Northampton MVP 2.0 RFP 2023.10.06.pdf
The City of Northampton, acting through its Office of Planning and Sustainability, seeks proposals from qualified individuals or firms to assist the City in improving its engagement in community planning
within “climate vulnerable” populations through social equity-centered project facilitation. The selected
Vendor will work with the City to implement a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) 2.0 Grant
award from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. The MVP 2.0 Grant
program includes a prescriptive three phase scope of work that the selected Vendor will assist the City in
accomplishing over a two- year period. For the purposes of this program, climate vulnerable populations
include Environmental Justice (EJ) populations and other priority populations that may be
disproportionately impacted by climate change due to life circumstances that systematically increase
their exposure to climate hazards or make it harder to respond. In addition to factors that contribute to
EJ status (i.e. income, race, and language), other factors like physical ability, access to transportation,
health status, housing, and age shape whether someone or their community will be disproportionately
affected by climate change.
Proposals are due at 12:00 PM, October 31 2023 as an electronic PDF file(s) (no hard copies) to
Questions may directed to Sarah LaValley at This is a performance
based contract with a fixed fee for the work. Any updates will be posted at
This procurement is exempt from the terms of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Uniform
Procurement Act (M.G.L. c. 30B), and hence, will not be subject to its terms (M.G.L. c 30B, section 1(b)
paragraph 32A: “architects and engineers and related professionals”).
It is recommended that respondents to this RFP thoroughly review the Vendor qualifications and the
MVP 2.0 Process Guide available at:
Northampton MVP 2.0 Vendor RFP 1
The City of Northampton is seeking a Vendor to assist the City in improving its engagement in
community planning within “climate vulnerable” populations through social equity-centered
project facilitation. The selected Vendor will work with the City to implement a Municipal
Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) 2.0 Grant award from the Massachusetts Executive Office of
Energy and Environmental Affairs. The MVP 2.0 Grant program includes a prescriptive three
phase scope of work that the selected Vendor will assist the City in accomplishing over a two-year
period. For the purposes of this program, climate vulnerable populations include Environmental
Justice (EJ) populations and priority populations that may be disproportionately impacted by
climate change due to life circumstances that systematically increase their exposure to climate
hazards or make it harder to respond. In addition to factors that contribute to EJ status (i.e.
income, race, and language), other factors like physical ability, access to transportation, health
status, and age shape whether someone or their community will be disproportionately affected
by climate change.
MVP 2.0 expands on the climate resilience work the City of Northampton has done in recent years
identifying the municipalities’ vulnerabilities to climate change and becoming more prepared to
address them through several infrastructure projects. Past work focused largely on
understanding how extreme weather events will impact infrastructure assets and the physical
and ecological environment. The intent of the MVP 2.0 program is to focus on the social impacts
of climate change and build needed social resilience to address them. This process will include
exploring factors that make people more vulnerable to climate change and improve their
resilience to it. It will involve digging deeper into issues such as food security, housing
affordability, transportation access, and others. To learn more about ongoing climate change
preparedness projects in Northampton visit:
The MVP 2.0 process will involve bringing together a Core Team with strong connections to
communities in Northampton that will be most impacted by climate change, and a primary
Vendor or Vendor team with skills and experience in equity-centered project facilitation,
community-driven processes, and climate and community resilience. This RFP is for the
selection of the primary Vendor or Vendor team.
The Vendor scope of work is broken down into three phases designed to be completed over two
years. It takes time to build new relationships, expand involvement of the broader community,
and work together to implement a project. The primary Vendor will be involved in all phases to
support and guide the process, with the exception of implementing the Seed Project.
The MVP 2.0 program expands on the climate resilience work Northampton has done to date
and supports them with new methods, tools, and resources for building climate resilience. In
particular, the Vendor will support the City in revisiting its MVP Resilience Action Plan with a
focus on equity and translating those priorities into action through project development and
implementation. The MVP program does this through:
• Convening a community team to lead equitable climate resilience work;
• Providing training on strategies for building climate resilience, equity, and climate justice;
• Revisiting resilience priorities with the involvement of the wider community and a
stronger assessment of social vulnerability and resilience;
• Helping the municipality and community to co-develop and implement a project
that builds community resilience, with guaranteed funding for implementation; and
• Providing a process that can be replicated for future, competitive MVP Action Grants.
