43-173 (11) /�� F ECE4 IVED Vkaf‘e\NI E� - 8 2023 O ,1 'C bFPT OF fUIlD!NG INSPECTIONS 11 _ y NORTHAMP7ON,MA 01060 '� �. Enet� n perrnit Cancellation Request it: the cancellatjon of the following budding per Nor`ewo rks Energy is requesting ton MA��p62 Permit N umber' Bpr2423'115 mP Park Hill Road N°�ha 454 insulation and Address With the insu o{the se forward orm any to move s above at thus time,er has declined be Planning to P t to the She customer w e k ill n°longer associated address please reach is i this.Thank you. Reason-. anon work. work at the to this notice. regarding W specified e contracted t that is attached futher questions orig�na y t this Perm if you have cancel°u tuber below sPec�fied nu Sincerely, Adam Glenn CS 6148 Inc. 00 Horne*orks�n�Su 110 1015tat�on fan Medford,MA p2155 rgy.co�' eWorksene wX r"utt`IBA)205-4484 BP-2023-1155 454 PARK HILL RD COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block:Lot: 43-173-001 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Permit: Alts Renovations Repair PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) II di DING PERMIT Permit# BP-2023-1 PERMISSIO IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Project# INSUL• ON 2023 Contractor: License: Est. Cost: 5000 HOMEWO: .. ENERGY INC 106148 Const.Class: Exp.D. . 07/30/2024 Use Group: / • r: E BICKAR DAVID & MARIA Lot Size (sq.ft.) Zoning: WSP Applicant: HOMEWORKS ENERGY INC Applicant Address Phone: Insurance: 235 ESSEX ST 781-205 1847910 WHITMAN, MA 02382 ISSUED ON: 08/28/2023 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: INSULATION/WEATHERIZATION POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STR Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Buildin pector Underground: Service: Meter: o o ti ng s: Rough: Rough: House # - . • u ation: Final: Final: Final: 'o rime: Gas: Fire Department Driveway Final: r' p Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insula • Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPO OLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: 0, • • . ZOLIF Fees Paid: S65.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Office of the Building Commissioner