44-058 FILE # 960208 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: /� 0 ADDRESS/PHONE: //9 �1�`�Z ?933 PROPERTY CATION: 1/9� MAP7 PARCEL: ZONE THIS SECTION FOR-OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOS)D REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FH J FI) OITT Fee Paid C' Jid(3 ) 7 Building Permit Filled our yeA '/ GC. �1� Fee Paid _pia 7 Type of C'nnctnictinn• New C'nnctructinn Remodeling interior Addition to Fiisting Areeccnry Structure Building Plane Tnclnded• Owner/Occupant Statement nr Licence # 3 Sete of Plane I Plot Plan T �OLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION: Approved as presented/based on information presented Denied as presented: Special Permit and/or Site Plan Required under:§ PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Finding Required under:§ w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Variance Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval-Bd of Health Well Water Potability-Bd Health 'ermit f Orion ation Commission di 5- ignature• •• • 114. tor ate NOTE:lssuenoe of a zoning permit does not relieve en eppiloant's burden to oomply with eli zoning requirements and obtain eil required permits from the Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of Publio Works end other applioabie permit granting authorities. LAW OFFICES OF SCOTT J. HAMILTON 351 PLEASANT STREET• NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 • (413) 586-1173 • FAX: (413) 586-1306 September 6, 1995 Hand Delivered City Planning Department Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Peter and Patricia Voss Enclosed please find three copies of the Voss's Zoning Permit Application. I discussed this matter at some length with Paula Kudzdeba approximately two weeks ago. The essence of the matter is that the Voss's think that their special permits for a flag lot and a common drive are still valid as a result of substantial use of the flag lot and common drive for their permitted purpose. However, Paula indicated that the beat way to get a read on the issue as far as the city was concerned, would be to submit a Zoning Permit Application for consideration by the Planning Department, Law Department and Building Department. The Voss's appreciate your looking at this matter and look forward to receiving your opinion on the matter. Thank you for your consideration. S. ott amilton 08/21/95 16:26 $413 586 3726 CITY OE NORTHTON Z 002 File No. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (Si 0 . 2) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant: Peter B. & Patricia A. Voss Address: 1196 Florence Road, Northampton, MA Telephone: 584-3933 2 Owner of Property: same as applicant Address: same Telephone: same 3. Status of Applicant xx Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other(explain): 4. Street Address: 1196 Florence Road, Northampton, MA Parcel Id: Zoning Map# Parcel# District(s): (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) E.' Existing Use of Structure/Property Flag Lot - See attached 6. Description of Proposed UseNVork/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): see attached 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan xx Engineered/Surveyed Plans Answers to the following 2 questions may be obtained by checking with the Building Dept or Planning Department Files. 8. Has a Special PermitNariance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? Flag Lot 11/30/89 NO DONT}AVOW YES x IF YES,date issued: 4/12/90 IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? • NO DON'T KNOW YES x IF YES: enter Book 36811 Page 383 and/or Document# 9. Does the site contain a brook,body of water or wetlands? NO xx , DONT KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? • Needs to be obtained Obtained date issued: (FORM CONTINUES ON OTHER SIDE) , 08/21/95 16: 27 $413 588 3726 CITY OE NORTHTON C�nt)3 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO }; IF YES. descnbe size,type and location: Are there any proposed changes to or add-tons of signs intended for the property?YES NO IF YES, describe size,type and location: Z . ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUB TO LACK OF INFOPMATION- This cz2uzisz to be *`{ 7ad in br the sa isd3.aq D.p`sesone Required Existing Proposed By Zoning Lot size 3.389 acres 3.389 acres Frontage 50.08' 50.08' Setbacks - front 450! _ 450± - side L: 40' R: 40' L: 40' R: 40' - rear { • 8 0' r J Building height n/a n/a • Bldg Square footage 2400 (1st fir) 2400 1st fir %Open Space: (Lot area slinus bldg n/,a n/a &paved parking) # of Parking spaces na na I of Loading Docks na r'a Fill: (volume & locatioD) na na /3 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. DATE: (2) j 's APnmuir SIGNATURENOTE: Laotian Ea of &zoning permit does. not relieve an, applioanrs burden to oompty with ell zoning requirements end obtain all required permits from the Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of Publio Works and other sppUoabre permit granting authorities- FILE # Attachment to Zoning Permit Application Peter and Patricia Voss 1192 Florence Road Northampton, MA 01060 Supplemental Answer to Questions #5 The property is currently a vacant lot, and has been treated by the current owner and by the most recent owner as a flag lot. The flag lot is accessed by a common drive which serves both the flag lot and the abutting residential property. Supplemental Answer to Question #6 Reason for Application The zoning permit application is being submitted in order to determine whether the Building, Planning and Legal Department for Northampton are of the opinion that the special permits granted regarding the subject property are still valid. Issue At issue is whether the property has been substantially used as a flag lot with a common driveway since the time that the permits were issued. History of the property. Planning board met on November 30, 1989 and voted to grant a special permit for a flag lot. The special permit was filed with the City Clerk's office of December 18, 1989. A notice of appeal of the Board's decision was filed with the Hampshire Superior Court. A stipulation of dismissal with prejudice as to the appeal was filed on August 1, 1990. At a meeting of the planning board on April 12, 1990 the Planning Board granted a special permit for a common driveway to serve an existing house and the flag lot referenced in this application. Thereafter, the lot was listed for sale by the prior owner as a flag lot with a common drive. • The common driveway, which is located on the flag lot and which serves as access to the flag lot and as access to the abutting lot and residence, which is the residence of the applicants, was in existence at the time of the grant of the special permit for the flag lot and for the common drive. In addition, this drive was in place at the time that a variance for the grade of the driveway was issued. The driveway continues to serve as access to the flag lot and to the residence of the applicant. On November 15, 1992, the subject property was sold as a flag lot. Nothing has been done to treat the property as other than a flag lot. The property is to be listed for sale as a flag lot. During the course of preparing to list the property, the Realtor involved approached the city planning department to make sure that the special permits that had been issued were still valid. A representative of the planning department stated that the permits had expired as they were older than 18 months. (This period has since been extended to two years.) No consideration was given to the fact that substantial use of the property as a flag lot has taken place since the grant of the special permits. The applicant takes the position that substantial use has taken place, in that after the grant of special permit for a flag lot, a special permit for the common driveway was obtained. Further, a plan showing the lot as a flag lot has been recorded at the Hampshire Registry of Deeds. Further, the property has been listed and sold as a flag lot and has been treated as a flag lot since the date that the new applicants purchased. In further support, an informal discussion with the planning department indicated that a flag lot is deemed to have been substantially used when driveway construction for access is commenced. In the instant case, commencement of the drive was not necessary as the drive was already in place. The applicant feels