Minutes January 18, 2000 Members Present: Don Bianchi, Chair, Joel Feldman, Jack Hornor, AnnaMarie Russo, Richard Abuza, Robin Therrien, Orlando Isaza, Fran Volkmann, Nola Reinhardt, Neti Anderson. Also present, Peg Keller, staff and Larry O'Connor, Northampton Area Community Land Trust. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Bianchi called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Larry O'Connor presented comments during the Public Comment Period. He reported that the Land Trust either needs to be revived or dismantled. He has tried to revive it in the past, but to no avail. Members said that they would be willing to have a more in depth discussion of this issue. Members were educated about the two projects that did come to fruition during its existence and other projects that did not materialize. It was summarized that additional thought needs to be given to whether this is a needed tool in our community, and what it would take to keep it alive, vs. passing ownership of the two projects to another entity. New Member Councilor Frances Volkmann was introduced to members and she described her interest in affordable housing. Other members were given sheets to indicate their desire to be reappointed to the Partnership/ Richard Abuza, Peg Murray, Jack Hornor and Yvonne Freccero. The Council will be acting on the reappointments this Thursday, January 20th.
Community Preservation Coalition Update Jack Hornor said the Committee has been appointed to iron out the differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill, but it has not met. He said that it appears clear that the Governor will veto it if it contains the transfer tax component. Members said they had not received a response from Rep. Nagle's office. Letters had been sent 11/3. More in depth discussion on the bill will be held at the February Partnership meeting. Sub-Committee Reports Members reviewed the current version of the affordability hand-out and provided additional feedback about its readability. Planning Sub-Committee members were thanked for all of their hard work. Comments will be incorporated and another draft will go out with the next meetings' mailing.
Mr. Feldman suggested incorporating the release of the handout with an event, to serve as the kick-off for the series of articles the Gazette has agreed to do. Ms. Volkmann suggested a presentation to the City Council, which is televised. Mr. Isaza suggested including the Planning Board. Ms. Anderson said that whatever goes to tenants needs to be solution oriented, because they are already award of the problem. Discussion continued. Ms. Russo agreed to make revisions and resubmit for circulation before the next meeting. Ms. Russo read the 6 topics for news articles suggested by Mr. Bianchi. Mr. Feldman said it is a good time to move ahead considering the focus on homelessness in the winter. Implementation Sub-Committee Peg Murray reviewed the minutes and gave an update on the cot Program, Pleasant Street and Richard's idea. The group discussed what their activities may be in the absence of CDBG dollars to disperse. Assistance in the area of community education was noted. Don reported that Valley CDC is moving ahead with the submission of a one stop application to the Department of Housing and Community Development for the Millbank project. The award would assist with the creation of 10 new units of housing along the river and the rehab of the existing 6 units in the rowhouse Valley currently owns. (It has since been confirmed that there is no CDBG commitment from the City in the application). The Housing Authority is purchasing the remaining 8 units in the condo (they already own 4), so that entire complex will be affordable housing under the Authority. More information should be forthcoming if representatives from Valley come to the Partnership for a general update. Members are continuing to brainstorm about Richard's idea which involves the concept of property donation to an entity that attaches deed restrictions for perpetual affordability, allowing life tenancy and tax deductions for current (elderly) owners. The Land Trust as an entity was discussed. Mr. Bianchi summarized that further discussion is needed in order to pursue that possibility. Community Preservation Act/ continuation of discussion Mr. Abuza explained that the real estate community is opposed to the real estate transfer tax component. He said that the alliance that has formed with the open space advocates is advantageous legislatively. He said that the strategy should be to get it passed the way it is now and pursue the transfer tax aspect later. Mr. Bianchi said more time could be spent next month to discuss specific strategy. Adjourn/ Due to the lateness of the hour, the meeting adjourned at 9: 10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller
Minutes February 15, 2000 Members Present: Don Bianchi, Chair, AnnaMarie Russo, Joel Feldman, Yvonne Freccero, Fran Volkmann, Orlando Isaza, Richard Abuza, Nola Reinhardt. Also present, Peg Keller, staff, Janis Gillian and Joann Campbell of Valley CDC. Call to Order Chair Bianchi called the meeting to order at 7: 10 p.m. He moved to the sub-committee reports until quorum was achieved. Planning Sub-Committee Members reviewed the hand-out. The first three pages are relatively complete. Pages were reviewed and comments noted by Committee members. After discussion, it was decided that the group would finish the 4th page, circulate the entire document to the full Partnership, get comments, make the edits, then it will be given to Peg and Don for final sign-off. All agreed it was getting better with each revision, and members were thanked for all their work. Implementation Sub-Committee The sub-committee brought a request to the full Partnership that originated from Valley CDC, so Joann Campbell and Janis Gillian were introduced. Ms. Gillian gave the background on the 65-67 N. Main Street project. Generally, the project was not structured well initially and delays have resulted in cost overruns. At issue now is the 1997 CDBG award from the City. The award included a $40,000 grant and a $20,000 loan, repayment of which is due this April. In order to make the project financially feasible, there is no ability to repay the loan. The plan is still to sell the two unit building to an owner occupant for a homeownership and rental opportunity. Ms. Gillian had attended the sub-committee meeting and after thorough discussion there, the group issued the following recommendation for consideration by the full Partnership/ that the loan be extended to December 31, 2000, that the City's position be subordinated, if applicable, to achieve project completion, and that the loan and note would be discharged (converted to a grant) at which time the house is sold to an income eligible homebuyer and an acceptable deed rider is in place (the HOME deed rider is acceptable). Ms. Volkmann noted her need to abstain from the discussion and vote, as she is on Valley's Board. Ms. Freccero made a motion to accept the recommendation of the
Implementation Sub-Committee, seconded by Mr. Abuza. The vote was unanimous in favor, with one abstention. Ms. Campbell then proceeded to update the members on the following projects: 65-67 N. Main Street-the $60,000 being secured from HOME (although refused twicebefore) and the Coop Fund ofNew England will be used to pay off the loan. Rehab willoccur and the unit sold in the summer.Walnut Street -was ready to go last summer but couldn't until the State budget wasapproved in November then in December, the State decided to revamp its closingdocuments. It is hoped that both properties will close on their HOME funds in March.Bridge Street -15 unit SRO is proceeding towards a workout. Valley has been in defaulton the mortgage for several years. lilF funds have been awarded to take out the lenderand accomplish rehab of the windows and a heat conversion from electric to gas. The IIlFwas funded in April and the lender was taken out in September. Work went out to bid inJanuary, so Valley owns the building debt free. The low bid will allow for some extras.The State closing will be in March. Work will begin in April. The project will containproject based Sections S's until 2006. If those subsidies evaporate later, an internalescrow fund will continue the affordability permanently. MHIC came in with a bridgeloan to take out the lender prior to the State closing.Millbank -project is moving ahead with a HIF application. The plan is to create 10 unitsof new affordable housing and renovate the existing 6 unit rowhouse. The HousingAuthority may come to the Partnership for financial assistance for their role in purchasingthe other 8 units in the condo building.The Maples -is actually owned by the Mass. Development Finance Agency, the propertyseems to be operating smoothly.School Street -seems to be going smoothly, could use some rehab, paintingHomeownership counseling - a counselor was hired yesterday. Workshops and outreachwill resume after a long hiatus. Work will occur in the final four months of the contract.The general update completed, Mr. Bianchi complimented both staff representatives on the amazing amount of difficult work that has taken place over the last year and stressed the importance of having local capacity for housing and community development work. They were thanked for their attendance. Sub-Committee Reports resumed/ Peg Murray has stepped down from the chair of the Implementation Committee. Michael Owens, CDBG administrator has agreed to attend the meetings and take notes. Don thanked staff for their work on preparing documents. Ms. Reinhardt spoke about the Smith Intern that will be working on data collection. Richard asked to be involved if a rental survey was to be conducted.
