09-14 Map 25-026 129 Riverbank Rd Staff Report Addendum Nathan Chung, Land Use Planner ● (413) 587-1262 ● nchung@northamptonma.gov Addendum to the Staff Report written for the 09/14/2023 ZBA Hearing Written Date: 2023-09/13 A public commenter raised concerns about minimum open space and building height for the property at 129 Riverbank Rd, which has a special permit application hearing scheduled for 09/14/2023. The staff report for the hearing (http://archive.northamptonma.gov/WebLink/Browse.aspx?id=773311&dbid=0&repo=CityOfNorthampt on) already covers many of the concerns, and here is a brief paragraph adding some details. Please note that the ZBA is making the decision as if the unpermitted addition and the strip of land are not there yet. The Board will look at the current existing condition without the additional structure or the strip of land and compare it to the condition with the addition and the strip of land. It needs to make a finding that the addition is not substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood than the existing nonconforming single-family home, which has right-side setback and minimum lot size violations. The following information is based on the June 10th, 2021 survey included in the application. The addition and the strip of land introduces a new rear setback violation while bringing the right-side setback into conformity. The open space requirement was in conformity prior to the addition, being over 50%. Without the strip of land, it would reduce open space to about 35% and introduce an open space violation. With the strip, it will be at about 50% and still conforming. For open space calculations, both gravel and paved surfaces are treated as covered surfaces. The June 2021 survey properly grouped paved and gravel surfaces as covered surfaces. As for the height of the addition, the owner-self reported 26.2’ as the height in the same survey. In the SC zoning district, the maximum building height is 35’. The building inspector recently estimated the height of the addition to be about 32’. It is greater than what the owner reported, but 32’ would still be in compliance.