List of Rule Change SuggestionsChange Definition of ‘New Business’ to remove requirement that measure introduced be ‘written.’ Update 5.8 to read as follows:"5.8. AUTOMATIC CARRYOVER. Matters that have been introduced but not voted upon by the end of the current session shall automatically carry over to the next session of the City Council and shall remain in the Council and in all committees and executive commissions to which they have been referred at the start of the next session." Update (Contributed by Attorney Seewald) This zoning amendment (rezoning Florence Congregational Church) has brought up a potential conflict between Rule (in this case giving LM 30 days to report to the council after receipt of recommendation from Comm Resources) and the statute governing zoning amendments, M.G.L. c. 40A, sec. 5, where the council refers the amendment to LM to hold a public hearing.  The statute requires that either the council or the committee designated to hold a public hearing “at which interested parties shall be given an opportunity to be heard.”  Giving all parties that opportunity and amassing all the information that may be needed for LM to make a recommendation may take longer than 30 days. I didn’t see a specific exception to the 30-day rule for statutorily required public hearings. Perhaps one should be added. Section 5 specifically gives the city council 90 days from the LM (or full council) hearing and six months from the planning board hearing to pass the amendment. Financial orders will be introduced and discussed at a full City Council meeting and referred to either the consent agenda of a future meeting or the Finance Committee for more public input, discussion and recommendation. The Finance Committee will then convene separately outside of the full council meeting and before the next meeting. This was not meant to preclude the Finance Committee’s ability to meet within a regular council meeting if needed. Jurisdiction. Financial matters. The Committee shall review all orders authorizing a loan, supplemental appropriation, or financial transfer submitted by the Mayor in accordance with such authority by either the Massachusetts General Laws, the Charter of the City of Northampton, or the Code of Ordinances of the City of Northampton and make recommendations on referrals to the City Council. Right now, rule says Finance Committee shall review all orders authorizing a loan, etc. but in cases where financial orders are being referred to the consent agenda, this review is not taking place. Should language be inserted saying, “Upon referral, the Committee shall review. . .?”