230123-Pricing&PermitDocs-Units2&3Drawn by: Checked by: BC Scale: Project No. see aboveDate: C Two New Single Family Housesfor Habitat for Humanity(Two Story Dwelling Units)Victoria Bismark Farm HousingBurts Pit Road, Northampton, MAFOUNDATION PLAN A1.0 File: Habitat 2 Story House_ ACad V25.pln Print Date: 1/19/23Bruce Coldham FAIA1 January 2 0 2 3 Permit & Prici n g Dra wi n gs UNITS #2 and #3 Owner's Consultants Landscape Architect & Civil Engineer Berkshire Design Group, Northampton, MA Environmental Design Consultant TBD Architect's Consultants Structural Engineer: TBD Building Design: Michael Broad Leverett, MA 8"22'-8"8"8"26'-8"8"24'-0"8'-0"7'-81/2"8'-0" 14'-0"1'-4"9'-41/2"28'-0" 15'-103/8" 11'-81/4"4'-71/2"11'-81/4"3'-9"11'-25/8"7'-7"10'-51/2"7'-4"4'-23/4"5'-113/4" 38" SPAN WITH NO ANCHOR BOLTS (DOORWAY) 38" SPAN WITH NO ANCHOR BOLTS (DOORWAY) WATER ENTRY 10" DIAM. CONCRETE PIER; 'BIGFOOT' BF 1020 WITH 12" BASES (TYP. OF 2) 4" DIAM. RADON RELIEF PIPE 10" DIAMETER CONCRETE PIER SUPPORTS 2 X 8 PT WOOD EDGE BEAMS OF FRAMED DECK (TYP. OF 6) 4" DIAM. PERFORATED PVC DRAINAGE (RADON COLLECTION) PIPE RUNNING FROM RADON STUB TO FOUNDATION WALL IN BOTH DIRECTIONS SEWER EXIT THROUGH FOUNDATION WALL; 30"± BELOW FLOOR LEVEL 12" DEEP BY 16" WIDE SLAB- THICKENED FOOTING (TO SUPPORT INTERIOR BEARING WALL) INSTALL THREE (3) #4 BARS 4" THICK CONCRETE SLAB WITH 4" X 6" LEDGE AROUND INTERIOR; INSTALL 6 X 6 MESH REINFORCING THROUGHOUT 5A4.15A4.15A4.15A4.15 A4.1 5 A4.1 5 A4.1 5 A4.1 4"4"8"5' 0"See Site Plan L-1 - GRADE, SLOPE AWAY FROM BUIDLING 4" POURED CONCRETE FLOOR ON 6 MIL. POLY VAPOR BARRIER ON ONE LAYER 2" TYPE 9 EPS INSULATION (R 4.5 PER INCH) 2" TYPE 9 EPS INSULATION AT INSIDE PERIMETER OF FOUNDATION WALL; 4' DOWN 5" CRUSHED STONE - RADON COLLECTION "PLENUM" 8" CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL, SEE STRUCTURAL CLEAN, GRANULAR FILL UNDISTURBED SOIL TOP SOIL CLEAN GRANULAR COMPACTED FILL 2" TYPE 9 EPS INSULATION AT PERIMETER OF SLAB TOP OF SLAB — FIRST FLOOR LEVEL BOTTOM OF FOOTING N SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5 FOUNDATION PLAN A1.0 SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" 5 Foundation Wall Section A1.0 Drawn by: Checked by: BC Scale: Project No. see aboveDate: C Two New Single Family Housesfor Habitat for Humanity(Two Story Dwelling Units)Victoria Bismark Farm HousingBurts Pit Road, Northampton, MAFLOOR PLANS A1.1 File: Habitat 2 Story House_ ACad V25.pln Print Date: 1/19/23Bruce Coldham FAIA1 January 2 0 2 3 Permit & Prici n g Dra wi n gs UNITS #2 and #3 Owner's Consultants Landscape Architect & Civil Engineer Berkshire Design Group, Northampton, MA Environmental Design Consultant TBD Architect's Consultants Structural Engineer: TBD Building Design: Michael Broad Leverett, MA DW9 sq ft 16 sq ft B B X2 A D C A1013141112X3CUP 6 x 73/4" = 3'-101/2"1 2 3 4 5 6 UP 5 x 73/4" = 3'-23/4"1 2 3 4 5 REFWW 51/2"23'-1"51/2"14'-111/2"31/2"6'-5"7'-7"7'-7"6'-5"13'-81/2"51/2"9'-10"51/2"5'-4"31/2"4'-11"51/2"3'-1"31/2"3'-1"31/2"9'-4"51/2" 28'-0" 51/2"27'-1"51/2"31/2"3'-3"31/2"9'-65/8"6'-6"11'-0"6'-6"8'-0"7'-27/8"8'-03/4"15'-11/4"5'-0"15'-51/2"3'-61/2"7'-9"4'-10"24'-0"15'-3"51/2"9'-83/8"31/2"3'-3"31/2"9'-65/8"51/2"51/2" 9'-8" 31/2" 7'-5" 31/2" 9'-5" 51/2" 31/2" 4'-01/2" 2'-7" 31/2"1'-91/2"2'-01/2"3'-111/4"4'-101/2" HEAT PUMP DHW TANK;.HOSE BIB HOSE BIB ELECTRIC SERVICE ENTRY AND METER PANEL ELECTRIC PANEL; RECESSED INTO R.O. IN PARTITION 4" DIAM. RADON RELIEF PIPE ENTRY PORCH AND SHED FLOOR AT MAIN FLOOR LEVEL; CONSTRUCTED OF 2 X 8 PT EDGE BEAMS BEARING ONTO CONCRETE PIERS; 2 X 6 PT JOISTS @ 16" O.C. SPANNING BETWEEN EDGE BEAMS (IN PLANE OF BEAMS) WITH 5/4 PLASTIC LUMBER DECKING OVER JOISTS 5' X 4' LANDING 6" BELOW MAIN FLOOR LEVEL; CONSTRUCTED OF 2 X 6 PT EDGE BEAMS (BEARING ONTO CONCRETE PIERS) AND 2 X 6 PT JOIST IN THE SAME PLANE @ 16" O.C. W/ 5/4 PLASTIC LUMBER DECKING OVER DRYER VENT TWO AIR SOURCE HEAT PUMP OUTDOOR UNITS STACK-MOUNTED ON GALVANIZED STEEL FRAME ON CONCRETE PAD ON MILDLY COMPACTED GRADE STACKABLE WASHER/DRYER FIXED SHELVING ON THREE SIDES: 4" W (South); 12" W (West); 6"W (North); FIVE TIERS OF SHELVING PROVIDE FULL-WIDTH, PT FRAMED STEP SUPPORTED ON CRUSHED STONE PAD IF GRADE REQUIRES THIS LIVINGROOMDININGROOM KITCHEN SHED ENTRYPORCH(Roofed) CLOSET PANTRYCLOSET WOOD FRAMEDDECK ON PIERS LAUNDRYHALF-BATH5A4.15A4.15A4.15A4.1D X1 5 A4.1 5 A4.1 5 A4.1 5 A4.1 A A A A A F EE 2326252120 24 2827UP 5 x 73/4" = 3'-23/4"1 2 3 4 5 51/2"11'-01/2"31/2"2'-2"31/2" 2'-2"31/2"10'-10"51/2" 51/2"27'-1"51/2" 28'-0" 51/2"8'-3"31/2"8'-11"31/2"9'-4"51/2" 2'-43/8" 31/2" 5'-81/2"51/2"31/2"4'-81/2"51/2"11'-61/2"31/2"3'-5"31/2"7'-61/2"51/2"6'-71/2"31/2"2'-2"31/2"51/2"23'-1"51/2"51/2"12'-43/4"31/2"10'-43/4"51/2"24'-0"6'-47/8"15'-2"6'-51/8" 