22.122 An Order to Accept Grant and Appropriate $63,115 Free Cash to Extend the City's Fiber Optic NetworkCity of Northampton Massachusetts _________ In City Council June 2, 2022 Upon recommendation of Mayor Sciarra 22.122 An Order to Accept Grant and Appropriate $63,115 Free Cash to Extend the City's Fiber Optic Network Whereas, the City is planning to extend the existing Fiber-Optic Municipal Area Network (FMAN) to include two critical infrastructure sites, the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and the Glendale Road Telecommunications Tower; and Whereas, the FMAN is crucial for the City’s Business Continuity Plan, Cyber-Security monitoring, prevention and response strategies; and Whereas, the inclusion of these two critical infrastructures will enhance the existing connectivity and benefit the potential development of the Municipal Broadband Network; and Whereas, the City’s IT infrastructure relies on the existing dual-hub redundant fiber-optic ring topology for connectivity, performance and disaster recovery; and Whereas, the total cost of the project is estimated at $313,115; and Whereas, the City applied for and was awarded a Community Compact Grant in the amount of $250,000; and Whereas, the City must provide $63,115, the balance after the grant award, to fund the project. Now Therefore Be It Ordered, The City Council hereby accepts the Community Compact Grant in the amount of $250,000 for the purposes outlined in the grant and appropriates the amount of $63,115 from the FY22 General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance (Free Cash) to fully fund the project to extend the City’s Fiber-Optic Municipal Area Network.