Richard's Idea/ Mr. Abuza spoke about his concept to have homes belonging to elderly residents passing into a perpetually affordable inventory through a gift process. He said he is bringing it to the full Board because he is having difficulty identifying the appropriate entity for the program. He said that there was a big transfer wave when the Lathrup Community was built and he feels there is more potential out there for property transactions. He said there are a range of financial reasons why people may want to avoid resale. The transfers could be in the form of a charitable tax deduction, residents could be assisted with maintenance, maintain life tenancy, receive a cash now benefit. He said a good information network probably already exists through the Elder Chore and Home Repair Program. He has done some research on the tax ramifications. It seems that the Housing Authority's plate is full and Valley CDC is not sufficiently solvent to take on new projects on their own. Peg Keller emphasized the importance of pursuing this concept and agreed to spend some time working on it. Orlando mentioned Americorps and Smith Voe as potential sources for maintenance and rehab activities. Meeting with Mayor/ Mr. Bianchi reported on a meeting he and Peg Keller had with the new Mayor. She stressed the importance of the Partnership's role in community education and asked that we investigate zoning as tools to increase affordable units. Inclusionary zoning was discussed and Peg noted that a Western Mass. Planners Network luncheon was coming up to discuss that very topic. Ms. Russo said she would like to be part of any group that forms to pursue this avenue. She will be attending a UMass forum on tools and techniques for developing affordable housing. She agreed to report at the next meeting. Mayor Higgins also suggested targeted forums with particular groups as opposed to open meetings with the "usual cast of characters". Ms. Freccero reported that Theo Emery of the Gazette will do stories that focus on a person or event, but not a series per say. Ms. Andersen and Ms. Therrien discussed the need for homeownership information in the apartment complexes and Peg Keller said that hopefully now that Valley has hired a staff person, that outreach will occur. Adjourn Due to the lateness of the hour, Ms. Freccero made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Reinhardt. The meeting concluded at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller
Minutes March 21, 2000 Members Present: Don Bianchi, Neti Andersen, Yvonne Freccero, Peg Murray, Fran Volkmann, Jack Hornor, Richard Abuza, Nola Reinhardt, Joe Defazio. Also present, Peg Keller, staff. CALL TO ORDER Chair Bianchi called the meeting to order at 7: 10 p .m. Members introduced themselves to and welcomed new member Joe Defazio, representing the Housing Authority. Ms. Volkmann made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Mr. Hornor. Minutes were approved as submitted. Sub-Committee Reports Planning/ Members reviewed the handout. Suggestions included: adding phone numbers, adding a sentence about the fact that lots of work still needs to be done despite all the current resources. Further discussion ensued about approaching the Council with a possible resolution and what to do about distribution of the handout. Mr. Defazio offered that it could be given to Housing Authority tenants. The schools and the Gazette were also mentioned. It was then determined that it could actually be mailed to each household and Mr. Hornor offered to identify funding for the mailing expense. Ms. Volkmann offered to help write a resolution, with Ms. Freccero and Ms. Reinhardt. The possible need for translations was discussed. Possible response mechanisms were examined in order to maximize the potential action people could take upon receiving the handout in the mail. If people mailed something back in expressing their interest in the issues, those responses could be used to develop a data base for future action. Mr. Bianchi asked the Planning Committee to discuss distribution methods further. Additional comments were to add HCAC's # and to delete Western Mass. Legal Services (Mr. Abuza felt the work of the agency actually increases the cost of affordable housing) Sub-committee meeting dates were set for 4/10. Planning at 9:00 a.m. and Implementation for 5:00 p.m.
