547 Eton Rd StormwaterCity of Northampton Department of Public Works STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION DECISION Project/ Site Name: Proposed Self-Storage Facility Project Street or Location/ Assessor ID: Easthampton Road/ 044-031-001 Applicant Name: Platinum Storage Group Applicant Address/Phone: 2100 Main St., Suite 106, Irvine, CA 92614 / 949-770-2232 x218 Owner Name: Robert D. Raymond, Owner Address/Phone: P.O. Box 79 Goshen MA 01032 Application Submission Date:--'1'-"1"--/ 1'-'6,,_/"""20,,_1'-'8'---------------------THE FOLLOWING ACTION BY THE NORTHAMPTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRESENTED: Disapproval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application based on a determination within seven days of the receipt of the application that the application is administratively incomplete (see attached documentation). __ Approval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application. _x_ Approval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application subject to any conditions, modifications or restrictions required by the Department of Public Works (see below) Disapproval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application based upon a determination that the proposed plan, as submitted, does not meet the purposes set forth in the Northampton Stormwater Management. Standard Permit Conditions: 1. All clearing, grading, drainage, construction, and development shall be conducted in strict accordance with the following plans and information submitted with the application and as amended by any conditions attached to this permit: a. Site Plans for Proposed Self-Storage Facility, Easthampton Road, Parcel 044-031-001, Northampton, MA, Sheets T-1, EX-1, P-1, C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5, C-6, C-M:\Stormwatcr Permits\Easthampton Rd_ Self Storage\Easthampton Rd_ Self Storage_ Stormwatcr Permit.docx Pagelof4
7, D-1, D-2, D-3, D-4, D-5, D-6, D-7, Revised Dated 11/16/2018, Stamped by Robert M. Levesque, P.E., R Levesque Associates Inc, 40 School Street, Westfield, MA. b. Stormwater Drainage Report, Proposed Self Storage Facility, Easthampton Road, Northampton, MA, Revised Dated 11/21/2018, prepared by R Levesque Associates Inc, 40 School Street, Westfield, MA. 2. The Northampton Department of Public Works (DPW) or its authorized representative shall be provided access to the property to conduct inspections before, during, and after construction activities as necessary. The applicant shall arrange with the DPW to schedule the following inspections: Initial Inspection, Erosion Control Inspection, Bury Inspection, and Final Inspection. The DPW may also conduct random inspections to ensure effective control of erosion and sedimentation during all phases of construction. 3. The applicant shall retain a Project Engineer (the design engineer or another professional engineer of record in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts) to document the construction of the proposed stonnwater system and site development during all phases of the project. The Project Engineer tlu·ough routine inspections and surveys shall check elevations, inverts, grading, layout, impervious areas and other critical aspects of the stormwater system as they are being constructed during all phases of the project. All proposed changes to the approved stormwater facilities and site development shall be documented by the Project Engineer and submitted to the DPW for review and approval by the DPW prior to construction. At the completion of the work, including construction of all stmmwater management facilities and landscaping, the applicant shall submit to the DPW as-built plans stamped by a professional engineer of record in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and a statement from a professional engineer of record in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts certifying that the materials and construction of the sto1mwater management system was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and functions as designed. The as-built plans must include surveyed information documenting the as-built elevations, inve1is, grading, layout, impervious areas and other critical aspects of the stormater management system. 4. Annual Reports that are stamped by a Registered Professional Engineer documenting the actions completed as required by the Operation, Maintenance and Inspection Agreement shall be submitted to the Northampton Department of Public Works by October 1'1 of each year (see Specific Condition 1 below). 5. If construction of the proposed stormwater system has not stmied within five years of the issue date of this pe1mit, then the peimit will expire and a new permit will be required. Construction is defined as clearing, grading, excavation, filling, and installation of drainage structures on the lots specified in this permit. Specific Permit Conditions: 1. Prior to stmi of construction and issuance of any Building Permits, the applicant shall record an executed Stormwater Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection Agreement that M:\Stormwatcr Permits\Easthampton Rd_ Self Storage\Eastharnpton Rd_ Self Storage_ Storm water Permit.docx Page 2 of 4
is binding on all subsequent owners ofland served by the private sto1mwater management facility by recording it in the land records of the Registry of Deeds. The maintenance schedule and responsibility for maintenance of all components of the proposed stormwater management system must be adequately specified in Attachment A to this Agreement. The draft Long-Te1m Operation & Maintenance Plan submitted as part of the Stormwater Report must be revised to the satisfaction of the DPW for use as Attachment A to the Agreement. The D PW can provide additional guidance on required revisions to the maintenance schedule. The final agreement shall be approved by the Nmihampton DPW and signed by the owner and the Mayor ofN01ihampton. The final agreement shall be recorded at the Registry of Deeds at the owner's expense. Section 281-8 of the Northampton Storm water Management Ordinance provides additional guidance for the requirements of this agreement. 2. This project will be required to submit one or more Notice oflntent (NOI) to the U.S. EPA for coverage under the NPDES Stormwater Construction General Permit. A copy of the final NOI and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be submitted to the Northampton DPW for approval prior to the stmi of construction and prior to issuance of a building permit for each phase of construction. Additional erosion and sediment control measures may be necessary to stabilize the sloped areas and a phasing plan is necessary to specify erosion and sediment control measures that are necessary during ce1iain phases of construction. 3. Construction plans and specifications shall be submitted to the DPW for approval prior to issuance of a building pe1mit and prior to the start of construction. 4. Easthampton Road and its associated drainage infrastructure is under the jurisdiction of MassDOT, not the City. The applicant is encouraged to discuss the potential drainage impacts and secure any necessary approvals with MassDOT prior to the stmi of construction. 5. White Oak trees are proposed along the western property line. At least five of the proposed trees on the norther end of the embankment are in conflict with the emergency overflow and outlet control structure piping and outlet for Bioretention Basin 1. No trees shall be planted within IO feet of these structures. 6. The detail on Sheet D-5, Section Through Detention Basin #4, shows a 2.0' min. separation between the bottom of the basin and the estimated seasonal high groundwater elevation (ESHGW). This information is in conflict with the infmmation provided for Deep Hole 01 which indicates mottling at approximately elevation 113' which is higher than the bottom of the proposed basin at elevation I 09'. Additionally, there were no test pits completed in the location of the proposed Bioretention Basin #3. Prior to the start of construction, additional test pits in the locations of basins 3 and 4 must be completed and soil and groundwater information submitted to the DPW for review and approval. If the bottom of the proposed basins are confirmed to be designed below the elevation of ESHGW, the engineer must provide a statement regarding the expected flow of groundwater into the basins and confinn that the basins will function as designed. M:\Stormwater Pcrmits\Easthampton Rd_ Self Storage\Easthampton Rd_ Self Storage_ Stormwater Pcnnit.docx Page 3 of4
7. All bioretention and detention basins, pea gravel filter strips, rip rap drainage channels and other non-piped components of the proposed st01mwater system shall be constructed as proposed and stabilized prior to receiving drainage flows from the proposed development. 8. The proposed stormwater management system is designed to mitigate peak stormwater flows. If, aHer construction of the proposed system, the system is found to increase stormwater flows or pollutants in these flows to adjacent prope1ties, roadways and stormwater systems, the owner shall redesign and reconstruct the stonnwater management system to prevent any increased stormwater flows or pollutants in these flows to adjacent properties, roadways and stonnwater systems. G?~t:~ineer 1/r::!1 cc. Planning Board c/o Office of Planning and Development Building Depaitment Conservation Commission c/o Office of Planning and Development M:\Stormwatcr Pennils\Easthampton Rd_ Self Storage\Easthampton Rd_ Self Storage_ Stormwater Pennit.docx Page 4 of 4