Elcan Letter- 737 Bridge RoadCarolyn Misch <cmisch@northamptonma.gov>
737 Bridge Road
1 message
Ruth Elcan <rvelcan@comcast.net>Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 9:24 AM
To: "cmisch@northamptonma.gov" <cmisch@northamptonma.gov>
Dear City Planner Misch:
I write to support Valley CDC's exemplary plan for converting the abandoned nursing home on Bridge Road to
affordable housing. Living in the Lathrop Retirement Community up the street, I know that a good many
residents are excited to see the CDC project move forward, and I've heard of no opposition. As a former
Pelham resident active on the town's Affordable Housing Committee, I see the 737 Bridge Road development
as one that has remarkably strong public support and makes wise use of available funding resources.
Besides, Northampton needs these units!
Ruth V. Elcan
29 Crabapple Lane
Northampton, MA 01060