Floodplain Resident Outreach Mailing.pdf
Dear Floodplain Residents and Property Owners:
Though rare, flooding is one the most damaging and costly disasters in the Pioneer Valley. The risk for flooding is
primarily due to fluctuations in the Connecticut River, but erosion, land use, weather events are also other factors.
Further, the risk of floods can vary within the same neighborhood and even property to property. You are receiving
this notice because you live in or near a flood hazard area. Property along the Connecticut River in the “Meadows
and the “Oxbow” is federally designated as a Special Flood Hazard Area, meaning you are particularly prone to
flooding and flood damage.
Realtors, bankers and property owners can obtain floodplain maps at www.northamptonma.gov/plan or floodplain determinations by calling Planning and Sustainability at (413) 587-1262.
Flood Insurance Property owners within Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) who hold federally backed mortgages must have flood insurance. Information about SFHA zoning and the mandatory purchase of flood insurance is available at the Department of Planning and Sustainability. Standard homeowners insurance does not cover flood damage. Furthermore, federal and state emergency assistance is not available for uninsured flood damage from most flood
events. Just one inch of water can cost thousands of dollars in repairs and property loss. Because our community participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), federally backed flood
insurance is available to property owners in Northampton. If you have a flood insurance policy, see if you have contents coverage. If not, don’t wait: there is a 30-day waiting period before a flood insurance policy takes effect. Information about the purchase of flood insurance, including locating an agent near you, is
available at www.floodsmart.gov. Flood Safety
Residents who live in the floodplain are ultimately responsible for their own safety. In the event of a flood, turn off all electricity, gas, and water as soon as possible. When floodwaters are approaching, minimize water use. Be especially careful around banks, rivers, culverts, and any area where water is flowing. These flood velocities can be deadly and can wipe out structures and objects in their path. For information on preparing your home from flooding, the FEMA publication “Protecting Your Home and Property from Flood Damage” is available in the reference section of Forbes
library, and can also in FEMA’s online library at www.fema.gov/library/. The City of Northampton has an emergency warning system to warn residents of flood danger. For more information about this system, contact the Department of Public Works at (413) 587-1570. To find local flood forecasts, including information from real-time river gauging stations, visit http://ma-northampton.civicplus.com/742/Flood-Control. Floodplain Development Permit Requirements
Construction projects within the floodplain require a permit from the Northampton Building Commissioner (587-1240 for details). Projects beyond minor renovation of interior space require a permit from the Northampton Conservation
Commission (587-1263 for details). These same contacts should be used to report any apparent violations. Drainage System Maintenance
Maintaining drainage systems is a critical factor in flood prevention. Natural and human-built drainage systems should
be kept free of debris to allow water to drain away as quickly as possible. Please notify the Northampton Department
of Public Works at (413) 587-1570 if you are aware of debris clogging or illegal dumping into the city-built catch basin
or drainage system. The Northampton Conservation Commission should be notified if you are aware of any dumping
into a natural drainage system (413) 587-1263).
The City of Northampton is actively working to protect residents and their property from flood hazards.
Please contact the Department of Planning and Sustainability for more information about our
participation in the National Flood Insurance Program, as well as resources for flood
protection and flood insurance.