Weston KitchenPantry 27 Vernon st JOHN C. LEBHARBUILDING AND RENOVATIONPROJECTRevisionDateSheetC.S.# 75531 tel. (413) 247-510768 school st, Hatfield maDN
1296 SQ FT
remove and replace kitchen
cabinets with same layout
remove and replace door
with new 2'-10 x 6'-8
remove window and
patch siding
Existing mud room
add wall and new door to create
walk in pantry
Weston Kitchen/Pantry27 Vernon st, Northampton Ma6/26/23Weston Kitchen and Pantry Remodel
JOHN C. LEBHARBUILDING AND RENOVATIONPROJECTRevisionDateSheetC.S.# 75531 tel. (413) 247-510768 school st, Hatfield ma Weston Kitchen/Pantry27 Vernon st, Northampton Ma6/26/23