City of Northampton
City Hall, 210 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060 -3199
(413) 587 -1249 Fax: (413) 587 -1275
July 15, 2008
Chairman David Narkewicz opened the meeting at 4:04 p.m. in City Council Chambers,
Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton.
Members present David Narkewicz, Maureen Carney, Russell Sienkiewicz, James
Lowenthal (arrived at 4:09pm), Wayne Feiden, David Reckhow (arrived at 4:07pm and
left at 5:OOpm), Laura Hanson (DPW Representative) and Keith Wilson (arrived at
Members absent Leslie Stein, Bill Letendre, Paul Sustick and Ned Huntley
1. Public Comment
Ed Hagelstein, 171 Nonotuck Street — He again would like to commend the Police
Department for doing radar on Nonotuck Street. The Florence bus stops should not be
near an ATM and a bus shelter shouldn't be near an ATM it should be further away from
the ATM. Another item on the agenda today is the parking cash out. He doesn't see
carpooling a big thing in the future unless parking gets to $20 a galloon. He read the
article that James Lowenthal posted about lowering speed limits. The article said
something about making streets safer by lowering the speed limit and decreasing noise.
He doesn't think it will decrease noise because it will mean that the boom car goes by his
house that much slower. As far as lowering the speed limit the mentality of speeders is
that they don't look at a speed sign, doesn't think it will have any effect on speeders
because their mind is somewhere else. He read a piece from the Mayor's Safer Streets
Program. He suggests having the Police do radar in unmarked cars not the white cruisers
because if we are serious about doing something then we shouldn't wait another 8 years.
If a lot of us involved with this worked for a corporation we wouldn't be involved
Gene Tacy, North Maple Street — Stated that he is here for Lyn's last meeting and we owe
her a deep debt of gratitude for all of the work she has done.
Neil Samson, 59 Evergreen Road. Leeds — He wanted to know if anyone knows anything
about the traffic problem on Evergreen Road in Leeds. They are trying to blame it on Mr.
Melnick's property but it started before that. The condo assoc has room to park the cars
but the association says that there is only room for 2 cars so the other cars park on the
street. Could someone get back to him and let him know what can be done.
2. Minutes of May 20, 2008 and June 17, 2008
Corrections were made to the May 20, 2008 and June 17, 2008 minutes.
Sienkiewicz moved to approve the minutes as amended. Reckhow seconded. The
vote passed unanimously (7 -0).
3. Ordinances (3) — Referred back from City Council
Establish Bus Stops — Northerly and Southerly side of Main Street, Florence
Revise 1 hour Parking zone on Northerly side of Main Street, Florence to
accommodate bus stop
Revise 1 Hour Parking zone on Southerly side of Main Street, Florence to
accommodate bus stop
Narkewicz explained the Ordinances. He stated that the idea is to have a shelter for the 43
Route because that has the most riders. Initially the first location was in front of the
Florence Savings Bank but it was moved after discussion. On the opposite side of the
street valley medical center said they would have no problem putting up a shelter on their
property and those were the two locations that were sent forward. The Ward 5 Councilor
heard some feedback from people in Florence and he asked that it be referred to the
Transportation & Parking Commission again and the Ordinance Committee, from City
Council, for additional input. He thought this would be the best place to hear this
feedback and Ordinance won't take this up until August anyway.
As proposed the one shelter will be on the private property of Valley Medical Center. On
the other side of the street there is no proposal for a shelter. PVTA only wants a legal
stop so the bus can safely pull in and out of traffic.
Sienkiewicz wanted to clarify why this was referred back to the Commission.
Narkewicz stated that Ward 5 Councilor heard some feedback, specifically from the
Florence Business Association.
Alex Ghiselin, from the Bike Ped subcommittee was present and stated that the
subcommittee had met with the Florence Business Association and thought they had
come up with something.
Robert Ross, President Florence Civic and Business Association was present and stated
that he had some photos. And he is hoping that he is here today because of a
miscommunication. It was initially brought forward that there would be a stop in front of
Birds and Cup and Top but that is a very parking sensitive area and they wanted it more
toward the center of town. Bus stops are a lot to ask of a business. There isn't a shelter
proposal for both sides of town. They are hoping someday that there would be a bus
mecca mainly on the greenspace past the ATM. They were told that the bus stop being
put forward was where the group agreed upon and that is why they didn't attend the last
meeting. This is mostly a miscommunication. Florence Savings Bank knows about this
and they took the ATM location as the second best location because they didn't want to
make a disturbance but they would rather it in front of the greenspace.
Loretta Gougeon presented two maps showing what has currently been proposed and
what the Florence Civic and Business Association would like to see.
There was a lengthy discussion over what was put forward and whether it was what was
intended. Discussion over whether Valley Medical would agree to move the shelter /stop.
There was a lengthy discussion over the locations of the bus stops.