that starting a new driveway and having an existing driveway should be treated in the same manner, and that building a new driveway or commencement of other work is unnecessary to establish substantial use of the property as a flag lot and a common drive. Additional Documentation Submitted with this application are copies of the special permits decisions and a copy of the plan recorded in the Hampshire County Registry. Conclusion For these reasons, the applicant's assert and ask the department heads involved to opine that the special permits are still in effect as a result of their substantial use under the granted permits. • `- � s ra.r.,.r:c•e.;.:u�'•aa.w.*s..rNo . r�ws�o�c+ac..�..�,.*.as+m.M9.aw�w.e-.uem.. t 4 i'L•. • . ..... .........trBYFX:r'•:. ...KJr-- •_7rtgig:.ix:AA:.-.Y.•...,.1-..•:1..i.::.: ,r i•la::JV..�.1►':n :ilrirw!•. ....r. � '4. • 5O 3F01 vacs 0303 • • 014. 9j . DECISION OF 4ORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD • c % � .1 At a meeting held on April 12, 1990, the Planning Board s, 4 i of the City of Northampton voted unanimously to GRANT the i c ii request of G. Francis Osborn for a Special Permit under the '4 ' Provisions of Section 6.12 of the Northampton Zoning ;i Ordinance to allow a common driveway to serve an existing / house and a house yet to be built on a Flag Lot that was • l' approved by this Board on November 10, 1989, said lot and driveway being located at 1196 Florence Road, Northampton. Present and voting were Chairman J. Beauregard, N. Dusaau, 1 M. Mendelson, J. Arnould, W. Larkin, J. Hale, A. Crystal and t h J. Holeva. • i. 1i3The findings are as follows: i, I 1 The requested use is listed in Section 6.12 as being . allowed by Special Permit in the district for which application is being made. . 94Z. The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience or welfare, in that one common driveway • is preferred over two separate driveways, for safety reasons. • The requested use will not create undue traffic • • congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety. The requested use will not overload any municipal , f j systems, provided that the conditions subsequent which are a part of this decision, are observed. • The requested use will not unduly impair the integrity . • or character of the district, and is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the ordinance. . r • • The following conditions shall apply: • • 1. A Dry Well Catch Basin must be installed to control the drainage from the paved surface of the common driveway. The drawing of the Catch Basin must be stamped by a registered Professional Engineer, and approved by the Department of Public Works as adequate. This condition supercades and renders null and void "Condition #1" on_Page Two of the' Decision of this Board dated November 30, 1989 , Ut ;S s% r 0 . . • . / i ' • eaac 3f.01 ►a 0304. ' i NORTLAMPTON PLANNING BOARD DECISION G. FRANCIS OSBORN APPLICATION PAGE TWO as it relates to the common driveway. 2. The driveway is to be constructed in accordance with the "Typical Cross-Section For Private Driveway" as submitted . ' by the Applicant. • li 7. The erosion control measures detailed in a document i • IIprepared on the stationery of Ammer Huntley, Jr. and Associates, and signed by G. Francis Osborn on November 30, • Ii Ii 1989, shall be adhered to. Ii • 4. A "Driveway Maintenance Agreement" must be entered II i• nto between G. Francis Osborn and the subsequent purchaser • of the flag lot. • • 5. House numbers, identifying all of the homes utilizing this common driveway, shall be placed at its I' intersection with Florence Road and at each subsequent I branch/fork of said common driveway, for identification by emergency vehicles. I. 6. Easements shall be placed on the deeds to the lots granting access to and over the subject parcels. I 7. Restrictions shall be placed on the deeds to the ,I subject lots prohibiting any additional vehicular access• to said lots from other than the common driveway approved by this Special Permit, and stating that said common driveway /. I is a private driveway and not a City way. The maintenance, ' 4- operation, repair and reconstruction, (including snow plowing and snow/ice removal) are the responsibility and liability ' of the property owners. • 8. All utilities to service the lots shall be placed 1 i !I within the common driveway easement, and appropriate utility easements shall be placed on the deeds to the subject sJl properties. � 9. All such deed easements, restrictions, and driveway ti I maintenance agreements must be submitted to and approved by the Northampton Planning Board prior to their recording, and P prior to the issuance of any Building Permits. - 10. All work shall comply with that shown on the aforementioned Easement Plan, as well as any other plans referenced in this decision. 11. Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit/Occupancy Permit, the Applicant shall submit to the Northampton Planning Board a certified statement from the i , •V l •4 +..-� Y41404444 .w.gy>n......f %.. • O . ..T✓^,„{.► MTha'r.,..•vrr.er.•* ac.a. L.'r•.':a.,,�..war,•r.0ak-vn..-TOMMO.,,ci n.�w.M '..Y.:,•,.. 1 . 1 • , r eoo4.3(1)1 Mr0305 • NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD DECISION G. FRANCIS OSBORN APPLICATION • PAGE THREE . • Project Engineer that the driveway and dry well catch basin were constructed in accordance with the plans approved by i II this Special Permit. 1 ' i I- I LVW:4‹.f_...1.4.....44,r./Jos9Ph Beaurega d, Chair i • i �1� i . • Dr. Jdse A�dou Andrew Cryt l�,...._-6,,Q • • \\JJ JJJJ p.< c/4.4 .-----t-, 0-k_15L-- ...../_? /.1%,e--e.,/- __ +s— r,`, J dith Hale Nancy P. D eau - . -'2- 7).--tt...4..c....n; 214.....L.4 4-../.....Z.I.11 g: . , Marion Mendelson • E. John Gare III illiI Jame Oleva ' lliam J. L ki `- .3: CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK May 19, 1990 • . :' . Ii z: I, Christine Skorupski, City Clerk of the City of I' Northampton hereby certify that the above Decision of the Northampton Planning Board was filed in the Office of the ..:1-, i City Clerk on April 27, 1990, that twenty days have elapsed since such filing and that no appeal has been filed in this 00 matter. o iAtte0----/m±„At,___.rn, 44„.... .„,, kj 6 L • Christine Skor ki i City Clerk City of Northampton i s. R shift d1 1 990 at� Y ( _o'clock and minutes-/, .M.,Reed enCda� ... IDI1Y . O ( D 203 ezam d with Hampshire Reg.of Deeds.Book ?fG/ page f I o Attest 1 MI.W.STAR ii. 1: . (1 I 1. a 4 •l. • • • • Boa 3E0i 0306 ! 1 . • • Oia3% . • 1 . • • • DECISION OF 1 NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD 4 I I �{ f 1 At a meeting held on November 30, 1989, ' the Planning '� !! Board of the City of Northampton voted unanimously to APPROVE, ! "1-• :`. i! the Application of G. Francis Osborn for a Flag Lot under the ` 4, li Provisions of section 6.13 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance, and a Common Driveway under the Provisions of '. 1-..: iI! Section 6.12 of the Ordinance, all at property located at • ', 54 1196 Florence Road, Northampton. Present and voting were • F Chair N. Duseau, J. Arnould, A. Crystal, M. Mendelson, J. a .. I Hale, J. Holeva, and J. Beauregard, Z ;I As to the Flag Lot, the Findings were as follows: I `. ! The requested use is listed in Section 6.13 as being i ~ :' �k II allowed by Special Permit in the district for which -' application is being made. 1 The requested use bears a positive relationship to the d public convenience or welfare, in that it creates another "• i.1' building lot in the city. • . ` The requested use will not create undue e traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety. Y .. 0 The requested use will not overload any municipal systems. . d. : `' The requested use will not unduly impair the integrity ' c :';; or character of the district, since the flag lot being created is 3.4 acres in size, far larger than required in the ar: district. The use is in harmony with the general purpose and �! intent of the ordinance. All of the Section 6.13 criteria, (a through 1) have • . A been met or exceeded. • i r The following conditions shall apply: 1. The plan being approved •is ,the one, ntttled, "Plan of Land of Northampton, Massachusetts prepared • ' for G. Francis Osborn by A1mer.—Hunt. aw„Ir__._afd • Associates, Inc. dated June 29, 1989, revised to show • building envelope, and signed by Do h ug W. T:.