Wilson Quad basement SK1ACCESS IMPROVEMENTSWILSON HOUSESMITH COLLEGESK-1110 Pulpit Hill RoadAmherst, Ma 01002 413-549-5799Fax: 413-549-7918www.facdarchitects.comAPR 17, 2019MAY 14, 19CODE SUMMARY:
301.1.2 Work Area Compliance Method -->chapters 5-13
504 - Level 2 Alternations --> chapters 7 and 8
803.2,1 Existing Vertical openings connecting 2 or more floors
shall be ...not less than 1 hour
803.2.1 Exception 11: in R-2, a min. 30-minutes enclsure shall
be provided to protect vertical opennnings not exceeding three
stories. This enclosure shall not be required in (11.2) Buildings
protected throughout by an approved auto. sprinkler system.
521 CMR - AAB: for bathroom renovations
8.00 Transient Lodging Facilities
8.1 General Transient Lodging shall include.... dormitories
8.4.3 Bathrooms ... comply with Group 2B requirements in 521
CMR 44.00 Group 2 Bathrooms
44.00 Group 2 Bathrooms:
44.6.2 Showers shall comply with the following: Fixture size:
The shower shall be wheel-in type with a minimum, nominal size
of 30inches by 60 inches. The long side shall be fully open.
[Alternatively, the code allows that]...the stall may be 36"by
60"with a 24"wing wall on the 60"side.