Northampton MVP 2.0 Vendor RFP 2
The Vendor will be responsible for helping the community implement Steps 1–7 in the MVP
2.0 Process Guide.
Phase 1 - Develop a Core Team
The vendor will convene and oversee a Core Team, comprised ofof municipal staff/volunteers and
community members who will lead the MVP process along with the vendor. Half of the Core Team
members will be community liaisons – members of the community or region who have strong
connections with Environmental Justice (EJ)1 and other priority populations2 who will lead outreach
to these communities throughout the process and who will be compensated for their time by the
vendor with grant funding. As part of Phase 1, the City and the Vendor will investigate lived expertise
in the community to identify perspectives that will be important to include on our Core Team.
1 Environmental Justice (EJ) Populations are defined in the 2021 EJ Policy and can be viewed
in the MA EJ viewer.
2 Other priority populations are people or communities in addition to mapped EJ populations
who may be disproportionately impacted by climate change due to life circumstances that
systematically increase their exposure to climate hazards or make it harder to respond. In
addition to factors that contribute to EJ status (i.e., income, race, and language), other factors
like physical ability, access to transportation, health status, and age shape whether someone or
their community will be disproportionately affected by climate change.
For background on Northampton’s climate resilience planning efforts, see the City’s MVP Resilience
Action Plan developed for the MVP Program, and other resilience and regeneration documents at
Northampton MVP 2.0 Vendor RFP 3
The full Core Team will receive training to lead climate resilience work and support climate
justice in the community and the region. It’s expected that Phase 1 will take about five months
(August – December of Year 1). A stipend for Community Liaison members is provided in the
budget, and the vendor will be responsible for payments to the Liaisons.
Phase 2 - Revisit resilience priorities
Building on the City’s previous climate planning projects (MVP 1.0), the Core Team facilitated
by the Vendor, will dig deeper into the factors that contribute to social vulnerability and
resilience for people who live and work in the community. This step will involve connecting
with EJ and other priority populations in the community or region and investigating
community and climate data to identify community resilience needs. Then, the Core Team will
revisit the City’s community resilience priorities from MVP Planning 1.0 to make sure they
reflect any progress, new information, as well as updated understanding of community
resilience needs. It’s expected that Phase 2 will take about five months (January – May of Year
Phase 3 - Develop and implement a Seed Project
A Seed Project is a project selected by the Core Team that will advance the community’s
resilience priorities, and that can be completed in 9-10 months. In Phase 3, the Core Team will
develop a project idea, vet that idea with the community, develop an implementation plan, and
implement the Seed Project. The MVP 2.0 process finishes by reflecting on what went well and
how it will adjust the approach for future MVP Action Grants or other resilience efforts. The
actual implementation of the Seed Project will be covered under separate procurement and will
be allotted $50,000 of grant funding. The responsibility of the Vendor being hired through this
RFP will be to help the City select a Seed Project and build out the implementation plan. It does
not include actual implementation of the Seed Project or the final reflection upon completion.
It’s expected that Phase 3 will take about thirteen months (May - June of the following year).
MVP Scope of Work and Checkpoints – MVP Grant Reporting Requirements
The selected Vendor will assist the City is preparing deliverables for the City’s submittal to their
MVP Grant coordinator at each of the identified checkpoints.
Phase 1: Developing a Core Team
Step 1: Groundwork
1 month (August - September of Year 1)
• Use the Social Resilience Roadmap to dig
deeper into understanding who lives and
works in your community and who will
likely be disproportionately affected by
climate change.
• Identify perspectives and lived experience
within the community that will be
important to include on the Core Team.
MVP Checkpoints:
• Upon completion - Email Part A of
the Social Resilience Roadmap to our
MVP Regional Coordinator before
moving on to step two.
Step 2: Recruiting the Core Team 1-3 months (September - November of Year 1)
Northampton MVP 2.0 Vendor RFP 4
• Build out a group of municipal staff and
community members (i.e., community
liaisons) to lead equitable climate resilience
work in the community.
• Ensure approximately half the Core Team
members are from and/or with strong
relationships with EJ or other priority
populations who live and work in the
community. Use “Resources for Core
Team Recruitment” as needed.