4'-7"11'-8"6'-11"4'-10"6'-6"11'-0"6'-6"5'-0"7'-83/4"9'-1"3'-4"4'-81/8"9'-1"3' - 5 5/ 8 "4'-01/8"5'-0"31/2" LOW WALL; 36" HIGH 8:124:12 8' OF GUTTER W/ DOWNSPOUT HRV VENTILATION DEVICE IN SPACE CREATED OVER STAIR LANDING — SEE MECH DRAWING ACCESS PANEL/DOOR 3" LARGER ALL AROUND THAN HRV DEVICE 4" DIAM. RADON RELIEF PIPE FRAME WALL 2 X 6 TO ACCOMM. ERV DUCTS ATTIC ACCESS HATCHWAY; 22" W X 36" LONG 6:12 BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM 2BEDROOM 1 CLOSET BATHROOM CLOSETCLOSETCLOSETHALL 5A4.15A4.15A4.15A4.15 A4.1 5 A4.1 5 A4.1 5 A4.1 WINDOW SCHEDULE MARK A B C D E F QUANTITY 7 2 2 2 2 1 16 MANUFACTURER MODEL NO.SIZE ( WIDTH X HEIGHT) 3'-0"×5'-0" 5'-0"×5'-0" 2'-6"×4'-0" 2'-0"×3'-6" 2'-6"×5'-0" 2'-6"×3'-0" AREA 15.00 25.00 10.00 7.00 12.50 10.76 224.76 ft² DOOR SCHEDULE NO. 10 11 12 13 14 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 X1 X2 X3 ROOM NAME TYPE A A A A A A A C D A C A D B B A WIDTH 3'-0" 2'-6" 2'-0" 1'-8" 2'-4" 2'-6" 2'-8" 5'-0" 4'-0" 2'-8" 5'-0" 2'-8" 4'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0" HEIGHT 6'-8" 5'-0" 3'-0" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" FRAME MAT.PANEL CONST.FINISH Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint GLASS Insu;lated Te,mpered Insu;lated Te,mpere FIRE RATING HARDWARE SET HDWR. SET SUMMARY AREA 21.03 13.29 6.51 12.06 16.54 17.66 18.79 34.49 27.76 18.79 34.49 18.79 27.76 21.03 21.03 21.03 NOTES A B FG DC N SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5 FIRST FLOOR PLAN A1.1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"5 SECOND FLOOR PLAN 5 DOOR TYPES 1/4" = 1'-0" Drawn by: Checked by: BC Scale: Project No. see aboveDate: C Two New Single Family Housesfor Habitat for Humanity(Two Story Dwelling Units)Victoria Bismark Farm HousingBurts Pit Road, Northampton, MAELEVATIONS A3.1 File: Habitat 2 Story House_ ACad V25.pln Print Date: 1/19/23Bruce Coldham FAIA1 January 2 0 2 3 Permit & Prici n g Dra wi n gs UNITS #2 and #3 Owner's Consultants Landscape Architect & Civil Engineer Berkshire Design Group, Northampton, MA Environmental Design Consultant TBD Architect's Consultants Structural Engineer: TBD Building Design: Michael Broad Leverett, MA -4'-6" FOUNDATION PLAN ±0" FIRST FLOOR PLAN +8'-11 3/4" SECOND FLOOR PLAN +17'-1 1/2" ROOF A A CA GUTTER & DOWNSPOUT DRYER VENT LIGHT FIXTURE ; SEE LIGHTING PLAN CONCRETE; EXPOSED CORNER BOARD — 5/4 X 6 VINYL 4X4 POST CASED IN 1 X .. WOOD; (TYP. OF 2)HOSE BIB AT 18" ABOVE GRADE ELECTRIC SERVICE PANEL AND METER BOARD 4'W X 3'H — SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR PV INVERTER 4X4 POST CASED IN 1 X .. WOOD; (TYP. OF 2)ELECTRIC GFI EXT. RECEPTACLE PROVIDE ANCHOR BLOCKING IN GABLE END FRAMING TO SECURE OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL SERVICE CABLE DECK WITH EDGE BOARD -4'-6" FOUNDATION PLAN ±0" FIRST FLOOR PLAN +8'-11 3/4" SECOND FLOOR PLAN +17'-1 1/2" ROOF A AD TWO AIR SOURCE HEAT PUMP OUTDOOR UNITS STACK- MOUNTED ON GALVANIZED STEEL FRAME ON CONCRETE PAD ON MILDLY COMPACTED GRADE ELECTRIC GFI EXT. RECEPTACLE CONCRETE; EXPOSED CORNER BOARD — 5/4 X 6 VINYL 4X4 POST CASED IN 1 X .. WOOD; (TYP. OF 2) HOSE BIB AT 18" ABOVE GRADE -4'-6" FOUNDATION PLAN ±0" FIRST FLOOR PLAN +8'-11 3/4" SECOND FLOOR PLAN +17'-1 1/2" ROOF AA B B X2 CONCRETE; EXPOSED CORNER BOARD — 5/4 X 6 VINYL PV ARRAY INSTALLED OVER ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING (TBD) TWO AIR SOURCE HEAT PUMP OUTDOOR UNITS STACK-MOUNTED ON GALVANIZED STEEL FRAME ON CONCRETE PAD ON MILDLY COMPACTED GRADE 4X4 POST CASED IN 1 X .. WOOD; (TYP. OF 2) ELECTRIC GFI EXT. RECEPTACLE -4'-6" FOUNDATION PLAN ±0" FIRST FLOOR PLAN +8'-11 3/4" SECOND FLOOR PLAN +17'-1 1/2" ROOF 81/4"E F E D ERV AIR GRILL 0N MOUNT BLOCK (MECHANIC TO DETERMINE WHETHER INTAKE OR EXHAUST) RANGE HOOD EXHAUST - IN EXTERIOR WALL CONCRETE; EXPOSED ERV AIR GRILL 0N MOUNT BLOCK (MECHANIC TO DETERMINE WHETHER INTAKE OR EXHAUST) 4X4 POST CASED IN 1 X .. WOOD; (TYP. OF 2) CORNER BOARD — 5/4 X 6 VINYL SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"5 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"5 WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"5 SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"5 NORTH ELEVATION Drawn by: Checked by: BC Scale: Project No. see aboveDate: C Two New Single Family Housesfor Habitat for Humanity(Two Story Dwelling Units)Victoria Bismark Farm HousingBurts Pit Road, Northampton, MABUILDING SECTION & ROOF PLAN A4.1 File: Habitat 2 Story House_ ACad V25.pln Print Date: 1/19/23Bruce Coldham FAIA1 January 2 0 2 3 Permit & Prici n g Dra wi n gs UNITS #2 and #3 Owner's Consultants Landscape Architect & Civil Engineer Berkshire