22D-022 (2) 6!aTHAMP\ ,: ' \ PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF NORTHAMPTON i1`-.,iJ j - ,i City Haf• 2i o Main Street • Northampton,MA oI o6o • (413)587-1266 • Fax:(413)5 87-1264 �4 ,,d�t _11 �5w� wa reFeiden Director•email: (annin cit nort am ton.ma.us•in ternet:www.city.northam ton.ma.us D N 1 11 W .1 ,li DECISION OF NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD M 2 210 i - APPLICANT: City of Northampton/Office of Planning & De el IL"!NG INSPECTIONS City Hall, 210 Main Street NORTH MA 01060 Northampton, MA 01060 OWNER: Pauline Sienkiewicz ADDRESS: 91 Prospect Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 RE LAND/BUILDINGS AlO MAP AND PARCEL NUMB At a meeting conducted on April 13, 2000, the Northampton Planning Board unanimously voted 7:0 to GRANT the request of the City of Northampton/Office of Planning and Development for Special Permits with Site Plan Approval for 1) an Open Space Residential(Cluster) Development, and 2) a common driveway,under Sections 6.12, 10.10, 10.11 and 11.4 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance, for property located at 115 Ryan Road, Florence. Planning Board Members present and voting were: Chair Daniel J. Yacuz7o,Andrew J. Crystal, Paul Diemand, Kenneth Jodrie, Rick Marquis, M. Sanford Weil,Jr. and Associate Member Alton Neal. In Granting the Special Permits with Site Plan Approval, the Planning Board found: A. The requested use for a two-lot cluster subdivision with a common driveway protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses because it is a relatively low- density residential use allowed with a Special Permit in the URA zoning district, and the proposal provides for the preservation of approximately eighty acres of land as permanently-protected open space. B. The requested use will promote the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area. The common driveway will minimize the number of curb cuts on Ryan Road, and an easement will be provided for pedestrian access to the open space from Ryan Road. C. The requested use promotes a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to the natural landscape, existing buildings and other community assets in the area because it will create a conservation area behind the proposed new house. 1 planning board-conservation commission •zoning board of appeals•housing partnership •redevelopment ant borit •economicdeve(opment•community development•historic district commission •historical commission •northampton GIS original printed on recycled paper D. The requested use will not overload the City's resources, including the City's water supply and distribution system, sanitary and storm sewage collection and treatment systems, fire protection, streets and schools. E. JIM&rec btted use meets all special regulations set forth in the Zoning Ordinance under Sections 6.12 and 11.4. (See Exhibit A) F. The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience or welfare by providing additional housing and preserving eighty acres of open space. The use will not unduly impair the integrity of character of the district or adjoining zones, nor be detrimental to the health,morals, or general welfare. The use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance. G. The requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible and will not adversely affect those objectives, as defined in City master or study plans adopted under M.G.L. Chapter 41, Section 81-C and D. The Planning Board voted unanimously 7:0 to formally waive the requirement for submittal of a surveyed site plan. However, the proposal meets the following technical performance standards: 1. Curb cuts onto streets are minimized because an existing curb cut and proposed common drive will serve the new residence. 2. Pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic are separated on site to the extent possible. The following condition was imposed upon this permit: 1. The right-of-way for pedestrian access shall be increased from four feet to ten feet in width along the property line. Within that right-of-way, no healthy trees with a diameter breast height(dbh) greater than six inches shall be removed. 2 EXHIBIT A The Planning Board found the project meets the criteria under Section 6.12 of the Zoning Ordinance as follows: Section 6.12 Vehicular Egress/Access to a Lot and Common Driveways. 1. Said common driveway does not serve more than three(3) lots. 2. Said common drive provides the only vehicular egress/access to the lots being served; and this shall be so stated in the deeds to the subject lots. 3. The grade, length and location of the common drive is of suitable construction, in the opinion of the Planning Board, for the access and turn-around of the number and types of vehicles which will be utilizing such driveway. The driveway: A. Shall have a width of at least fifteen(15) feet, B. Shall have passing turnouts providing a total width of at least 20 feet along a distance of at least 25 feet,spaced with no more than 300 feet between turnouts, with the first such passing turnout being located within three feet of the driveway connection to the street, C. Has met the prior approval of the DPW and the Fire Department, and D. Conforms to all other driveway requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40A,Section 11,I, Laura Krutzler,Board Secretary, hereby certify that I caused copies of this decision to be mailed, postage-prepaid,to the applicant and owner on May 1,2000. 3 Anthony Patillo Building Commissioner Planning Board - Decision City of Northampton File No.:PL-2000- Date: April 13,2000 Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws(MGL),Chapter 40A,Section 11,no Special Permit,or any extension,modification or renewal thereof,shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the City Clerk that twenty days have elapsed after the decision has been filed,or if such an appeal has been filed that it has been dismissed or denied,is recorded in the Hampshire County registry of Deeds or Land Court,as applicable and indexed under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title.The fee for such recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant.It is the owner or applicant's responsibility to pick up the certified decision from the City Clerk and record it at the Registry of Deeds. The Northampton Planning Board hereby certifies that Special Permits with Site Plan Approval have been GRANTED and that copies of this decision and all plans referred to in it have been filed with the Planning Board and the City Clerk. Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws,Chapter 40A,Section 15,notice is hereby given that this decision is filed with the Northampton City Clerk on the date below. If anyone wishes to appeal this action,an appeal must be filed pursuant to MGL Chapter 40A,Section 17,with the Hampshire County Superior Court or the Northampton District Court and notice of said appeal filed with the City Clerk within twenty days(20)of the date of that this decision was filed with the City Clerk. Applicant: City of Northampton/Office of Planning&Development-115 Ryan Road DECISION DATE: April 13, 2000 DECISION FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: May 1, 2000