04-13 Map 22B-066 123 Meadow St Staff Report
Nathan Chung, Land Use Planner ▪ NChung@NorthamptonMA.gov ▪ (413) 587-1262 Staff Report
ZBA Special
04/13/2023 Lance Kirley Home Business – “Classical
Colonial Homes” offering
design build services. 2
business owners who reside
on the property, along with
non-resident employees,
some of whom are off-site
and some who are on-site
(commute in).
123 Meadow St, Florence, MA/22B-066-001/SC (Special Conservancy)/2.25 AC
Direct link:
(*Parent folder link if you have trouble using the direct link. Locate the application folder by Parcel
ID: https://northamptonma.gov/pending)
Summary of Request
The applicant and his wife Jacqueline Leighton have been operating a home business, Classic Colonial
Homes, together since 2016 as business owners. The application states that the business utilizes several
existing barn structures on the property. The “Stables” barn structure is the home office. A
woodworking shop is located within the larger “Hay Barn” structure. The application and the supporting
site plan shows one additional “Tobacco Barn,” whose purpose is not explained in the application, but
the site plan labeled it as “Storage.” The application and the site plan show two residential structures.
Home businesses are allowed in the SC district provided they meet certain requirements in 350-2.1
Home Business. One of the requirements is that the accessory structure used for the home business
must not occupy more than 40% of the gross combined floor area of the main residential building and
the accessory structure. The combined floor area of the three accessory structures seem to exceed this
maximum requirement, possibly making the home business not eligible for this special permit.
If the home business meets the 40% maximum requirement but has non-resident employees, Zoning
350-10.12 (“Home business special permits”) requires it to get a ZBA special permit. The application
states that the home business has ten staff members total – 2 on-site owners, 2 on-site employees, and
6 off-site employees.
If there were more than 25 visits per week by people related to the business such as clients and
contractors, it would be another condition that triggers 350-10.12 requirements. The application states
that the business is responsible for a maximum of 20 visits to the property per week, combining both
commuting staff and deliveries. It also states that on occasion, it hosts clients for about 2 visits per
month. Applicable Laws
1. 350-2.1 Definition of “Home Business” (https://ecode360.com/11957106)
2. 350-10.12 Home business special permit criteria (https://ecode360.com/11957852)
3. 350 Attachment 18 for Special Conservancy District
4. MGL C40A, S10 - State law on variance:
5. General parking requirements in 350-8.8. Specifically J, K, L, M.
6. Parking requirements in Zoning Attachment 18 - Table of Use and Dimensional Regulations: SC
District (https://ecode360.com/attachment/NO2226/NO2226-
350r%20Table%20of%20Use%20and%20Dimen%20Regs%20SC.pdf) Compliance with Zoning
Home business
structure as a %
of the gross
Per 350-2.1, the home business structure
must not occupy more than 40% of the
gross combined floor area of the main
According to the
application, the
home office takes
No change.
combined floor
residential building and the accessory
structure if such accessory structure is
utilized for said home business. The
special permit criteria in 350-10.12 does
NOT have provisions allowing for this
percentage to be exceeded.
about 21% of the
gross area, which
would make it
compliant, but it did
not include the two
other accessory
structure used for
the home business.
The three accessory
structures would
take up more than
40% of the gross
area. Detailed
breakdown is in
Other Issues.
Home business
special permit
Per 350-10.12, home businesses meeting
certain conditions such as non-resident
employees, outdoor storage of materials,
requires a special permit with some of
the conditions expressly stated. Details
are in Other Issues and Staff
Recommendations below.
Currently no special
permit. Has on-site
employees; may
have other
triggering conditions
such as outdoor
storage of materials,
high number of
visits, etc.
No change.
Parking Per Attachment 18 for SC, 1 space per
1,000 SQFT of gross living area (rounded
up) required. No more than 2 spaces
required per unit.
Per 350-8.8 J and K, on an R district
property except for a farm, only one
commercial vehicle weighing no more
than 10,000 pounds gross weight shall be
stored. Private driveway or street serving
nonresidential use parking shall not cross
property in a residential district.
