BOUND_Site Plan Approval App Packet_14 Garfield St TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1. COVER LETTER 2. ADMINISTRATIVE FORMS 2.1 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON – ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (EXECUTED) 2.2 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON – PLANNING BD. SITE PLAN (NO SPECIAL PERMIT) – ELECTRONIC 3. PROJECT NARRATIVE 4. REQUEST FOR WAIVERS LETTER 5. DEED REFERENCE 6. LOCUS MAP LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDICES APPENDIX A: SITE PLAN SET APPENDIX B: STORMWATER REPORT APPENDIX C: ARCHITECTURALS 1. COVER LETTER 2. ADMINISTRATIVE FORMS 2.1 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON – ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (EXECUTED) 2.2 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON – PLANNING BD. SITE PLAN (NO SPECIAL PERMIT) – ELECTRONIC City of Northampton Permit ApplicaƟon ePortal Owner InformaƟon Nu-Way Homes, Inc. c/o Mr. John Handzel 10 White Avenue East Longmeadow MassachuseƩs 01028 Applicant’s InformaƟon Check off Box “Same as Property Owner” No Nu-Way Homes, Inc. c/o Mr. John Handzel 10 White Avenue East Longmeadow MassachuseƩs 01028 413-563-0085 nuwayhomes60@gmail.com General InformaƟon 1 14 Garfield Street Northampton 01060 Book 13023 Page 277 Urban Residence B (URB) District 17D 064 001 Check off Box “Planning Bd. Major Site Plan or 40R Approval (No Special Permit) - $1,075 plus $0.05/sq. Ō new building” AddiƟonal InformaƟon New Building Square Feet = 8,346 sq. Ō. ExisƟng use of your structure The project site has been historically developed with several site improvements including a residenƟal building and a gravel access drive. In general, the topography of the site can be described as fairly level with grade mainly at 253 feet. The project site is bounded to the north by Garfield Street and to the east, west and south by residenƟal properƟes. Please refer to the associated site plan set for greater detail regarding exisƟng condiƟons at the site. Describe planned use, your proposed project and your request in DETAIL. The applicant is requesƟng for Site Plan Approval for Major Projects from the City of Northampton Planning Board under the URB – Table of Uses in the City of Northampton Zoning Ordinance for the proposed construcƟon of two (2) three-family dwellings with associated site improvements to be located at 14 Garfield Street in Northampton, MassachuseƩs. The applicant proposes to construct two (2) three-family residenƟal buildings with associated site improvements. Associated site improvements include, but are not limited to, a paved parking area, the installaƟon of underground uƟliƟes including, water, sanitary sewer, and electric connecƟons, stormwater management improvements, curbing, walkways, and associated site grading. The proposed project work will proceed in the following general sequence: 1. Clearing, grubbing, and excavation of the project site within the permitted limit of work, as shown on the associated site plan set; 2. Associated site grading for the proposed buildings and stormwater management system; 3. Installation of underground utilities to the proposed building including water, sanitary sewer, and electric services; 4. Construction of two (2) new three-family dwellings; 5. Construction of associated site improvements including one new curb cut, a paved access drive aisle, and vehicular parking areas; 6. Construction of a new stormwater management system including yard drains, a proprietary sedimentation device with grate inlet, and a subsurface infiltration system with overflow to city infrastructure; and 7. Final site grading and installation of curbing, landscaping, and walkways. Please refer to the associated site plan set for greater detail regarding the exact locaƟons of proposed work. Fee Amount = $1492.30 Special Permit and/or Site Plan. Describe in detail how you meet ALL SEVEN requirements: 1. Will protect adjoining premises from seriously detrimental uses. RLA Response: The proposed project protects adjoining premises from seriously detrimental uses. A proposed 6ft high privacy fence surrounds the parking area and all surrounding areas consist of additional residential developments. 