Comment/Room: Product:8300 Series,Double Hung,NC RO:30"x41" TIT Overall Size:29.5"x40.5" =I 1 TTT Unit Size:29.5"x 40.5" n Sash Split:Equal ,o Performance Level:Standard, O t Glass Options:Double Glazed,LowE,Argon,Tempered,DS tr l" 3/4"IG Thickness,Clear Opening:24.125"x14.835",2.485Sq ft I Iv Ratings:U-Factor=0.3,SHGC=0.25,VT=0.46 Vinyl Color: White Locks: Standard,Single Hardware: White, Screen: Full Screen,Extruded-Fiberglass,White,Sash Options:Vent Stop, Standard(Double),4", Grids: Contour GBG,Colonial,2W 1 H,Not Applicable,3/4",4 Sides, Last Update: 6/12/2024 6:04:35 PM Page 1 Of 2 Printed: 6/13/2024 12:32:11 PM QUOTE NAME PROJECT NAME CUSTOMER PO# DATE REQUESTED NICK DAY-06-06-2024 Unassigned Project SALES REPRESENTATIVE TERMS SHIP VIA QUOTE NUMBER jordanp@rkmiles.com 860843 Lineltem# Description Net Price Quantity Extended Price 2-1 $450.94 5 $2,254.70 Comment/Room: Product:8300 Series,Double Hung,NC RO:30"x 53" I TTT Overall Size:29.5"x52.5" TTT Unit Size:29.5"x 52.5" Sash Split:Equal - - - Performance Level:Standard, Glass Options:Double Glazed,LowE,Argon,Annealed,SS 3/4"IG Thickness,Clear Opening:24.125"x20.835",3.491Sq ft II Ratings:U-Factor=0.29,SHGC=0.25,VT=0.47 R�9p Vinyl Color: White Locks: Standard,Single Hardware: White, Screen: Full Screen,Extruded-Fiberglass,White,Sash Options:Vent Stop, Standard(Double),4", Grids: Contour GBG,Colonial,2W 1H,Not Applicable,3/4",4 Sides, Lineltem# Description Net Price Quantity Extended Price 3-1 $1,041.67 1 $I,041.67 Comment/Room: Product:8300 Series,Casement,NC RO:40"x 42" 1 i TTT Overall Size:39.5"x41.5" TTT Unit Size:19.75"x 41.5" iv / •`\ LeftiRight,Unit 1: Left(Viewed from Exterior),Unit 2:Right(Viewed from Exterior),Mulls: 0 Degree,Vertical,Performance Level:Standard, CC �•,\ Glass Options:Double Glazed,LowE,Argon,Annealed,SS 3/4"IG Thickness,Clear Opening:8.25"x36.5",2.091 Sq ft I I \ Ratings:U-Factor=0.27,SHGC=0.23,VT=0.43 7 Vinyl Color: White 19. R{�91,9.75" Hardware: White,Washability Operator Screen: Full Screen,Roll Formed-Fiberglass,White,4", Grids: Contour GBG,Colonial,2W2H,Not Applicable,3/4",4 Sides, SETUP: S0.00 LABOR: $0.00 CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE FREIGHT: $0.00 DEPOSIT: ($0.00) BALANCE: $4,017.75 We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with this quote! SALES TAX: $236.34 SUB-TOTAL: $3,781.41 TOTAL: $4017.75 Last Update: 6/12/2024 6:04:35 PM Page 2 Of 2 Printed: 6/13/2024 12:32:11 PM Customer Quote Quote: 4497979 Date: 04/02/24 Page: 1 COWLS BUILDING SUP INC 125 SUNDERLAND RD PO BOX 9676 N AMHERST MA 01059 (413)549-0001 Reference: Quantity UOM Item/Description Price/UOM Amount 1.0000 EA EXT 488.1942/EA 488.19 SU EXTERIOR DOOR UNIT WOOD DOOR,SGL,LH, IS,2-8,6-8 HGT,CRAFTSMAN III SM 20MIN SC,SGL&218 DBLT BORE&SEC, PREP JAMB FOR DBLT,ZDC 2-SPRING/1-STD RADIUS,6-9/16, 20 MIN FJP FRAME,BRONZE COMPRESSION WS,20MIN DR LABEL,ALUM MILL SILL,NO CASING,3-1/2 HORNS �n w � o� O o - >•1P2 (RO.) F xtc r 33 31 (UD) Total 488.19 Comfortbatt Technical Data Sheet Batt Insulation 07210* Thermal Batt Insulation Blanket Insulation 07 21 16** ROCKWOOL Comfortbatf'is a mineral wool batt insulation designed for thermal resistance in wood and steel framing. 11=111111111111 Performance Test Standard Compliance Mineral Fiber Thermal Insulation for Buildings,Type 1 Compliant ASTM C665 Flame spread index=0;Smoke developed index =0 ASTM E84(UL 723) Reaction to Fire Determination of Non-combustibility of Building Materials-Non-combustible ASTM E136 Density >2 Ibsift3(>32 kg/m') ASTM C167 Wood Stud Steel Stud ASTM C518 R13(2.29)-3.5"thick(89 mm) R10(RSI 1.76)-2.5"thick(64 mm) R15(RSI 2.64)-3.5"thick(89 mm) R1 S(RSI 2.64)-3.5"thick(89 mm) Thermal Resistance R21(3.70)-5.5"thick(140 mm) R24(RSI 4.23)-6"thick(152 mm) R23(RSI 4.05)-5.5"thick(140 mm) R30(RSI 5.28)-7.25"thick(184 mm) R30(RSI 5.28)-7.25"thick(184 mm) R32(RSI 5.64)-8"thick(203 mm) R38(6.69)-9.5"thick(241 mm) Wood Stud 16"(406 mm)on center:15.25"x 47" (387 mm x1194 mm) Wood Stud 24"(610 mm)on center:23"x 47" (584 mm x 1194 mm) Dimensions Steel Stud 16"(406 mm)on center:16.25"x 48" (413 mm x 1219 mm) Steel Stud 24"(610 mm)on center:24.25"x 48" (616 mm x 1219 mm) aaUwcunao Issued 08-01-2020 NOTE:*Master Forman 1995 Edition"'Master Format 2004 Edition.As ROCKWOOL has no control over installation design and Supersedes 08-23-17 workmanship,accessory materials or application conditions,ROCKWOOL does not waranty the performance or results of any installation containing ROCKWOOL's products.ROCKWOOL's overall liability and the remedies available are limited by the general terns and conditions of sale.This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties and conditions expressed or implied,including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. RoCIClwooL 8024 Esquesing Line, Milton,ON L9T 6W3 Tel: 800-265-6878 • Fax: 800-991-0110 rockwool,com