2023 Housing Partnership Minutes
Housing Partnership
5:30 PM, Monday January 9th,
Zoom Meeting
Carmen Junno, Chair ☒ Edgardo Cancel ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☒ Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☒ Gwen Nabad ☒
Richard Abuza ☒ Ace Tayloe ☐
Bev Bates ☐ Sara Howard ☐ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒
1. Chair gave notice that the meeting is being recorded.
2. Introductions & public comment. No public comment.
3. The Partnership did not have quorum so could not vote on the minutes.
4. Discussion of Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund. The partnership has been discussing this for a long time. Both the Mayor and Carolyn Misch were not enthusiastic about creating a MAHTF. There have been several people
expressing the Housing Partnership support to housing at public meetings.
Carmen Junno said that the partnership should table the discussion for the moment. Richard Abuza said that the point is taken and there is something lost when the Housing Partnership is not reviewing housing projects, such as previously done with CDBG. Edgardo Cancel said that giving up on the
MAHTF is too soon. Hannah Shaffer thought the meeting too close to the holidays and that she would be excited to be on a subcommittee to discuss the MAHTF. Gordon Shaw said that there is not a lot of city official support for it and that there is currently not a funding source for it. Gwen Nabad still thinks that something could come out of a subcommittee. Edgard Cancel said that he
would be interested in continuing the discussion. Richard Abuza said that the partnership is not discussing the creation of a MAHTF and that the statehouse has housing as a top priority, there may be funding that only goes to MAHTF. Gwen Nabad is always willing to support housing and the partnership needs to look at housing in the long term.
5. Subcommittee for MAHTF: Gwen Nabad, Hannah Shaffer, and Edgardo
6. Staff member Keith Benoit presented to the Housing Partnership the Municipal
Engagement Lite program from CHAPA. This would be a voluntary training
program run by CHAPA to help Northampton better support the construction of housing (especially affordable housing), public education, and community engagement. The main idea is to help create a local coalition of organizations and people that work towards housing challenge. CHAPA calls it an intense
yearlong collaboration with CHAPA, the City, and stakeholders. This will be a
heavy lift, it will not be easy. If the City were to apply, CHAPA will want to focus project, which may be the future affordable housing on Crafts Ave. (behind City Hall) or another project at Hospital Hill. The City would need the Housing Partnership’s enthusiastic support before it applies to the program.
7. Gwen Nabad motioned to apply for the CHAPA program, seconded by Gordon
Shaw, voted unanimously by a roll call vote.
8. The Housing Partnership approved the Nov. 7th minutes unanimously by a roll call vote. Edgar Motioned and seconded by Gwen Nabad.
9. Independent Housing Solutions should be open by Feb. 1st with 15 residents. Broker Fees and the Real Estate Transfer Fee has no update.
10. Laura Baker gave an update on Valley CD’s projects around the City.
11. Meeting ended at 6:24 PM
Housing Partnership
5:30 PM, Monday February 6th,
Zoom Meeting
Carmen Junno, Chair ☒ Edgardo Cancel ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☒ Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☒ Gwen Nabad ☒
Richard Abuza ☒ Ace Tayloe ☒
Bev Bates ☒ Sara Howard ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒
1. Chair gave notice that the meeting is being recorded.
2. Introductions & public comment. No public comment.
3. The minutes from Jan. 9th were approved unanimously by a roll call vote, motioned by Richard Abuza seconded by Gordon Shaw. Three abstentions: Hannah Shaffer, Ace Tayloe, and Bev Bates.
4. Hannah Shaffer gave an update on the MAHTF sub-committee, which met the
other day. The committee started the research for different resistant points for
restarting the trust fund. Bev Bates said that the work is important. Gilad Meron asked if there was a MAHTF is Northampton, which there is, but it is currently inactive. Bev Bates said that getting more money for housing is important.
5. Teresa Hammerle joined the group and said that her group (Mothers Out Front)
has donated hot plates (an induction cook top) that can be checked out of the library. There is a talk this week regarding the hot plates.
6. Keith Benoit asked if there is any discussed the next steps for the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund (MAHTF).
7. Keith Benoit from staff gave an update on the CHAPA Municipal Engagement
Initiative Lite program timeline. If Northampton is chosen, the timeline for
launching will be launching by June or July. The application is focused on the Crafts Ave. housing for homeless.
8. Gilad Meron, CAPV staff updated the partnership on the Community
Resiliency Hub. It will be 1-2 years before the full building will be operational.
The first floor may be able to be rehabbed and operational before then. CAPV
is building a coalition of providers who use trauma-informed care and harm reduction strategies. The shelter for the City will be changed from ServiceNet to Clinical Support Options (CSO). Gordon Shaw said that coordinated housing search is something the partnership would like to see as part of one of
these programs. Maybe there is funding for CPA that could help. Gilad Merson
said that this is a new ‘civic institution’ that has not existed before and funding is an important aspect. There is not enough housing to find. Bev Bates asked what the timeline is.
