City of Northampton
City Hall, 210 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060 -3199
(413) 587 -1249 Fax: (413) 587 -1275
September 15, 2008
Chairman David Narkewicz opened the meeting at 4:05pm. in City Council Chambers,
Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton.
Members present David Narkewicz, Ned Huntley, William Letendre, Wayne Feiden,
Leslie Stein, James Lowenthal
Members absent Russell Sienkiewicz, Keith Wilson, Paul Sustick, David Reckow,
Maureen Carney
1. Public Comment - None
2. Minutes of August 19, 2008 -
Continued to next meeting- awaiting research presentation attachments
3. Update: Traffic Calmini —
Board of Public Works discussed the Traffic Calming Manual at two meetings and voted
unanimously to approve it. A resolution seeking endorsement will be presented to the
City Council at its September 18, 2008 meeting.
4. Best Practices Self- Review —
The Committee received a self - review form from the Ad Hoc Committee on Best
Practices in Northampton Decision Making as part of its research into existing
policymaking processes. Much of the info requested is about the Committee's current
practices, but there is space for additional ideas /recommendations and TPC members are
encouraged to submit any they have.
5. Development of Policy for On- Street Handicapped Parking
There have been requests for on- street handicapped parking. Need to look at State and
Federal regulations. This should be defined. Lowenthal proposed this be referred to
Committee on Disabilities. There are currently on- street spaces. Ask the Committee on
Disabilities for recommendations to the Transportation & Parking Commission. Letendre
stated he can provide a survey of the downtown, some spaces may be provided by
Ordinance. Continue this to next meeting.
6. Smith College Crosswalk Redesign —
John Robinson, Manager of Capital Projects at Smith College, and Paul Ominsky,
Director of Public Safety at Smith College joined the meeting. They were attending to
explain the redesign of the crosswalk at West Street at Arnold Avenue. The crosswalk
will be painted on Wednesday, September 17, 2008 with a new white paint like substance
which has reflective granules. This is experimental, but the DPW is in agreement that
this will help in clarity of crosswalk in rain and other weather conditions. If this
performs as promised, it will last 8 -10 years. There will also be advanced markings with
diamond signage.
Mr. Lowenthal wanted to state for the record that he is disappointed more is not being
done. His concern is that the philosophy of safety should be used to do more, such as
raised crosswalks, flashing pedestrian signs, speed radar. We need to insure another
person is not hit or killed.
Mr. Ned Huntley stated that for 2 -3 years, committees have looked at different ideas such
as signage, lights, and lights on poles. The city does not have much for budget to do and
maintain. Raised crosswalks were not in the discussions.
Laura Hanson explained that for fire, police and emergency departments, the use of
raised crosswalks on the primary routes are not good for public safety. Their emergency
vehicles need to get through these areas quickly.
Mr. Lowenthal stated that the Transportation & Parking Commission has not set a policy
regarding the crosswalks and should be supporting safety.
Mr. Robinson stated that these are internal committee issues, and Smith College should
not be held in that role.
Mr. Feiden stated that Smith College is not binding to the city, and if the DPW does not
agree, permits would not be issued. The Planning Board cannot let others decide or order
others what to do.
Mr. Lowenthal acknowledged that Smith College's intentions are good, but his concern is
public safety, not another pedestrian killed, and raised crosswalks appear to be good
Mr. Robinson again stated that the city needs to resolve this first before Smith can be
involved. He agreed there could be a dialogue with Smith and the city. The work being
done on this crosswalk is experimental, come see it Wednesday night, and if it does not
work well, there will be other ideas to consider.
7. UPDATE: Parking Cash -Out -
Proposal still under development. The Mayor is supportive, carpooling option is
suggested, but funding is an ongoing discussion. Continued.
8. Committee Reports —
Leslie Stein reported from Public Transit that the PVTA reports ridership to Village
Hill is up. The route only goes out to the Hampshire County Jail because of grant
funding limitations. There is also access to Ryan Road School by request.
The Bike /Ped committee has been conducting a review of the transportation plan and
will be bringing forward some recommended changes. This should be revisited at the
next meeting, with more discussion.
9. Department Reports
Mr. Letendre reported that lines have been repainted, all parking garage spaces, and
all handicapped. Revenue is up, morale is high.
Mr. Ned Huntley stated that the DPW is looking at several issues
a) Mass Highway — next year Look Park construction — Rt. 9 and Bridge Rd.
crosswalks. Cost for underground or not.
b) Damon Road — Ten years now, sidewalks expanded, takes the Bike Tunnel
out until Exit 19 is done.
c) Bayberry Lane — constructed in 1985, with reconfigure when Rt. 66
redone — one angry resident with house on dead end.
d) Rte. 66 passing zones- Mass Highway wants clarification as to how many
city wants; original plans called for eight, latest plans propose two passing
zones. The speed posted is 35 mph. There was a brief discussion about
transportation research regarding the potential safety benefits of passing
zones. Mr. Huntley indicated that neighbors have expressed concerns and
that he was planning to host a public forum at Ryan Road school to talk
about this and other issues related to Rte. 66. Mr. Huntley asked whether
the committee would endorse them in concept, as recommended by Mass.
Mr. Letendre motioned to endorse concept of passing lanes as Mass
Highway recommends. Mr. Lowenthal seconded. The vote passed
unanimously (6 -0).
e) Finn and State Street — Meets warrants for traffic signal, but would require
significant land takings. MUTCD may allow multi -way stop as
"temporary" measure until a future traffic light. Narkewicz suggested
further research and possible use of 120 -day experimental ordinance to
test multi -way stop option.
f) Cook and Hatfield —DPW conducting joint study with PVPC to see if
intersection meets warrants for multi -way stop.
10. New Business
Councilor Narkewicz brought information regarding an exclusive ride share group for
Northampton employees provided by Jeff Brown of RideBuzz. Some discussion was
made regarding the funding, the City's procurement procedures, and a lack of
specifics about program benefits. No further action was taken on this.
11. Adiourn
Mr. Letendre moved to adjourn at 5:48pm. Mr. Huntley seconded. The vote
passed unanimously (6 -0).