17 Harrison BP-24-54317 HARRISON A VE • Map:Block:Lot: 31.A-334-001 Pennit: Demo BP-2024-0543 COMMONWEAL TH OF MASSACHUSETTS CITY OF NORTHAMPTON PERSONS CONTRACTJNG WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) BUILDING PERMIT Perinit # BP-2024-0543 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Prqjcl:f # DEMO GARAGE 2.024 Est. Cost: 7500 ConsT. C'lass: Contractor: Exp. Date: 05/02/2025 License: 56922 Use \::ro up: Ow11er: S. WETSTECN, RENEE Lot Sizt: (sq.!l.) Zoni,1g: Applica11t: HERMAN DIETZ/V.,(JV'/0 [);~~ Phone: Applicant Address 76GUNNRD SOUTHAMPTON, MA 01073 (413)62~ V3.jc9 ISSUED ON: 05/08/2024 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: DEMO GARAGE AND FOUNDATION POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Undergr ound: Service: Meter: Rough: Rough: Bouse# Final : Final : Final: Gas: Fire Department Driveway Final : Rough: Oil: Smoke: Insurance: Building Inspector Footings : Foundation: Rough Frame: Fireplace/Chimney: Ins ulation: Final: OK. > I Jo It( ~ THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPT ON UPON VIOLATION OF p:~:; I;:::;;;:D REGULATIONS. Signature: ....... Lr ____ /;Z~-------- ~( l6( Vt (;t\ Fees Paid: $30.00 212 Main Street, Phon e (413) 587-1240, Fax: (413) 587-1272 Office of the Building Commissioner