Stormwater Permit Amendment request ltr 7-26-23.pdfT REYNOLDS ENGINEERING | CIVIL ENGINEERS | PLANNING, DESIGN, AND PERMITTING SERVICES 152 MAPLEWOOD TERRACE, FLORENCE, MA 01062 | PHONE: 413-387-8078 | FAX: 413-727-3477 terry@treynoldsengineering.com | www.treynoldsengineering.com July 20, 2023 Attn. Doug McDonald, Stormwater Manager Northampton Public Works 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Amended Stormwater Permit request, Lots 34-034-001, 34-036-001, 34-002-001 Turkey Hill Rd. Dear Doug: This is a request for the existing stormwater permit issued on 3/23/06 and amended 2/16/07 for the above listed lots be amended based on the submitted updated plans dated 7/19/23 and stormwater report dated 7/19/23. Please let me know if additional information may be required. Thank you, Terry Reynolds, PE Signed: Owner Parcel 34-034-001, 332 Turkey Hill Road Owner Parcel 34-036-001, 320 Turkey Hill Road Owner Parcel 34-002-001, Mineral Hills Conservation Area For City of Northampton