Zoning/ The discussion of inclusionary zoning was begun. It was decided that preliminary materials would be sent to the Implementation Committee to get a sense of direction on how to proceed. Many models exist in the State, varying in format and content. The basic purpose is to mandate the inclusion of affordable housing units in new construction projects of certain sizes. Members asked Peg to summarize the issues for discussion. Project Updates Vernon Street/ Habitat is moving forward. Rehab is occurring and both families have been selected. They hope to finish the project this summer. Verona/ Members discussed the issue of the fence and Mr. Abuza offered to contact the licensed site professional to see if there are alternative solutions. Ryan Road/ Members expressed their desire to have the project include a duplex if possible, in order to maximize the opportunity for affordable housing. Adjourn/ The meeting concluded at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller
Minutes April 18, 2000 Members Present: Don Bianchi, Fran Volkmann, Yvonne Freccero, Jack Hornor, Peg Murray, Joel Feldman, Nola Reinhardt. Also present, Peg Keller, staff. CALL TO ORDER Chair Bianchi called the meeting to order at 7: 10 p.m. and asked for sub-committee reports. Planning Sub-Committee/ Members discussed the handout and the most recent changes that had been made. The draft resolution to go before City Council was also reviewed. Peg Keller agreed to get the poster made for the presentation, get the disc from Nola for the last page of the handout, and get the handout reproduced. As many Partnership members as possible should try to attend the meeting to be held May 18th. Orlando will be asked to translate the resolution as it is read: Peg K. will call. The mailing to each household will include a handout, a copy of the City Council resolution and a sheet listing ways to get involved. Members discussed having a meeting with the Chamber soon after the Council meeting to include Smith College, developers, bankers, realtors and Rep. Nagle. Mr. Hornor agreed to find funding for the printing and mailing costs and Ms. Volkmann requested the handout not be printed on white paper. Collective Copies, a new union shop printer in Florence should be asked for prices in addition to Paradise and Kinko. Implementation Sub-Committee/ Peg M. reported that HAP closed on 96 Pleasant Street on March 27th. The closing for the Elks will be within the next 45 days, although our CDBG funding will not be requested until ServiceNet purchases the unit from Mr. Muller. Peg K. had circulated some sample inclusionary zoning models which need to be given to Don and Orlando. The City owned property-list has been reviewed by Fran and Yvonne. Project Updates Peg K. reported on Vernon Street, Ryan Road and inclusionary zoning. She then reviewed the needs prioritized in the Consolidated Plan and agreed to send copies to all members for comment. Members then asked Peg K. to ask the Mayor what her position is on residency requirements for Partnership members, as membership recruitment will be on next month's agenda. Adjourn/ the meeting concluded at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller
Minutes May 16, 2000
Members Present: Don Bianchi, Yvonne Freccero, Fran Volkmann, Orlando Isaza, Richard Abuza, Nola Reinhardt, Jack Hornor.
Chairman Bianchi called the meeting to order at 7:14 p.m. No one was there for public comment.
Sub-Committee Reports
Planning / Members discussed the final handout revisions and the strategy for the presentation to the City Council. It was also discussed that contact would be made with the Chamber of Commerce to set up a meeting. Mr. Isaza suggested Don get on the
Planning Board agenda and make a presentation similar to the one before Council. Peg
will call members to attend the Council meeting. The Trust Fund donation info. will be mounted on a chart. Don discussed the highlights of his planned presentation.
Implementation/ Don reported that the group discussed future tasks. The sub-committee will continue to review projects, work with the Affordable Housing Trust to identify
additional funding resources, identify ways to create more housing, possibly through
linkages and zoning, follow-up on the small property issues and monitor existing
affordable housing projects such as Meadowbrook.
Members then discussed the role of the Housing Authority in the development of new housing stock and asked that it be put on the agenda for next months meeting. Peg talked about the 689 units and the State Hospital parcels, and members said it would be important for Mr. Defazio to understand the Partnerships concerns. Possible new projects were discussed, the two SROs on the market (Go West and Northampton Lodging) and Millbank and a private developer who has expressed interest in creating some affordable units.
The Verona Street project was brought up and Richard recapped his discussion with Evan Johnson of Tighe and Bond regarding the fence issue. It was Richard's understanding that
staff would follow up. Peg said she has not done any further work on the project.
Minutes Approval/ Jack made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting,
seconded by Yvonne. The minutes were approved.
Ryan Road RFP
Peg brought up that an RFP may or may not need to be issued. It was Don's feeling that
with the use of CDBG funding for the acquisition, it was necessary. Peg will move ahead.
BeaverBrook Subdivision Plans
Jack reported that he had attended a Planning board Preliminary Site Plan review meeting on this project and he feels this is an opportunity to create some affordable units. Members discussed the need to understand all the possible tools available for leveraging
before approaching developers. Yvonne responded that even if we do not win this one,
we should at least make a statement. Even without any incentives to offer, we need to
identify this as an opportunity in order to increase awareness.
Fran said we need to get the people who can use the leverage together in order to completely understand what can be done. Peg agreed to find out more about the proposed
sub-division, set up a meeting with the Planing Board and Chamber and a meeting with
Don, Orlando and Dan Y acuzzo, Chairman of the Planning Board and Chamber of Commerce. A meeting with the BeaverBrook developer was also discussed.
Yvonne suggested including a statement about the City encouraging the development of affordable units attached to the actual permit applications, so developers are aware as
early as possible.
Exec. Order 418
Members discussed this directive from the Governors Office that places reporting requirements on local communities and impacts accessing funding sources. Information will be sent out with the next mailing.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting concluded at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Peg Keller
Minutes June 20, 2000
Members Present: Don Bianchi, Chair, Yvonne Freccero, Orlando Isaza, Peg Murray, Joe Defazio, Jack Hornor, Fran Volkmann, Richard Abuza. Also present, Peg Keller,
staff and Wayne Feiden, Planning Director.
Call to Order/ Chair Bianchi called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m. There was no one
present for the public comment period.
Subcommittee Reports/
Planning / Mr. Hornor reported that he attended a meeting of the neighborhood group
that is facing the development of the Beaver Brook subdivision. The application did go to
the Planning Board for a preliminary plan that was sent back for additional work. Feedback from George Kohut of the neighborhood group indicates they favor a mixed range of housing as opposed to all trophy homes. The next meeting is June 29th and Jack will plan to attend. He said the neighbors were looking for information on cluster housing.
The affordability gap mailing will go out by the end of next week. Jack will send
brochures to the Gazette and the Union News. The meeting with Dan Y acuzzo, Planning Board Chair was discussed and Don asked for the handout that Yvonne had prepared listing the zoning tools that may impact affordable housing development, and a copy of the Zoning By-law. The meeting with Mr. Yacuzzo is scheduled for June 30th and the Partnership will be represented by Don, Yvonne, and Orlando. Members discussed items to be brought up and Yvonne reiterated her request for a mission statement expressing the City's desire to see affordable housing developed be attached to the permit applications themselves.