9. Gwen Nabad is supportive of the hub and asked if there is a way to volunteer.
Gilad Meron discussed the two working groups for creating the community
resiliency hub. Gordon Shaw said public education is one of the thing that the partnership does, such as writing op-eds. Gilad Meron said that some of the abutters were concerned with the hub, but so far, not broad community opposition.
10. Ace Tayloe gave an updated on the real-estate transfer fee and re-shared the
link for the data. Gilad Meron asked about the broker fees.
11. Meeting ended at 6:22PM with a motion by Richard Abuza and seconded by Bev Bates
Housing Partnership
5:30 PM, Monday March 6th,
Zoom Meeting
Carmen Junno, Chair ☒ Edgardo Cancel ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☒ Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☒ Gwen Nabad ☒
Richard Abuza ☒ Ace Tayloe ☒
Bev Bates ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒
1. Chair gave notice that the meeting is being recorded.
2. Migdalia Camacho introduced herself as a member of the public and then the Housing Partnership introduced themselves. Carmen Junno mentioned that Sara Howard has resigned from the Housing Partnership.
3. The Housing Partnership approved the minutes unanimously from Feb. 6th, 2023 with a motion by Richard Abuza and seconded by Bev Bates.
4. Carmen Junno, Chair mentioned the Sara Howard had resigned from the
Housing Partnership.
5. Keith Benoit, Staff, gave an update on the CHAPA Municipal Engagement Lite program award. The City was given this technical assistance award for the Crafts Ave. housing for the homeless project that is being built by Valley CDC.
Keith Benoit asked if a member of the Housing Partnership would like to be
part of the planning group, which may consist of three additional meetings with CHAPA over Zoom. The planning group would help create stakeholder list and plan the engagement timeline. Bev Bates said that she would love to see what the steering committee is learning be brought to the Housing Partnership.
6. Carmen Junno said that she will volunteer for the steering committee.
7. The Housing Partnership discussed the HUD Small Area FMR. The Partnership previously looked at this, but with other items in process in the legislator, then it is a good time to discuss. There would likely need to be a study done, that would show the benefits. Where does this money come from? CDBG admin is an allowable cost, but there is not enough money for it. Can
Northampton partner with other towns to do a consolidated study? Richard
Abuza said that the Housing Partnership has always advocated for leaving the
Springfield MSA. Gordon Shaw said that there is tension between serving more people or less people. Bev Bates asked if the housing authority has any stats on people using the vouchers in Northampton. Richard Abuza said he supports this investigation. Bev Bates made the distinction between the two
different types of vouchers. Gwen Nabad mentioned that federal vouchers do
not allow people to be going to school.
8. Carmen Junno gave an update on the rental fees. Gordon Shaw gave an update on the expiring on Chapter 257, which helps people who previously applied to RAFT. Hannah Shaffer asked if there is a way that how can we keep engaged with legislation that is pending, what is the appropriate method of reminding
our legislators. Ace Tayloe updated on the transfer fee, who met with councilors Rachel Maiore and Alex Jarrett and Planning Director Carolyn Misch. A targeted approach for housing for 80-150% of AMI is what Carolyn Misch would like for a transfer-fee to municipal affordable housing trust fund approach. Bev Bates asked how we can ask the right questions regarding if
CPC funding is enough and the economics of mixed-income housing.
9. Link to the Broker Fee Bill: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD54
10. Hannah Shaffer gave an update on the municipal affordable housing trust fund (MAHTF) and the research that the sub-committee has been doing. Several communities are using the MAHTF in conjunction with CPC funding. The
name affordable housing is right in the title and the subcommittee would like to present next month. Richard Abuza noted the pushback from the City. Gwen Nabad said that the trust fund can gain interest. Edgardo Cancel said that the fund is not bound by pre-determined funding cycles like the CPA and CDBG.
11. Meeting ended at 6:38 PM with a motion by Edgardo Cancel and a second by
Gwen Nabad.
Housing Partnership
5:30 PM, Monday April 3rd, 2023
Zoom Meeting
Carmen Junno, Chair ☒ Edgardo Cancel ☒
Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☒ Ace Tayloe ☐
Richard Abuza ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☒
Bev Bates ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒
1. Chair gave notice that the meeting is being recorded.
2. Carmen Junno asked Terese Hammerle, member of the public to introduce
herself. The Housing Partnership introduced themselves.
3. The Housing Partnership approved the minutes unanimously from March. 6th, 2023 with a motion by Bev Bates and seconded Gordon Shaw. The Chair notified the Housing Partnership that Gwen Nabad has resigned.
