Application for 81 Maple StPermit Application
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Owner Information
Name |Gaurang Patel
Address |94 Maple Street
City |Florence
State |
Zip |01062
Applicant's Information
Same as property owner?
Is the applicant a City of Northampton
government department?|
Name |Gaurang Patel
Address |94 Maple Street
City |Florence
State |
Zip |01062
Phone |413-658-8184
Email |
General InformationTo complete the following section you will need the assessor's map-block-lot (##-##-###) and zoning district for all parcels involved in theproject. If this project contains multiple parcels, please separate section-block-lot with semi-colons ";"Click the following link to look up a map-block-lot number or zoning district:Click here to look up a map-block-lot or zoning information
How many lots will this project contain |2
Street Number of project |81
Street Name of project |
Choose City and Zip Code where proposed
work is located |
Registry of Deeds or Land Court deed book
and page number for work location |Book 12885, page 33
Zoning Districts and Overlay Districts for
work location |FVc
Assessors map # for work location |
Assessors block # for work location |
Florence 01062
Assessors lot # for work location |
Permit Type
What PERMITS or AMENDMENTS are you applying for (check all that apply)
(NO application is complete until the fee is paid)
Planning Bd. Special Permit w/ Site Plan - $325
Planning Bd. Special Permit w/ Site Plan for flag lots - $1,075
Planning Bd. Special Permit w/ MAJOR Site Plan - $1,075 plus $0.05/sq. ft new building
Planning Bd. Site Plan (NO Special Permit) - $325
Administrative Site Plan Review - $100
Planning Bd. Major Site Plan or 40R Approval (No Special Permit) - $1,075 plus $0.05/sq. ft new building
Approval Not Required Plans - $250/plan page
Subdivision Preliminary - $600 plus $75 per unit
Subdivision Definitive IF Preliminary approved GREATER of $3000 or $10 linear foot of road
Subdivision Definitive IF NO Preliminary GREATER of $4600 or $14 linear foot of road
Subdivision Definitive Amendment - $500
Zoning Board Special Permit - $325
Zoning Board Finding - $325
Appeal of Building Commissioner-Zoning - $325
Comprehensive Permit (40B) - $1,075
Variance - $1,075
Demolition (Demolition Delay) - $200
Historic District Determination of Non-Applicability - $0
Historic District (Elm St) Determination of Appropriateness - $325
West Street Architecture - $200
Central Business Architecture - $325
Wetlands Notice of Intent, Abbreviated NOI or ANRAD, IF state wetlands (WPA Form 3, 4, or 4A) - $225 plus city share of state fee
Wetlands Notice of Intent IF ONLY local wetlands (WPA Form 3) - $100 plus $100 per lot/building/unit
Wetlands Request for Determination OR Resource Delineation (WPA form 1 or 4a) - $175
Wetlands Amendment - $175
Wetlands extension - $125
Wetlands Certificate of Compliance request - $0
Additional Information
New Building Square Feet (Major Site Plan)|12750
Existing use of your structure or property |
Describe planned use, your proposed project
and your request in DETAIL (include relevant
sections of regulations) AND whether you
have discussed this with your neighbors
The planned use is construction of a three story mixed use building. The building will include
a 2,130 sf retail space and an accessible 2 bedroom residential unit on the first floor. Nine
additional one and two bedroom units will be located on the second and third floors. The building will share parking with 100 Main Street with additional parking utilizing nearby public parking.
Fee amount: $1712.50
Special Permit and/or Site Plan
Describe in detail how you meet ALL SEVEN requirements:
1. Will protect adjoining premises from seriously detrimental uses.
2. Will minimize and mitigate traffic impacts.
3. Promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open space.
4. Protect the general welfare.
5. Avoid overloading and mitigate impacts on City resources.
6. Promote city planning objectives (see Sustainable Northampton, Open Space Plan, and Transportation Plan).
7. Meet all zoning requirements.
Describe |
The propose project is consistent with adjoining uses and will provide needed downtown
housing. No traffic impacts are anticipated as this is not a high traffic generating project and
off street parking is provided for the majority of the building needs. We believe the remaining
requirements are met and the project meet all zoning requirements.
Site Plan Criteria
Address how you meet ALL THREE of the criteria below to improve circulation and reduce traffic and parking and any other related mitigation:
1. Minimizing curb cuts, using only ONE unless traffic safety requires more, and using access from a common driveway, shared service
road, or existing side street when possible.
2. Separation on-site of pedestrians, bicycles, and vehicles.
3. Reducing parking demand and reducing the number of required parking spaces (provide detail on any request to reduce the number of
parking spaces).
Describe |
No new curb cut are proposed. The design provides for separation of pedestrians, bicycles
and vehicles. The site is required to have 43 spaces based on the use at 100 Main Street and the proposed use at 81 Maple. A reduction in parking is requested to 33 spaces with additional spaces being available on street and in nearby public parking areas.
Site Plan - Onsite TrafficDescribe in detail how your project will avoid traffic conflicts where traffic accesses your site, including any traffic mitigation at your curb cut:
Describe |
No traffic conflict are anticipated.
Site Plan - Offsite Traffic
Describe in detail how your project mitigates all off-site (beyond your driveway access point) traffic impacts using one of the following three
1. Providing off-site traffic improvements or public bicycle and pedestrian improvements that reduce traffic to mitigate for your projects
traffic.2. Paying payment-in-lieu of traffic, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements in accordance with the Zoning.
3. Providing clear documentation as to why your project does not generate any new traffic.
Describe |
Paying in lieu of
Site Plan - Request Waivers
List any requested waivers from the requirements that the plans include the following, along with the reasons for those waivers:
1. Site plan at 1"=40' or greater.
2. Name and address of the owner and developer, name of project, and date.
3. Existing and proposed buildings, property line setbacks, building elevations, exterior entrances/exits.
4. Present and proposed use of the land and buildings.
5. Existing and proposed topography using two foot contours.
6. Wetlands, streams, water bodies, drainage swales, wetlands, unique land features.
7. Location of parking, loading, public/private ways, driveways, walkways, access and egress, surfacing.
8. Location and details of all storm water drainage, detention and water quality facilities, public and private utilities and easements, sewage
disposal facilities, water supply facilities.
9. Existing and proposed landscaping, trees, plantings, stone walls, buffers, and fencing.
10. Existing and proposed sign locations, dimensions and details.
11. Provisions for refuse removal and screening.
12. Lighting/photometric plan (with a maximum of 0.5 foot candles at property boundary).
13. Erosion control plan (MAJOR projects only).
14. Traffic study (MAJOR projects only).
15. Stormwater Management Plan with Drainage Calculations (MAJOR projects only).
16. Plans stamped by Professional Engineer (MAJOR projects only).
Describe |
reduction in required parking
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Upload drainage information as a multi-page TIF or PDF named 'drainage.' If the file size is too large digital file must be included with submittal.
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Upload Plan SheetsUpload all plan sheets showing existing and proposed work as a multi-page TIF or PDF named 'plansheets.' If the file size is too large digital filemust be included with submittal.
By typing my name in the signature box, I certify that all the information above is accurate to the best of my knowledge, I am the property owner
or have permission from the property owner to apply for this permit. I also grant permission to the City of Northampton to inspect the proposed
Signature |Terrence Reynolds
Date Signed
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81 Maple TDA_Zoning_Rep
Drainage Analysis 12-29…
Photometric Plan.pdf