2. Will minimize and mitigate traffic impacts. RLA Response: The proposed project promotes the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets. The location of the driveway opening has been designed in relation to traffic and adjacent streets, access by emergency vehicles, and the arrangement of parking spaces. The proposed residential development will minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area to the greatest extent possible as it is a relatively low intensity use. 3. Promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open space. RLA Response: The proposed project will promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to the natural landscape, and other community assets in the area. 4. Protect the general welfare. RLA Response: The proposed use bears a positive impact to the general welfare. The use will not unduly impair the integrity or character of the district, nor be detrimental to the health or morals of the community. The proposed use has been designed in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the City of Northampton Zoning Ordinance. The proposed residential development will remain consistent with the surrounding area within the district. The proposed development is intended to enhance the general character and the quality of the surrounding neighborhood in which it lies. The project will overall be an economic gain for the community, as it will provide additional revenue to the tax base. 5. Avoid overloading and mitigate impacts on City resources. RLA Response: The proposed project has been designed to avoid overloading and mitigating impacts on City resources. Only what is required for the operation and full build- out of the proposed use has been provided. 6. Promote city planning objectives (see Sustainable Northampton, Open Space Plan, and Transportation Plan). RLA Response: The intent of this proposal is to promote city planning objectives as they relate to the proposed project. 7. Meet all zoning requirements. RLA Response: The proposed project has been designed to meet any/all applicable requirements/regulations set forth in the City of Northampton Zoning Ordinance as they relate to the proposed project. Site Plan Criteria Address how you meet ALL THREE of the criteria below to improve circulaƟon and reduce traffic and parking and any other related miƟgaƟon: 1. Minimizing curb cuts, using only ONE unless traffic safety requires more, and using access from a common driveway, shared service road, or existing side street when possible. RLA Response: The proposed project has been designed to minimize curb cuts, as only one curb cut along Garfield Street is proposed. A twelve (12) space, paved parking area is proposed within the development, utilizing Garfield Street, with entrance and egress to and from the site. 2. Separation on-site of pedestrians, bicycles, and vehicles. RLA Response: The site has been designed for separation on-site of pedestrians, bicycles, and vehicles. A bike locker, walkways, and a paved parking area are proposed on site. Please refer to the associated site plan set for the exact locations of these areas. 3. Reducing parking demand and reducing the number of required parking spaces (provide detail on any request to reduce the number of parking spaces). RLA Response: A reduction in proposed parking is NOT being requested as part of this submission. The proposal meets the required number of parking spaces at no more than two (2) spaces per unit, with a total of six (6) units on the property, a twelve (12) space, paved parking area is proposed within the development. Site Plan - Onsite Traffic Describe in detail how your project will avoid traffic conflicts where traffic accesses your site, including any traffic miƟgaƟon at your curb cut: The proposed residential development is a relatively low intensity use and will have access to and from the site via Garfield Street which provides greater than the minimum site distance from both directions. Additionally, a total of twelve (12) parking spaces are proposed. The paved access drive has a width of 13ft and has been arranged in a north south direction to allow for patrons to navigate back and forth between the development and Garfield Street. Please refer to the Materials and Site Layout Plan (Sheet C-3), which is included as part of the associated site plan set, for greater detail regarding the configuration of parking/drive aisle areas at the project site. Site Plan - Offsite Traffic Describe in detail how your project miƟgates all off-site (beyond your driveway access point) traffic impacts using one of the following three approaches: 1. Providing off-site traffic improvements or public bicycle and pedestrian improvements that reduce traffic to mitigate for your projects traffic. 2. Paying payment-in-lieu of traffic, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements in accordance with the Zoning. 3. Providing clear documentation as to why your project does not generate any new traffic. RLA Response: The proposed project is for the construction of two (2) three-family dwellings with associated site improvements. The proposed project will not decrease the Level of Service (LOS) of any area roads or intersections below the existing conditions and has been designed to consider the incremental nature of development on the LOS. The site has been designed to minimize any potential visual intrusion to the surrounding area and to preserve and enhance the existing layout. The site will be screened and buffered from the public ways and abutting areas as to not provide a visual or noise nuisance. All feasible measures to mitigate on-site and off-site traffic impacts have been taken. Site Plan - Request Waivers List any requested waivers from the requirements that the plans include the following, along with the reasons for those waivers: 1. Site plan at 1"=40' or greater. 