4. Carmen Junno gave an overview of the Citizen’s Housing and Planning
Association (CHAPA) and the Municipal Engagement Initiative Lite program steering committee meeting that happened last week. The launch meeting will be on Tuesday June 13th at 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM at the City Council Chambers. CHAPA will run the meeting and will be a broad conversation on affordable housing in the City. Bev Bates asked if the what types of topics will be
discussed during the meeting.
5. Hannah Shaffer conveyed a story of a recent rental-housing hardship and said that she is concerned about the status of the Housing Partnership and asked if there is anything else that the Housing Partnership can do regarding housing stability. Is there enough time to do the research and present during the 90-
minute meeting. Terese Hammerle and Gordon Shaw pointed out some
resources pertaining to the rental-housing hardship. Bev Bates asked what the goals of the Housing Partnership and Northampton overall. Will the CHAPA conversation enlarges what the Housing Partnership is talking about?
6. The Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund subcommittee did not give an
update because they were unable to meet during the week. Gordon Shaw said
that the retention of Housing Partnership members is most often affected by the
direct participation of the members.
7. Chair made an announcement that the Officers and Members will be needing to
vote soon. Neither the Chair or the Vice-Chair want to continue being officers. Gordon Shaw said that officers is really a job of facilitation.
8. For next meeting:
• Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund subcommittee update
• Discuss voting of officers
• Discuss meeting in person
9. Meeting ended at 6:15 PM with a motion by Richard Abuza and a second by Gordon Shaw.
Housing Partnership 5:30 PM, Monday May 1st, 2023
Zoom Meeting
Carmen Junno, Chair ☒ Edgardo Cancel ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☒
Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☒ Gwen Nabad ☒
Richard Abuza ☒ Ace Tayloe ☐
Bev Bates ☒ Melissa Fowler ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒
1. Chair gave notice that the meeting is being recorded.
2. Carmen Junno asked Planning Board member Melissa Flower to speak. She
has been in construction for the past 35 years and mostly worked within project management. She is happy to be of assistance. Spencer Ghazey-Bates says he is looking to get involved and volunteer, he is in attorney in the City. The Housing Partnership introduced themselves.
3. The Housing Partnership approved the minutes unanimously from April 3rd,
2023 with a motion by Richard Abuza and seconded by Gordon Shaw.
4. Carmen Junno, Chair brought up the voting of officers for next year. If any member has an interest, please let Carmen Junno know.
5. The Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund (MAHTF) subcommittee gave an update on what they have been working on. Gwen Nabad shared a
presentation about reactivating the MAHTF as it is currently inactive. The Northampton MAHTF was created during the transition when a multi-family was coming off of its affordable housing restriction. The funds from a MAHTF can do several things, such as rehabilitate homes and create affordable units. The income levels for beneficiaries goes up to 110% of area median income
(AMI), which is higher than CDBG levels. The presentation showed several examples of municipalities who have their own MAHTF and some projects that have been successful. Funding comes from CPA, fees on new development, grants, donations, Airbnb fees, real estate transfer fee. Funds are usually required to be used for affordable housing. Housing is expensive and
reviving the MAHTF could fill a needed gap. Creating affordable housing is a priority to the Northampton Housing Partnership. The presentation also
developed next steps that the Housing Partnership and the City would need to
6. Richard Abuza said the MAHTF creation is not shrouded in mystery. In the 1970s there was housing crisis and the govt. funded expiring use properties that were affordable for 25 years. The guarantee of 25 years was not enough and across the country the many properties went back to market rate. Hampton
Gardens in Northampton was one example. The City created Housing Action
Committee that worked on housing during that time. Carmen Junno said that the CPA has only two funding cycles per year. Bev Bates said that the Housing Partnership could create some sort of score card for why there is not enough affordable housing being created. The MAHTF has some flexibility in the
income level. Carmen Junno gave a summary of the meeting with CHAPA that
will happen on June 13th.
7. Spencer Ghazey-Bates asked if the MAHTF is more flexible and is that how it is different than the CPA. Gwen Nabad said the MAHTF can also earn interest. Gordon Shaw said that Springfield just established their own MAHTF and will
partly use it for taking care of blighted properties. Richard Abuza said that
open-space in the City is a real crowd pleaser with the City. Keith Benoit said that Springfield has many blighted properties and that many properties that go through receivership end up being transferred from the homeowner to the receiver. Bev Bates said that CPC and MAHTF could be very compatible with
each other. Edgard Cancel said that the partnership should start looking for a
champion in City Council. Hannah Shaffer said that the subcommittee should look at more of the documentation before a presentation is given.
