18.242 Order to Join ICC to Vote on IECCCITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS In the City Council, February 21, 2019 Upon the Recommendations of Councilors William H. Dwight, Alisa F. Klein and Gina-Louise Sciarra O-18.242 AN ORDER TO APPROPRPIATE $135 TO JOIN THE INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL (ICC) FOR PURPOSES OF VOTING ON INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE (IECC) Whereas, The International Code Council (ICC) develops model building codes for adoption by states and local jurisdictions, including the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). In Massachusetts, municipalities are statutorily required to follow the statewide code that is based on the IECC. Whereas, The ICC is currently in the code development process for a new edition of the IECC to be published in 2021. Only ICC members are eligible to vote to approve changes to the existing code. Voting is important because it can affect how much energy efficiency is required in the new base building code followed by most states and many countries. It is in the best interest of the city, state, country and planet to have the next IECC include substantially enhanced energy efficiency requirements. The more registered voters Northampton has, the more it can influence the code. Whereas, Government/municipal agencies, departments and units engaged in administration, formulation or enforcement of laws, regulations or ordinances relating to public health, safety and welfare are eligible to join the ICC as a government member for an annual membership fee of $135 year. Whereas, The Northampton Energy and Sustainability Commission (NESC) has discussed the desirability of expanding Northampton’s engagement in the IECC process. The City Council is eligible to join the ICC and identify up to four individuals to vote on the new code. The City Council has received a request from a constituent to consider enrollment. Now therefore be it ordered that, The City Council authorizes appropriating $135 to register the Northampton City Council as a member of the ICC and to designate four city councilors to serve as voting representatives for purposes of voting on the IECC.