16B-001 Bear Hill Estates App. Stormwater Decision Febuary 25 2005~. ~
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City of Northampton
Department of Public Worlcs
Project /Site Name: Bear Hill Estates (ureviously_ Warner Hill Estates
Project Street or Location /Assessor ID: Bride Road / 16B/001
Applicant Name: John Chakalos
Applicant Address/Phone: 52 Overlook Dr. Windsor CT 06095 / 860-688-5994
Application Submission Date: 2/25/2005
Disapproval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application based on a
determination within seven days of the receipt of the application that the
application is administratively incomplete (see attached documentation).
Approval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application.
X Approval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application subject to any
conditions, modifications or restrictions required by the Department of
Public Works (see below)
Disapproval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application based upon
a determination that the proposed plan, as submitted, does not meet the
purposes set forth in the Northampton Stormwater• Management.
Standard Permit Conditions:
1. All clearing, grading, drainage, construction, and development shall be conducted in
strict accordance with the following plans and information submitted with the application
and as amended by any conditions attached to this permit.
a. Stormwater Management Permit Application Packet including: Application, Site
Locus Map, Draft Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Warner Hill Estates
dated 2/22/05 by Berkshire Design Group, Inc., Drainage Analysis and Report for
Warner Hill Estates dated 1/10/OS by Berkshire Design Group, Inc.
b. Warner Hill Estates Erosion and Sediment Control Plans, Sheets 1 & 2 dated
2/22/05 by Berkshire Design Group, Inc.
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Bear Hill. Estates Site Plans, Sheets L1 to L10 dated 3/11/05 by Berkshire Design
Group, Inc.
2. The Northampton Department of Public Works (DPW) or its authorized representative
shall be provided access to the property to conduct inspections before, during, and after
construction activities as necessary. The applicant shall arrange with the DPW to
schedule the following inspections: Initial Inspection, Erosion Control Inspection, Bury
Inspection, and Final Inspection. The DPW may also conduct random inspections to
ensure effective control of erosion and sedimentation during all phases of construction.
3. Annual Reports that are stamped by a Registered Professional Engineer documenting the
actions completed as required by the Operation, Maintenance and Inspection Agreement
shall be submitted to the Northampton Department of Public Works by November 1St of
each year.
4. If construction of the proposed stornwater system has not started within five years of the
issue date of this permit, then the permit will expire and a new permit will be required.
Constriction is defined as clearing, grading, excavation, filling, and installation of
drainage strictures on the lots specified in this pernit.
Specific Permit Conditions:
1. Prior to issuance of a building pernit, the applicant-shall record- an-executed Stornwater ~
Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection Agreement that is binding on all subsequent
owners of land served by the private stornwater management facility by recording it in
the land records of the Registry of Deeds. This agreement shall be signed by the applicant
and approved by the Northampton DPW. Section 22-85 of the Northampton Stormwater
Management Ordinance provides additional guidance for the requirements of this
agreement. The Northampton DPW will supply a template to the applicant for this
agreement if necessary.
2. The Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection Agreement shall include additional
requirements that the owner provide documentation that the two retention/detention
basins and the subsurface infiltration trench continue to function as designed. Regular
inspection and maintenance of the infiltration trench shall be included in the Stonnwater
Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection Agreement. In order to inspect the infiltration
trench, two observation wells shall be installed to determine how quickly the infiltration
trench drains after a store. Ponded water inside the infiltration trench (as visible from the
observation well) or in the retention basins after 48 hours or several days can indicate that
the bottom of the trench or basins is clogged. The owner is required to repair, replace, or
reconstruct the basins or infiltration trench if they fail to operate as designed. A system
fails to operate as designed when water is standing 48 hours or longer following a stoi~n
event greater than 1 inch over 24 hours.
3. The applicant shall submit to the Northampton DPW, within 30 days of the issuance of
this pernit, revised plans specifying the installation of two observation wells in the
.infiltration trench as mentioned above. The observation wells should be perforated PVC
pipe, 4-6" diameter, extending to the bottom of the gravel bed where they are connected
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to a foot plate. The observation wells- should be capped and locked to prevent vandalism
or tampering.
4. The applicant shall submit to the Northampton DPW, within 30 days of the issuance of
this permit, revised plans that give the exact specifications of the three stornwater
chambers (STWC #1-3 as shown on Sheet L4 of the site plans) and document how the
size of these structures has been determined to remove total suspended solids at the 80%
rate stated in the Drainage Analysis and Report.
5. This project will be required to submit one or more Notice of Intent (NOI) to the U.S.
EPA for coverage under the NPDES Stormwater Construction General Permit. A
Stonnwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) must be finalized and iinpleinented.
Copies of both the NOI and the final SWPPP shall be submitted to the Northampton
DPW prior to issuance of a building permit. The final SWPPP shall be reviewed by the
Northampton DPW and may need to be amended to the satisfaction of the Northampton
6. The applicant shall be required to apply for a separate permit from the Northampton
DPW to connect to the municipal storm drain.
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Signature of City gineer Date
cc. Planning Board c/o Office of Planning and Development
Building Department
Conservation Commission c/o Office of Planning and Development
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