227 Zoning Criteria jsp 13 augARCHITECT
77 Worthington Road, Huntington, MA 01050
tel. 413-667-5230 fax. 413-667-3082
13 August 2018
Zoning & Special Permit Criteria
227 South Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Summary Statistics
Property Address: 227 South St, Northampton, MA 01060
Description: Formerly used as a veterinary clinic, including original home and brick addition, Zone URB
Lot Size: .506 Acres (22,041.36 sf, per city Commercial Property Record Card)
Frontage: 129.35 sf (per 2016 Mortgage Plat)
Depth: Irregular Shape; Average 164'
Front Setback: Req. 10 feet (need to verify; 11' Exis./Proposed)
Side Setbacks: Req. 20' if not Fronting Street (Propose 55' West / 21' East)
Rear Setback: Req. 20' (Propose 39')
Height: 35’ for Original Structure (Measured; Addition will not Exceed)
Open Space: Req. 40% (Propose 40%)
Northampton Zoning Criteria (Chapter 350)
Uses Allowed by Special Permit (Attachment 7:5): Any townhouse project creating seven or more units in one or more phases within a five-year period. (Propose 8 units, 1 Existing and
7 New Units)
Table of Zoning Compliance
Requirement Existing/Proposed
Min. Lot Size: 2,500 sq. ft.
22,042 sq. ft. existing
Min. Frontage: 50’
129’ existing
Min. Lot Depth: 75’
164’ existing
Front Setback: 10’
11’ existing
Side Setback: 20’ if Building is Not Fronting Street
55’ west existing; 21’ east proposed
Rear setback: 20’
39’ proposed to closest perpendicular
Max. Height: 35’
35’ existing; new construction will be lower
Open Space: 40%
40% proposed
Parking: 1 space per 1,000 ft2 gross living area (round up). No more than 2 spaces required per unit.
Proposal includes 5 new apartments under 1,000 sq. ft. gross living area, 2 new townhouses just over 1000 sq. ft. and 1 existing 1,892 sq. ft. apartment. 11 parking spaces are required.
13 parking spaces are proposed. While small, all of the new units will have 2 bedrooms and two will be 2 bed/2 bath.
Bicycle Parking: 0.1 space per dwelling unit or hotel room (of which at least 50% shall be long-term). 1 short-term space (8 DU x .1 = .8). No long-term spaces required (.8 *.5 = .4
We propose building covered front porches with four locations designated for bikes with partial railings or other lock attachment. Bikes can also be stored on the porches. The porches
to the five new construction units will be just one step (8 inches) above grade. The porch to Apt. 1, 2 and 3 will be 3 risers.
Bicycle Parking: 0.1 space per dwelling unit or hotel room (of which at least 50% shall be long-term). 1 short-term space (8 DU x .1 = .8). No long-term spaces required (.8 *.5 = .4
We propose building covered front porches with four locations designated for bikes with partial railings or other lock attachment. Bikes can also be stored on the porches. The porches
to the five new construction units will be just one step (8 inches) above grade. The porch to Apt. 1, 2 and 3 will be 3 risers.
Design Standards (Attachment 7:2 & 7:3)
7.2.1 Garages. N/A No Garages Proposed
7.2.1 20’ Buffer Required. Propose 21’ buffer at East Side.
7.2.1 Covered Entries Required. All primary entries proposed as covered.
7.2.2 Front Doors Must Face the Street. All proposed front doors face the parking lot to the West. We propose to reuse the existing building’s existing HC ramp on the West side to create
an accessible apartment (Apartment 1, which has South St. frontage). We propose to create a 2nd story porch above, with door to Apartment 3 above, fronting South St. We propose reconfiguration
of Apartment 1 windows facing South St. and preservation of mature landscaping. Existing front stoop to windows is proposed to be removed and replaced with landscaping consistent with
existing mature plantings.
7.2.3 Setback, scale and massing should fit within the block face. The setback, scale and massing will continue to approximate the existing buildings and character of South Street.
7.2.4 Parking for more than 5 cars shall be distributed. A significant portion of the lot is on a very steep slope, so the usable portion of the lot is quite compact. In order to site
parking conveniently to front doors on the west side of the building, and to be able to remove a significant amount of existing pavement to maximize green space with private and shared
backyards on the east side of the building, the proposed 13 parking spaces (11 required) are sited together on the west side. Our design proposes maximum green space onsite and maintenance
of mature ornamental shrubs and trees around the original building. To accomplish this, nine parking spaces (in existing pavement area) are sited together on the east side of the existing
paved driveway, and 4 parallel spaces are sited on the west side of the driveway. We are unable to create a narrower 18’ driveway due to fire department requirement for 20’ clearance.
There is a city-owned open space with mature trees and shrubs located immediately to the west of the parking lot.
7.2.4 Driveways wider than 15’ shall be visually buffered from side lot lines through setbacks or screening to adequately block car headlights. There is an open space parcel with mature
trees and shrubs located immediately to the west of the parking lot. This parcel was donated to the city by the previous 227 South St. owners for open space use. Immediately adjacent
to the city open space lot is Hebert Avenue. In addition, parallel parking spaces are sited along the west side of the parking lot. As a result of these site factors, there will be
minimal headlight impacts at the west side lot line.