8. Keith Benoit, Staff gave a brief update on the research into the Small Area FMR. He had talked to the Boston Housing Authority and got some perspective on how they have been successful lease up over 90% of their
voucher holders. First, they appealed the HUD published FMR as region, which you need 50% of the jurisdictions vouchers represented, and then they used and exceptionally payment standard. Additionally, they used referral program with public service agencies for the vouchers, so that organizations who are already working with people can offer them vouchers if they qualify.
Before they appealed however, they did a rent study to determine who would be affected. Boston area has a lot more zip codes, so the data there would be much more granular (to the neighborhood) than in Northampton where we only have a few zip codes.
9. There are two options for implementing Small Area FMR: 1.) Agencies may
set payment standards up to 110 percent of the SAFMR in particular zip codes
even if this is above 110 percent of the metro-area FMR, without the HUD approval normally required for exception payment standards OR 2.) Agencies can request approval from HUD to adopt SAFMRs in place of metro FMRs. The request must state that the agency has completed a four-part comparison of
SAFMRs to metro FMRs described in HUD’s guidance notice, and should also
be sent to SAFMRs. The first option is simpler and generally more flexible,
since it requires no action beyond what would be needed for any other payment
standard change (except a brief notification email to HUD) and allows an
agency to choose whether to adopt SAFMR-based payment standards in all of the zip codes it serves or only in some. By contrast, the second option would require the agency to seek HUD approval, revise its administrative plan, and use SAFMR-based payment standards throughout its service area. The second
option, however, is more flexible in three respects: it would allow the agency
to set different SAFMR-based payment standards for different parts of a zip code, to apply SAFMRs to tenant-based vouchers but not project-based vouchers, and to set SAFMR-based payment standards below 90 percent of the metro FMR without meeting certain criteria and seeking special HUD
10. For next meeting:
• MAHTF updates
11. Meeting ended at 6:48 PM with a motion by Gwen Nabad and seconded by Richard Abuza.
Housing Partnership 5:30 PM, Monday June 5th,
Zoom Meeting
Carmen Junno, Chair ☐ Edgardo Cancel ☐ Hannah Shaffer ☐ Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☐ Gwen Nabad ☐
Richard Abuza ☐ Ace Tayloe ☐
Bev Bates ☐ Melissa Fowler ☐ Staff: Keith Benoit ☐
1. Chair gave notice that the meeting is being recorded.
2. The Housing Partnership approved the minutes unanimously from May 1st, 2023 with a motion by and seconded by .
3. Carmen Junno mentioned that the July and August meetings will have conflicts: July meeting falls on Monday 3rd and August staff will be on vacation. What does the Housing Partnership want to do?
4. Keith Benoit gave an update on the June 13th meeting with CHAPA regarding
for affordable housing.
5. Carmen Junno said that the Officers
6. The Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund subcommittee gave an update.
7. The Transfer Fee
8. For next meeting:
9. Meeting ended at PM with a motion by and seconded by
Keith Benoit, AICP, Community Development Planner ● (413) 587-1288 ● kbenoit@northamptonma.gov
Housing Partnership
5:30 PM, Monday July 3rd, 2023
Zoom Meeting
Carmen Junno, Chair ☒ Edgardo Cancel ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☒
Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☒ Gwen Nabad ☒ Richard Abuza ☒ Ace Tayloe ☒
Bev Bates ☐ Melissa Fowler ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒
1. Chair gave notice that the meeting is being recorded. Alex MacDougall from
the Daily Hampshire Gazette said that he will be listening to the meeting for
the paper.
2. Laura Baker from Valley CDC gave a presentation on their affordable housing
project at 27 Crafts Ave. The location is right behind City Hall and across the
street from Provisions. It is very close to downtown; it is very walkable and
close to the rail-trail. The property was carved off City Hall parking lot and the
side of a steep slope. The parcel was approved by City Council. Valley CDC
responded to the City’s RFP which had several requirements regarding passive
houe standards, affordability restrictions, and priority for people experiencing
homelessness. There will be some on-site part-time tenant services such as
resident services coordinator and property managers. The building will replace
some City owned crumbling stairs and retaining wall. There is no parking
associated with the building. Average size of the studio is 327 sq. ft. This
presentation is part of Valley CDC’s community outreach with stakeholders,
abutters, neighbors, and other City commissions.
3. JoElla Tarbutton said that sometimes people who are homeless sleeping in
housing authorities’ properties of their friends who were previously homeless.
She pointed out that the proximity to Pulaski Park that this housing unit may
become a place to congregate. Laura Baker said that is a management issue and
the resident services coordinator can help with creating rules. Laura Baker said
that Sergeant House is a similar property and there is not the degree of issues
there. Gwen Nabad asked where the green space and community space is.