�..rg;6ili Professional Land Surveyor. (Revised Nov. 28, 1989) AnT f! • • r i • • o jr ...ism._ • - E air z • 4 - • b • • • • • • NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD DECISION • G. FRANCIS OSBORN FLAG LOT AND COMMON DRIVEWAY • • ' 'PAGE TWO As to the Common Driveway, the findings are as follows: The requested use is listed in Section 6.12 as being 11d allowed by Special Permit in the district 'for which • application is being made. , • I. The requested use bears a positive relationship to the j II public convenience or welfare, in that one common driveway 1. .1 is preferred over two separate driveways, for safety reasons. II The requested use will not create undue traffic • Y II congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety. This is in a semi-rural area where there are no sidewalks and very • Y little pedestrian activity. $ li The requested use will not overload any municipal I. systems, provided that the conditions subsequent which are U. ii a part of this decision, are observed. The requested use will not unduly impair the integrity 1 or character of the district, and is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the ordinance. 4 I• I The following conditions shall apply: I i 1. A drainage easement shall be obtained from George J. Gadomski, the immediate southerly abutter. 2. The driveway be constructed in accordance with • the "Typical Cross-Section For Private Driveway" as t : I submitted by the Applicant. , a I1 3. The erosion control measures detailed in a } i • document prepared on the stationery of Almer Huntley, •• Jr. and Associates, and signed by G. Francis Osborn • on November 30, 1989, shall bo adhered to. 4. A "Driveway Maintenance Agreement" must be 1 entered into between G. Francis Osborn and the I subsequent purchaser of the flag lot. • , 5. House numbers, identifying •'all of the 'homes utilizing the common driveway, shall be placed at its i intersection with Florence'•Road—And•':at -each subsequent branch/fork of said :common'driveway_�for • • identification by emergency vehicles.... t r 1 r 1 Li, C • aallaaliamaansmalammninlinnassaftaa • .• • . • • • . • 1 • • BOCK 3E01 PAGE03OS E • • NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD DECISION C. FRANCIS OSBORN FLAG LOT AND COMMON DRIVEWAY PACE THREE .- • 6. Easements shall be placed on the deeds to the lots granting access to and over the subject parcels. 7. Restrictions shall be placed on the deeds co the subject lots prohibiting any additional vehicular • • access to said lots from other than the common i • driveway approved by this Special Permit, and stating \ that said common driveway is a private driveway and _ ' • not a City way. The maintenance, operation, repair, and reconstruction, (including snow plowing and ' snow/ice removal) arc the responsibility and . liability of the property owners. 8. All utilities to service the lots shall be placed within the common driveway easement, and appropriate utility easements shall be placed on the deeds to the • i subject properties. • I 9. All such deed easements, restrictions, and ' driveway maintenance agreements must be submitted to and approved by the Northampton Planning Board prior I to their recording, and prior to the issuance of any II Building Permits. f I 10. All work shall comply with that shown on the t aforementioned Easement Plan, es well as any other plans referenced in this Decision. II 11. Prior to the issuance of a Building I: • Permit/Occupancy Permit, the Applicant shall submit i I. to the Planning Board a certified statement from the RecelvedetCityClerk'gOHice?reject engineer that the driveway was constructed • NOORTHAMIIPTONN,�MASS. permit accordance with the plans approved by this Special • By ,!.t1��rY 76. (1z• ,. t ,e6- i� . Oeta / _/ice% / . Time II 9••727/ • ieze V /,—..e.1�.��, Nancy P. D$.6eau, Chair .. ' ( `1�J /(* . . An refw Crystu 'l 1 Dr/Josef\Arnoul d n ' .• i. t. • •) �'UrtrSDsseph Bcau!eq//�Q J• Ldith Hale • { •1 / Z2711 ,//� ex•A.,rye AL.....L..Z+i1.1 • ~1 'I ?