2. Name and address of the owner and developer, name of project, and date. 3. ExisƟng and proposed buildings, property line setbacks, building elevaƟons, exterior entrances/exits. 4. Present and proposed use of the land and buildings. 5. ExisƟng and proposed topography using two-foot contours. 6. Wetlands, streams, water bodies, drainage swales, wetlands, unique land features. 7. LocaƟon of parking, loading, public/private ways, driveways, walkways, access and egress, surfacing. 8. LocaƟon and details of all storm water drainage, detenƟon and water quality faciliƟes, public and private uƟliƟes and easements, sewage disposal faciliƟes, water supply faciliƟes. 9. ExisƟng and proposed landscaping, trees, planƟngs, stone walls, buffers, and fencing. 10. ExisƟng and proposed sign locaƟons, dimensions and details. 11. Provisions for refuse removal and screening. 12. LighƟng/photometric plan (with a maximum of 0.5-foot candles at property boundary). 13. Erosion control plan (MAJOR projects only). 14. Traffic study (MAJOR projects only). 15. Stormwater Management Plan with Drainage CalculaƟons (MAJOR projects only). 16. Plans stamped by Professional Engineer (MAJOR projects only). § 350-11.5 Procedures. D. states the following: “Upon written request, the Planning Board may, at its discretion, waive the submission by the applicant of any of the required information, provided that the applicant provides some written information on each of the items in Subsections B(3)(a), (b) and (c) above and explains why a waiver is appropriate.”. Waiver of § 350-11.5 Procedures B. (3) Estimated daily and peak hour vehicle trips generated by the proposed use, traffic patterns for vehicles and pedestrians showing adequate access to and from the site, and adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulation within the site. In addition, major projects, as defined above, shall prepare a traffic impact statement including the following information: a) Traffic flow patterns at the site including entrances and egresses, loading and unloading areas, and curb cuts on site and within 100 feet of the site. b) A plan to minimize traffic safety impacts of the proposed project through such means as physical design and layout concepts, staggered employee work schedules, promoting use of public transit or van- or carpooling, or other appropriate means. For new commercial, office, and industrial buildings or uses over 10,000 square feet, this plan shall evaluate alternative mitigation methods to reduce traffic by 35%, including: 1) Public transit, van- and car-pool incentive programs, including parking facilities and weather-protected transit shelters; 2) Encouraging flexible hours and workweeks; 3) Encouraging pedestrian and bicycle access to the site; 4) Provision of integrated land uses, including on-site services, retail, and housing. c) A detailed assessment of the traffic safety impacts of the proposed project or use on the carrying capacity of any adjacent highway or road, including the projected number of motor vehicle trips to enter or depart from the site for daily-hour and peak-hour traffic levels, road capacities, and impacts on intersections. Said assessment may be based on the proposed mitigation [in the plan required by Subsection B(2)above]. d) An interior traffic and pedestrian circulation plan designed to minimize conflicts and safety problems. e) Safe and adequate pedestrian access, including provisions for sidewalks and/or bike paths to provide access to adjacent properties and adjacent residential neighborhoods, as applicable, and between individual businesses within a development. RLA Response: A waiver is being requested for a traffic study at this site. The proposed residential development is a relatively low intensity use and will have access to and from the site via Garfield Street which provides greater than the minimum site distance from both directions. 3. PROJECT NARRATIVE    4. REQUEST FOR WAIVERS LETTER 5. DEED REFERENCE 6. LOCUS MAP 1"=100' Locus Map The information depicted on this map is for planning purposes only. It is not adequate for legal boundary definition, regulatory interpretation, or parcel-level analyses. 12/13/2023 5:06:18 PM Scale is approximate Scale: APPENDIX A: SITE PLAN SET SITE PLAN SET ENTITLED “PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT” PREPARED FOR NU-WAY HOMES, INC. PREPARED BY R LEVESQUE ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED DECEMBER 22, 2023 APPENDIX B: STORMWATER REPORT STORMWATER DRAINAGE REPORT PREPARED FOR NU-WAY HOMES, INC. PREPARED BY R LEVESQUE ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED DECEMBER 22, 2023 APPENDIX C: ARCHITECTURALS ARCHITECTURALS PREPARED FOR NU-WAY HOMES, INC. PREPARED BY BOND WORTHINGTON ARCHITECTURE DATED DECEMBER 22, 2023