Per 350-8.8 L, no more than two
unregistered vehicles may be parked
without a ZBA special permit. Per 350-8.8
Unknown No change
M, unregistered motor vehicles must be
screened from view. Other Issues
While the applicant has provided relevant details for 350-10.12 (Home business special permit criteria),
the zoning board needs more clarification. Staff sent the following questions via email to the applicant
on 3/28/2023:
1. The zoning board needs a clearer breakdown of number of visits per week by visitor types,
e.g. employees, deliverers, clients, contractors, etc.
2. While the stated number of on-site staff is two employees plus the two resident owners, will
there be occasions where more employees will be at the site?
3. If there will only be four staff members (two resident owners and two employees) normally,
why is the new application for an upgraded septic system indicate a total of 12 employees?
4. How many parking lots are on the site? Are the parking spaces for the home business
separate from the spaces for the residence? For the business, where do people such as the
resident owners, employees, deliverers, clients, and contractors park?
5. Does the applicant have any commercial vehicles, unregistered vehicles, and equipment on
the property? How many and what types? This is in relation to Zoning ordinances 350-8.8 J,
K, L, and M which cover general standards on parking. (https://ecode360.com/11957576)
6. What kind of materials are being delivered to the business and being stored? To clarify your
explanation in the application, are all business-related materials being stored inside
structures or do you store some materials outside?
7. Additional questions sent on 4/10: Please clarify that the Tobacco Barn and Hay Barn are
used for the home business as well, which seems to be based on the application. What is the
square footage for the area of storage and for woodworking? (These areas combined with
the office square footage must remain at or below 40% of the total residential and accessory
floor area.)
8. Additional questions sent on 4/10: Clarify hours of operation. (Zoning sets 7 AM to 8 PM).
The breakdown of the gross floor area based on the application and site plan is as follows:
Based on submitted application, site plan, and Assessor's records
Structure SQFT
Home at 119 aka Back House 2420
Home at 121-123 aka Main House* 3832
Storage aka Tobacco Barn on West Side 1800
Woodworking shop aka Hay Barn in the Middle 6760
Office aka Stables Barn on East Side 2977
Sum 17789 *Application said home at 121-123 has a total living area of 3496 SQFT but Assessor's
records lists it as 3832 SQFT. The applicant reported the areas of the three barn structure
as being slightly bigger than the ones on the Assessor's records, so the calculation uses
the applicant's reported areas for the three structures.
Maximum allowed percentage of accessory structures used for home
businesses (350-2.1 Home Business) as a part of the gross floor area of
the main residential buildings and the accessory structures. 40.0%
Percentage of the three accessory structures 64.9%
Percentage of the woodworking shop and the office 54.7%
Percentage of the office alone 16.7%
Staff Decision Recommendation
The applicant property’s actual floor area of all accessory structures used for the home business seem to
exceed 40% of the gross floor area. This would make the business not eligible for the special permit. The
recommendation is to deny. The home business does not seem to meet the state requirements for a
variance. If the board determines it meets the requirements for a special permit, it should determine
conditions such as short bursts of increased business activity not specified and list the specific conditions
required by 350-10.12 in the permit.
☐ Approve ☐ Approve with Conditions ☒ Deny Staff Condition Recommendation
If the home business is eligible for the special permit, the permit needs to specifically state some
conditions required by 350-10.12.
1. Per 350-10.12B: Goods shall not be offered for sale. (The applicant states no goods are offered
for sale.)
2. Per 350-10.12C: The hours of operation shall be expressly stated in the special permit issued by
the Zoning Board of Appeals.
3. Per 350-10.12D: The hours and frequency of deliveries, number of clients seen, number of
employees on the premises, products and/or materials on site shall be expressly stated in the
special permit issued by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Condition the total allowed number of
employees on site and number of client visits per week. Hours and frequency of deliveries
should be specific.
4. Per 350-2.1E: One year after the special permit decision, the applicant shall perform one
renewal that will be good for perpetuity as long as the home business continues to meet the
conditions in the special permit. If a change causes the home business to not meet the
conditions, please apply for another special permit.