18D-028 8 North King Final control document堅固 Final Construction Contro量Document To be subm彊ed at completion of coustruction by a Registered Design Professional ゆr紗0γたper搬n諦肋ed砧on qfthe 財assach鵬e鵬S加わ動iiding Cod烏乃0 α沈吋Sec露onユ07 Project Title: Webber & Grime皿Solar Panel血stallation PrQject Date:1鴫l几8 Pemit No. BP-2019-0414 Property Addr嘗§S: 8 North King Street, Nor瓜ampton, MA Project: Check (x) one or both as app址able: New construction X Existing Construction Project description: hstanation of d ba11asted 90 PV solar panel anay on血e flat roof of the existing b血ding. I′ David Vreeland, MA Registration Nunber: 46317, Expiradon date: 6/30/2020, am a J拷±s露舵d虎s事giv r昨SSion旬and I have prepared or drecfty supervised血e preparation of all design plans, COmPutations and SP eCifications c onceming: Architectural X Struぐtural Mechanical Fire Protection Electrical X 0ther: Describe Constmction con血ol for血e above named prQjecしI, Or my designee, have perfomed the necessary professional services and was PreSent at the construction site on a regular and periodic basis. To the best of my knowledge′ information′ and belief the work proceeded in accordance with血e requlrementS Of 780 CMR and瓜e design documents approved as part of血e building pemut and血at I or my designee‥ 1. Have reviewed′ for conformance to this code and the design concept′ Shop drawings′ SamPles and other Subnuttais by瓜e contractor in accordance wi瓜the requirements of血e construction documents. 2. Have perfomed血e duties for registered design professiomls in 780 CMR Chapter 17′ aS apP址able. 3. Have been present at intervals appropriate to瓜e stage of consmlCtion to become genera皿y fam皿ar with the progress and quality of the work and to determine if the work was perfomed in a mamer consistent With the comtruction documents and this code. No血ing in this docunent reHeves血e contractor of its responsib址ty regarding the provisions ofア80 CMR lO7. Enter in the space to the right a ’’wet’’or electronic signdture and seal: