ZBA application 198 Nonotuck St supplement 2 of 2 info and pics1/8/24, 4:01 PM City of Northampton Mail - 198 Nonotuck St: Additional information needed
Nathan Chung <nchung@northamptonma.gov>
198 Nonotuck St: Additional information needed
1 message
Nathan Chung <nchung@northamptonma.gov>Thu, Jan 4, 2024 at 11:22 AM
To: Mitch Parker <Mitch@valleyhomeimprovement.com>
Hi Mitch,
This is Nathan for the City of Northampton Office of Planning and Sustainability. Carolyn, my director, did a review of your
submission this week and sent me comments. We would need some additional information for the hearing. Please check
the comments below and note the ones highlighted. "They" refers to both the applicant, Valley Home Improvement, and
the owners.
1. No portion of the structure can encroach over the property line. So the addition would have to be shown to be
entirely within the lot line. They may need to prove as such with a survey before pulling a building permit. Note that
the staff might recommend it as a condition to the ZBA and the ZBA might require it.
2. All water has to be contained on site. They could accomplish this by adding a gutter that is directed to a downspout
that drains in the back yard but not to the side. They will need to show this at the hearing. If they could email
Nathan this additional information/plan, Nathan will put it in the public folder.
3. In terms of maintenance, they would likely need an easement from the abutter-- potentially for construction as well.
That could be a condition of the permit-- prior to building permit, show that there is a signed recorded easement (of
specified width and purpose) for this.
4. Privacy would be dependent on the relationship of this addition to what is happening on the abutting parcel. Would
they be able to provide a plan that shows the location of the house on the abutting parcel and distance
from that shared lot line? Would they also include pictures showing the relationship of existing conditions
to the abutting parcel and proposed conditions? Per Carolyn, this should be part of the submission. You can
create a photoshop of the proposed massing relative to the abutting house. Then the ZBA will need to determine if
that is substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood (that house in particular since the other side abuts the
commercial building).
5. Shading and privacy may be important for residential use, but it is not as much of an issue for commercial use.
This is a commercial zone. What also needs to be considered is that this site is currently zoned OI. Therefore at
any time, this structure could be occupied by right for a use that is non-residential. However, the abutting
residence also has that ability.
Thank you.
Nathan Chung, Land Use Planner
Office of Planning & Sustainability for the City of Northampton, MA
nchung@northamptonma.gov; (413) 587-1262
1/8/24, 4:02 PM City of Northampton Mail - ZBA 1/11 Staff Report
Nathan Chung <nchung@northamptonma.gov>
ZBA 1/11 Staff Report
Mitch Parker <Mitch@valleyhomeimprovement.com>Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 3:56 PM
To: Nathan Chung <nchung@northamptonma.gov>
198 Nonotuck St (1).pdf
Thank you Nathan,
Few things I'd like to add.
Since my time of application the client has spoken to Jason Cournoyer 202 Nonotuck st. and he expressed his
support and happiness for the Martindell's.
I want to be clear that my set back dimensions are from mass mapper while in reality the client's fence is much
farther from the house than the online lot line. The existing fence will be 8' from the corner of the addition. I
decided to use the mass mapper dimensions as they were more conservative. I've attached some
additional pictures in a pdf to help illustrate.
Per your previous email I measured the approximate distance between the neighbors house and the corner of my
addition it will be around 19'. I think the attached pictures also show this well
I've attached a crude drawing of the gutter location.
Lastly assuming the board does require a survey, which I'm still hoping they don't, I'm hoping we can change the
language of staff recommendation number 2 to something along the lines of "If the survey determines the
addition to be between 2' and 4' from the side setback prior to applying for the building permit, the owner shall
show proof of recording of a maintenance easement granted from the abutter to the southwest to allow for
construction and future maintenance" I'm not sure if 4' is the correct distance but I'm thinking that if I get a real
survey and I actually have more room how much room do I need before I don't need to get the maintenance
[Quoted text hidden]
Mitch Parker
Vice President
Valley Home Improvement
413 584 7522