CITY_OF_NORTHAMPTON-MA-250167.pdfFEMA FORM 086-0-35A (10/23)Page 2 of 11
Community State CID
(6-digit NFIP Community Identification Number)
Note: Please cross out any incorrect items, below, as needed, and insert the updated information.
CC-213 Recertification
Recertification due date
Chief Executive Officer CRS Coordinator
Phone number
E-mail address
I hereby certify that [community name] is implementing the following activities on the attached
pages as credited under the Community Rating System and described in our original application to the CRS and subsequent modifications.
I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, we are in full compliance with the minimum requirements of the NFIP and we
understand that we must remain in full compliance with the minimum requirements of the NFIP. We understand that at any time we are not to
be in full compliance, we will retrograde to a CRS Class 10.
I hereby certify that we will continue to maintain FEMA Elevation Certificates on all new buildings and substantial improvements constructed in the Special Flood Hazard Area following the date at which we joined the CRS.
I hereby certify that if there are one or more repetitive loss properties in our community that we must take certain actions that include reviewing and updating the list of repetitive loss properties, mapping repetitive loss areas, describing the cause of the losses, and sending an outreach project to those areas each year, and if we have fifty (50) or more unmitigated repetitive loss properties we must earn credit under Activity 510 (Floodplain Management Planning) for either a repetitive loss area analysis (RLAA) or a floodplain management plan (FMP).
I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, we are maintaining in force flood insurance policies for insurable buildings owned by us and located in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) shown on our Flood Insurance Rate Map. I further understand that disaster assistance for any community-owned building located in the SFHA is reduced by the amount of National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) flood insurance coverage (structure and contents) that a community should be carrying on the building, regardless of whether the community
is carrying a policy.
Signature (Chief Executive Officer)
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Expiration: 10/31/2023
[continued on next page]
FEMA FORM 086-0-35A (10/23)Page 3 of 11
Community State CID
(6-digit NFIP Community Identification Number)
CRS Program Data Table A. In the SFHA
B. In a regulated
floodplain outside
the SFHA
C. In the rest of the community
1. Last report's number of buildings in the SFHA (bSF) (line 6, last report)
2. Number of new buildings constructed since last report +
3. Number of buildings removed/demolished since last report -
4. Number of buildings affected by map revisions since last report (+ or -)
5. Number of buildings affected by corporate limits changes (+ or -)
6. Current total number of buildings in the SFHA (bSF) (total lines 1-5)
7. Number of substantial improvement/damage projects since last report
8. Number of repetitive loss properties mitigated since last report
9. Number of LOMRs and map revisions (not LOMAs) since last report
10. Acreage of the SFHA (aSFHA) as of the last report (line 13, last report)
11. Acreage of area(s) affected by map revisions since last report (+ or -)
12. Acreage of area(s) affected by corporate limits changes (+ or -)
13. Current acreage of the SFHA (total lines 10−12)
14. Primary source for building data:
15. Primary source for area data:
16. Period covered:Current FIRM date
If available, the following data would be useful:
17. Number of new manufactured homes installed since last report
18. Number of other new 1 -4 family buildings constructed since last report
19. Number of all other buildings constructed/installed since last report
(Please note the number of the line to which the comment refers.)
CC-213-2 [continued on next page]
FEMA FORM 086-0-35A (10/23)Page 4 of 11
Community State CID
(6-digit NFIP Community Identification Number)
At the first verification visit after the effective date of the 2013 CRS Coordinator's Manual, ONLY LINES 6 AND 13 NEED TO BE COMPLETED. These lines form the baseline data about the number of buildings and area of the SFHA for when the table is completed as part of the next annual recertification. The "period covered" entered in line 16 is the date that lines 6 and 13 are first completed. At all subsequent annual recertifications and cycle verification visits, the entire table is completed. The information in lines 6 and 13 from the
last report is transferred to lines 1 and 10 in the next report.
Instructions for the Columns
Column A numbers are for the SFHA (the A and V Zones shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map) (FIRM)). Use the FIRM currently in effect, not a draft or pending revision. Column B is completed only if the community receives CRS credit for regulating floodplain development outside the SFHA under Activity 410 (Floodplain Mapping) or Activity 430 (Higher Regulatory Standards).
Column C numbers help relate what happens in the floodplain to what is happening in the rest of the community.
Enter "0" if there are no numbers to report for this period. Do not leave a cell blank. Do not fill in the shaded boxes. Instructions for the Lines
Lines 1-7 deal with buildings. o Section 301.a of the CRS Coordinator's Manual defines what constitutes a "building" and lists examples of structures that are not counted as "buildings" by the CRS.
o Section 302.a of the CRS Coordinator's Manual describes how the CRS counts buildings. For example, accessory structures are not
o As noted in Section 302.a, to determine building counts, communities may use any method that yields reasonably good estimates of the number of buildings. Examples of acceptable methods are listed in Section 302.a. Precision is less important for large numbers. For example, the impact of the numbers will not change much if there are 10,000 buildings or 10,100 buildings. o If a building is out of the SFHA, but in a parcel that is partly in the SFHA, it is not counted in column A --In the SFHA.
o In line 14, note how the building counts were obtained or estimated. Use the comments area, if needed.
Line 4 refers to map revisions. These include physical map revisions, Letters of Map Revision (LOMR), and Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA). If a building is removed from the SFHA by FEMA through a LOMA, but the community still administers its floodplain management regulations on the property, the building should not be included in the line 4 count in column A --In the SFHA. However, communities that still
regulate areas removed by LOMAs can receive credit under Activities 410 or 430. If the community is receiving such credit, the building
should be counted under column B --In a regulated floodplain outside the SFHA. Line 7 is for the total number of buildings that were substantially improved plus the number of buildings that were substantially damaged during the period covered.
Lines 10 -13 deal with areas. o These areas are based on the areas shown on the community's FIRM including LOMRs or LOMAs. Section 403.b discusses those portions of the SFHA that are subtracted from the area of the SFHA to calculate the community's aSFHA used in credit calculations. o Section 403.e of the CRS Coordinator's Manual discusses calculating areas for CRS purposes.
o Section 403.e notes that communities “should not spend an inordinate amount of time measuring areas.” As with buildings,
communities may use any method that yields reasonably good estimates. Examples of acceptable approaches are listed in Section 403.e. o Line 13 asks for the current acreage of the SFHA. The best source for this number is a GIS layer that shows the SFHA. If the community does not have GIS, the county, regional agency, or state NFIP mapping office may have SFHA layers and may be able to provide the data. If the community has a relatively recent FIRM, the study contractor or consulting engineer may have the data.
o In line 15, note how the area calculations were obtained or estimated. Use the comments area, if needed.
Lines 17 -19 are voluntary, if the numbers are readily available. o Line 17 includes replacing an existing manufactured home with a new one. The newly placed manufactured home is counted as a new, post-FIRM, building.
o The total of lines 17 -19 should equal the value entered in line 2.
Community NORTHAMPTON, CITY OF State MA CID 250167
Community Certifications CC-213-1 Edition: 2017
Your community has been verified as receiving CRS credit for the following Activities.
▪ If your community is still implementing these activities the CRS coordinator is required
to put his or her initials in the blank (do not use a checkmark or an “X”) and attach the
appropriate items. A blank with no initials indicates you are not implementing that Ac-
tivity anymore, and will result in loss of points (and possible CRS Class).
▪ If the word “attached” is used you must provide the requested documentation for that
Activity. If no documentation has been acquired for that Activity, please explain why
there is no documentation from the past year.
___ 310 EC: We are maintaining Elevation Certificates, Floodproofing Certificates, Base-
ment Floodproofing Certificates, V Zone design certificates and engineered opening
certificates on all new construction and substantially improved buildings in our Spe-
cial Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) and make copies of all Certificates available at our
present office location. [____] Initial here is you have had no new construction or
substantial improvement in the SFHA in the last year.
___ 310 EC: Attached is the permit list for only new or substantially improved
structures in the SFHA that have been completed in the last year. We have per-
mitted ____new building and substantial improvements in the SFHA during this re-
porting period.
___ 310 EC: Attached are all the Certificates for new or substantially improved
structures that have been completed during this reporting period that are in-
cluded on the above permit list. (Note: The total number of Elevation and Flood-
proofing certificates should match the number of permits issued and completed within
the reporting period defined above. All permits issued for new construction or sub-
stantial improvement within the V zone should have both an Elevation Certificate and
a V Zone Certificate, and all buildings with basements within the basement exemp-
tion communities should have both an Elevation Certificate and a Basement Flood-
proofing Certificate).
___ 310 CCMP: We continue to follow our Construction Certificate Management Proce-
dures and update them when needed.
___ 320 MI 1: We are providing basic flood information to inquirers. We also continue to
provide the following to inquirers:
___ MI 6 historical flood information
___ MI 7 natural floodplain functions
___ 320 MI: Attached is a copy of the publicity for the credited elements of this ser-
vice this year.
___ 320 MI: Attached is a copy of one page of the log, or 3 letters if using letters or
Community NORTHAMPTON, CITY OF State MA CID 250167
Community Certifications CC-213-2 Edition: 2017
other like records to document the service.
___ 320 MI: We are continuing to keep our FIRM updated and maintain old copies of our
___ 330 OP: We continue to conduct or provide all credited outreach projects.
___ 350 LIB/LPD: Our public library continues to maintain flood protection materials.
___ 350 WEB: We continue to conduct an annual review and update of the information
and links in our flood protection website.
___ 420 OSP: We continue to preserve our open space in the floodplain.
___ 430: We continue to enforce the floodplain management provisions of our zoning,
subdivision and building code ordinances for which we are receiving credit.
[____] Initial here if you have amended your floodplain regulations. Attach a copy of
the amended regulations, provide a summary of the changes and mark up the
regulations indicating what’s been changed.
___ 440 AMD: We continue to use and update our flood data maintenance system on an
annual basis as needed.
___ 450 SMR: We continue to enforce the stormwater management provisions of our
zoning, subdivision and building code ordinances for new developments in the wa-
tershed. [____] Initial here if you have amended your stormwater management regu-
lations that will impact your CRS program. Attach a copy of the amended
regulations, provide a summary of the changes and mark up the regulations in-
dicating what’s been changed.
___ 450 ESC/WQ: We continue to enforce the provisions of our zoning, subdivision and
building codes as they pertain to erosion and sediment control and water quality.
___ 502 RL: We currently have ____repetitive loss properties and send our notice to
____ properties in the repetitive loss areas.
___ 502 RL: Attached is a copy of this year's notice on property protection, flood
insurance and financial assistance that we sent to our repetitive loss areas.
___ 510 FMP: Attached is a copy of our floodplain management plan's annual pro-
gress report for the action items contained in the plan. We have included a pro-
gress report template for you to use (in the email notification) if you don’t have one of
your own.
___ 510 FMP/RLAA/FSP: We have provided copies of this/these progress report(s) to
Community NORTHAMPTON, CITY OF State MA CID 250167
Community Certifications CC-213-3 Edition: 2017
our governing board and local media.
Additional Comments:
Community NORTHAMPTON, CITY OF State MA CID 250167
Community Certifications CC-213-4 Edition: 2017
CRS Activity 510
Annual Progress Report on Implementation of Credited Plan
Which Plan is this for (use separate templates for each credited Plan):
Floodplain Management Plan (Hazard Mitigation Plan)
Repetitive Loss Area Analysis
Floodplain Species Plan
Substantial Damage Plan
Name of Community:
Date this Annual Progress Report was prepared (not the date of adoption of the credited
Name of Plan:
Date of Adoption of Plan:
5 Year CRS Expiration Date:
1. How can a copy of the credited Plan be obtained:
2. Describe how this annual progress report (not the credited Plan) was prepared and
how it was submitted to the governing body, released to the media, and made available
to the public:
3. Provide a description of the implementation of each recommendation or action item in
the action plan or area analysis report, including a statement on how the project was im-
plemented or not implemented during the previous year:
4. Discuss why any objectives were not reached or why implementation is behind schedule:
5. What are the recommendations for new projects or revised recommendations?