Doe_M letter1/25/24, 4:42 PM City of Northampton Mail - 14 Garfield Street, Florence MA https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=46b15cdcbd&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1789100033690072503&simpl=msg-f:1789100033690072503 1/1 Nathan Chung <nchung@northamptonma.gov> 14 Garfield Street, Florence MA 1 message Margaret Doe <margaretmarydoe@gmail.com>Thu, Jan 25, 2024 at 4:39 PM To: nchung@northamptonma.gov Good Day, Short and not so sweet. How can the City Planning Board even entertain the thought of allowing the construction of two triplex residential apartments at 14 Garfield Street, Florence? It is absurd! This is such a quiet, lovely neighborhood filled with homes, trees and green spaces. The thought of allowing NuWay homes to basically invade this area of single family homes with not one, but two three-story structures that will include a big asphalt driveway and parking lot covering any of the green space is unconscionable. This is not a project that belongs in a neighborhood such as this. The added traffic caused by the apartments on already narrow avenues and streets will be disturbing to all. This is wrong on so many points. Please, don’t allow this project on a piece of land that should have one house on it. The values of the surrounding homes will plummet if this monstrosity is built. If you allow this, you are condemning everything good that makes Florence, Florence. I am heartsick at the thought of it. Margaret Doe Sent from my iPhone