Attorneys at Law
Arthur M. Rogers 73 State Street
Doris F. Alden Springfield, Massachusetts 01103
Joseph A. Pacella (413) 781-2470
David H. Rome October 19, 1979
Cecil I. Clark
Building Inspector
212 Main Street
Northampton, Massachusetts 01060
Re: 41 Main Street, Florcnce, Massachusetts
Dear Mr. Clark:
I am in receipt of your letter of October 12, 1979 indicating
that it is your opinion that the aforementioned property was
and is in compliance with the zoning by-laws of the City of
I am disappointed that nowhere in your letter did you address
yourself to the four (4) items as detailed in my letter of
October 2nd regarding the premises, and I am aware that certain
hasty building is now being completed at the property to render
the residential unit complete, however it is still the opinion
of this office, and an opinion which we intend to litigate, that
the building is not in conformity with the current laws, and the
laws as they existed when it was originally occupied by the ten-
ants of Dr. Faulk.
I find it interesting that you would base your opinion on a 1977
letter of an attorney who represents the owner to the property
in regards to its conformity with the zoning by-laws. I would
also indicate however that Attorney St. James ' letter does not
treat the issues as detailed in our original complaint to you.
Please be advised that this office on behalf of our client in-
tends to hold you personally, and the City of Northampton respon-
sible for what seems to be an outlandish conspiracy to obstruct,
and to bypass the zoning by-laws of the City in detriment to my
client. I sincerely hope that you have carefully considered
your opinion to this office and the consequences that it can rend-
er to you personally, and to the City.
furs very ly,
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Attorneys at Law { '
73 State Street ,51 3 c CT s
Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 - j 7 �/ �(�r ���
Mr. Cecil Clark, Building Inspector
Building Department, City Hall
Northampton, Massachusetts 01060
Certified Mail #189967
Return Receipt Requested
lie. 189967