MVP Checkpoints:
• Upon completion- Email a list of
the Core Team members to our MVP
Regional Coordinator before moving
on to step three. Note which members
are community liaisons, the
community(ies) they are connected
to, and the compensation amount.
Step 3: Core Team Training 1-2 months (November - December of Year 1)
• Participate in the Climate Resilience
Training and Discussion Modules to
build skills and capability that will help
in assessing community vulnerability
and in developing a resilience project.
• Participate in the Equity and Climate
Justice Learning Series to build skills and
capability to work together in ways that
center equity and climate justice.
MVP Checkpoints:
• Upon completion- Email our
completed discussion guides for the
Climate Resilience Video Modules to
our MVP Regional Coordinator
before moving on to step four.
Phase 2: Revisiting Resilience Priorities
Step 4: Uncovering Social
Resilience 3 months (January -
March of Year 1)
• Use the Engagement Plan to design and
lead community outreach and engagement
activities, focused on connecting with and
understanding the needs and priorities of
EJ and other priority populations who are
disproportionately impacted by climate
• Use the Social Resilience Roadmap to
identify factors that contribute to
vulnerability and resilience for people who
live and work in the community and
region, and to inform our approach to
building community resilience in ways
that simultaneously address root causes of
MVP Checkpoints:
• Midway - Check in with our MVP
Regional Coordinator once we have
completed the Engagement Plan,
before getting started on our
engagement activities.
• Upon completion- Email our
completed Social Resilience
Roadmap (Part B) to our MVP
Regional Coordinator before
moving on to step five.
Step 5: Resetting Resilience
Priorities 2-3 months (March - May of Year 1)
Northampton MVP 2.0 Vendor RFP 5
• Use the Resilience Priorities Guide to
review and update our resilience
priorities based on wider community
input about factors that influence
vulnerability and resilience for people in
our community.
• Vet the updated priorities with
community members, and specifically
people who will be most impacted by
climate change, to create shared
understanding, transparency, and
accountability around community
resilience priorities.
MVP Checkpoints:
• Upon completion- Email our
completed Resilience Priorities Guide
to your MVP Regional Coordinator
before moving on to step six.
Phase 3: Implementing a Seed Project
Step 6: Selecting a Seed
Project 2 months (May- June
of Year 1)
• Use the Seed Project Plan to collaborate
on the development of a project that will
jump-start or advance the updated
community resilience priorities.
• Vet the project with community
members, to ensure that people who will
be most impacted by climate change
inform decisions related to the project.
MVP Checkpoints:
• Upon completion- Email our
completed Seed Project Plan (Part A)
to our MVP Regional Coordinator by
June 15. Submitting Part A will
unlock funding for Seed Project
Step 7: Seed Project Implementation Plan 1-2 months (July – August of
Year 2)
• Use the Seed Project Plan to collaborate
on the development of an
implementation plan for our Seed Project
that will help translate the idea into
• Coordinate with a Seed Project advisor
[TBD] to help develop the plan.
MVP Checkpoints:
• Upon completion- Email
ourcompleted Seed Project Plan (Part
B) to your MVP Regional
Coordinator before moving on to
Step 8.
Step 8: Implementing the Seed Project- TO BE PROCURED SEPARATELY
(NOT PART OF THIS CONTRACT) 9-10 months (September - June of Year 2)
• Implement a Seed Project that will set the
groundwork for future Action Grants
and/or contribute to building community
resilience in our community or region.
MVP Checkpoints:
• Midway- Halfway through the
implementation of our Seed
Project, email or set up a call with
our MVP Regional Coordinator to
provide a progress update.
Northampton MVP 2.0 Vendor RFP 6
Step 9: Reflecting, Adjusting, and Next Steps < 1 month (June of Year 2)
• Use the Reflection Roadmap to reflect on
the process in order to evolve and improve
it for future resilience building efforts.
MVP Checkpoints:
• Upon completion- Submit the MVP
2.0 Final Submission Form to the
MVP Program, including deliverables,
photos, and invoices showing all grant
funds were spent to close out the MVP
2.0 project.
Primary Vendor/Vendor Team
Working with the municipal staff lead or point person to manage the project,
including scheduling meetings or events, overseeing logistics, and monitoring
the completion of deliverables and submissions for completing the City’s grant
Providing guidance and support to municipal staff in completing the Groundwork process (Step
1) and in recruiting the Core Team (Step 2)
Participating in the Core Team training and facilitating the three guided
discussions for the Climate Resilience Modules (Step 3)
Providing guidance and support to the Core Team in completing the Uncovering Social
Resilience process, including guidance on outreach and engagement approaches and
information collection (Step 4)
Facilitating workshops or meetings with the Core Team to reset priorities (Step 5),
select a Seed Project (Step 6), and to draft and revise the Seed Project Implementation
Plan (Step 7)
Coordinating or contracting with a subject matter advisor to support the
development of the Seed Project Implementation Plan (Step 7). The City will
facilitate this activity.
Coordinating with an implementation vendor to lead or support the implementation of
the Seed Project (Step 8)
Facilitating a workshop or meeting with the Core Team to complete the reflecting and
adjusting process (Step 9)
Municipal Staff
Municipal staff will provide sufficient staff time to assure completion of the City’s grant,
which will include the following activities:
Procure a primary vendor based on the provided vendor qualifications;
Complete Part A of the Social Resilience Roadmap to identify perspectives and lived
within our community that will be important to include on our Core Team (Step 1);
Recruit a Core Team, with at least half the members being community liaisons with strong
connections to EJ and other priority populations in Northampton (Step 2);
Participate in the Core Team training (Step 3);
Work with community liaisons on the Core Team to lead inclusive and equitable
community outreach and engagement activities to gather insight on sources of
vulnerability and resilience in the City and complete Part B of the Social Resilience
Roadmap (step 4);
Northampton MVP 2.0 Vendor RFP 7
Participate in discussions with our Core Team to revisit and update Northampton’s
community resilience priorities; vet the updated priorities with the community (Step
Participate in discussions with the Core Team to identify a Seed Project idea; vet the Seed
Project idea with the community (Step 6);
Participate in discussions with the Core Team to develop a Seed Project Implementation Plan;
identify a subject matter advisor(s) to support this process (Step 7);
Identify an implementation vendor to lead or support the implementation of the Seed
Project; work with the implementation vendor and community stakeholders to
implement the Seed Project (Step 8);
Reflect on the MVP 2.0 process, and submit the MVP 2.0 Final Submission
form with all associated deliverables to the MVP team (Step 9).
Community Liaison
Community liaisons will make up approximately half of the members on the Core Team, be
compensated for their time through the grant funding, and play an important role in making
sure the insight, needs, and priorities of those most impacted by climate change inform
decisions throughout the process. Community liaisons (approximately five) will help the vendor
implement the MVP 2.0 process. Community Liaisons will be paid out of the grant funding, by
and through the selected vendor, and responsibilities will include the following activities:
Work closely with the other members of the Core Team (other Community Liaisons and
Grantee staff) for unified project coordination;
Participate in a Core Team training focused on building climate resilience and equity and climate
Attend and participate in regular team meetings;
Organize, promote, and facilitate engagement activities with members of the community;
Gather insight from the community about community needs and factors that
contribute to social vulnerability;
Work with other Core Team members to update the community’s priorities for building
climate resilience;
Work with other Core Team members to identify, develop, and implement a project that
supports community resilience
Develop and maintain trusting relationships in the community.
Upon admittance to the MVP 2.0 Program the City of Northampton was awarded a funding amount
of $45,000. Below is a sample budget for the completion of the MVP 2.0 Process. The budget below
provides a sample breakdown of this grant funding across Community Liaisons, the primary vendor,
a subject matter expert, and engagement. The vendor will work with the community to determine the
means of distribution of funding to the Community Liaisons or any additional project components
the community may want to pay for directly from the budget. The vendor and City may decide the
vendor will pay the Community Liaisons as sub-contractors or that they will be paid directly by the
City of Northampton. An Excel version of this budget is available here with additional details.
