19.036 An Order to Approve Purchase of 85 acres in the Mineral Hills, Rocky Hill and Beaver Brook Greenways, and to appropriate CPA funds for such purposeCity of Northampton Massachusetts _________ In City Council, April 4, 2019 Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz, Planning & Sustainability, the Conservation Commission, and the Community Preservation Committee 19.036 An Order To approve purchase of 85 acres +/- in the Mineral Hills, Rocky Hill and Beaver Brook Greenways, and to appropriate Community Preservation Act funds for such purpose WHEREAS, The Open Space, Recreation, and Multi-Use Trail Plan: 2018-2025 recommends acquisition of land for recreation, conservation and open space needs, preserving character of rural areas, farms, forests and rivers, and provision of open space connections between public spaces, with specific recommendations for open space in the Mineral Hills, Rocky Hill, and Beaver Brook Greenways; WHEREAS, The City has an agreement or is negotiating to purchase four parcels: 19.1 acres in the Mineral Hills west of Glendale Road, 20 acres in the Mineral Hills west of West Farms Road, 44.7 acres in the Beaver Brook Greenway west of Haydenville Road, and 1.7 acres in the Rocky Hill Greenway on Easthampton Road that fulfill the Open Space Plan recommendations, meet unique open space and recreational needs and fill gaps in the City’s open space network; WHEREAS. All parcels are adjacent to existing permanently protected open space or multi-use trails, and these acquisitions will enhance those areas and will create additional access and trail connection opportunities; WHEREAS, The Northampton Conservation Commission and Office of Planning & Sustainability submitted a CPA application for purchase of these areas, and on March 20, 2019, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted unanimously to recommend that $161,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project. Any gaps in the funding will come from other grants, donations, and existing funds; Ordered, that The Conservation Commission is authorized to purchase or otherwise acquire for conservation and passive recreation purposes, as provided by MGL Chapter 40, §8C, any fee, easement or conservation restriction as defined in MGL Chapter 184, §31 or any other interest in the above lands and any immediately adjoining land; that the City Council hereby accepts such conservation restrictions; that the Conservation Commission is authorized to grant conservation restrictions on any land so acquired, with such related restrictions and agreements as the City determines are agreeable. Further, that $161,000 is appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding for these acquisitions. And, that the grantee meets the conditions approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $161,000 is appropriated from the CPA Undesignated Reserve (account #2344930-359930).