Stephen Goodenough - Agreement18651665.3 Stephen Goodenough16 Brookwood Dr Northampton MA, 01062 SOLAR INSTALLATION CUSTOMER &SYSTEM INFO CUSTOMER INFORMATION First Name:Last Name: Customer 2 Name:Customer 2 Last Name: Cell Phone:Alt Phone:Email: Address: City:State: AGREEMENT DETAILS You are entitled to a completely filled in copy of this agreement,signed by both you and the contractor,before any work may be started. Total Purchase Price:$Down/Upfront Payment:$ Amount Financed:$Anticipated Finance Partner: SCHEDULE OF PROGRESS PAYMENT(S):See Exhibit A (attached). ESTIMATES:Associated proposal(s)includes estimates for approximate production,incentives,rebates,etc.for your project.These are good faith estimates.Summit employs knowledgeable representatives and uses best in class tools and software to be as accurate as possible. PREP SERVICES LIST:Prep work and services will be completed to fulfill a turn-key solar installation.If any unusual items arise outside of the normal scope of work,a change order will be provided and discussed with the customer. ACCEPTANCE OF DESIGN:By signing this agreement you agree with the design and layout of the proposed system that has been presented and understand that minor adjustments may be necessary upon further assessment of your property.If changes that are deemed not minor are required to complete the project,a change order form will be sent to both parties for agreement EQUIPMENT LIST: Module Type:or Tier I Equivalent Storage Type:______________________ Number of Modules:___________________Model:______________________ Inverter Type:___________________Qty:_______________________ Mounting Type : Extended Warranty (If Included): New Roof Installation Included (Yes/No)**: Roofing Contractor: *Extended warranties do not apply to energy storage solutions. **Complete re-shingle of roof and debris removal 2 (413) 374-8126 16 Brookwood Dr Northampton MA 01062 izzygood@gmail.com Stephen Goodenough 0.00 0.00 LightReach Finance0.00 30 REC 420 Enphase IQ7X false No No CONTRACT PROVISIONS 1)PROJECT COMPLETION,(aka Substantial Completion)is considered attained upon final permit sign-off by an authorized representative of the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).Utility meter installation is beyond the control and responsibility of Summit Energy (known as 'Company’throughout this agreement)and its representatives.While these Electric Utility provided services typically occur within 7 to 56 days of permit sign-off,Company is not responsible for a timely response by the Electric Utility.All payments to Company are due upon Project Completion. 2)TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE includes any applicable taxes to complete the project. 3)All MAJOR COMPONENTS are covered by the manufacturers’warranties. 4)SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY.Final system details may differ slightly depending on module availability and final design. 5)NO GUARANTEE.The electricity generation figures and estimated value projections are estimates based on data including historical increases in electricity rates;Company makes no guarantee on future increases in rates or the economic value to Customer of this agreement. 6)BEST ESTIMATE.Company attempts to give you a best estimate on the timing of completion of installation.However,due to the multiple external factors governing the utility,permitting,installation and inspection processes which are outside of the control of Company,Company does not guarantee installation project dates in any circumstance. 7)FINAL SIZE.The final size of the system is subject to module availability,which may differ slightly by (+/-)5%.Any costs for electrical service upgrades that may be required as part of the project are the responsibility of the customer. ADDITIONAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS 1.PAYMENT DUE DATE(S).All payments are due from customer to Company upon completion of the events described in the payment schedule in this agreement.In the case of projects which are not financed through a financing partner or preferred lender facilitated by the Company,then the following advances shall be due (cash on delivery):(i)50%of the contract price upon execution of this agreement; (ii)25%payment upon receipt of permit;(iii)any balance not later than seven (7)days after final invoice,failing which,a penalty equal to 25%of the full Contract price shall be assessed. 2.TOTAL PRICE.The total installed system price includes any applicable taxes and fees. 3.DISCLAIMER AND EXCLUSIONS.Company disclaims and customer releases from any liability for incidental or consequential damages arising from the services and products purchased by customer pursuant to this contract.Customer further waives any right to recover punitive damages from Company. To the extent allowed by applicable law,Company disclaims,and customer waives all other expressed and implied warranties relating to any products sold or delivered to Customer pursuant to this contract, including but not limited to,the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and any rights or remedies created by any state or federal statutory,regulatory or case law,including but not limited to the Magnuson-Moss warranty act. Customer acknowledges and agrees that Company has not made and will not be responsible for any representation or warranty,whether verbal,in writing or implied by action or example,unless such representation or warranty is expressly set forth in this contract or a written amendment hereto signed by an official representative of Company. 4.CANCEL.If,after the 3 day right of rescission has passed,the customer cancels this contract,a minimum charge of $500 will be assessed to the Customer in addition to customer bearing all costs for services to date,including design,purchase of materials,and purchase of services via third parties,it being the obligation of customer to pay all internal and external costs related to the project in the event customer cancels after the rescission period (This rescission period shall automatically be deemed to extend to the extent necessary to comply with the laws of the state or other jurisdiction where the property is located).If additional time has passed and further work has been done on the project,a greater fee will be assessed in the event of cancellation,it being the intent that the customer shall cover all Company costs and expenses through the date of cancellation (to the extent cancelled post-rescission period).Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,the customer shall (at a minimum)owe the following sums to the extent customer cancels within the following timeframes:(i)after completion of CAD work,customer shall owe at least 25%of the contract price,in addition to hard costs;(ii)after submission of permit to any municipal,state,or other governing authority,customer shall owe at least 50%of the contract price,in addition to hard costs;(iii)later than 3 72 hours prior to scheduled installation,no less than 100%of the contract price,plus any additional costs or outside fees associated with such cancellation. 5.DEFAULT.Upon a default by Customer,Company may elect to treat this contract as canceled,in which case all amounts due to Company shall be immediately due and payable.If Customer does not pay all amounts due to Company within a 7-day grace period,then Customer shall pay Company interest on the amounts due at the lesser of twenty-four percent (24%)or the maximum amount allowable under applicable law,and all collection costs,including reasonable attorneys’fees.In addition,Customer shall pay Company $30.00 for each check,debit or credit card payment which is dishonored for any reason. 6.NOTICE TO OWNER.FAILURE OF THIS CONTRACTOR TO PAY THOSE PERSONS SUPPLYING MATERIAL OR SERVICES TO COMPLETE THIS CONTRACT CAN RESULT IN THE FILING OF A MECHANIC'S LIEN ON THE PROPERTY WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS CONTRACT PURSUANT TO THE LAWS OF THE STATE IN WHICH THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED.TO AVOID THIS RESULT,YOU MAY ASK THIS CONTRACTOR FOR "LIEN WAIVERS"FROM ALL PERSONS SUPPLYING MATERIAL OR SERVICES FOR THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THIS CONTRACT.FAILURE TO SECURE LIEN WAIVERS MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING FOR LABOR AND MATERIAL TWICE. 7.COSTS AND EXPENSES.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein,in the event of any litigation or arbitration arising out of this contract,the court or arbitrator(s)shall award to the prevailing party all reasonable costs and expenses,including attorneys' fees incurred in the prosecution or defense of such action,whether at trial,upon appeal,or in connection with any petition for review.In addition,the court or arbitrator shall award the prevailing party all reasonable attorneys'fees and costs to collect the judgment or award. 8.INVALID PROVISIONS.If any part(s)of this contract is found to be invalid or illegal,it shall not affect the rest of this contract,which shall continue in full force and effect as if said part(s)was not included herein this agreement. 9.MODIFICATION OF THIS CONTRACT.No subsequent modification procedures of any of the terms of this contract shall be valid,binding upon the parties,or enforceable unless made in writing and signed by appropriate representatives of each party. 10.AGENCY.If Customer is more than one person or legal entity,each of them does hereby irrevocably authorize the other of them in his or her name,or as his or her agent.in dealings with Company,to do,to execute or to perform any act,deed.matter or thing whatsoever with reference hereto,or with reference to the improvements to the property,and does hereby ratify and confirm all that such agent may do by virtue thereof. 11.OTHER REBATE INFORMATION.The availability and amount of the incentives listed in relation to this contract can change often and without notice. Company will attempt to inform Customer of any changes;however,Company and its representatives cannot guarantee any rebates or incentives.We recommend that you consult with a lawyer or tax professional to learn more about your eligibility for the Federal Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit and appropriate resources regarding any other applicable incentives.This contract is not conditioned on your ability to get any rebates,incentives or credits.Some financial incentives may be treated as income by tax authorities depending on your tax status.Company and its representatives are not authorized to provide tax advice. 