Northampton MVP 2.0 Vendor RFP 8
Sample MVP 2.0 Process Budget (Steps 1-7 & Step 9)
Task Community Liaisons (+ municipal
Primary Vendor Total Task Cost
$40 $150
per perso
Total Hour Total Total
Step 1: Groundwork (August-
September of Year 1)
0 0 $0 12 $1,800 $1,800
Step 2: Recruiting Core Team
(September-November of Year 1)
0 0 $0 20 $3,000 $3,000
Step 3: Core Team Training
(November-December of Year 1)
5 10 $2,000 15 $2,250 $4,250
Step 4: Uncovering Social
Resilience (January-March of
Year 1)
5 35 $7,000 45 $6,750 $13,750
Step 5: Revisiting Resilience
(March-May of Year 1)
5 14 $2,800 25 $3,750 $6,550
Step 6: Selecting Seed Project
(May-June of Year 1)
5 12 $2,400 20 $3,000 $5,400
Step 7: Seed Project
Implementation Plan (July-
August of Year 2)
5 7 $1,400 20 $3,000 $4,400
Step 8: Implementing Seed Project
(September-June of Year 2)
(all costs to be covered by the Seed Project funding)
Step 9: Reflecting, Adjusting, and
Steps (June of Year 2)
5 2 $400 5 $750 $1,150
Total - 80 $16,000 162 $24,300 $40,300
Subject Matter Advisor(s)
Step 4 Engagement (Uncovering Social Resilience)
Step 5 Engagement (Vetting Resilience Priorities)
Step 6 Engagement (Vetting Seed Project)
Total DIRECT COSTS $4,700
Northampton MVP 2.0 Vendor RFP 9
All materials, software, maps, reports, and other products produced through the MVP 2.0
Grant program and any contracts issued based on responses submitted to this Request for
Proposals shall be considered in the public domain and thus available at the cost of
production. All materials created through this opportunity and as a result of this award should
credit the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs Municipal Vulnerability
Preparedness (MVP) program.
Please submit the full proposal by email. Proposals shall include the following and shall be
organized using each of the elements listed below as section headings: A. Vendor and/or sub-Vendor Description: Provide a brief description of the
firm/organization including size and area of specialization, location of
headquarters, and location of office proposed to handle this project. B. Project Team: Provide names, contact information, resumes, and office locations of
key staff who will be assigned to the project. Each team member’s education and
qualifications shall be listed. The project manager shall be clearly identified. If
different consultants will be teaming together, indicate who will be the day-to-day
contact person/team. C. Qualifications: Provide a description of how the vendor team meets the three areas of
required experience and skill sets described above: Equity-Centered Project
Facilitation, Community- Driven Processes, and Climate and Community Resilience.
See how this will be evaluated below for the types of information to include here. D. Additional Experience: Provide a description of the following:
a. Experience with facilitation or consensus building. Describe the vendor
team’s experience with facilitation and consensus building within a group or
project team. Provide details on one or more projects or initiatives where
members of the vendor team were responsible for playing a facilitation or
consensus building role.
b. Experience working in multi-racial, multicultural, or socially vulnerable groups.
Describe the vendor team’s experience with working on projects that involved
integrating marginalized racial, cultural, or socially vulnerable groups in
decision-making processes. Provide details on one or more projects or initiatives
where members of the vendor team implemented meaningful inclusionary
practices, fostered social connections, and managed power dynamics that
centered social equity or building resilience.
c. Experience managing projects. Describe the vendor team’s experience with
managing projects, including coordinating a project team and tracking a budget
and deliverables. Provide details on one or more projects or initiatives where
members of the vendor team were responsible for project management.
d. Local expertise. Describe the vendor team’s familiarity with the
municipality or the region, including experience living and/or working in
the municipality or region, and experience collaborating with local
partners. E. Project Understanding: Provide a statement summarizing how the vendor team is
particularly qualified for this project.
F. Scope of Services: Describe the vendor team’s approach and plan for accomplishing the
work listed herein and in the MVP 2.0 Process Guide. The vendor shall not delete any
requested scope tasks.