Narkewicz stated that there are a couple of choices. The ordinances could be sent forward
to the Ordinance Committee and have the Bike Ped subcommittee meet before the
Ordinance meeting or have it go to the Bike Ped subcommittee and then come back to the
Transportation & Parking Commission in August.
Sienkiewicz stated that he doesn't feel that the Commission should put this on the
Ordinance Committee to figure out.
Lowenthal stated that it seems like everyone is 90% on the same page and each side
could live with the other. He questioned whether this could move forward and if a final
decision could be made before the concrete gets poured?
It was stated that Leslie Stein was not present and the Commission felt that she should be
part of the conversation.
Ghiselin stated that he agrees that this is the body that is supposed to make these
recommendations and would agree to meet with the Florence Civic and Business
Association, the Bike Ped subcommittee and the PVTA. These ordinances could be
continued until the next meeting.
There was a brief discussion over whether the Commission could endorse the
subcommittee's recommendation without the ordinances coming back to the
The Commission agreed to continue the ordinances until the next meeting and the
subcommittee will meet in the meantime.
4. Update: Traffic Calming
Narkewicz stated that the Traffic Calming working group had a meeting with Laura
Hanson, Traffic Engineer for the DPW, to review the draft traffic calming program.
Laura stated that she will develop an application form and take the changes back to the
Board of Public works. She will also make up a nice brochure on the traffic calming
program. And she questioned whether there is a graphics designer that the City uses?
Lowenthal stated that there is something similar with bike parking brochure.
Laura stated that she is envisioning that people can get it on the website or make it
available in a few different areas.
There was a brief discussion over the request form and who will pay for graphic design
and printing.
Parking Cash -Out
Lowenthal presented a handout, see attached. He stated that it is a policy of an employer
giving an employee free parking or they will pay the employee a certain amount to not
drive. He went through the statistics in the handout.
There was a discussion over the handout and whether a parking cash out program could
be introduced to City of Northampton employees.
After a moderate discussion the Commission agreed to draft a policy and talk to Finance
Director Chris Pile about where the finances could come from.
6. House Bill 4635
Lowers prima facie (non - posted) speed limit on MA local streets in urban
districts from 30mph to 25mph
Consider TPC letter of support and /or resolution
Narkewicz stated that this is a State Bill that was introduced and would lower the speed
limit when not posted from 30mph to 2mph in urban areas.
There was a discussion about how this would be enforced.
Lowenthal moved to write a letter of endorsement on behalf of the TPC for House Bill
4635 as is written today. Wilson seconded. The vote passed unanimoulsy (7 -0).
7. Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee Report
Feiden stated that the Committee went through the Sustainable Northampton Plan to look
at areas that could be revised. The next meeting is August 26.
8. Public Transit Committee Report
No report.
9. New Business
Sienkiewicz stated that the Island Road speed detector is up but it is 6 mph off, it shows
you are going faster than you are. It has been mounted for the soccer club use and then it
is moveable once soccer is over. It is solar powered but must be mounted on a 4" post.
The speed trailer has been moved around a lot and it is now on North Main Street in
Florence. He recently drafted an ordinance that was sent to Council requesting an
administrative tow fee to try to defray some expenses.
Narkewicz stated that the Commission needs to figure out what it is going to do regarding
taking minutes. It is difficult for a member of the Commission to take the minutes. The
Ordinance states that the Parking division is supposed to be the staff person.
Discussion over who will take the minutes.
Hanson stated that she has been putting traffic counters out on the streets. She has been
working with PVPC and Sgt. Trushaw and she will be sharing the information that is
collected. 2003 —2007 traffic counts are available from PVPC. She has also she has been
monitoring the crack sealing crew and they will be on Main Street tomorrow. The crew
will block off a section in front of the Academy up to Old South Street. Starting at lam
and if it gets too congested she will pull them off. They will also have to do Bridge
Street. She went out with Ed Button and there are about 20 locations in town for bike
racks and Bill Letendre has approved them. She is concerned about Pulaski Park because
she doesn't want to take away any standing room. Ned has approved it and Bill Letendre
has approved it. There are 20 spaces approved and 24 left to still identify.
James stated that the brick pavers cannot be used to put bike racks in and he would like to
look at removing some of the brick and it is a conversation he would like to have. He
knows there is hesitance to remove the brick pavers.
The Commission wanted to endorse what Laura has done for work.
Feiden stated that hopefully in Saturday's paper the work from Florence to Leeds bike
trail will go out to bid.
Narkewicz stated that the Church Street Ordinance was voted to move forward by the
Ordinance Committee. And the Beech Street ordinance was recommended to move
Laura stated that she had interviews with Fire Chief Duggan and Sgt. Trushaw on the
Traffic Logix demonstration and she handed it all over to Keith Wilson to coordinate the
tapes. Ned Huntley gave the paper to the Mayor to get the traffic counts on Hatfield
Street from PVPC and she will let the Commission know when that will happen.
10. Adiourn
Sienkiewicz moved to adjourn at 5:57pm. Carney seconded. The vote passed
unanimously (7 -0).