Gordon Shaw said that management/enforcement is standard. Don’t let the
perfect be the enemy of the good in creating this project. Is there subsidies and
is there funding for this? It would be a combination of project based and
MVRPs. Capital would come from Executive Office of Housing and Livable
Communities (formerly DHCD). Fall 2024 is the biggest time to request
money. They must stagger their funding requests. Ace Tayloe asked what is the
AMI that this project is based on? Valley CDC includes utilities in the rent.
Ace Tayloe also asked about giving out parking subsidies, being cognizant of
the bus system of the summer bus schedule and the loss of the bike network.
Housing Management Systems is the property manager for all of Valley CDC
properties. Valley CDC would look favorably on a letter of support from the
Housing Partnership.
4. The Housing Partnership approved the minutes unanimously from June 5, 2023
with a motion by Richard Abuza and seconded by Gordon Shaw.
5. Carmen Junno, gave a follow up update regarding the Housing in Northampton
Launch Meeting from June 13th. There was good turnout, City Council
Chambers was full, with about 20 people online on Zoom. It could have been a
more robust conversation, there was a lot of dot exercises There was a great
data presentation, but there was no discussion on constructions costs. Hannah
Shaffer said that seeing the cost in Northampton is a crisis. A missed
opportunity was who is in the room, who is working in affordable housing.
Gwen Nabad said that seeing everyone gave them hope, but knowing what
everyone is working towards would be helpful. What was missing was the
population of minority groups. JoElla said it was hard to hear on the Zoom, but
happy to see it happening. Melissa Fowler said that this is a good step forward.
6. Keith Benoit said that the response tended to be positive, with lots of great
ideas floated.
7. The Housing Partnership voted on Officers. Carmen Junno said that she is the
only candidate for the Chair and Edgardo Cancel is the only candidate for
Vice-Chair. The Housing Partnership voted unanimously to install Carmen
Junno as Chair and Edgardo Cancel as the Vice-Chair, motion by Richard
Abuza and seconded by Gwen Nabad.
8. Keith Benoit gave notice that the Northampton Housing Authority has taken
over the Easthampton properties. It is not clear how this will affect
Northampton Housing Authority management, if it all.
9. There was a brief update from the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
Hannah Shaffer said that what the MAHTF needs to get together and do a
working group, to get together share notes and read documents. Hannah
Shaffer said that the Arlington had a few listening sessions and that
Northampton could benefit from having them.
10. Hannah Shaffer said that the broker fee legislation is happening on July 11th.
11. Notice that the Housing Partnership will not be meeting in August. The next
meeting is scheduled for Monday September 11th at 5:30 PM.
12. Meeting ended at 6:45 PM.
Keith Benoit, AICP, Community Development Planner ● (413) 587-1288 ● kbenoit@northamptonma.gov
Housing Partnership 5:30 PM, Monday September
11th, 2023
Zoom Meeting
Carmen Junno, Chair ☒ Gordon Shaw ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☒
Edgardo Cancel, Vice Chair ☒ Gwen Nabad ☐ Spencer Ghazey-Bates ☒
Richard Abuza ☐ Ace Tayloe ☒ Bev Bates ☒ Melissa Fowler ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒
1. Chair gave notice that the meeting is being recorded.
2. Carmen Junno Chair gave an update on new members, introducing Spencer Ghazey-
Bates as the newest member.
3. The Housing Partnership approved the minutes unanimously from July 3rd, 2023 with a
motion by Gordon Shaw and seconded by Edgardo Cancel.
4. Edgardo Cancel gave un update on the Northampton Housing Authority, stating that there
has been a lot of difficulty in differing opinions at the housing authority board. There has
been some pushback on some questions and issues that are brough up. The housing
authority is looking to move forward with some trainings and more positive approach to
facing the issues. The more participation, the better input. Edgardo Cancel encouraged
the Housing Partnership to attend the meetings, third Monday of the month at 5:30 PM
over Zoom. Participation, even if just observing is a benefit to the meetings. Edgardo
Cancel is a member of the housing authority as a member of the Housing Partnership and
as a former tenant with lived experience. Bev Bates asked what are some of the issues
that are so contentious. Edgardo Cancel said that it is mostly the service that is being
offered to tenants and management taking a defensive side.
5. Keith Benoit (staff) gave a presentation seeking letter of support for CPC funding for
affordable housing project on Evergreen Road in Leeds (Parcel # 11A-002). There is a
request for about $50,000 to install the last 125 ft. of sanitary sewer and a new manhole
to service a parcel for affordable housing. The developer has not been chosen yet. The
Housing Partnership agreed to send a support letter for the CPC.