Northampton MVP 2.0 Vendor RFP 10
G. Project Schedule, Budget, and Commitment: The vendor shall submit
acknowledgment and commitment for the responsibilities, timeline, and budget of
the proposed work described above and familiarity with the Process Guide. The
proposed budget should be included here. Any proposed changes to the budget above
should be provided with an explanation. H. References: Collectively the references should be able to speak to the vendor team’s
qualifications listed above. Ideally, at least one reference would be a representative of
a community-based organization or community group that serves EJ and other
priority populations and can speak to the vendor team’s ability to lead equity-centered
processes. For each reference, list the contact name, their title and/or affiliation, a
brief description of the project or initiative they’d be able to speak to, and their contact
information (phone number and email address).
Bids will be evaluated based on vendor qualifications (see criteria below), additional
experience, references, budget and timeline, and completeness and clarity of the proposal,
including adherence to MVP 2.0 requirements outlined in the Process Guide.
Evaluation of Qualifications of the Vendor/ Vendor Team
Baseline Exceptional
At least three years of experience in leading
or facilitating equity-centered projects or
initiatives; OR
Experience leading or facilitating at least two equity-centered projects or
For each project or initiative, describe how
equity goals shaped who was involved, the
process, and the desired outcomes. Specify
where the project or initiative took place, who
it served, and the start and finish dates.
Specify who on the vendor team was involved
in the process and their role.
Note: It is not necessary for the vendor to
have led the full project or initiative as long
as they led or played a substantial role in
centering equity in the project.
At least five years of experience in leading
or facilitating equity-centered projects or
initiatives; OR
Experience leading or facilitating at least three equity-centered projects or
For each project or initiative, describe how
equity goals shaped who was involved, the
process, and the desired outcomes. Specify
where the project or initiative took place, who
it served, and the start and finish dates.
Specify who on the vendor team was involved
in the process and their role.
Note: It is not necessary for the vendor to
have led the full project or initiative as long
as they led or played a substantial role in
centering equity in the project.
One or more members of the vendor
team has received training in advancing
equity in governmental processes, undoing
racism, and/or diversity, equity, and
inclusion (DEI).
One or more members of the vendor team
has received extensive training (i.e., multiple
trainings or learning opportunities) in
advancing equity in governmental processes,
undoing racism, and/or diversity, equity, and
inclusion (DEI);
Northampton MVP 2.0 Vendor RFP 11
For each team member, list the training(s)
they have participated in. Include links to
information on the trainings.
Has developed and/or led trainings on
the topics listed above.
For each team member, list the training(s)
they have participated in, developed, or led.
Include links to information on the
At least three years of experience in
leading or facilitating inclusive and
equitable outreach and engagement with
residents from historically
underrepresented groups;
Experience co-designing or facilitating an
initiative or planning process where
decisions were led or substantially shaped
by community members, and specifically
residents from historically
underrepresented groups.
For each project or initiative, describe how
you approached inclusive and equitable
outreach and engagement or the process of
collaborating with community members.
Specify where the project or initiative took
place, who it served, and the start and finish
dates. Specify who on the vendor team was
involved in the process and their role.
At least five years of experience in leading
or facilitating inclusive and equitable
outreach and engagement with residents
from historically underrepresented groups;
More than one experience co-designing or
facilitating an initiative or planning process
where decisions were led or substantially
shaped by community members, and
specifically residents from historically
underrepresented groups.
For each project or initiative, describe how
you approached inclusive and equitable
outreach and engagement or the process of
collaborating with community members.
Specify where the project or initiative took
place, who it served, and the start and finish
dates. Specify who on the vendor team was
involved in the process and their role.
At least two years of experience working
on projects or initiatives focused on
addressing climate change or building
resilience to climate hazards;
Experience working on one or more
projects or initiatives focused on
addressing climate change or building
resilience to climate hazards.
For each project or initiative, describe the
approach taken, the climate impacts that
were being considered, and how the project
addressed social vulnerability. Specify where
the project or initiative took place, who it
served, and the start and finish dates. Specify
who on the vendor team was involved in the
process and their role.
At least four years of experience working
on projects or initiatives focused on
addressing climate change or building
resilience to climate hazards;
Experience working on three or more
projects or initiatives focused on
addressing climate change or building
resilience to climate hazards.
For each project or initiative, describe the
approach taken, the climate impacts that
were being considered, and how the project
addressed social vulnerability. Specify where
the project or initiative took place, who it
served, and the start and finish dates. Specify
who on the vendor team was involved in the
process and their role.