Members then asked for regular updates on the State hospital and asked Peg K. to ask Mayor Higgins if there is an opportunity to have a Partnership member become a member
of the Citizen's Advisory Council, considering she held that slot and is now the Mayor.
Peg will follow-up.
Ms. Volkmann discussed an email she received from a gentleman expressing ideas about affordable housing. Members asked Peg K. to follow-up and see ifhe would be interested in attending a meeting.
Mr. Bianchi noted a letter had come from representatives from Florence Savings Bank requesting a meeting to discuss affordable housing initiatives. Peg K. will follow-up. Implementation Committee/ Don reported that the Committee met and discussed the RFP for Ryan Road and inclusionary zoning. Wayne Feiden/ Discussion of Zoning Tools under Consideration/ Chair Bianchi introduced Wayne Feiden, Planning Director who then gave a brief description of the zoning revisions under consideration to increase the opportunities to create affordable housing. He said that the Partnership used to have a zoning subcommittee. He reviewed the existing tools and noted that they had not been used to any great extent, if at all. The bonus density was instituted 12 years ago and never used. There has been one comprehensive permit application that was actually built. Accessory apartments have been more successful but they are not tracked, so the exact number is hard to discern. 2 He reviewed the handout item by item, noting that #1-8 are relatively easy to implement. With regard to inclusionary zoning (#9), new projects can be required to match our 11.5% per cent of affordable units that we have in the City. Not asking any one developer to do more than that would probably be safer legally. The Barnstable case is still pending, that will be monitored to see what the courts are currently saying is fair to ask as a contribution. In the Barnstable case, the developer was asked to do more than the overall percentage. All the State agencies are watching that case. He suggests that only two zones be considered locally, those in which the City wants to encourage development as infill housing. There is a question of threshold for project size, not too many large parcels remain in town for development. Member comments included the following: -consider a sliding scale concept, for house construction cost-need to determine house value up-front, vs. % at sales time-avoid people increasing house sales prices to make up for itMore discussion will occur at the Planning board meeting on July 2ih. The Planning Board has invited the Housing Partnership to discuss these zoning proposals. Mr. Feiden concluded by saying that the Planning Board is trying to incorporate the affordable housing and open space goals from the Vision 20/20 effort, into the planning process. Richard noted that inclusionary zoning needs to be carefully worded with a constituency built in advance. Although a worthy goal, it will require a strategy to get passed.
Yvonne asked for examples from other towns. Wayne said there are not a lot of concrete examples. Executive Order 418 was briefly discussed, noting the Governor's threshold for affordability (<$200,000 house prices). Fran mentioned that parking is related to affordability in that renters voice opposition to on-street parking bans, and housing costs go up if off-site parking is required. 3 Wayne then spoke about the Beaverbrook plan. He said that it has been presented as a cluster and said that there have been four locally; Emily Lane, Indian Hill, Sawmill Hills and A vis Circle. Wayne then left the meeting. Upon further discussion, it was agreed that Jack would send a letter to the developer explaining the Partnerships' desire to see the inclusion of affordable units. The letter should be copied to the Planning Board and the neighborhood group. Don suggested that Peg K. review the letter before it is sent. Adjourn/ The meeting concluded at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller
Minutes July 18, 2000 Members Present: Don Bianchi, Chair, Jack Hornor, Richard Abuza, Yvonne Freccero, Peg Murray. Also present, Peg Keller, staff and applicants Joann Campbell of Valley CDC and William Muller. Call to Order: Chairman Bianchi called the meeting to order at 7: 15 p.m. He asked for a motion to approve the minutes, and noted that a quorum was not present. Mr. Abuza asked that his name be added to the "members present" list. A vote will need to be taken when a quorum is present. In consideration of the fact that each project proponent is operating under time constraints, Mr. Bianchi agreed to have them present their requests and the remaining votes will need to be solicited by mail/telephone. Public Comment Period: There were no members of the public present. Sub-Committee Reports/ Implementation Sub-Committee: Mr. Bianchi reported that two projects were reviewed at the last meeting and both were recommended for presentation to the full Partnership. Millbank 11/ Joann Campbell, Executive Director of Valley CDC was then introduced to present the Millbank project. Highlights of her comments were as follows: the project is being done in collaboration with HAP, Inc. HAP is using CEDAC funding to purchase the privately owned units in the existing 12 unit condominium building. (Valley already owns 4, the Housing Authority owns 4 and 4 were privately owned.) The closing on those units will occur in 2 weeks. Those units will be rented at market rate to cover HAP's costs until those units can be purchased by Valley. She described the other funding sources. Mass. Housing Partnership has committed to being involved and a HOME application is being put forth on August 1 ih_ A special permit will be needed from the Planning board and the project goes before the informal site plan review committee 8/7. Drawings should be available by then and the issues with the Rivers Act and wetlands will be discussed. There is an outstanding loan from ICE from the original development plan and back taxes are owed. The project proposed will resolve those issues. The project will rehab the 6 existing rowhouse units already owned by Valley, convert the heating system in the condo building and 10 new units will be constructed in the adjacent open land. In summary, 28 units will be added/upgraded with affordability restrictions ( 14 new units to the affordable housing inventory).