Special Permit Criteria (Seven or More Townhouses) (Section 7.5)
First row of buildings face the street and add to streetscape. No parking between buildings and street. Locate parking behind buildings or otherwise minimize view from street. Apartment
1 comprises the portion of the building facing the street. We propose to reuse the existing building’s existing HC ramp location on the west side to make Apartment 1 into a potentially
accessible apartment. The location of the existing HC ramp and interior layout goals/constraints within the existing building result in proposed Apartment 1 front door facing toward
the parking lot to the west. To add to the streetscape, we propose Apartment 1 front window reconfiguration, maintenance of existing mature landscaping and trees, removal of the existing
front stoop (presently leading to windows), and new plantings in place of the stoop
consistent with the existing mature ornamental landscaping. In addition, we propose to create a 2nd story porch above, with a door to Apartment 3 above, fronting South St. This large
2nd story porch adds life to the streetscape.
No parking is proposed to be located between buildings and street. The paved parking will be relocated five feet further from the street than at present.
Pedestrian friendly streetscape between the property and the road pavement.
The site currently has mature landscaping that will be maintained and enhanced, including grass and street trees (Norway Maple and Horse Chestnut) between the property and street. There
is also a bus stop in front of the property, where we will install a welcoming bench. The property presently has two curb cuts, which we proposed to reduce to one - A curb will be installed
where the east side driveway is currently located which will be approved by the Fire Dept. as mountable. The east side driveway will be replaced with grass and landscaping, maintaining
an access corridor to the farthest townhouse for safety.
3. Articulation alongside facades that abut residential properties. Building projections shall be incorporated for any side façade that is longer than 30 feet. The new Townhouse
additions will have two steps to add architectural shape interest and respond to the shape of the site with the slope behind. We are also including balconies for each second floor
apartment which will create a lively habitation, especially to the West. The East side will have fenced yards which will encourage a varied palette of use.
4. Front facades are consistent with other buildings within the block. The front façade is existing and is consistent with other nearby buildings along South St.
5. Projects shall connect to all surrounding neighborhoods with bicycle and pedestrian access to the extent possible. The site is somewhat isolated from neighborhoods due to the geographic
conditions of South St. (steep slope at back of site – to the north - down toward the Mill River). However, the site is in-town and well-connected to the existing road and sidewalk
networks and will provide ample bicycle parking for residents. If a connection is eventually made to the bike path via Hebert Ave., the site will be well-situated to take advantage
of this connection.
6. For projects that have a single vehicular access, such access shall not exceed 500 feet and pedestrian access shall also be provided directly from any street to residential units.
The project has only one vehicular access via a driveway on the west side of the building, which does not exceed 500 feet (driveway is approx. 90 feet). Because we are proposing maintaining
the existing HC ramp location and creating an accessible unit, a continuous sidewalk from the street on the west side of the building is not possible. However, dedicated pedestrian
access is provided via a sidewalk to steps to ramp, which leads to sidewalk access to all apartments. There will also be pedestrian access via the driveway on the west, as well as through
the shared backyards on the east side as 7 of the 8 units have back doors and semi-private yards along the east side of the building that connect to the public sidewalk via a shared
yard and accessway with grass and planters. Site sidewalks and grass areas lead to a common area with small playground structure at the back of the site.
7. Driveways and private roadways shall be designed to function as private alleys, or shared streets with pedestrians and cyclists, and engineered to keep speeds below 15 miles per
hour, or yield streets with separate sidewalks as shown in the subdivision regulations. Such sidewalks shall connect to sidewalks along adjacent streets. The driveway will function
as a shared street for pedestrians, cyclists and cars. The driveway clear width is required to be 20’ for fire truck access. A walkway, as previously described, is provided from the
street sidewalk to the front doors of the apartments.
8. Vehicular access shall connect to surrounding streets as appropriate to ensure safe and efficient flow of traffic within the surrounding neighborhood and to mitigate increases in
traffic on nearby streets. Preexisting paths historically used as bicycle and pedestrian trails shall be preserved to the extent possible and marked with appropriate signage. N/A
9. All projects shall include a park/common area fully designed and constructed to be integrated into the project, which area shall be easily accessible and available for residents
of the project. At a minimum, this space shall be 300 square feet or 30 square feet per dwelling unit of buildable land area, whichever is greater. A small parklet with playground of
approximately 1000 sq. ft. is proposed at the back of the site at the end of the shared backyards/accessway. The playground is also connected to the front apartment front doors via
sidewalks that lead to grass that lead to the playground and common area. In addition, the shared backyards/accessway will have planters designated for each apartment, encouraging use
of this large common backyard area which leads to the small parklet with playground at the back of the site.
10. Buildings shall meet one of the following environmental standards: HERS rating 25% lower than the current municipal standard (and not greater than 47 for units 1,200 sq. ft. or less;
and not greater than 41 for units larger than 1,200 sq. ft.). Alternatively, for units of 1,200 square feet or less, the Planning Board may consider a comparable energy standard to
the HERS rating of 47 after consultation with the Building Commissioner. A report has been prepared by Powerhouse Energy Consulting for compliance.
11. Buildings shall meet one of the following standards: 11% of the units shall be “affordable units” as that term is defined in § 350-2.1 of the Code of the City of Northampton; or
Contain 25% or more of the units no larger than 1,200 square feet gross floor area. All projects shall provide equal access to all building amenities, park and civic space and public
entrances to buildings to residents of both affordable and non-affordable units. All projects that include infrastructure making internet connectivity available shall do so without
differences in quality, capacity or speed to residents of both affordable and non-affordable units. 7 of the 8 proposed units (87%) are less than 1,200 sq. ft. gross area.