12.CHANGE ORDERS.If you want to change our regular procedures for installing your system or have extra work done,your request shall be reflected as a modification to the scope of work of this contract. 13.EXTRA WORK AND CHANGE ORDERS.Extra work and change orders become part of the contract once the order is prepared in writing and signed by both parties.The order must describe the scope of the extra work or change,the cost to be added or subtracted from the contract,and the effect the order will have on the schedule of progress payments,if any. 14.ENTIRE CONTRACT.This contract (including any documents incorporated by reference herein) constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.This contract supersedes all previous or contemporaneous agreements and understandings with regards to the subject matter hereof,whether written or oral. 15.PROPERTY RELEASE.Customer grants Company the right and permission to photograph the exterior of the Property for the duration of Company’s scope of work,and to use,reuse,and publish,in any manner, such photographs,in whole or in part,either by themselves or in conjunction with other photographs, in any medium or form of distribution,and for any commercial or promotional purpose.Upon written request by Customer that Company cease using such photograph(s),Company will use reasonable efforts to cease such use within a reasonable period of time. 4 16.PERMITS.Customer grants Company the right and permission to submit all permits to the responsible AHJ on behalf of the customer,including building permits and electrical permits in relation to any solar installation,battery (ESS)installation,structural improvements,roofing installation,or any additional or related work that may be required to fulfill this agreement. 5 Stephen Goodenough John DeCaro $ 0.00 12.6 April 1, 2024 April 1, 2024 NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCELLATION Transaction Date:_____________________________________ You may CANCEL this transaction,without any Penalty or Obligation,within THREE BUSINESS DAYS from the above Transaction Date. If you cancel,any property traded in,any payments made by you under the contract or sale,and any negotiable instrument executed by you will be returned within TEN BUSINESS DAYS following receipt by the seller of your cancellation notice,and any security interest arising out of the transaction will be canceled. If you cancel,you must make available to the seller at your residence,in substantially as good condition as when received,any goods delivered to you under this contract or sale,or you may,if you wish,comply with the instructions of the seller regarding the return shipment of the goods at the seller's expense and risk. If you do make the goods available to the seller and the seller does not pick them up within 20 days of the date of your Notice of Cancellation,you may retain or dispose of the goods without any further obligation.If you fail to make the goods available to the seller,or if you agree to return the goods to the seller and fail to do so,then you remain liable for performance of all obligations under the contract. To cancel this transaction,mail or deliver a signed and dated copy of this Cancellation Notice or any other written notice to Summit Energy Group,at 15 Berkshire Rd.,Mansfield,MA 02048 NO LATER THAN MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE TRANSACTION DATE. I HEREBY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION. Date:Buyer Signature:Buyer Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ 6 04/01/24 NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCELLATION Transaction Date:_____________________________________ You may CANCEL this transaction,without any Penalty or Obligation,within THREE BUSINESS DAYS from the above Transaction Date. If you cancel,any property traded in,any payments made by you under the contract or sale,and any negotiable instrument executed by you will be returned within TEN BUSINESS DAYS following receipt by the seller of your cancellation notice,and any security interest arising out of the transaction will be canceled. If you cancel,you must make available to the seller at your residence,in substantially as good condition as when received,any goods delivered to you under this contract or sale,or you may,if you wish,comply with the instructions of the seller regarding the return shipment of the goods at the seller's expense and risk. If you do make the goods available to the seller and the seller does not pick them up within 20 days of the date of your Notice of Cancellation,you may retain or dispose of the goods without any further obligation.If you fail to make the goods available to the seller,or if you agree to return the goods to the seller and fail to do so,then you remain liable for performance of all obligations under the contract. To cancel this transaction,mail or deliver a signed and dated copy of this Cancellation Notice or any other written notice to Summit Energy Group,at 15 Berkshire Rd.,Mansfield,MA 02048 NO LATER THAN MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE TRANSACTION DATE. I