19.013 Order to Appropriate $1.699 Million from Free Cash for Various Capital ProjectsCity of Northampton Massachusetts _________ In City Council March 21, 2019 Upon recommendation of the Mayor 19.013 Order to Appropriate Approximately $1.699 Million from Free Cash for Various Capital Projects Ordered, that Pursuant to the FY2020-FY2024 Capital Improvement Program, the following Capital Projects be appropriated from the FY2019 General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance (Free Cash): Central Services – Municipal Building – Security Upgrades to Collector/Parking Offices $ 60,000 Central Services – Fire Station – Energy Management System Upgrades $ 75,000 Central Services – Academy of Music – Side Stage Lighting conversion to LED’s $ 100,000 Dispatch – Keltron Alarm Monitoring Equipment Replacement $ 90,000 Dispatch – City-Wide Communication System Upgrades $ 250,000 Information Technology Services – Annual Equipment Replacement $ 50,000 Information Technology Services – NPS 1:1 ChromeBooks Project $ 92,405 Information Technology Services – NPS Server System Replacement $ 85,000 Planning and Sustainability – Multi-Use Trails Design $ 60,000 Planning and Sustainability – Florence Center Streetscape Design $ 100,000 Northampton Public Schools – School Bus Replacement $ 55,000 Northampton Public Schools – Multi-Purpose Activity Bus $ 10,000 Northampton Public Schools – JFK Energy Management System Upgrades $ 140,000 Northampton Public Schools –District Wide Electrical Upgrades for Air Conditioning $ 60,000 Northampton Public Schools – NHS Domestic Hot Water Boiler Replacement $ 55,000 Northampton Public Schools – R.K. Finn Ryan Road AC in Library $ 85,000 Smith Vocational & Agricultural School - ADA Compliant Doors Buildings A,B,C $ 46,500 Smith Vocational & Agricultural School – Student Activity Vans $ 85,000 DPW – Traffic Signal Repair/Replacement $ 50,000 DPW – Forbes Library Drainage Repair Engineering $ 50,000 TOTAL: $ 1,698,905