44-058 (5) (de / 0 4 q p [ E O ! J , DECISION OF 18 NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD -------------- DEPT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS ( NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 At a meeting held on November 30, 1989, the Planning Board of the City of Northampton voted unanimously to APPROVE the Application of G. Francis Osborn for a Flag Lot under the Provisions of section 6 . 13 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance, and a Common Driveway under the Provisions of Section 6 . 12 of the Ordinance, all at property located at 1196 Florence Road, Northampton. Present and voting were Chair N. Duseau, J. Arnould, A. Crystal, M. Mendelson, J. Hale, J. Holeva, and J. Beauregard, As to the Flag Lot, the Findings were as follows: The requested use is listed in Section 6 . 13 as being allowed by Special Permit in the district for which application is being made. The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience or welfare, in that it creates another building lot in the city. The requested use will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety. The requested use will not overload any municipal systems . The requested use will not unduly impair the integrity or character of the district, since the flag lot being created is 3 . 4 acres in size, far larger than required in the district. The use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the ordinance. All of the Section 6 . 13 criteria, (a through 1) have been met or exceeded. The following conditions shall apply: 1. The plan being approved is the one entitled, "Plan of Land of Northampton, Massachusetts prepared for G. Francis Osborn by Almer Huntley, Jr. and Associates, Inc. dated June 29, 1989, revised to show building envelope, and signed by Douglas W. Thompson, Professional Land Surveyor. (Revised Nov. 28, 1989) NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD DECISION G. FRANCIS OSBORN FLAG LOT AND COMMON DRIVEWAY PAGE TWO As to the Common Driveway, the findings are as follows : The requested use is listed in Section 6. 12 as being allowed by Special Permit in the district for which application is being made. The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience or welfare, in that one common driveway is preferred over two separate driveways, for safety reasons. The requested use will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety. This is in a semi-rural area where there are no sidewalks and very little pedestrian activity. The requested use will not overload any municipal systems, provided that the conditions subsequent which are a part of this decision, are observed. The requested use will not unduly impair the integrity or character of the district, and is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the ordinance. The following conditions shall apply: 1. A drainage easement shall be obtained from George J. Gadomski, the immediate southerly abutter. 2 . The driveway be constructed in accordance with the "Typical Cross-Section For Private Driveway" as submitted by the Applicant. 3 . The erosion control measures detailed in a document prepared on the stationery of Almer Huntley, Jr. and Associates, and signed by G. Francis Osborn on November 30, 1989, shall be adhered to. 4. A "Driveway Maintenance Agreement" must be entered into between G. Francis Osborn and the subsequent purchaser of the flag lot. 5 . House numbers, identifying all of the homes utilizing the common driveway, shall be placed at its intersection with Florence Road and at each subsequent branch/fork of said common driveway, for identification by emergency vehicles. NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD DECISION G. FRANCIS OSBORN FLAG LOT AND COMMON DRIVEWAY PAGE THREE 6 . Easements shall be placed on the deeds to the lots granting access to and over the subject parcels. 7 . Restrictions shall be placed on the deeds to the subject lots prohibiting any additional vehicular access to said lots from other than the common driveway approved by this Special Permit, and stating that said common driveway is a private driveway and not a City way. The maintenance, operation, repair, and reconstruction, ( including snow plowing and snow/ice removal) are the responsibility and liability of the property owners. ' 8 . All utilities to service the lots shall be placed within the common driveway easement, and appropriate utility easements shall be placed on the deeds to the subject properties . 9 . All such deed easements, restrictions, and driveway maintenance agreements must be submitted to and approved by the Northampton Planning Board prior to their recording, and prior to the issuance of any Building Permits. 10 . All work shall comply with that shown on the aforementioned Easement Plan, as well as any other plans referenced in this Decision. 11 . Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit/Occupancy Permit, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning Board a certified statement from the project engineer that the driveway was constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this Special Permit. Nancy P. D eau, Chair . — . Andrew Crystal ! Dr. Josef Arno/uld ./ '/4_1.14 (--LS Sr. 'J eph Beaureg Judith Hale ,dames Holeva `" ` Marion Mendelson i Nc;t•;a:na:x. '-:crt:_amntcn Rlanni .o 2oard Nancy Duseau, Chairperson Re: F1aglot Application, 1196 Florence road, Northampton Dear Chair Person: Following the last meeting of the planning board a confetence with :r. Andrikidis indicates these requirements for building the driveway extension at I196 Florence Road. I. Ray-bales and siltation fencing to be used for erosion contrcl during construction. • 2. Such roads must be blacktop if grade is over p!. 3. Gravel, crushed stone, needed as a base before the blacktop° 4. Swale pits 2feet by 6 feet and 6 inches deep , filled with rip-rap stone and placed at intervals along side of road, to slow down any run off. 5. Road should be crowned i±.ch per foot to divert water to sides. In addition to the r.:,ove Mr. Andrikidis believes the run off from the driveway will be intercepted by the existing svrale which runs on the south side of the proposed driveway extension. Therefore so additional water will enter Florence Road. Respectfully yours, G. Francis Osborn D.'....D. //4--r / 7 4`( . 