6. Discuss Housing Partnership Priorities:
a. The Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund (MAHTF) has been researched for
the last few months. There is a training regarding MAHTF coming up on
September 21st, which is free and online. What are the next steps? Hannah Shaffer
said that this would be a great opportunity to learn and is good timing for the
October partnership meeting. Bev Bates said that the partnership needs to cut
through to the City about their skepticism on a MAHTF. There are some
roadblocks ahead and they need to be planned for. The partnership needs to
crystallize the knowledge so that a plan can be created.
b. How does the Housing Partnership want to be advocates for projects in the City?
The partnership goes to different meetings, writes letters, what else should we do.
Melissa Fowler said that the partnership should attend Planning Board meetings.
Two weeks ago was a great evening for affordable housing, with 36 units under
development. Carmen Junno said it might be a good idea to have a rotating list of
people who would go to Planning Board meetings. Laura Baker (Valley CDC)
said that a more targeted approach may be more relevant because not all the
Planning Board agenda items are affordable housing related. Melissa Fowler said
that the meetings are in person and can go on for very long. Bev Bates said that
planning projects take a long time, so nothing is really a surprise. Carmen Junno
asked that as much as possible the Housing Partnership be notified of projects.
c. Spencer Ghazey-Bates said that the Biden administration said they would be
willing to use Medicaid money to expand affordable housing. It may be worth
reaching out to MassHealth and if there is anything the partnership can do to help
initiate this money for housing. Spencer would be willing to lead that
7. Carmen Junno opened the floor Discuss Next Steps from the MEI Lite Launch meeting.
Bev Bates said that the meeting underscored that people look through housing through
their own lens. Encouraging more conversation is great, especially for people that do this
work everyday. Bev Bates asked if the partnership could host a few meetings at different
meetings through the City and to target it toward renters, people of color, etc. What if the
meetings go on tour to the different areas around the City? Melissa Fowler said that by
the time the Planning Board hears a project, it is a technical review and that people often
do not feel heard, so a community meeting about housing would be fruitful. Carmen
Junno asked what is the point? Is to make people into advocates? Or to show people that
they are being heard by the City. Edgardo Cancel said that this is the Housing Partnership
mission, to make sure people have access and identify gaps in solution. To create the
space for more conversation. The City learned a lot from the report a few years ago.
Gordon Shaw said that if the partnership is going to do this, that a definitely plan should
be. Subcommittee for following up on the MEI Lite housing plan will meet before the
next Housing Partnership: Bev Bates, Hannah Shaffer, Edgardo Cancel, Keith Benoit and
Gordon Shaw.
8. For Next Meeting:
a. Report back from Subcommittee on next steps
9. Meeting ended at 6:55 PM motion by Bev Bates
Keith Benoit, AICP, Community Development Planner ● (413) 587-1288 ● kbenoit@northamptonma.gov
Housing Partnership 5:30 PM, Monday October 2nd,
Zoom Meeting
Carmen Junno, Chair ☒ Gordon Shaw ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☒
Edgardo Cancel, Vice Chair ☒ Gwen Nabad ☐ Spencer Ghazey-Bates ☒
Richard Abuza ☒ Ace Tayloe ☐ Bev Bates ☒ Melissa Fowler ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒
1. Chair gave notice that the meeting is being recorded.
2. Nobody was here for Public Comment, but there was a letter from Cara Leiper,
Executive Director of the Northampton Housing Authority to be read. Keith
Benoit (staff) asked that the reading of the public comment letter be moved to
later in the meeting.
3. The Housing Partnership approved the minutes unanimously from September
11th, 2023 with a motion by Gordon Shaw and seconded by Bev Bates.
Richard Abuza abstained from the vote.
4. Laura Baker from Valley CDC gave a presentation regarding the affordable
housing development at 23 Laurel Street seeking letter of support for their CPC
funding application. Valley CDC does normally go this early, but constructions
costs are very high at the moment. The 1.68 parcel is in the Ch. 40R district
that and the parcel has been set aside by the City to create affordable housing.
Valley CDC is seeking $420,000 in CPA funds to defray constructions costs
(3.2% of the project). This will be a 34 bedrooms across 20 apartments. There
is a strong focus on housing people with homelessness, domestic violence,
handicap accessibility, or people with a mental health disability. Valley CDC
will have supportive services providers as partners such as DMH and
SafePassage. The City is requiring that no fossil fuels to be used on site. The
buildings will be New England style with gabled roofs. This is a $13 million
project with several state and ARPA funds for the development.
5. Spencer Ghazey-Bates asked if the 100% all-electric utilities if there is a
program to offset the electricity costs. Some of the costs to reduce that are in
the PV solar panels, but there is no program to subsidize the electricity. Bev
Bates asked what the per unit cost was, which for construction is $550,000 per
unit. That is about $460 sq. ft. of construction costs. Gordon Shaw asked how
they got to the breakdown of the clients. Laura Baker said that they were
approached by SafePassage to provide housing for people from their shelter
(which is now closed). All units from Valley CDC have a housing with
accessibility and the state funding requires that there is a set aside for people
who are homeless.
