18.083 Order to Appropriate $15,482 from Free Cash to Health Department for Emergency Preparedness ActivitiesCity of Northampton Massachusetts _________ In City Council April 19, 2018 Upon recommendation of the Mayor O-18.083 AN ORDER TO APPROPRIATE $15,482 FROM FREE CASH TO HEALTH DEPARTMENT FOR EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS ACTIVITIES Whereas, the Health Department is the recipient of a grant for Public Health Emergency Preparedness which provides services to a regional group of communities in Hampshire County and for which the city has received a host community fee of $15,482; Whereas, the Health Department wishes to carry out additional emergency preparedness activities specifically for the benefit of the City of Northampton and its residents which are not covered by the grant; Whereas, the additional activities to be undertaken by the Health Department are in essence being funded by the host community fee; Ordered, that $ 15,482 be appropriated from the FY18 General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance (Free Cash) to the following line items in the Health Department Budget: $5,867 to 15111 511000 Permanent Salaries $4,550 to 15111 531000 Contractual Services $5,065 to 15111 530005 Training and Seminars In City Council April 19, 2018 Passed First Reading on a Roll Call Vote of 7 Yes, 0 No, 2 Absent (O’Donnell, Bidwell) Attest:_______________________________________, City Clerk In City Council May 3, 2018 Passed Second Reading on a Roll Call Vote of 9 Yes, 0 No Attest: ______________________________________, City Clerk Approved: David J. Narkewicz, Mayor Rules Suspended, passed two readings and enrolled I hereby certify that the above Order passed the Northampton City Council on May 3, 2018 David J. Narkewicz, Mayor, approved the Order on May 4, 2018 Attest: _______________________________________, City Clerk