6. Building materials for road: 8 inch bank-run gravel, 4 inch processed gravel for road pavement, 1 inch base black-top and 1 inch fine black-top. To p / KULES S Eb L.)RRv eL- �� - ^ \ D8/V� /\ IIAj --'--------- U^/ bp/vcwt�J /�� �. To whom it may concern: Erosion control for the purposes of a driveway will be carried out in accordance with Department of Public Works specifications for mulching, seeding and place- ment of hay bales, Section 767, (attached), and the attached drawing entitled "Standard Erosion Mitigation Details as Applicable". Generally a haybale siltation barrier(s) will be staked out prior to construction at the downstream end of the site, in an area where it will intercept all runoff from disturbed areas before it reaches the gutter line or storm drain. Areas which will not be paved will be loamed and seeded as soon as is possible, or mulched if seeding is more than 2 weeks away. All loamed and seeded slopes exceeding 5% will also be mulched. Havbale siltation barriers shall be maintained until all pavement is complete and groundcover is established. 14/r1� ! !mot ALMER HUNTLEY, JR., & ASSOCIATES, INC. SURVEYORS - ENGINEERS - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Northampton Planning Board November 30, 1989 Meeting Page One The Northampton Planning Board met on Thursday, November 30, 1989 at 7: 00 p. m. in Council Chambers, Wallace J. Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton. Present were Ch. N. Duseau, M. Mendelson, J. Hale, A. Crystal, J. Arnould, J. Beauregard (7 : 15) , J. Holeva (7:20) and L. Smith, Senior Planner. MINUTES: Mrs. Hale pointed out that Dr. Arnould is recorded as seconding his own motion (p. 11) , and Mrs. Mendelson pointed out that the words, "be deleted, " be added to Mr. Holeva 's motion on Page 12 . Mrs. Hale moved the minutes of the November 9, 1989 meeting be approved without reading. Mrs. Mendelson seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. At 8 : 45 p. m. , the Public Hearing on the Flag Lot Application of G. Francis Osborn was continued. Atty. Mark Nejame appeared for the Applicant. He informed the Board that the Zoning Board had granted the Variance required for the grade in excess of seven percent. He presented the Board with all the information they asked for at the original Public Hearing, i. e. , drainage swales, proposed building envelope, water pressure, etc. He presented letters from the Easthampton DPW and the Northampton Water Department, and gave the Board a cross-section of the driveway. Ch. Duseau read a letter from direct abutter George Gadomsky, and suggested that the Applicant get a drainage easement from him. Atty. Nejame asked for a vote on the flag lot without insisting on the easement. Mrs. Hale asked about a driveway maintenance agreement, and Mr. Nejame told her there would be a driveway easement agreement. There was a lengthy discussion on the subject of drainage, and Mr. Andrikidis said, "The City will not accept any more runoff to Florence Road. " Dr. Beauregard moved the Public Hearing be closed, Mrs. Hale seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Dr. Beauregard pushed for a drainage easement on the Gadomsky property, and then moved that the Special Permit be granted, based on the plans dated June 29, 1989, conditioned on the drainage easement. He went through the Section 10. 10 criteria and found that they had all been met. The Decision should cite the plan, the driveway cross-section, the letter on Huntley' s stationery signed by Dr. Osborn, and the standard common driveway conditions. Mrs. Hale seconded Dr. Beauregard's motion, and it passed unanimously. Nancy P. Duse ,l Chair City of Northampton, Massachusetts 04?-•— O� Office of Planning and Development # City Hall • 210 Main Street t .y % � Ilia Northampton, MA 01060 • (413) 586.6950 ,'% ""•• # • Community and Economic Development * � / %.1 la {` • Conservation• Historic Preservation �iE•� lnw �•�;; • Planning Board.Zoning Board of Appeals ,. n_ . Date : December 18 , 1989 RE: THE APPLICATION OF G. FRANCIS OSBORN FOR A FLAG LOT AND COMON DRIVEWAY AT PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1196 FLORENCE ROAD, NORTHAMPTON. • Pursuant to the Provisions of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Chapter 40A, Section 15, notice is hereby given that a decision of the Planning Board of the City of Northampton was filed in the Office of the City Clerk On: December 18 , 1989 GRANTING the requested Special Permit For Property Located at: 1196 Florence Road, Northampton, MA If you wish to appeal this action, your appeal must be filed in Superior Court within 20 days of the date this decision was filed in the Office of the Northampton City Clerk. , /, �. r Nancy P. Duseau, Chair City of Northampton, Massachusetts 04I�pTO Office of Planning and Development /e A ' City Hall • 210 Main Street µ �'y li- Northampton, MA 01060 •(413) 586-6950 3 gT* ;- t # • Community and Economic Development • Conservation• Historic Preservation TIN:. • Planning Board• Zoning Board of Appeals DATE: CERTIFICATE OF GRANTING OF SPECIAL PERMIT (General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 11 ) THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT A SPECIAL PERMIT HAS BEEN GRANTED: TO: G. FRANCIS OSBORN ADDRESS: 1196 FLORENCE ROAD CITY: NORTHAMPTON, MA AFFECTING THE RIGHTS OF THE OWNER WITH RESPECT TO LAND OR BUILDINGS AT: 1196 FLORENCE ROAD, NORTHAMPTON, MA And the said Planning Board further certifies that the decision attached hereto is a true and correct copy of its decision granting said Special Permit, and that copies of said decision, and all plans referred to in the decision, have been filed with the City Clerk. The Planning Board also calls to the attention of the owner or applicant that General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 11 ( last paragraph) provides that no variance or special permit, or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the City Clerk that twenty days have elapsed after the decision has been filed in the Office of the City Clerk and no appeal has been filed or that, if such appeal has been filed, that it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the county and district in which the land is located and indexed in the grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner ' s certificate of title. The fee for such recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. PLANNING BOARD OF THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON A-/9 , Chair �/ Secretary