6. Laura Baker asked if the Housing Partnership would write a letter of support of
for the CPA funds. A letter of support was motioned by Edgardo Cancel and
seconded by Bev Bates and passed unanimously.
7. Carmen Junno introduced Cara Leiper, Executive Director of Northampton
Housing Authority who read a statement regarding the Housing Partnership
last meeting where the Northampton Housing Authority and their board
meetings were discussed. There seemed to be confusion about on the Housing
Partnership about what was happening at the Housing Authority board
meetings. Cara Leiper said the Housing Authority members are more than
happy to attend the Housing Partnership in the future to answer any questions.
8. The Partnership had a discussion regarding Municipal Affordable Housing
Trust Fund (MAHTF). Carmen Junno said there was recently training held that
by MHP regarding MAHTF. The partnership needs buy in from the City but
has not had the support of the City. Hannah Shaffer asked if the partnership did
the foundational work during this time, that it might supported later on after a
proposal. Bev Bates said that at the previous meeting with the Mayor and the
planning director that they did not believe that the money was needed. The
partnership should have conversations with affordable housing developers
about access to resources or other barriers such as NIMBY. The case for a
MAHTF is currently half formed. Carmen Junno proposed that a meeting with
the Mayor or the Planning director be held. What are the next steps.
9. The Subcommittee for MEI Lite Launch Meeting discussed the follow up.
Gordon Shaw said that there was general consensus around having a meeting
with the Mayor or the Planning Director. Laura Baker said the housing trust
can do everything that a partnership does. Laura Baker described the Amherst
housing trust and Valley CDC working with them. A trust could have a person
dedicated to working toward affordable housing. Bev Bates asked if Amherst
has other funds, they do, but mostly CPA funds. Hannah Shaffer asked if the
partnership should discuss at the next partnership meeting. Richard Abuza said
that the partnership should get a more fully formed concept before the Mayor is
asked. Bev Bates said that maybe a subset of people prepare some speaking
points regarding the MAHTF. The flexible ability to respond to affordable
housing requests is a compelling reason to revive the MAHTF.
10. For the Next Meeting:
• Discuss the next steps for the MAHTF
11. Meeting ended at 6:48 PM, motioned by Gordon and seconded by Bev Bates.
Keith Benoit, AICP, Community Development Planner ● (413) 587-1288 ● kbenoit@northamptonma.gov
Housing Partnership 5:30 PM, Monday November
6th, 2023
Zoom Meeting
Carmen Junno, Chair ☒ Gordon Shaw ☐ Hannah Shaffer ☐
Edgardo Cancel, Vice Chair ☒ Gwen Nabad ☐ Spencer Ghazey-Bates ☒
Richard Abuza ☒ Ace Tayloe ☒ Bev Bates ☐ Melissa Fowler ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒
1. Chair gave notice that the meeting is being recorded.
2. The Housing Partnership approved the minutes unanimously from October 2nd, 2023 with
a motion by Richard Abuza and seconded by Spencer Ghazey-Bates. Ace Tayloe
abstained from the vote.
3. Keith Benoit, staff gave an announcement regarding Affordable Connectivity Program,
which is a new state office that is helping communities access federal funding streams.
The goal is to expand the use of broadband into underserved communities. All
MassHealth members are eligible to participate in the ACP, which provides a discount of
up to $30 per month toward internet service for eligible households. ACP-eligible
households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop,
desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers. Eligible families who pair their
ACP benefit with one of these plans can receive high-speed internet at no cost.
4. Gordon Shaw began to discuss Next Steps for Municipal Affordable from the
subcommittee meeting, who wants to have the Mayor come back to Housing Partnership
and ask her some direct questions regarding housing. There is legislation at the state: e.g.
realtor fees and a fee levies on sales of houses over a $1 million. The other ideas is to
bring together developers from the area for a symposium, that may help develop support
for the municipal affordable housing trust fund. The Housing Partnership did something
similar at the arts trust several years ago. The surrounding communities could be invited
to the symposium. Carmen Junno said that the developers could bring up things that the
partnership has not considered before. There is also the Bond Bill that the governor has
proposed. The meeting with the Mayor could be an exchange of ideas, does not have to
be a fully fleshed out idea.
5. Ace Tayloe said that the last meeting with the Mayor there was pushback on the proposal
for the MAHTF. Has the subcommittee considered answering those question before a
meeting with the Mayor? Richard Abuza said there is alternative ways to staff the
MAHTF, outside of City staffing. Gordon Shaw wondered what the actual cost of
staffing the MAHTF is. Can we find out from other communities? Spencer Ghazey-
Bates said that trusts are only tools and they are only as effective as how they are used.
