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2023.02.25 CPA financial snapshot.xlsx
FY23 CPA Financial Overview FY23 CPA Projected Budget Estimated Revenue (Local) State Match Above Estimate, Cannot be Spent Until FY24 State Match Received State Match Surplus Round Received Carryover - FY22 State Match above estimate, returned project funds, unspent FY22 revenue, interest, and unspent admin Adminstrative Account O'Connell Hawley Recommendation Expedited and Small Grant Recommendations Fall 2022 Recommendations, to Council 1/19 Debt Service FY22 (bonding payments) CPA Funds Available for FY23 Location of available funds (includes reserve accounts, which can only be allocated to that CPA program area): Affordable Housing Reserve Open Space Reserve Historic Reserve Budgeted Reserve - Undesignated Total FY23 Round 1 Projects Project - Applicant 159 - St. John Cantius - O'Connell Hawley LLC 160 - Canal Greenway Retaining Wall 161 - Parsons Collection Storage - Historic Northampton 162 - Exterior Restoration - Northampton Community Music Center 139B - Emergency Repairs 2 - Smith Chairties 163 - Electrical Upgrades - DAR House 136C - Affordable Housing Fund - Planning & Sustinability Community Investment Fund - Pioneer Development 164 - Downtown Affordable Housing - Planning & Sustainability 165 - Leeds Affordable Housing - Planning & Sustainability 166 - Victoria Bismarck Farm - Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity 167 - Rocky Hill Greenway Multiuse Trail 168 - Saw Mill Hills Core - Planning & Sustainability 169 - CT River Greenway Multi-Use Trail - Planning & Sustainability 23O - Conservation Fund - Conservation Commission/OPS TOTAL Round 1 FY23 Round 2 Projects 51 Main Street - Smith Charities Bathroom Ventilation - Forbes Library Collections Preservation - Historic Northampton TOTAL Round 2 1596193 -21545 569179 154691 503393 -75000 -500000 -123000 -1230483 -237694 635734 0.37 0.28 0 635733.35 635734 Category historic recreation historic historic historic historic housing housing housing housing housing recreation open space recreation open space historic historic historic CPA Request 500000 120000 3000 220000 349218 62168 50000 100000 60000 25000 180000 60000 300000 40000 50000 1496386 234618 66500 128000 429118 Additional Funds 4100000 180000 1995 145000 50000 0 500000 400000 1205300 55000 575517 3540000 500000 271000 0 7241817 50000 44050 146200 240250 Project Total 4600000 300000 4995 365000 399218 62168 550000 500000 1265300 80000 755517 3600000 800000 311000 50000 8738203 284618 110550 274200 669368 CPA % 0.108695652173913 0.4 0.600600600600601 0.602739726027397 0.874755146311038 1 9.09090909090909E-02 0.2 4.74195842883111E-02 0.3125 0.238247451744964 1.66666666666667E-02 0.375 0.128617363344051 1 0.82432593862651 0.60153776571687 0.466812545587163 Approved Grants 500000 120000 3000 220000 183315 62168 50000 0 60000 25000 142837 37163 60000 252838 47162 40000 50000 1230483