Design Group, Northampton, MA Environmental Design Consultant TBD Architect's Consultants Structural Engineer: TBD Building Design: Michael Broad Leverett, MA #DrgID #LayID -4'-6" FOUNDATION PLAN ±0" FIRST FLOOR PLAN +8'-11 3/4" SECOND FLOOR PLAN +17'-1 1/2" ROOF 8'-113/4"8'-13/4"INSTALL CEILING GYPBOARD CONTINUOUS AIR BARRIER — BEFORE INSTALLING INTERIOR PARTITIONS ENTRY PORCH AND SHED FLOOR AT MAIN FLOOR LEVEL; CONSTRUCTED OF 2 X 8 PT EDGE BEAMS BEARING ONTO CONCRETE PIERS; 2 X 6 PT JOISTS @ 16" O.C. SPANNING BETWEEN EDGE BEAMS (IN PLANE OF BEAMS) WITH 5/4 PLASTIC LUMBER DECKING OVER JOISTS 16" TRUSS HEEL ON ALL TRUSSES 4 12 8 12 #DrgID #LayID -4'-6" FOUNDATION PLAN ±0" FIRST FLOOR PLAN +8'-11 3/4" SECOND FLOOR PLAN +17'-1 1/2" ROOF 8'-113/4"8'-13/4"INSTALL CEILING GYPBOARD CONTINUOUS AIR BARRIER — BEFORE INSTALLING INTERIOR PARTITIONS ACCESS PANEL/DOOR TO HRV VENTILATION DEVICE IN SPACE CREATED OVER STAIR LANDING — SEE MECH DRAWING -4'-6" FOUNDATION PLAN ±0" FIRST FLOOR PLAN +8'-11 3/4" SECOND FLOOR PLAN +17'-1 1/2" ROOF 4"3'-103/4"11/2"1'-103/4" ENCLOSURE FRAMED AND COVERED ON THE EXTERIOR W/ GWB TO CONTAIN ERV UNIT OVER STAIRWAY LANDING PROVIDE ACCESS PANEL/ DOOR CENTERED ON THE UPPER STAIR FLIGHT; SIZE: 28"H X 30"W (SEE SECTION 2) PROVIDE ACCESS OPENING TO FIT PANEL PROVIDED WITH UNIT NOTE: DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON ACCOMMODATING A BROAN B130E65RT ERV UNIT SIMILAR TO THAT INSTALLED AT THE PELHAM AND CONWAY HOUSES 8 12 -4'-6" FOUNDATION PLAN ±0" FIRST FLOOR PLAN +8'-11 3/4" SECOND FLOOR PLAN +17'-1 1/2" ROOF 10'-23/4"4X4 POST CASED IN 1 X .. WOOD; (TYP. OF 2) DOUBLE 2 X 6 BEAM ENCASED W/METAL VINYL SOFFIT/CEILING ON 2 X 4 CEILING FRAMING CONSTRUCT ROOF: 2 X 6 RAFTERS @ 16" O.C. WITH 1/2" OSB (OR 'ZIP' SHEATHING PANELS CONSTRUCTED OF 2 X 8 PT EDGE BEAMS BEARING ONTO CONCRETE PIERS; 2 X 6 PT JOISTS @ 16" O.C. SPANNING BETWEEN EDGE BEAMS (IN PLANE OF BEAMS) WITH 5/4 PLASTIC LUMBER DECKING OVER JOISTS 4 12 8 12 8:124:128:124:12 PLUMBING V.T.R. TO BE LOCATED ON NORTH PLANE OF ROOF CLOSE TO RIDGE GUTTER ON THIS PORTION OF SHED / PORCH ROOF EGDE5A4.15A4.15A4.15 A4.1 5 A4.1 5 A4.1 5 A4.1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5 SECTION 1 A4.1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5 SECTION 2 A4.1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5 SECTION 3 A4.1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5 SECTION 4 A4.1 SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" 5 ROOF A4.1 Drawn by: Checked by: BC Scale: Project No. see aboveDate: C Two New Single Family Housesfor Habitat for Humanity(Two Story Dwelling Units)Victoria Bismark Farm HousingBurts Pit Road, Northampton, MAKITCHEN & BATH INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A7.1 File: Habitat 2 Story House_ ACad V25.pln Print Date: 1/19/23Bruce Coldham FAIA1 January 2 0 2 3 Permit & Prici n g Dra wi n gs UNITS #2 and #3 Owner's Consultants Landscape Architect & Civil Engineer Berkshire Design Group, Northampton, MA Environmental Design Consultant TBD Architect's Consultants Structural Engineer: TBD Building Design: Michael Broad Leverett, MA DW9 sq ft 16 sq ft D 13UP 6 x 73/4" = 3'-101/2"REF3 2 . 4 A7.1 D 2'-8"2'-6"2'-0"2'-0"6'-0"1'-0"3'-0"1'-6"2'-6"2'-0"3'-0"1'-6" INSTALL SOFFIT TO MATCH OTHER SIDE 3'-0"2'-6"3'-0"1'-3" INSTALL SOFFIT TO CONCEAL RANGE HOOD DUCT MICROWAVE & RANGE HOOD COMBO FULL HEIGHT BACKSPLASH BEHIND RANGE C10WW 5 5 5 5 A5.1 X1 E 20 5 13 14 12 A5.1 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"1 KITCHEN DETAILED PLAN SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0"4 KITCHEN WEST SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0"3 KITCHEN NORTH SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0"2 KITCHEN EAST SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"5 1/2 BATH DETAILED PLAN SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0"6 1/2 BATH WEST SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0"9 1/2 BATH EAST SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0"8 1/2 BATH NORTH SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0"7 1/2 BATH SOUTH SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"10 FULL BATH DETAILED PLAN SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0"11 FULL BATH NORTH SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0"14 FULL BATH SOUTH SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0"13 FULL BATH EAST SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0"12 FULL BATH WEST Drawn by: Checked by: BC Scale: Project No. see aboveDate: C Two New Single Family Housesfor Habitat for Humanity(Two Story Dwelling Units)Victoria Bismark Farm HousingBurts Pit Road, Northampton, MAFRAMING PLANS & DETAILED WALL SECTION S 1 File: Habitat 2 Story House_ ACad V25.pln Print Date: 1/19/23Bruce Coldham FAIA1 January 2 0 2 3 Permit & Prici n g Dra wi n gs UNITS #2 and #3 Owner's Consultants Landscape Architect & Civil Engineer Berkshire Design Group, Northampton, MA Environmental Design Consultant TBD Architect's Consultants Structural Engineer: TBD Building Design: Michael Broad Leverett, MA 13'-1015/32"10'-117/32"24'-0"11'-51/2"6'-51/2"10'-1" 28'-0"7'-61/2"51/2"1'-8" 1'-0" 1'-4"1'-4" 10'-109/64"5'-841/64" ENGINEERED I-JOIST AT 16" O.C. CONTINUOUS OVER LOAD BEARING PARTITION WALL; SEE ENGINEERED DESIGN FROM I-JOIST MANUFACTURER 4" DIAM. RADON RELIEF PIPE OFF-SET THIS I-JOIST 4" TO THE EAST TO AVOID CONFLICT WITH TOILET PLUMBING WASTE PIPE DOUBLE 9" X 1 3/4" LVL BEAM DROPPED BELOW I-JOIST SINGLE 9" X 1 3/4" LVL BEAM IN PLANE OF I-JOISTS; (STAIR R.O. TRIM BEAMS ON THREE SIDES) DOUBLE 9" X 1 3/4" LVL BEAM DROPPED BELOW I-JOIST SINGLE 9" X 1 3/4" LVL BEAM ON EITHER SIDE OF STAIRWELL R.O. STAIRWELL ROUGH OPENING WOOD TRUSSES AT 24" O.C. WITH 16 INCH RAISED HEEL; SEE ENGINEERED DESIGN FROM TRUSS MANUFACTURER ROOF OVERHANG — ROOF OVERHANG — 1'-125/64" 4"4"5' 0"101/4"5' 0"196' 11 1/4" 188.00 205' 0 1/4" (8' 1" ABOVE 2nd FLOOR) 182.50 GRADE, SLOPE AWAY FROM BUIDLING VINYL SOFFIT ROOF ASSEMBLY ・ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING, ・ROOF UNDERLAYMENT, ・5/8" OSB SHEATHING, ・WOOD TRUSSES WITH 16" RAISED HEEL; SET 24" O.C. • VENT CHANNEL ・LOOSE FILL ATTIC "FLOOR" WITH CELLULOSE INSULATION TO 18 INCHES ( @ R 3.0 /inch — R-55) • 1 X 4 WOOD FURRING ・5/8" GWB; INSTALLED CONTINUOUS ACROSS CEILING PLANE BEFORE INSTALLATION OF INTERIOR PARTITIONS. GWB IS THE AIR BARRIER VENT CHANNEL 4" CONCRETE SLAB W/ 6X6 WW MESH REINFORCING POURED ON 6 MIL. POLY VAPOR BARRIER ON ONE LAYER 2" TYPE 9 EPS INSULATION (R 4.5 PER INCH) 2" TYPE 9 EPS INSULATION AT INSIDE PERIMETER OF FOUNDATION WALL; 4' DOWN 5" CRUSHED STONE - RADON COLLECTION "PLENUM" 8" CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL, SEE STRUCTURAL LSL BAND JOIST FILL CAVITY WITH CELLULOSE CLEAN, GRANULAR FILL UNDISTURBED SOIL TOP SOIL INSULATION DAM, MATERIAL AS PREFERRED BY CELLULOSE INSTALLER WINDOW CLEAN GRANULAR COMPACTED FILL 2" TYPE 9 EPS INSULATION AT PERIMETER OF SLABP T TERMINATION STRIP – 1 1/2" X 2" 3/4" X 8" PLYWOOD WALL CAP SEALED TO WALL TOP PLATE; (AIR BARRIER COMPONENT) SEAL GWB CEILING TO PLYWOOD WALL CAP; (AIR BARRIER COMPONENT) DOUBLE 2 X 10 HEADER WITH RIGID INSULATION BETWEEN METAL WRAP FASCIA 1 X 2 WOOD SEAL OSB SHEATHING TO TOP PLATE — AIR BARRIER COMPONENT SEAL OSB SHEATHING TO TOP PLATE — AIR BARRIER COMPONENT SEAL PLATE TO CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL — AIR BARRIER COMPONENT 16" TRUSS HEEL ON ALL TRUSSES SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE TOP OF SLAB — FIRST FLOOR LEVEL BOTTOM OF FOOTING WALL ASSEMBLY ・SIDING, VINYL PLANKS; EXPOSURE ..... ・DRAINAGE PLANE MEMBRANE; TAPE ALL RIGID INSULATION SEAMS • 2" XPS RIGID INSULATION ・1/2" OSB (or ZIP SYSTEM) SHEATHING, TAPED AS AIR BARRIER, ・2X6 STRUCTURAL WALL FRAMING, LOAD BEARING - 24" O.C., ・FILL FRAMING CAVITY WITH CELLULOSE INSULATION TO 3.5 PCF MIN. DENSITY (R3.5/IN.), ・1/2" GWB TYPICAL FLOOR ASSEMBLY ・1X4 WOOD BASE, PAINT ・FINISH FLOOR, SEE FINISH SCHEDULE ・3/4" T&G SUBFLOOR ・9 1/2" ENGINEERED I-JOIST FLOOR FRAMING, SEE STRUCTURAL ・1/2" GWB ACROSS CEILING SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5 SECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLAN S 1SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5 ROOF FRAMING PLAN S 1 SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" 5 WALL SECTIONS S 1 Drawn by: Checked by: BC Scale: Project No. see aboveDate: C Two New Single Family Housesfor Habitat for Humanity(Two Story Dwelling Units)Victoria Bismark Farm HousingBurts Pit Road, Northampton, MAPOWER PLANS E1 File: Habitat 2 Story House_ ACad V25.pln Print Date: 1/16/23Bruce Coldham FAIA1 January 2 0 2 3 Permit & Prici n g Dra wi n gs UNITS #2 and #3 Owner's Consultants Landscape Architect & Civil Engineer Berkshire Design Group, Northampton, MA Environmental Design Consultant TBD Architect's Consultants Structural Engineer: TBD Building Design: Michael Broad Leverett, MA DWUP 6 x 73/4" = 3'-101/2"1 2 3 4 5 6 UP 5 x 73/4" = 3'-23/4"1 2 3 4 5 REFWP WPGFI WW MICROWAVE REFRIGERATOR DISHWASHER POWER TO AIR SOURCE HEAT PUMP COMPRESSOR/ CONDITIONER UNIT RANGE HOOD PROVIDE 30 AMP POWER FOR DRYER AND SEPARATE POWER FOR WASHER (STACKABLE UNITS) ELECTRIC SERVICE ENTRY AND METER PANEL; 4 X 4 MOUNTING BOARD WITH SPACE FOR PV INVERTER EXTERIOR POWER OUTLET —TO BE WITHIN 5' OF ASHP COMPRESSOR/CONDENSER ELECTRIC PANEL; RECESSED INTO R.O. IN PARTITION; ACCESS FROM HALLWAY SIDE RANGE; ... AMP; 220V PROVIDE — AMP POWER FOR ELECTRIC HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER POWER TO AIR SOURCE HEAT PUMP WALL MOUNTED AHU PROVIDE POWER FOR CABLE/WIFI ROUTER @ 5' AFL PROVIDE 20 AMP POWER RUN 1" CONDUIT FROM NET WORK INTERFACE AT BUILDING EXTERIOR 240V 40 AMP PROVISION FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING TO BE PROVIDE AT SERVICE PANEL WITH CONDUIT FOR FUTURE CABLE TO LOCATION AT WEST CORNER OF SHED. THIS LOCATION WILL SERVE A CHARGING BOLLARD SET AT AN APPROPRIATE DISTANCE FROM THE PARKED VEHICLEUP 5 x 73/4" = 3'-23/4"1 2 3 4 5 GFI TV POWER TO AIR SOURCE HEAT PUMP WALL MOUNTED AHU PROVIDE 15A POWER FOR HEAT RECOVERY VENTILATOR UNIT IN SOFFITED SPACE OVER STAIR LANDING PROVIDE 15A POWER FOR WALL-MOUNTED SUPPLEMENTAL ELECTRIC HEATING PANEL; CONFIRM 60" AFL MOUNTING HEIGHT W/ CONST. SUPERINTENDENT PROVIDE 15 AMP RECEPTACLE IN EACH BEDROOM FOR A PORTABLE, SUPPLEMENTARY ELECTRIC HEATER 2023-01-16 E1 Power Plans Dwg Notes.docx {Note: When PDF’ing - use custom paper size 5”x36”} POWER PLAN NOTES 1. DATA SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS INTENDED TO BE SUPPLEMENTED BY A COMPREHENSIVE WALK-THROUGH BY ELECTRICIAN AND HABITAT PROJECT SUPERVISOR IN WHICH THE DATA SHOWN ABOVE IS CONFIRMED AND ADDITIONAL OUTLETS, AS REQUIRED BY THE ELECTRICAL CODE, ARE DETERMINED AND LOCATED. 2. ELECTRICIAN IS TO COMPLETE AN ELECTRICAL LOAD / DEMAND COMPUTATION FOR THE HOUSE AND SHED – AND TO PROPOSE / CONFIRM THE SIZE OF THE MAIN SERVICE PANEL. 3. Coordinate with Habitat Project Supervisor for any special requirements for EMF shielding — (insert any specifics and know requirements) 4. Smoke and CO detectors to be hard wired to central system. Locations of these devices are shown on the Lighting Plan. 5. Air barrier penetration: a. Seal conduit and electrical cable penetrations through the air barrier plane using spray sealant foam in an annulus space of at least ¼” width, or a gasket such as a “KAFLEX or ROFLEX air tight EPDM sleeve” available from foursevenfive.com. b. DRILL ONE HOLE FOR EACH CABLE. c. Where the air barrier is penetrated by conduit, the ends of the conduit from which the cable enters and emerges are to be similarly sealed. 6. Electrical requirements for solar panels. (COORDINATE WITH HABITAT PROJECT SUPERVISOR). Specifically, coordinate with PV installer to locate an emergency disconnect switch adjacent to the service meter. T 220 DAT GF POWER PLAN KEY DUPLEX OUTLET DUPLEX OUTLET WITH ONE POLE SWITCHED QUAD OUTLET DUPLEX FLOOR OUTLET DUPLEX OUTLET WATER PROOF 220 VOLT OUTLET GROUND FAULT OUTLET THERMOSTAT ERV CONTROL PANEL BOOST SWITCH HUMIDISTAT DATA CONNECTION WP C B H SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5 FIRST FLOOR POWER PLAN E1SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5 SECOND FLOOR POWER PLAN E1 SCALE: 1' = 1'-0" 5 E1 Power Plans Dwg Notes E1 5 ELEC/HVAC SYMBOLS 1/4" = 1'-0" Drawn by: Checked by: BC Scale: Project No. see aboveDate: C Two New Single Family Housesfor Habitat for Humanity(Two Story Dwelling Units)Victoria Bismark Farm HousingBurts Pit Road, Northampton, MALIGHTING PLANS E2 File: Habitat 2 Story House_ ACad V25.pln Print Date: 1/16/23Bruce Coldham FAIA1 January 2 0 2 3 Permit & Prici n g Dra wi n gs UNITS #2 and #3 Owner's Consultants Landscape Architect & Civil Engineer Berkshire Design Group, Northampton, MA Environmental Design Consultant TBD Architect's Consultants Structural Engineer: TBD Building Design: Michael Broad Leverett, MA DWUP 6 x 73/4" = 3'-101/2"1 2 3 4 5 6 UP 5 x 73/4" = 3'-23/4"1 2 3 4 5 REF333SD/CO WW C C C R1 C-Ext C C C C C C 'DARK SKY' COMPATIBLE FLOOD LIGHT SURFACE MOUNTED; DIRECTED TO WASH EXTERIOR WALL — SEE ELEVATION FOR MOUNTING HEIGHT KEYLESS LIGHT FIXTURE SOCKET PROVIDE LIGHT FIXTURE UNDER STAIR; WALL MOUNTED HIGH ON WALL M1 NOTE: CEILING LIGHTING BOXES IN BEDROOMS AND LIVING SPACES TO BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING CEILING FANS L1UP 5 x 73/4" = 3'-23/4"1 2 3 4 5 3SD/CO SD/COSD/CO SD/CO C C C C C C NOTE: CEILING LIGHTING BOXES IN BEDROOMS AND LIVING SPACES TO BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING CEILING FANS L1 LIGHTING PLAN KEY CEILING SURFACE MOUNTED FIXTURE PENDANT FIXTURE WALL SCONCE FIXTURE PENDANT FIXTURES HUNG FROM TRACK RECESSED CEILING FIXTURE RECESSED CEILING FIXTURE WALL WASHER MONOPOINT/SPOT/FLOOD FIXTURE BATH VENTILATION FAN/LIGHT BATH VENTILATION FAN SWITCH DIMMER SWITCH THREE WAY SWITCH THREE WAY DIMMER SWITCH FLUORESCENT CLOSET FIXTURE UNDER CABINET FIXTURE VALANCED STRIP FLUORESCENT FIXTURE (WALL MOUNT) STRIP FLUORESCENT FIXTURE (WALL MOUNT) WRAP AROUND - CEILING SURFACE MOUNT FLUORESCENT FIXTURE (ONE OR MORE LAMPS) EXTERIOR FLOOD LIGHT 3 D 3D 2023-01-16 E2 Lighting Plans Dwg Notes.docx {Note: When PDF’ing - use custom paper size 5”x36”} LIGHTING PLAN NOTES 1. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR WILL USE LIGHTING FIXTURES BASED ON THE LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE AND PROVIDED BY HABITAT 2. All fixtures to be UL listed. 3. All fixtures will have integral LED lighting 4. Electrical contractor shall verify ceiling types prior to ordering fixtures. 5. Switch plate (and receptacle cover) color(s) to be confirmed with Habitat Project Supervisor from standard range offered. 6. Air barrier penetration: a. Seal conduit and electrical cable penetrations through the air barrier plane using spray sealant foam in an annulus space of at least ¼” width, or a gasket such as a “KAFLEX or ROFLEX air tight EPDM sleeve” available from foursevenfive.com. b. DRILL ONE HOLE FOR EACH CABLE. c. Where the air barrier is penetrated by conduit, the ends of the conduit from which the cable enters and emerges are to be similarly sealed. 7. Provide (1) pull chain light fixture in attic space coordinate location with Habitat Project Supervisor — but within reach of ceiling access. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5 FIRST FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN E2SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5 SECOND FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN E2 Drawn by: Checked by: BC Scale: Project No. see aboveDate: C Two New Single Family Housesfor Habitat for Humanity(Two Story Dwelling Units)Victoria Bismark Farm HousingBurts Pit Road, Northampton, MAMECHANICAL PLANS M1 File: Habitat 2 Story House_ ACad V25.pln Print Date: 1/16/23Bruce Coldham FAIA1 January 2 0 2 3 Permit & Prici n g Dra wi n gs UNITS #2 and #3 Owner's Consultants Landscape Architect & Civil Engineer Berkshire Design Group, Northampton, MA Environmental Design Consultant TBD Architect's Consultants Structural Engineer: TBD Building Design: Michael Broad Leverett, MA DWUP 6 x 73/4" = 3'-101/2"1 2 3 4 5 6 UP 5 x 73/4" = 3'-23/4"1 2 3 4 5 REFWW AIR SOURCE HEAT PUMP COMPRESSOR/CONDITIONER UNITS (TWO STACKED TOGETHER) PAD MOUNTED ON GALV. STEEL FRAME AIR SOURCE HEAT PUMP WALL MOUNTED AHU; CONDENSATE DISCHARGED DOWN AND OUT THROUGH EXTERIOR WALL 4" DIAM DUCT PASSES OVER LVL SOFFIT OVERHEAD TO ENCLOSE HRV EXHAUST AIR DUCT FROM BATHROOM DUCT ROUTED IN JOIST BAY ABOVE ENTRY HALL EXHAUST AIR @ 30 CFM FRESH AIR @ 30 CFM FROM CEILING VENTUP 5 x 73/4" = 3'-23/4"1 2 3 4 5 6' 0" AIR SOURCE HEAT PUMP WALL MOUNTED AHU DIRECT CONDENSATE LINE TO WASTE PIPE OR TO EXTERIOR DISCHARGE LOW IN WALL PROVIDE "BOOST" CAPACITY TO INCREASE EXHAUST FROM MAIN BATHROOM ERV VENTILATION DEVICE (BROAN 130E65RT) IN SPACE CREATED OVER STAIR LANDING; LOCATE ERV UNIT AND ACCESS OPENING CENTERED ON UPPER STAIR FLIGHT FOR MAINTENANCE EASE ACCESS PANEL/DOOR 3" LARGER ALL AROUND THAN HRV DEVICE FRESH & EXHAUST AIR DUCTS DESCENDING TO FLOOR BELOW FRESH AIR @ 60 CFM EXHAUST AIR @ 60 CFM 2023-01-16 M1 Mech Plans Dwg Notes.docx {Note: When PDF’ing - use custom paper size 5”x36”} MECHANICAL NOTES – HEATING & COOLING 1. The system shall comprise two variable refrigerant flow, single-port heat pumps (Mitsubishi or approved equal) as shown on this drawing sheet and the associated specification — summarized as follows: The outdoor units will be a Mitsubishi model (insert) located as shown on the A1 and M1 plans. There will be two indoor zones served by two indoor wall-mounted (W) units. In accordance with the acoustic and thermal delivery requirements stipulated below. W1: Mitsubishi model (insert) wall-mounted unit installed in the main living area of the lower floor. W1: Mitsubishi model (insert) wall-mounted unit installed in the bedroom area of the upper floor, (or opposite end of the lower floor). Operating ranges: Cooling will be 23˚F db to 115˚F db Heating will be -15˚F wb to 60˚F wb 2. Duct layouts shown are conceptual. The contractor is responsible for achieving an arrangement that meets air-flow & noise requirements. 3. Install refrigerant piping without any joints in concealed locations. 4. Controls: provide a Mitsubishi model local controller for each indoor unit.. 5. Provide condensate drain for each indoor unit. 6. Condensate lines to be PVC & to be indirectly linked to the waste piping or (preferably) routed directly to the exterior through the exterior wall. Provide clean-outs as required by code with required access panel locations to be reviewed by the architect before installation. All condensate lines to discharge through gravity — avoiding the need for condensate pumps. 7. No backup resistance heating capability is required. 8. Sound attenuation: a. Ensure airflow velocities do not exceed 350 FPM at supply register or 420 FPM at return register. 9. Outdoor unit to mounted 20" above grade by wall-mounting where shown on this drawing. 10. Seal refrigerant line penetrations through the exterior wall plane using spray sealant foam in an annulus space of at least ½” width or expanding foam gasket. 11. Provide written warranty signed by the manufacturer for a period of 5 years (parts) & 7 years (compressor) from the date of substantial completion. 12. Provide a written operations & maintenance manual in a three-ring binder along with a full demonstration of the system operation at the time of commissioning. Provide a commissioning report confirming the air-flows achieved at each register. 13. All duct joints to be sealed with a low-VOC mastic. 14. Do not use this system at all during construction and ensure that all equipment is kept clean. 15. SUBCONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PREPARE A FULL SYSTEM SUBMITTAL, INCLUDING PRODUCTS, DUCT LAYOUTS, & CONTROLS, & TO PROVIDE HEATING & COOLING LOAD CALCULATIONS. SYSTEM IS TO BE INSTALLED BY A FULLY TRAINED & CERTIFIED INSTALLER & IN FULL ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS & REQUIREMENTS. 2023-01-16 V1 Vent Plans Dwg Notes.docx {Note: When PDF’ing - use custom paper size 5”x36”} GENERAL NOTES — VENTILATION 1. Provide a Broan Model B130E65 (T) Energy Recovery Unit (ERV) to provide bathroom and laundry exhaust and fresh air to bedroom and living spaces. 2. Design intent is to deliver continuous fresh air ventilation as follows: SUPPLY – 30 cfm to master bedroom #1 30 cfm to remaining bedrooms (via 30+ cfm to living area EXHAUST – 60 cfm from main bathroom (before boost) 30 cfm to half bathroom 3. Provide dampers as required to ensure cfm delivery as noted above. Ventilation system to be balanced, and a balancing report produced upon completion, verifying the achievement of the required air delivery volumes. 4. Mount the Broan unit where shown on drawing. Provide access to control panel as shown on M1 drawing. 5. Provide a boost switches in the main bedroom bathroom 6. The boost capacity to be contained to those bathrooms by installing constant airflow regulators (CAR) in the ducts. 7. ERV unit to be mounted on vibration-isolating dampers (or equivalent) to avoid any structure borne vibration. 8. Fresh air intake and exhaust ducts from unit to the exterior to be insulated with 1 ½” fiberglass (equal to Certainteed Standard duct- wrap or circular ductwork and industrial insulation board for rectangular ductwork) and completely air sealed. All joints in ductwork to be tightly air-sealed with mastic or aluminum tape. 9. Seal duct penetrations through the exterior wall plane using spray sealant foam in an annulus space of at least ½” width, or expanding foam gasket. 10. Supply and exhaust return ducts from the unit to conditioned spaces are not to be insulated. 11. Backdraft dampers to be Fantech RSK-series, sprung-flap model or equivalent 12. Duct layouts shown are conceptual. The contractor is responsible for achieving an arrangement that meets airflow & noise requirements. 13. Subcontractor is required to prepare a full system submittal including products, duct layouts, & controls. System is to be installed by a fully trained installer & in full accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations & requirements. 14. Provide written warranty signed by the manufacturer from the date of substantial completion. 15. Provide a written operations & maintenance manual in a three-ring binder along with a full demonstration of the system operation at the time of commissioning. Provide a commissioning report confirming the airflows achieved at each register. 2023-01-16 V1 Vent Plans Dwg Notes.docx {Note: When PDF’ing - use custom paper size 5”x36”} GENERAL NOTES — VENTILATION 1. Provide a Broan Model B130E65 (T) Energy Recovery Unit (ERV) to provide bathroom and laundry exhaust and fresh air to bedroom and living spaces. 2. Design intent is to deliver continuous fresh air ventilation as follows: SUPPLY – 30 cfm to master bedroom #1 30 cfm to remaining bedrooms (via 30+ cfm to living area EXHAUST – 60 cfm from main bathroom (before boost) 30 cfm to half bathroom 3. Provide dampers as required to ensure cfm delivery as noted above. Ventilation system to be balanced, and a balancing report produced upon completion, verifying the achievement of the required air delivery volumes. 4. Mount the Broan unit where shown on drawing. Provide access to control panel as shown on M1 drawing. 5. Provide a boost switches in the main bedroom bathroom 6. The boost capacity to be contained to those bathrooms by installing constant airflow regulators (CAR) in the ducts. 7. ERV unit to be mounted on vibration-isolating dampers (or equivalent) to avoid any structure borne vibration. 8. Fresh air intake and exhaust ducts from unit to the exterior to be insulated with 1 ½” fiberglass (equal to Certainteed Standard duct- wrap or circular ductwork and industrial insulation board for rectangular ductwork) and completely air sealed. All joints in ductwork to be tightly air-sealed with mastic or aluminum tape. 9. Seal duct penetrations through the exterior wall plane using spray sealant foam in an annulus space of at least ½” width, or expanding foam gasket. 10. Supply and exhaust return ducts from the unit to conditioned spaces are not to be insulated. 11. Backdraft dampers to be Fantech RSK-series, sprung-flap model or equivalent 12. Duct layouts shown are conceptual. The contractor is responsible for achieving an arrangement that meets airflow & noise requirements. 13. Subcontractor is required to prepare a full system submittal including products, duct layouts, & controls. System is to be installed by a fully trained installer & in full accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations & requirements. 14. Provide written warranty signed by the manufacturer from the date of substantial completion. 15. Provide a written operations & maintenance manual in a three-ring binder along with a full demonstration of the system operation at the time of commissioning. Provide a commissioning report confirming the airflows achieved at each register. 2023-01-16 M1 Mech Plans Dwg Notes.docx {Note: When PDF’ing - use custom paper size 5”x36”} MECHANICAL NOTES – HEATING & COOLING 1. The system shall comprise two variable refrigerant flow, single-port heat pumps (Mitsubishi or approved equal) as shown on this drawing sheet and the associated specification — summarized as follows: The outdoor units will be a Mitsubishi model (insert) located as shown on the A1 and M1 plans. There will be two indoor zones served by two indoor wall-mounted (W) units. In accordance with the acoustic and thermal delivery requirements stipulated below. W1: Mitsubishi model (insert) wall-mounted unit installed in the main living area of the lower floor. W1: Mitsubishi model (insert) wall-mounted unit installed in the bedroom area of the upper floor, (or opposite end of the lower floor). Operating ranges: Cooling will be 23˚F db to 115˚F db Heating will be -15˚F wb to 60˚F wb 2. Duct layouts shown are conceptual. The contractor is responsible for achieving an arrangement that meets air-flow & noise requirements. 3. Install refrigerant piping without any joints in concealed locations. 4. Controls: provide a Mitsubishi model local controller for each indoor unit.. 5. Provide condensate drain for each indoor unit. 6. Condensate lines to be PVC & to be indirectly linked to the waste piping or (preferably) routed directly to the exterior through the exterior wall. Provide clean-outs as required by code with required access panel locations to be reviewed by the architect before installation. All condensate lines to discharge through gravity — avoiding the need for condensate pumps. 7. No backup resistance heating capability is required. 8. Sound attenuation: a. Ensure airflow velocities do not exceed 350 FPM at supply register or 420 FPM at return register. 9. Outdoor unit to mounted 20" above grade by wall-mounting where shown on this drawing. 10. Seal refrigerant line penetrations through the exterior wall plane using spray sealant foam in an annulus space of at least ½” width or expanding foam gasket. 11. Provide written warranty signed by the manufacturer for a period of 5 years (parts) & 7 years (compressor) from the date of substantial completion. 12. Provide a written operations & maintenance manual in a three-ring binder along with a full demonstration of the system operation at the time of commissioning. Provide a commissioning report confirming the air-flows achieved at each register. 13. All duct joints to be sealed with a low-VOC mastic. 14. Do not use this system at all during construction and ensure that all equipment is kept clean. 15. SUBCONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PREPARE A FULL SYSTEM SUBMITTAL, INCLUDING PRODUCTS, DUCT LAYOUTS, & CONTROLS, & TO PROVIDE HEATING & COOLING LOAD CALCULATIONS. SYSTEM IS TO BE INSTALLED BY A FULLY TRAINED & CERTIFIED INSTALLER & IN FULL ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS & REQUIREMENTS. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5 FIRST FLOOR MECHANICAL PLAN M1SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5 SECOND FLOOR MECHANICAL PLAN M1