From an administrative point, it should be straight forward. How can a trust fund make
things better? There are not a lot of buildable housing lots in the City and we would need
to operate at business speed, not government speed. Edgardo Cancel said a trust would
not be bound by funding cycles and it can create gap funding. Laura Baker (Valley CDC)
said that timing is a critical component and if there were other funding sources it could
offset some of the escalation in costs. Some of the housing related drive that the City
used to push forward have been lost with recent retirements.
6. Ace Tayloe asked if an email with the direct questions to the Mayor would be better than
waiting for the schedule to be available. Carmen Junno said she could write a letter to the
Mayor. Ace Tayloe motioned to send a letter to the Mayor and seconded by Edgardo
Cancel, passed unanimously.
7. Gordon Shaw asked for clarification that the letter would have some questions and an
invitation to a meeting. The partnership can review it at the December meeting.
8. Ace Tayloe said that the broker fees legislation will be change into a different “H.D.”
number, so be on the lookout for that.
9. For Next Meeting:
a. Review the letter to Mayor to the invite Mayor to Housing Partnership in early
10. Meeting ended at 6:08 PM motion by Richard Abuza and seconded by Edgardo Cancel.
Keith Benoit, AICP, Community Development Planner ● (413) 587-1288 ● kbenoit@northamptonma.gov
Housing Partnership
Monday December 4, 2023
Zoom Meeting
Carmen Junno, Chair ☒ Gordon Shaw ☐ Hannah Shaffer ☒
Edgardo Cancel, Vice Chair ☐ Gwen Nabad ☒ Spencer Ghazey-Bates ☐ Richard Abuza ☒ Ace Tayloe ☒
Bev Bates ☒ Melissa Fowler ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒
1. Chair gave notice that the meeting is being recorded.
2. The Housing Partnership approved the minutes unanimously from November 6, 2023
with a motion by Richard Abuza and seconded by Melissa Fowler. Hannah Schaffer and
Gwen Nabad abstained.
3. The Housing Partnership reviewed the invitation letter to Mayor to discuss Municipal
Affordable Housing Trust Fund (MAHTF) that was drafted by Carmen Junno. Ace
Tayloe said that the Home Rule Petition language is incorrect and needs to be correct
before it goes to the Mayor. Gwen Nabad said that the City could create a home rule
petition or just omit it completely, otherwise it the letter looks good. Bev Bates asked if
the letter should be more specific or if the meeting should be where the partnership is
more specific. The letter could be an invitation, but have enough information so that the
Mayor knows what is going to be discussed at the meeting. The partnership decided to
make live edits to the letter.
4. Motion to approve the letter by Ace Tayloe and seconded by Bev Bates, approved
5. Jerah Smith from the public was introduced, who works for affordable housing policy
consultant and a fan of affordable housing trust funds.
6. There was planning for the MAHTF, where several ideas were floated, such as convening
meeting with developers or a regional meeting with other municipal affordable housing
trust funds. Gwen Nabad said that the City may have a lot more affordable housing
coming into the City and has been attending several different climate meetings, where it
seems like several developers are looking for more climate friendly or passive house
designs are being proffered. There's no reason why building climate-friendly or
sustainably should have to cost more, even if it is low or affordable income housing. It is
different, but why does it have to cost more? Ace Tayloe asked if the action items from
the Fair Housing Assessment could be shared and tracked. Richard Abuza said that land,
zoning, and funding are the three big ideas that can be worked on next. What about the
Oak St. parcel or other parcels that the partnership could reimagine. Bev Bates said there
seems to be splintering between the different mission oriented groups and that in cities
that where they are working on the same mission plan, see the best results. Gwen Nabad
asked if the partnership should going to legislative meetings. Richard Abuza said that the
original enabling legislation had many more responsibilities for the partnership, but some
of that was removed.
7. Laura Baker said that the $4 billion in the bond bill is like $2 billion from two years ago
and the money is the key issue. Northampton is tied to the Springfield MSA and that the
rents that can be charged are much lower in the area, than say in Boston area. The State
just gave Valley CDC a $2.5 million for geothermal at their Prospect Place development.
Bev Bates said that tax credits for developers are a great tool. There was a recent CPA
meeting where one person made comments about the affordable housing and but there
were over 40 people who commented on money for recreation.
8. The Partnership goals for next year were not discussed as the action items from the Fair
Housing Assessment update to the next meeting.
9. For Next Meeting:
a. Conversation with the Mayor
b. Share action items from Fair Housing Assessment (Keith)
10. Meeting ended at 6:47 PM motion by Richard Abuza and seconded by Bev Bates.