Garage PlansGarage11'-6"2'11'-6"1'-6"1'-6"27'6'-412"17'-8"Fire Ratedcorridor to main houseDoor12712712730 minutes fire rated wall and ceiling 5/8" Gwb assemblies where indicated. NOTE:30 minutes fire rated wall extend to corridor roof underside. gable truss type fink at @ 24" max 4" concrete slab on vapor barrier over compacted gravel base on compacted fill.8"8'-2"8'-6"8'-1012"1'29'2 Bay GarageOpenOpen29'8'-412"8'-1"vinyl siding to match existing corridor roof behindintersecting with garage30 minutes fire rated wall extend to corridor roof underside. fire rated door7'-1012"deck behind17'-212"29'2'11'-6"2'11'-6"2'29'17'-212"29'17'-212"South ElevationNorth ElevationWest ElevationEast ElevationTransversal Section28'Floor Plan3A1SA6SA6STA6SA6NA6EA6WA66'-412"4'-8"6'-712"3'4'-912"4'-8"9'-512"4'-8"GGproject:owner: ' ''DQLHO*yPH]Revision : Oct. 3rd, 2011Wing RenovationDean PowersA6Powers House Renovation 1140 Florence Road, Florence MA 01062GARAGE PLANSScale: 1'-0" = 1/8"Builder: Roy Omasta