29-495 Public comment by James M and Karen L Mercier6/8/23, 2:32 PM City of Northampton Mail - Public notice for 405 Ryan Road https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=46b15cdcbd&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1768158385281794473&simpl=msg-f:1768158385281794473 1/2 Nathan Chung <nchung@northamptonma.gov> Public notice for 405 Ryan Road Mercier, Karen (HLY) <karen.mercier@state.ma.us>Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 2:00 PM To: "nchung@northamptonma.gov" <nchung@northamptonma.gov> To whom it may concern, We would like to take this opportune time to express our thoughts regarding the public notice for 405 Ryan Road, Florence Ma. 01062. We understand the notice is to discuss installing an 8.5 foot fence around the back yard of the property. We are in favor of this installation. The Andrikidis family have been in our neighborhood for a few years. They have been lovely neighbors who have respected the community they live in. No wild parties, unsightly lawn care or broken down vehicles collecting on the property. However, personal feelings aside, I would like to speak to the amazing changes they have created to the house I have looked at for the past 20 years. I live directly across the street from the Andrikidis family and even though our driveways can be a bit troublesome when pulling out at the same time, we are able to be mindful of each other. Everything they have done has clearly been well thought out and planned. This young couple have been tenacious and diligent with their goal to make the home a happy one for themselves and their family/friends. It has been inspiring to see this transformation and has motivated my husband and I to take more effort in our own home. We have many Reasons why we feel this fence is very appropriate and should be permitted. 1. Privacy- Outdoor space is an extension of your living space. The houses on Ryan Road a every close the finding time and/or places for outdoor privacy is limited. An 8.5 foot fence will ensure added privacy. 2. Wildlife- This property abuts a heavily wooded area and we are prone to quite a bit of wildlife, even on Ryan Road. Bears, Deer and Foxes find their way into yards. This fence would create a bit of deterrent for wildlife which is a plus for my as the Andrikidis’ have young children and an added layer of protection should be weighed in. 3. Security- from intruders. Yes we do get intruders on Ryan Road and have had some break ins. Again, a fence such as this could be the deterrent to keep intruders out. This is most definitely a bonus when you have young children. 4. Reduced noise- Ryan Road is a very heavily traveled road. The Police Dept. have attempted to cut down on the speeding on this road with digital speed limit signs, being more present during hours of the day that are most complained about. This fence will offer a quieter space for the whole family to enjoy. Between noise from the street, chatting neighbors, neighborhood noise, noise from the gun range just up the street, etc. things do get overwhelming enough to drive people indoors for peace and quiet. 5. Enhanced curb appeal- This family had done a remarkable job creating a home to proud of. Mr. Andrikidis has hand made this fence and as far as I am concerned, He is setting an example for our neighborhood and for his children. I would find it very disheartening for Mr. Andrikidis to not be able to complete his stylish and creative vision over 2.5 feet. We looked at the fence structure this morning and we both continue to feel very confident that this 8.5 foot fence would not be obtrusive in any way to anyone having interest surrounding this property. The design and beauty of this fence would most definitely be welcomed by our family, and we hope the neighbors in our little community will also embrace the craftsmanship and passion this family has put into their home and our neighborhood. We are hopeful that time will be taken to sincerely consider the benefits of this fence and allow the project to be realized to its full vision. Respectfully submitted, 6/8/23, 2:32 PM City of Northampton Mail - Public notice for 405 Ryan Road https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=46b15cdcbd&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1768158385281794473&simpl=msg-f:1768158385281794473 2/2 James M, & Karen L. Mercier 410 Ryan Road Florence Ma. 01062 413-437-4196 “Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” ~Dalai Lama