2 Chair Bianchi commented that the City has not seen any new affordable units constructed in many years. He asked members for their comments. Mr. Hornor said that everything seems to be in order and he feels comfortable that it was thoroughly reviewed at the sub-committee level. Chair Bianchi noted the conditions that were discussed during project review. Mr. Hornor concluded by saying that it is a great project with tremendous benefit and he would like Ms. Campbell to keep the Partnership informed as the project progresses. She confirmed that the project is on track. Ms. Freccero and Chair Bianchi reiterated how exciting it is to see new affordable rental opportunities being created in the City. Ms. Campbell added that with the HOME rent restrictions, 6 units will be restricted to those earning 50% or less of median income and the balance will be available to those earning 60% or less (the 3 bedroom units). Chair Bianchi offered to provide a letter of support for the HOME application in addition to the commitment from the Mayor. Mr. Abuza expressed his support. Mr. Hornor made a motion to forward a recommendation for a CDBG allocation of $100,000 to Valley CDC for the Millbank project, to the Mayor. Ms. Freccero seconded the motion and all present voted in favor. Peg Keller will contact absent members for the three remaining votes. Note: After being supplied with the application materials, Ms. Volkmann voted in favor on July 24th, Mr. Isaza voted in favor on July 24th, Ms. Reinhardt voted in favor on July 2?1h. On July 31st, Mr. DeFazio opted to abstain due to the fact that he is a Commissioner on the Housing Authority Board and the Authority will continue to own 4 of the existing condo units. Members Andersen, Feldman and Russo were not heard from. Ms. Murray voted favorably later in the meeting. Bridge Road Proposal/ William Muller Chair Bianchi then introduced William Muller who presented his proposal. Highlights of his comments were as follows: aside from the City's dire need for additional affordable housing, he is also doing this project to show that the comprehensive permit process can work to create a seamless project in the community. He started looking for a parcel to create a number of units and found this one which he feels can accommodate 16 units He wants to avoid the ranch style and proposes small, detached single family homes that will have modular construction, shingled sides that will resemble farm houses The lot is across the street from Deep Woods/ there is a purchase and sale on the property, he will acquire it from that party he is working with Berkshire Design Group and hopes to retain many trees and provide open space for the units.
-The comp permit only requires 25% of the total units be affordable to those earning80% (or lower) of median, but he proposes that 9 units be deed restricted with themarket rate units mixed in.Mr. Abuza commented that the proposed deed restriction (25 years) is longer than some recently approved projects. Ms. Freccero asked if the deed restriction would be a marketing liability. Mr. Muller responded that he has been approached by many people earning in the $20,000 range that would never be able to buy anything otherwise, and they do not seem to be interested in speculating. Mr. Hornor brought up the traffic issue. Mr. Muller responded by saying that this size house may contain a single parent or a single individual with probably one car, which will generate less car traffic than a larger home would. He said that this is a good location, close to schools and shopping and distances into town are bikable. 3 Mr. Homer commented that it was good to see the comprehensive permit process being used. Mr. Muller said that the experience of the developer with Pines Edge did not go well procedurally, but it ended well. Ms. Frecerro spoke to the desirable fact that at Pines Edge, the affordable units blend in with the market rate ones. Chair Bianchi noted how exciting this night was, to see both projects come before them; one for homeownership and one for rental, both with high percentages of affordability. He stated that there were two additional conditions that the sub-committee had attached to the recommendation that were not reflected in the minutes. (1) satisfactory review of the local affordability deed restriction for 25 years, and; (2) that 5 units shall not exceed $96,500 and 4 units shall not exceed $122,000. Mr. Hornor asked Mr. Muller if he was in agreement with these conditions and Mr. Muller responded in the affirmative. At that point, Ms. Freccero made a motion to forward a recommendation to the Mayor to allocate $80,000 in CDBG funds to Mr. Muller for his proposed project on Bridge Road, with the conditions discussed. Mr. Hornor seconded the motion. All present voted in favor. Peg Murray who came in to the meeting at this point, opted to abstain, as Florence Savings Bank is a potential funding source for this project and she is an employee of the bank. Peg Keller will garner the additional votes needed to have quorum representation. Mr. Muller said that the Housing Partnership, in planning for the long term, should consider having a fund for people to access for quick acquisition. Mr. Bianchi said that Mr. Muller, as a private developer deserves recognition for bringing this project forward. He said that Joann Campbell should be commended as well, for bringing Valley CDC to a point where new development can again be undertaken. ( Peg Murray then voted in the affirmative for the Millbank project). Both developers were thanked and they left.
4 Planning Sub-Committee Mr. Hornor reported that the mailing has gone out and Peg is still getting forms and phone calls. He offered to print more if they are needed. He suggested they get sent to State housing agencies. Mr. Bianchi suggested they get sent to legislators as well. Peg will follow-up. Mr. Bianchi complimented the Planning Committee on the good coverage that resulted in the Gazette and Union News. Mr. Hornor credited AnnaMarie Russo for her research and the chart which became the base of the document and said, "We couldn't have done it without her!" Members then revisited the idea of a forum, to continue the momentum. Ms. Freccero named some of the appropriate participants, the Housing Authority, Habitat, the Land Trust, HAP, the Community Builders, HCAC, ServiceNet, Jessie's House, Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, the Council on Aging, bankers, financial planners, etc. She said that it would be a good opportunity to begin the education process around inclusionary zoning. Mr. Bianchi suggested that the group flesh out a proposal and give it to the Mayor for her reaction, since she will need to be involved. Mr. Hornor agreed to draft something, email it to the sub-committee members, then Peg will send it out to the rest of the members. BeaverBrook Sub-Division Mr. Hornor reported that the residents seem to be focusing on wetlands issues at the moment, and that the project may change as a result of the environmental concerns. He did get a response to his letter to the property owner from his assistant saying that Mr. Hanley he was out of town until August, but that he would respond then. So currently there are no plans before the Planning Board to review. He will continue to follow the process and report to the Partnership. Meeting with Planning Board Chair Ms. Freccero reported that she, Mr. Bianchi, and Mr. Isaza met with Dan Yacuzzo the morning of June 30th• She said he is interested in preparing for inclusionary zoning and discussion followed regarding the stigmatized terminology surrounding "affordablehousing". Mr. Yacuzzo said that when the issue is put forth in an economic developmentcontext; providing housing that workers can afford as a "value added" to the community( as opposed to a justice issue), it seems to be better received. Ms. Freccero said it washelpful to hear his perspective. He also said that the primary focus of the Planning Boardis to see how the rules and regulations are satisfied, and they don't always think aboutopportunities for affordable housing at the onset. He agreed to continue the discussion atthe planned joint session between the Housing Partnership and the Planning Boardscheduled for July 2?1h.Meeting with Planning Board It was determined that not enough people would be in town for the joint session. Peg K. will call Mr. Yacuzzo and ask to reschedule.