HEREBY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION. Date:Buyer Signature:Buyer Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ 7 04/01/24 SUMMIT ENERGY WORKMANSHIP WARRANTY WORKMANSHIP DEFECTS:Company warranty shall be limited to defects in workmanship (as defined by the applicable standard of performance required by the laws of the applicable the state or other body politic where the work is to be completed)within the scope of work performed by Company and which arise and become known within ten (10)years from the date of transaction.All said workmanship defects which arise or become known after ten (10)years and all defects in products installed by Company are not warranted by Company.SOLAR PV SYSTEMS:Company's warranty for installation and workmanship of solar PV systems installed by Company shall be from ten (10)years from the date of installation. CONDITIONS OF WORKMANSHIP:Subject to the limitations described in this agreement,Company agrees to remedy the defective workmanship without charge within a reasonable time upon notice.During the term of this warranty,Company will facilitate the troubleshooting,removal,shipping,repair,and re-installation of defective equipment or parts that are covered under the manufacturer's warranties per manufacturer’s guidelines and procedures.Company hereby assigns to Customer all warranties on products as provided by the manufacturer(s).Company will not be liable for injury to persons or damage to building or contents,or for incidental,special or consequential damages for breach of any written or implied warranty on defects in workmanship.This warranty covers roof penetrations that Company creates as part of your solar installation, that they will be water-tight for a period of ten (10)years following the date of installation. EXCLUSIONS FROM WARRANTY COVERAGE:This warranty does not apply to a System if the defect, determined by Company,is a result of any of the following: 1)Trees,new buildings,or other array obstructions are installed,grow beyond the point of the original array install,or otherwise change or damage,and negatively affect production during the ten-year term. 2)Improper use,installation,wiring,handling,removal,storage,maintenance,or cleaning of the System or any monitoring devices by someone not authorized or employed by Company. 3)Damage due to installation at a location where conditions deviate from the standard operating conditions set forth in the User Guide (i.e.lack of airflow,saltwater). 4)Damage from abuse,alteration,or vandalism,or due to plants,insects,or animals. 5)Damage from external stress,impact,foreign objects,or falling rocks,debris or anything of like nature. 6)Damage or corrosion caused by roofing materials,chemicals,or substrates,including those used for corrosion resistance,thermal expansion and contraction,and moisture barriers and sealing. 7)Power or voltage surges or damage caused by the electrical grid for shore power connected products. 8)Natural disasters,earthquakes,fires,typhoons,tornadoes,hurricanes,volcanic activity,volcanic clouds,dust storms,dust clouds,floods,tsunamis,lightning,other acts of God,or other events that are beyond the reasonable control of Company. 9)Acts of terrorism,criminal acts,riots,wars,civil unrest,nuclear radiation,or man-made disasters. 10)Damages attributable to normal weathering or defects or damages caused by vapors or chemical pollutants or air pollution,building settlement or structural failure of roof,walls,foundations or any part of the attached structure,or any other causes beyond Company control. 8 EXHIBIT A SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS ADDENDUM TO SUMMIT ENERGY INSTALLATION AGREEMENT &WARRANTY This,Exhibit A,is an Addendum to the Summit Energy Installation Agreement &Warranty,attached ("Agreement").This Addendum is part of the Agreement.In the event of a conflict between the terms of this Addendum and the other portions of the Agreement,the terms of this Addendum shall prevail and supersede any conflicting terms. The Customer(s)and Company agree that the payment schedule for the contract amount to be paid will be as follows: A.Down Payment:30%due upon the execution of this Agreement (initial deposit not to exceed 1/3 of the Contract Price or the cost of special-order items,whichever is greater). B.40%payment upon receipt of permit; C.30%upon commencement of installation D.any balance not later than seven (7)days after the final invoice. Additional notes: IF THE PROJECT IS FINANCED THROUGH ONE OF THE COMPANY'S APPROVED FINANCING PARTNERS, THE PAYMENT SCHEDULE WILL ALIGN WITH THE DISBURSEMENT BENCHMARK(S)AND TERMS AGREED TO BETWEEN COMPANY AND THE FINANCE PARTNER USED.IF CIRCUMSTANCES ARISE,FOR ANY REASON,AND THE FINANCE PARTNER IS UNABLE TO OR DOES NOT MAKE THE REQUIRED PAYMENT(S) AS SET FORTH TO FULFILL THIS AGREEMENT,THIS AGREEMENT IS BETWEEN CUSTOMER AND COMPANY,AND ANY REMAINING AMOUNT DUE WILL BE OWED ULTIMATELY FROM CUSTOMER TO COMPANY UPON NOTICE IN ORDER TO SATISFY ANY OUTSTANDING BALANCE DUE ON THE TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE. 9 Stephen Goodenough John DeCaro April 1, 2024 April 1, 2024 EXHIBIT B System Adders ADDITIONAL WORK TO BE COMPLETED BY SUMMIT ENERGY GROUP OR SUB-CONTRACTOR(S)IS LISTED BELOW 10