� I �ames Holeva /i' Marion Mendelson � + August 1, 1990 .' •• , I, Christine Skorupski, City Clerk of the City of Northampton hereby certify that the above Decision of the Northampton 4 Planning Board was filed in the Office of the City Clerk on 1 L��•/. .. December 18, 1989, that a Notice of Appeal was filed with the .a ' ,,iI. Hampshire Superior Court, Civil Action No. 90010 and re- iv.ti''''• ceived in the CityClerk's Office on January 5, 1990 on the •; it jrc Decision for a Special Permit on the Common Driveway. A • �.. ;.. Stipulation of Dismissal with prejudice (sec attached) was filed in tlee City Clerk's Office on August 1, 1990. At:est I f i,. n.,C�n ��. r `;C_ly Clerk f • 1 ;.. :�: City of Northampton 1 • • • TO, . -, x ":: . • a . 7 . • . e • • BOOK 3E01 PAGE 0.310 ' i- a. Zc DECISION O! ` - ! )IORTSAMPTON ZONING BOARD OP APPEALS At a meeting held on November 20, 1989, the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Northampton voted unanimously to GRANT I the Application of G. Francis Osborn for a Variance from the Provisions of Section 6.13 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of allowing a portion of a common li driveway leading to a flag lot to have a grade in excess of li seven percent. Present and voting were Chairman Robert C. Buscher, Dr. Perez Laband, and N. Sanford wail, Jr. ij • 1, I, The Findings are as follows: it The Board found a circumstance relating to the topography of !I this parcel that is unique to this parcel and not found • elsewhere in the district, that circumstance being the rapid .• rise in elevation of the lot from the grade of Easthampton I • Road, creating, at one section of the driveway, a grade of 7.23%, which, when looked at in the light of the 7% maximum II grade allowed by the ordinance, is a >ie minimis variation. {!• 1 The Board found that literal enforcement of the ordinance , Iwould create a financial hardship for the Applicant, who, I without this Variance, would be unable to create a Flag Lot to the rear of his property, and thus be deprived of substantial income for use in his retirement years. •. 'I The Board found that the requested relief can be granted I __ , • without derogating from the purpose and intent of the • 1. 1• . ordinance, since the intent is to insure that parcels are '1 accessible to emergency equipment, and the Fire Department , 1 + has confirmed in writing that the small portion of the I� jC driveway having fire a grade of 7.23% will not impede their access in the event . ij 1 . 1 • �.� _ Received st City Clerk's Office Root t C. Bu Cher, Chairman t NORTHAMPTON,MASS. I t gy i3:it/�.�'n R ✓ • I • nn II �f t • Data' 'P> if"lr�„ ��4 I�ti A-O� Time 9.i./n A./77 Dr. Peter Laband 4 t • i d .! S. Sanford Neil, Jr. July 30, 1990. 1 I I ' 1,I, Christine Skorupski, City Clerk of the City of I • Northampton, hereby certify that the above Decision of i f. : the Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals was filed in the i { Office of the City Clerk on November 27, 1989, that twenty days have elapsed since such filing, and that no appeal has / /... been filed in this matter. -sy C\ 6 Atto.iC ._----. ....6,-,%. Arlt . I am_."tIne l.!Or plfk. �� � City Clerk Datf///'' 7 1990 ar Y O'clock anda�rmnute .•A•>;,`�tee'd en:d and examide is • ✓ 9 A ., ... .. eoox3F.Ot pa p,'309 1 • • , • .• - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT i % n Hampshire, se. Superior Court Department l Northampton Division Civil Action No.900.10 ) • G. FRANCIS OSBORN, ) plaintiff ; . STIPULATION OF DISMISSAL • V. ) fuss. ♦ssoitsium PLANNING BOARD OF THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, ) Defendant ) • • Pursuant to Rule 41(a) (1) (ill, the parties herein have stipulated that this action on behalf of G. FRANC1S BOARD OFtTHEhePCITYtOFlainiffNORTeHAMPTON,herin, bed the ismiDefendants herein.ssed as to PLANNING This dismissal is with prejudice and is intended to • mseratedasnanh�djudication on the merits of all claims r . . . Respectfully submitted, •• . The Plaintiff r . MORSE, SACKS i FINTON Dates .7uly 27, 1990 t4L ! I / i , Hark A. Nei. r 31 Trumbull qiiii 060 Northampton, (413) 584-1287 ' a j f. AGREED: c T e Defendants 4.11,(Ak Bys1ti. , livN Rath con G. Fallon, Esq. Assistant City Solicitor City of Northampton • . 210 Main Street 01060 t Northampton, MA I Asa I J , CIty;ARK;roi lC • s nePtre!rtgn mv7 Teco DaG 1990at_ 'dock and �w,;nu a ent ago* t r ' • 1