49-012 notes 4-18-21Planning 6). As offered and prior to final sign-off of construction, the applicant shall either plant 169 trees at 2.5" caliper on site or make a payment into the tree fund to offset the inches of trees lost. Cons Com Upon completion of the work covered by this Order, the applicant shall submit an as-built plan, signed and stamped by a registered professional engineer or land surveyor, together with a written request for a Certificate of Compliance. The plan and written request shall specify any ways that the completed project differs from the plans referenced in the Order. The as-built plan shall include, at a minimum, and as applicable to the project: elevations of all pipe inverts and outlets, pipe sizes, materials, and slopes; all other drainage structures; limits of clearing, grading, and fill; all structures, pavement, and contours within 100 feet of wetland boundaries; all alterations within the wetland resource areas; and all dates of fieldwork. DPW 3. The owner shall retain the design engineer to document the construction of proposed stormwater infrastructure. The design engineer shall check elevations, inverts, layout, materials and other critical aspects of the system as they are being constructed. At the completion of the work, including construction of stormwater management facilities and landscaping, the applicant shall submit to the DPW as-built plans stamped by a professional engineer of record in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and a statement from a professional engineer of record in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts certifying that the materials and construction of the stonnwater management system was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and will function as designed. All changes to the approved storm water facilities shall be documented by a professional engineer of record in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and approved by the DPW prior to submission of as-built plans and the ce1iification statement described above. The preparation of as-built plans requires routine inspections and surveying of stormwater system components while they are being constructed. 4. Annual Reports that are stamped by a Registered Professional Engineer documenting the actions completed as required by the Operation, Maintenance and Inspection Agreement shall be submitted to the Northampton Department of Public Works by October 1st of each year (see Specific Condition 1 below). See DPW culvert emails #1-4