5 Meeting with Florence Savings Bank Representatives Sr. Vice President Bob Koch has requested a meeting with the Mayor, the Planning Director and the Housing Partnership Chair and staff to discuss ways that FSB can contribute to the City's efforts to create additional affordable housing. Chair Bianchi asked for suggestions from the members for the meeting. Ideas generated included: -advocate among peer financial institutions for donations to the Trust Fund-activity in areas where the needs of the community do not get met throughconventional means, i.e. SRO's and multi-family housing-below market rates for multi-family rental properties(business community workers are often renters, not home owners)-first/last month rent/security deposit assistance to renters-individual development accounts for homeowners-building capacity/ City staff, non-profits-consultant bank/ lend expertise to staffs in other organizations-work collaboratively with NHP to put deals together to develop housingThose ideas will be relayed at the meeting tomorrow morning. August Meeting Calls will be made to ascertain who will be available to attend the 8/15 meeting. Notices will be sent. The agenda will include preparation for the meeting with the Planning board and responding to those who returned handout forms. The Planning Sub-Committee will meet August 14th• The Implementation Committee will not meet unless there is a reason to do so. Mr. Bianchi said that he has no interest in being involved with the drafting of the sub-recipient agreements for the two projects approved (pending additional affirmative votes) tonight. Staff is qualified to create those documents. Adjourn There being no further business to discuss, the meeting concluded at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller
Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2000
Members Present: Chairman Don Bianchi, Richard Abuza, Peg Murray, Yvonne Freccero, Jack
Hornor, Joel Feldman, Joseph Defasio, Fran Volkmann
Members Absent: Nola Reinhardt, Orlando Isaza
Staff: Michael Owens
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7: 1 0pm.
Several members requested that Central Services leave the handicap entrance open when night
meetings take place. This will allow persons that have difficulty with stairs easy access to the
building. Staff will relate this request to Central Services.
Public Comment
No members of the public were present.
Planning Committee Report
Fran Volkmann and Yvonne Freccero discussed the planning for the proposed affordable housing
forum and distributed a list of potential questions / discussion items for the event. Planning
Committee members are seeking a Partnership wide discussion about the forum focusing on two
issues: (1) should a forum be held; and if so, (2) what format should it take.
The following scenarios were discussed:
•Develop four questions, which would be briefly introduced and then discussed by participants
in an AM and PM session similar to the Northampton 2020 visioning process.•Focus the discussion on local issues surrounding affordable housing. Seek participants that
are not necessarily housing professionals and make it a ½ day event.•Focus the event on agencies involved with affordable housing (what activities and projects they
are undertaking).
Members commented on the following goals of the forum:
•Strategize about the type of affordable housing the City needs.•Bring in other stakeholders such as businessman, bankers and the Chamber of Commerce.•Focus on the lack of resources available for affordable housing and strategize about lobbying
efforts for additional resources.•Get people involved, as there is an entire segment of the community that is not involved with
the issue of affordable housing.
•Make it an "interactive" event.•Reach out to possible participants prior to the forum to find out what they would like to get outof such an event.•Focus the discussion around the topic "Live Here -Work Here11 which many working people in
Northampton cannot do because of housing costs.
Fran commented that she thought the discussion on this issue was helpful but that further ground
work would be needed. An Ad Hoc/ Planning Committee will meet to discuss this further. It was
felt that the Ad Hoc Planning group needs staff support on this issue if a successful forum is to be held. Fran did not know if the Planning group was ready yet to speak with the Mayor about this
and asked that Peg Keller contact her for further discussion.
Implementation Committee Report
Ryan Road
Staff provided an update on the Ryan Road project reviewing the following accomplishments:
•Purchase of the property by the City for conservation purposes and affordable housing.•The Request for Proposal process managed by the Office of Planning & Development.•The award of the frontage parcel to the Pioneer Valley Chapter of Habitat for Humanity.•Execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Habitat.•Existing permits which allow the construction of a single-family home with an accessoryapartment.
Habitat's proposal calls for the construction of a duplex. George Ryan will meet with Peg Keller to
discuss their conceptual plan, the existing special permit which comes with the parcel and the
comprehensive permit process. It appears that the proponent would need a comprehensive permit
to construct a duplex as shown in the conceptual plan.
Fran Volkmann stated her dissatisfaction with the zoning process for this parcel and her desire to
see Habitat be able to construct a duplex at the site.
Richard stated that he thought the current zoning for that area of the City did not allow duplexes
and that the special permit allowing a single-family home and an accessory apartment was a
compromise with the neighborhood. Staff noted that Habitat is not prohibited from seeking a
comprehensive permit to construct a duplex.
Richard made the following motion: "Planning staff shall investigate viable options which would
allow Habitat to construct a duplex at the site and shall investigate the costs for those options11 i.e. a special permit or a comprehensive permit.
Fran Volkmann seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative.
Planning Board Joint Meeting
Staff announced that the joint meeting has been scheduled for October 12th at 7:00pm.
Discussion then focused on the agenda for this meeting.
Yvonne made the suggestion that all permit applications be sent out with a letter from the Mayor
noting the City's need for additional affordable housing. Jack wondered if the Planning Board was
aware of the tools available for the production of affordable housing and whether these tools were incorporated into their activities.
Fran noted the May 22nd letter from Wayne, which outlined the Planning Department's initiatives to promote affordable housing. Jack related a comment from the public proposing residential space
on King Street above existing commercial space (similar to the Damon Road area). Members
discussed how pro-active the Planning Board could be on affordable housing issues.
Fran suggested four questions be prepared and sent to the Planning Board prior to the joint
meeting, they include:
■Request for a letter to be attached to Planning Department documents I forms stating
that the production of affordable housing is a priority for the City.
■What tools are available to the City / Planning Board to encourage the development and
preservation of affordable housing? (see Wayne Feiden memo of 02-22-99)
■How and to what degree has the Planning Board used these tools over the past few
■Does the Planning Board have suggestions regarding additional steps the City can taketo be pro active regarding the development of affordable housing?
As these four questions will need some fine-tuning. Richard volunteered to work on this with Peg.
Staff will e-mail the list to Richard who will contact Peg to discuss.
Fran made a motion to distribute the completed list to the Planning Board prior to the joint meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Miscellaneous Updates
Staff provided the following updates:
Meeting with Florence Saving Bank
A follow up letter is being sent. The parties will reconvene to further discuss ways in which FSB
can assist with affordable housing.
Hampton Gardens I Trust Fund
Diane Andes has cancelled two scheduled meetings to discuss revisiting the agreement and
updating the City. This has been the result of time constraints and not an unwillingness to meet.
Vernon Street Dedication
There will be a dedication ceremony for the two Habitat units on Vernon Street on Saturday the 24th at 2:00pm. All are welcome.
The final work party for City volunteers is Sunday 10-08-00 from 1 :00 to 5:00pm. Those interested please contact Peg Keller.
NHA Development Person
The Northampton Housing Authority is interviewing for the development position at the end of the week.
Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity
An award presentation was held on 09-17-00. Don attended on behalf of the Partnership and Peg Keller represented Planning & Development. Habitat is grateful for the support they have received from the City and the Partnership.
Orlando contacted Peg today and has tended his resignation from both the Partnership and the Planning Board. His new job will take him out of the country for most of the next year.
The Mayors office had two applications on file expressing interest in the Partnership. One from Vera Crane and one from Martha Ackelsberg. These will be passed onto the Mayor for her information and consideration.
State Hospital Update
The appraisal is still being done by contractors for the Mass Department of Capital Asset Management (DCAM). The developer continues to negotiate the terms of the Land Disposition and Development agreement with DCAM.
State Hospital CA C Membership
The Mayor's office reports that appointments to the CAC are made by DCAM. If the Partnership wishes to provide a name for consideration the Mayor will forward it to DCAM.
Jack volunteered to serve on the CAC as the Partnership representative. Further discussion to follow at the next meeting.
Section 8 FMR's
Staff reported on a meeting with Congressman Neal held in August. Area housing authority directors, the Mayor, housing advocates and the regional non-profit housing agency all lobbied the Congressman to work with HUD to seek an alternate to decreasing the FMR for the Springfield
metro area. The group also asked for assistance removing the upper Valley from the Springfield SMSA when calculating the FMR. Rents in the upper Valley are much more expensive than in the Springfield-Holyoke-Chicopee area.
Beaver Brook Subdivision
Jack provided a synopsis of the proposed Beaver Brook development, reviewed its history with the Planning Board and area residents. Jack's sense is that the developer is frustrated and can't seem to do anything that would satisfy area residents. It also seems area residents don't want any development at the site and are concentrating on traffic, wetlands and open space issues. Jack stated that there are clearly some competing interests here and that there needs to be some compromise on both sides. Jack offered to get involved in an attempt to broker a compromise.
By consensus the Partnership authorized Jack to reach out to both the developer and the community in an attempt to bring the parties together with the goal of a quality development that includes some affordable housing.
Housing Court
Joel provided information on the new housing court in Hampshire County, which will start hearing cases soon. An advisory group will meet over the next several weeks to discuss the expanded court. Joel suggested members contact Peg if they are interested in getting involved with the advisory group.
Cot Shelter
Yvonne reported that the cot shelter site will not be ready for November although the developer will complete renovations ASAP. The parties responsible for the cot shelter are working on an alternative.
Community Preservation Act
Jack reported that the Governor has signed the Community Preservation Act. There is no transfer tax as part of the legislation; only the property tax increase option. It does allow state matching funds to be raised through a land transaction fee. For more information members can contact Jack.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9: 1 0pm.
��-Michael T. Owens Respectfully submitted 09-23-00
Minutes October 17, 2000 Members Present: Don Bianchi, Chair, Yvonne Freccero, Richard Abuza, Peg Murray, Joel Feldman, Nola Reinhardt. Also present, Peg Keller, staff. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Bianchi called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. No members were present for public comment and the guest speaker, Erin Kemple of the Housing Discrimination Project was unable to attend. Sub-Committee Reports Implementation Sub-Committee did not meet. Planning Members reported on the meeting with the Planning Board. They felt it was a successful dialogue that stressed the need for everyone to understand the available tools and the new ones that are needed. The concept of inclusionary zoning was broached. The Planning Board members agreed to have the Partnership draft a statement to attach to permit applications. Peg agreed to email the current proposed zoning language to the Partnership members. The use of the City's web site was also suggested as a way to disseminate information. Joel Russell's idea of requiring affordable housing on upper floors of commercial uses was mentioned. The implementation sub-committee may want to meet with Wayne to discuss these ideas further. Discussion followed regarding why no private developers are interested in creating affordable housing. Richard suggested that there might be a mechanism for private developers to donate development rights and/or lots as charitable deductions. Donations of land or sales at reduced rates are options that should be investigated by the City Solicitor. Peg will pursue getting permission for research to occur. Members then discussed the need to evaluate the benefits of a project comprehensively, not just from an affordable housing perspective. Joel made a motion to explore Richard's idea and consult with the City Solicitor to see if there are feasible tax incentives to encourage the construction of affordable housing in the City. The motion was seconded by Nola, vote unanimous in favor. Joel agreed to do some research as well.
2 Don said that there are State and Federal resources, but non-profits are the ones most familiar with them. A local private developer usually depends on conventional lenders for project financing, which is a completely different situation. He said that the level of technical assistance needed to access the public sources is huge, usually beyond the capacity of a municipality.
Joel reminded members that it has been a long term assumption that the private sector was not going to build housing for poor people, thus the creation of public housing. Don agrees that the greatest potential for increasing opportunities for affordable housing lie within the social sector.
Members discussed the State Hospital and Yvonne expressed concern about Smith
College needing to expand. With regard to the plans for a forum, the Planning Committee
members felt that small group discussions made more sense. Arrangements are being made for a meeting with the Economic Development sub-committee of the Chamber.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting concluded at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller
December 12, 2000
Members Present: Don Bianchi, Chair; Yvonne Freccero, Nola Reinhardt,
Richard Abuza, Jack Hornor, Martha Ackelsberg. Also present, Joann Campbell of
Valley CDC, Jeff Hutchins, interested party, Kitty Callaghan and Nora Israeloff of
the Housing Advisory Coalition, Wayne Feiden, Planning Director and Peg Keller,
Absent: Joel Feldman, Joe Defazio, Peg Murray, Fran Volkmann.
CALL TO ORDER/ The meeting was convened at 6:30 p.m. All present
introduced themselves to Martha Ackelsberg, new member. Wayne Feiden
proceeded to present the current version of proposed zoning changes that
impact affordable housing.
1.Zoning Changes
Highlights of Mr. Feiden's comments are as follows: -the process involves action by the Planning Board, Housing Partnership and
the Ordinance Committee prior to final action by the City Council
revision affecting accessory apartments will have immediate application on
Ryan Rd. and Bridge Rd. projects
zero lot line will allow for urban in-fill/ South Street and Pinebrook Curve
would not have had to have been condo projects
flag lots will be controversial with developers, who will not want to create
affordable housing or open space in exchange
further reducing lot sizes may be controversial/ sizes were reduced a few
years ago/ URA is mostly built out but this may produce a few more units/
the need to build in environmental protections has been part of the discussion
decreasing land requirements for cluster may increase usage and allow
greater integration into existing neighborhoods
Mr. Abuza offered to be involved in future discussions regarding ways to
encourage multi-family rental housing. Members agreed that this zoning package
is consistent with the City's goals to encourage affordable housing, preserve
open space and support meaningful development. Mr. Feiden said Partnership
support during the public hearing process would be helpful.
2.Public Comment Period
Joann Campbell of Valley CDC invited members to a meeting with
representatives from the Mass. Association of Community Development
Corporations. They are coming out this Thursday to discuss the legislative
agenda and get regional feedback regarding housing and community
development issues. She also announced receipt of a $560,000 award from the
HOME Program for Millbank. The project will now move into the permit process.
She also noted that sufficient subsidy is required for a rental housing project in
order to get at desired income levels, which is a tough problem.
3.Housing Advisory Coalition
Kitty Callaghan (Western Mass. Legal Services) and Nora Israeloff (YWCA) began
their presentation by saying that they are members of a group of service
providers that serve very low income people. The group came together initially to
provide input into the 5 year plans of the Amherst and Northampton Housing
Authorities. Basically their clients can't live in these towns anymore and the
group decided to stay together and try to increase the number of affordable
housing units.
Ms. Israeloff went on to describe that she administers a Transitional Living
Program for five families that have access to housing vouchers. They are unable
to use those vouchers in either community. Ms. Callaghan said that the
affordability survey put together by the Partnership proves that their clients can't
live here. Through their work with the housing authority plans, it again pointed
to the shortage of subsidized rental housing for families.
Their feeling is that if the Federal and State governments are clearly not doing
their part, then we must think creatively. One option may be in the form of
town/gown partnerships. Many models of successful collaborations exist, such
as Harvard, Trinity and Clark. Upon learning that the real impact on the
Northampton housing market comes from UMass rather than Smith,
Ms. Callaghan discovered that of the 30,000 UMass undergrads, only 10,000 are
housed on campus. Of that remaining 20,000, about 2,000 are in Northampton.
The group has therefore decided to look to UMass to increase the on-campus
housing for undergrads and in particular create new units for graduate family
housing. The housing that does exist is in poor physical condition with lead paint
present. There are plans for UMass to start a project in conjunction with the
More locally, there is evidence that Smith College is expanding into the Belmont
Ave. area of Northampton. She understands that some discussion has happened
at the Partnership regarding this issue, so they came tonight to make sure that
efforts were not being duplicated. She extended an invitation to the Partnership
to send a representative to their meetings to serve as a liaison.
Ms. Israeloff noted that the average rents they have found and the respective
fair market rents are as follows:
1 bedroom average 658 + uts.
2 bedroom average 797 + uts.
3 bedroom average 1,100 + uts.
4 1,200 + uts.
fmr. 553 with uts.
fmr. 699 with uts.
fmr. 872 with uts.
fmr. 1,074 with uts.
Additional discussion about the impact of Smith staff, faculty, ADA Comstocks
and graduate students on the Northampton housing market, continued. Some
felt we might need to wait for a new president in order to have meaningful
Upon questioning, Ms. Callaghan responded that they would ultimately like to
contact all five colleges in the area about this issue. Mr. Hornor asked when their
group met (2nd Tuesday of month at 2:30). Members present agreed to ask all
members if anyone is interested in joining their group. Peg will contact Ms.
Callaghan with the results of that inquiry.
Mr. Abuza concluded the discussion by saying that he felt one of the jobs of the
Partnership, to encourage people to own (and continue to own) multi-family
properties, has not been done as well as it could. He said that the City needs to
recognize that the private property owner is a critical link in the affordable
housing chain and all should work together towards mutual goals. Mr. Bianchi
said that the housing rehab program is a good example of that; a program that
assists landlords and tenants and preserves the stock.
Richard noted that the rent escrow issue and tax rate discussions were observed
by the landlord community. Members asked him for particular proposals; he
reminded them of formal submissions he has made in the past around the
charitable tax deductions and the purchase of elderly homeowners housing for
permanently affordable inventory. Members agreed that it makes sense to
pursue UMass, the capturing of scattered site elderly housing and charitable
deductions for multi-family owners willing to sell. Ms. Reinhardt noted that the
focus on preservation of affordable housing seems to have gotten lost in the
revamped committee structure.
Peg agreed to draft a letter for Don's signature, formally requesting that the
Planning Board appoint someone to the Partnership.
Planning/ Mr. Hornor reported that a meeting has been set up with the attorney
for the developer of the BeaverBrook sub-division. He is also working with John
Heaps of Florence Savings to set up a meeting with the Economic Development
Committee of the Chamber.
6.State Hospital
A meeting of the Citizen's Advisory Council will be held in January. Don Bianchi
would like to represent the Partnership. Peg will tell him when and where the
meeting will take place.
Mr. Bianchi stepped down as Chair, citing a lack of time and availability. He
asked if anyone were interested in the position. Mr. Hornor responded in the
affirmative and elaborated on his expectations: initiating a regional housing
dialogue, better communication among members, recruitment of new members
and outreach to other advocates. Mr. Abuza then nominated Mr. Hornor to be
the Chair of the Partnership, seconded by Ms. Freccero, vote unanimous in favor.
The meeting concluded at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller