23A-079 (14) i-ii R @ME 1 FEB AIK) , 2 81991 U ownA DEPT OPAaACR4-►tE NORTHANETLIMI NNI ' MA OF APPEALS At a meeting held on February 20, 1991, the Zoning Board of A peals of the Cit of Northampton voted unanimously to 11111111 the request of under the revisions of Section 5.2 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance to allow the relocation of Atilla's sandwich shop from 53 Main Street, Florence, to Present and voting were Chairman Robert C. Buscher, William R. Brandt, and M. Sanford Weil, Jr. THE FINDINGS ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The requested use, "Establishments selling foods prepared on premises where consumption is primarily off the premises, " is listed in the Table of Use Regulations as requiring a Special Permit in the GB Zone. 2 . The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience and welfare in that it offers delivery service for those unable to leave their home. 3 . The requested use will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety. In fact, there is more parking and better visibility of the street when exiting than at the restaurant' s present location. 4 . The requested use will not overload any municipal systems. The use currently exists in another building 30 feet away. 5. The requested use will not impair the integrity of the district, and is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the ordinance, which anticipates this very activity. The Special Permit is granted. I: Robert C. Buscher, Chairman 11 /7 . Ii i William R. randt 1 1 1 M. Sanford Weil, Jr. I . 1 1 + . t I klEBJ 9• !i Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals February 20, 1991 Meeting Page One The Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals met at 7: 50 p. m. on Wednesday, February 20, 1991 in Council Chambers, Wallace J. Puchalski Municipal Building, Northampton, to conduct a Public Hearing on the Application of George Falk for a Special Permit under the Provisions of Section 5. 2 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance to allow the removal of Atilla' s Sandwich Shop from its current location at 53 Main St. , Florence, to property owned by Mr. Falk at 45 Main St. , Florence. Present and voting were Chairman Robert C. Buscher, William Brandt, and M. Sanford Weil, Jr. Ch. Buscher noted that this is a continuation of the Public Hearing that was opened on January 30, at which time the Applicant was not present. Mr. Falk said that the restaurant would be moving only 30 feet, and would continue to use the same common areas--delivery access , dumpster location, etc. There was some discussion about Board of Health permits being in place. Dr. Falk said he knew nothing about that. It was agreed that such permits had no bearing on the discussion at hand. Mr. Brandt commented, "It makes sense to me, " pointing out that there was more than sufficient parking, and Mr. Weil added, "I have no problem. " Ch. Buscher found that the proposed use is listed in the Table of Use Regulations as requiring a Special Permit, felt that there was a positive relationship to the public good in that "everybody needs a pizza delivery service, " found no traffic or pedestrian problems, and in fact found that sight distance was better coming out of this driveway than the one formerly used by the restaurant. He found no overload of any municipal services, and finally found that this use in this location would not unduly impair the integrity of the ordinance. Mr. Brandt moved that the Special Permit be granted. Mr. Weil seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Also present, in addition to those mentioned, was R. J. Pascucci , Board Secretary. Robert C. Buscher, Chairman 01i p2, ��� ,. CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ; � � ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS r w NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 DATE: FEB 281991 Certificate of Granting of Variance or Special Permit (General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 11) THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT A VARIANCE OR SPECIAL PERMIT HAS BEEN GRANTED: TO: GEORGE FALK ADDRESS: 41 MAIN STREET CITY: FLORENCE, MA 01060 AFFECTING THE RIGHTS OF THE OWNER WITH RESPECT TO LAND OR BUILDINGS AT: 45 MAIN STREET, FLORENCE. And the said Zoning Board of Appeals further certifies that the decision attached hereto is a true and correct copy of its decision granting said Variance/Special Permit, and that copies of said decision, and all plans referred to in the decision, have been filed with the City Clerk. The Zoning Board of Appeals also calls to the attention of the owner or applicant that General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 11 (last paragraph) provides that no Variance or Special Permit, or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the City Clerk that twenty days have elapsed after the decision has been filed in the Office of the City Clerk and no appeal has been filed or that, if such appeal has been filed, that it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the county and district in which the land is located and indexed in the grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for such recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON , A-64, . By: J Robert C. Buscher, Chairman R. J. Pascucci, Secretary CITY OF NORTHAMPTON $ ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 DATE: FFR 28 1991 RE: THE REQUEST OF GEORGE FALK FOR A SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW THE RELOCATION OF ATILLA'S RESTAURANT FROM 53 MAIN STREET, FLORENCE, TO 45 MAIN STREET, FLORENCE. Pursuant to the Provisions of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Chapter 40A, Section 15, notice is hereby given that a decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Northampton was filed in the Office of the City Clerk on the above date GRANTING the requested Special Permit. If you wish to appeal this action, your appeal must be filed in Superior Court within 20 days of the date this decision was filed in the Office of the Northampton City Clerk. Robert C. Buscher, Chairman A1�-; • 111NOWNI . � - FJ e File No. I se?, SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION CITY CLERKS OFFICE 1. Issuing Authority: \/ ZBA Planning Board City Council 2. Name of Applicant: ec,c E I-ALk (..( ,e, e?. ) Address: y 1 w�,;4 Flare,,,e a ' Telephone: fg6-c zo 3 . Owner of Property: (Teo E FALk ZAddress: y / pi k iil ;=los rtc-L WIC• Telephone: - u3L o ('� 4 . Status of Applicant: ✓ Owner Contract Purchaser `'�`--�� Lessee Other (explain: _ �- 5. Parcel Identification: Zoning Map Sheet,, -...J,parc .16•vd� , o�. Zoning District(s) �� , Street Address 4/6 rip,:( c.lereKce_ . 6. Special Permit is being requested under Zoning Ordinance Section S.a , Page . = 7. Narrative Description of Proposed Work/Pro-ject: (Use additional sheets if necessary)- rekr4fe Ay-; i/cis Jn0000, Si, . 0�mS3 Pick�c 3t t qth �*� & a rice„ BRA. -Pro to , rs;Le M r '►' -et, 5 A,,tip. 0 rivcw be,:1 use.e q a- 14e.e. Ire- /oc LA•rt t I A e a -:, Sct,h e eza of f1a_s_ ems.l Se�w(eS 0 z 8. State How Work/Proposal Complies with Special Permit Criteria: (See Applicant's Guide and use additional sheets if necessary) . S cc�c,Qferw;,t e.0..,. .e bey faodC'iseiet&,kcrn+ i3�s+4t1s loco off, -,..✓0 SA{ /,- ici7 L. 4_ '4- �..1' ell k,i4N rei i tOi `iiwNelO fY rk. Lkeos.utkitr ftrt d Mtrk-GLAw. /t7 m.Lt. -- e it r#a µi I I Aar he -04, Pt n #"A.w C i S �'}<vi II re-»...;,, i h}"a c rI q M.�L.J 5.ii VAD kt�,.t acc�o Ge tuned litii Z.f?M 4 K 2ow6C� aSx- 6,41 be_.'iQe, ,c0 t +or if L., ... 'ti call'tic,,,T r' 1 , .1 hp 11 ►oror4- �oacI AN�y/` .6 ;c ett lit es . I . 'n 1n-i Will t.rC,4 j0-,i �ttea,..mg.,c; er l'Ati,,4 ,f,b,st !/ito 0,c.c�.0 tek rr hok4 .p C6w•tI.,-ctc,p m ,.. YA.o ehx 6�,_ e µ(r tje.: u,� PPose.o a -i'<12 -ig a,c Toe wive[ p.;. a!� zificta) a^c htulw:.n ko heKt� 'wt.1lks;r1 S e«rea„r o k- . i� «tTP.,A 0...' -6sn1-B141. 3o & / �twi. l,G'ot�',�rouP f.S ks..2 'r,4y 3d+� av-N(A r 1"r`�,- c-h,a A.•.►J oil." 5An.2 f bug'. �-t/.�,,q ll AR—po �,d�,n14e of e#2. -- o,4ThO 11.Whs.A w el Fwt•J t 1wU i ICI V L>Q., 1 r( L1 �'v16 w/ W L�l �\ L..,L OY4 I fflvgl(-e . „ 0 9. Attached Plans: V Sketch Plan Site Plan None Required 10. Abutters (See instructions. Use attached abutter's list) 11. Certification: I hereby certify that I have read the GUIDE TO APPLYING FOR A ZONING VARIANCE, SPECIAL PERMIT OR FINDING and that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Date: 01- 1 Ari 1 1 Applicant's Signatur 3/90 y 1991 Date Fil d File No. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION '''`•' a CI\R�ne fi 01060 Zoning Ordinance Section 10.2 1. Name of Applicant: V Qo/ ' K(1,1kr Address: Telephone: 8ci q / (, 2 . Owner of Property: Gets f-- P1 Lk-- Address: d Telephone: 6 81; 0320 3 . Status f Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other (explain: ) 0 ltit-D3 4 . Parcel Identification:�t Zoning Map Sheet#-� 1A 1 Parcel# )76 /g( 00) Zoning District(s) CA ,gerj r-is ;,c.&;rre Sf Street Address q s �,�( ,a Tr. F*I0-ca,.,e. Pi6,- a. 5 . Compliance with Zoning: Existing Proposed Use of Structure/Property OP Size of Structure (sq.ft. ) fp i ,11 -St?pf • Building height ,,2,yh,l % Building Coverage • Setbacks - front Na C1idr rA.4, - side - rear �y. CZ Lot Size � ,i i Frontage J"Il E " _ Floor Area Ratio " % Open Space • Parking Spaces Loading Spaces Signs + Fill (volume & location) 0 LJ__ 64. Narrative Description of Proposed Work/Project: (Us�� ate IV' 7 addi nal sheets7 if necessary) D 5 I ,L"hr� �,i2"51 , 1 v co C--� 6\CP IAr I CI,- M v �7<�i-t.-e. U GL,I 16,'t'U' --'----- (1(U1n j-.., . . 1 U r- Crnyl S hi Lc- I l) ri--, . >-- ' - 100-,..e • 3qta. U ral f 3 6 .i. 149 ltd.' 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan 8 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best y knowledge. Date: 1-)\•`.li-% Applicant's Signature: THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Approved as presented (\ Denied as presented Reason for Denial: Z( j1.1 ( 1 ,-C ? V f C? i % P t4� Signature of Building Inspector 7-/s�9c) J C i 1 I 3/90 s?o0.t �oy.� a Date Filed File No. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION Zoning (Ordinance Section 10.2 V 1. Name of Applicant: e 0 AT rty.,,r- Address: Telephone: 58,-i - (piq (- 2 . Owner of Property: Cte,src,•t- -•R f_ l<, Address: J Telephone: c?" ;c; 0 J 3 . Status of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser '\.,` Lessee Other (explain: ) 0 4 . Parcel Identification: Zoning Map Sheet# t Parcel# /70 /1/ _. / Zoning Districts) Q,k�,,e iJ\ .,<.: i r:'C `,i' Street Address t/c iv)n, fi' 1'i• F I(7,1.z,.,.ti- j''E c-,- 5 . Compliance with Zoning: Existing Proposed Use of Structure/Property �r` Plyi. Size of Structure (sq. ft. ) (et , A ) , <r1 , Building height .1,5,{.1t,1 Building Coverage '1 = Setbacks - front it'O Cit4)1 Z? - side - rear ,' `S liuu L^€ • CL Lot Size Frontage (,r'i,,,,-, ,v-i ,. 0 Floor Area Ratio % Open Space 0 Parking Spaces Loading Spaces Signs Fill (volume & location) 6 Narrative Description of Proposed Work/Project: (Use. ,(,= 0 )N°�"� additional sheets i necessar . �-- �. 1` .Y) ('.C)l1t b„watt,�''.,`,r ). CjC�r��� /i1 �IF' ,/ 1rD 64,,f•`Sly. ' " I c., Lc) L.47t3 ,l,r,CY ,„ C!-,_, ).\ 1 v 1:., _ ( U Ck...)^l G w �//- 9(v l�1--.t ' 1 CRT� ,�sue�. `' ` .'T."- > ill u., i ,� \J ��` /00,tit� J� Iza 13 b .f fe pit: 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan O 8 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. : Date: Applicant's Signature: THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Approved as presented Denied as presented -- Reason for Denial: ( V5/}- ( '1 6 I. Cr q'( % ! % / 74 Signature of Building Inspector . /t' r;/j %rgc, iv LIA - vc) '3/50 • ...__..__..... .___.... .. ..._ '3 ;1<..Q, '-PcL.Ih • 0 0l d N i JAN2 991 10 ' S OFFICE 1060 iIaI I , I ! { t 34I t.ccess- 1/5- hi(L If r �S. f_,..rK- OBI I- -- 0 (i�2.tt)A'� r , / ii rropos Q dQ r kat.Y . I ko I ! FC6--- N COin mo r( ED, 53 hio-ih, • ct J nccgrs I \ p«ess 1& ire cfi - F'lOrerfce ,. Qros,3 wwlk CircteQ taAf(t.hl Sp&cec ..ues► i e.t? Ott a 3h0 e 13 `034 3V.,,e- Id ►,, Seu 'i h.oP ,/4 ice K;tckere 10E494..(et . Hclo7d,e)e-- /4 - claluoziort r\1'. .- — Gv".2n1vj)ocv - 77t, 1. ti ' `{� ,�_� ti- - 2,4 br/1-1� -. -- . 0I u--. 11e m=tiei k, O O , - \ t1 N • W 1 ELT: - (\ . .1i 1 i ri .\y° 1 y \ \ 7-4 82.4' -_\- O . . . . . .. oPeliwas _ - • 10 ' - ( .2... . VAL . 1 �- ► 1 . "PBC Sgca7 . . ' ova Gmo C/Nb' t/4,.T k.C-)1--- \i s . 1 � • � i , e _ a ��. . 36 -() OFFICIAL ABUTTER LIST 17C-195- 17C-192- 17C-161 Shirley M Lebiecki Jaws F & Patricia A Boyle Erwin L. & Alice M. Brady 24 Wilder Place Lawrence J Ruell Northampton,Mass 01060 • 12 Wilder Place ` West Farms Road -. Northampton,Mass 01060 Northampton,Mass 01060 23A-76- 23A-80- 17C-191 Shell Oil Company Eastern Tax Region Della E Brownell Edward M & Lisa F Zadworny P.O. Box 2099 11 Wilder Place 31 Coolidge Avenue Houston,Texas /7001 Northampton,Mass 01060 Northampton,Mass 01060 17C-190- 23A-74 23A-275- Gordon F & Kathleen M Shoro • Robert Gougeon IS Wilder Place James P. Brock 52 Main Street - Northampton,Mass 01060 17 Middle Street Florence,Mass 01060 Florence,Mass 01060 17C-193 17C-199- 23A-77 Jean M Sadowski 16 Wilder Place Leon B Cranson Lena E McCarthy Northampton,Mass 01060 4 Brat ton Court 55 Main Street Northampton,Mass 01060 Florence,Mass 01060 17C-198- 23A-273- Jagdish & Balbir Singh Leo M & Ella C Doyle 57 Main Street 27 Middle Street Ibrthampton,Mass 01060 Florence,Mass 01060 Mary E. Spencer 17C-200,201 17C-146 - . 5 Bratton Court Marian Clark • Northampton,Mass 01060 Rockland Heights Road Northampton,Mass 01060 • • 23A-274- 17C-189 ._ Gordon W & Patricia A Tibbetts Louise B Homestead 21 Middle Street 19 Wilder Place Florence,Mass 01060 • Northampton,Mass 01060 moia® 17C-197- • 17C-194- g l5 ( l5 0 V V.S.H. Realty Donna M Hurlburt 777 Dedham Street Code V0389 20 Wilder Place . Canton,Mass 02021 Northampton,Mass 01060 I JAN 2 1991. CITY CLERKS OFFIC 23A-75 17C-188 h!nRTFIAn�pTn� MASS.1OEO Apollo Plastics Co Inc Phyllis B Grant P.O. Box 267 23 Wilder Place Northampton,Mass 01060 Northampton,Mass 01060 L/511-1--VA:/ /?//i/W) ASSESSOR' S CERTIFICATION DATE: