Untitled City of Northampton Map:Lot 32A-135-001 Massachusetts Date issued 02/03/2023 Inspector of Buildings Permit # BP-2023-0097 Permit Fee $60.00 SIGN PERMIT Business Address 1 KING ST Applicant Installer HAZEL WOOD HOPKINS Applicant Installer Address 27 OLD MEETINGHOUSE RD, AUBURN, MA 01501 Work Description ILLUMINATED WALL SIGN - E01 Estimated Cost $3000 Building Department Approval by: Jonathan Flagg'? City of Northampton Map:Lot 32A-135-001 Massachusetts Date issued 02/03/2023 Inspector of Buildings Permit # BP-2023-0097 Permit Fee $60.00 SIGN PERMIT Business Address 1 KING ST Applicant Installer HAZEL WOOD HOPKINS Applicant Installer Address 27 OLD MEETINGHOUSE RD, AUBURN, MA 01501 Work Description ILLUMINATED WALL SIGN - E01 Estimated Cost $3000 Building Department Approval by: Jonathan Flagg Z_0K File #BP-2023-0097 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON:HAZEL WOOD HOPKINS 27 OLD MEETINGHOUSE RD AUBURN, MA 01501 508-612-6954 PROPERTY LOCATION 1 KING ST MAP:LOT 32A-135-001 ZONE THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid $60.00 Type of Construction: ILLUMINATED WALL SIGN New Construction Non Structural Renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/ Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRESENTED: )� Approved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management Demolition Delay 1 st1 111 1/4.J ,t6,11 g1/3/P3 Signature of Building Official Date Note:Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. *Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. City of Northampton c.: .,,,F.TP).. ''---7:—.'S'N ; 0 , _ 0,,, 4 '.-7";—". . 1-- Massachusett:: , *, 4.,,, 177i • •,-, :c. ',41,, A • ,-,,i'41 DEPARTMvNT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS ..:: \., ';s1 IA :=:le. It,E,',•_.t. ...:,z' --et, ,..212 Main Street • Municipal Building Northampton, MA 01060 Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign Or other Advertising Device, or Marquee qC1,30 (Appli.a/on.lo&efilled out in ink or typewritten) Number Plans must be filed with the Buil in In riECP/1 - ---- ' I )- - Erection .. k.) before a permit will be granted. Alteration ( ) . JAN 2 c °E•PT op nu„r., I U 2023 7 , -$1,,A Repair Repainting Removal FEEL.V.LJ...PAGE ( ) ( ) INSPF I PLOT -CrioNs • ------:----- -11`qorthampton, Mass. il 2,3 20.(1.5 Application for a permit to place or maintain a sign or other advertising device, or marquee BUSINESS NAME C HAS (-... C1. Location,Street and No. (N i k 1 G - reL--t--T 2. Owner's name CP Moe&AN CI-Ks 3. Owners address 1 I t ( ?C'IA 1 „ 2-15 /---k IAN' C C)L'I't L48(4 5 ow 43240 4. Maker's name i-14.vc,bugt-t i,,i- -_. /.(pt•I apto..Auv n 5. Maker's address 101 (il) S plz t N(0 604-ie boo i. V4144v/24 NJ 6. Erector's name'. 1"-It tACCI-P14 t74- SI(ct>1._ COROAK7 Op i 7. Erector's address i 0( -1- ab /1/1.71104191-10(A.5-a da) • At ['WIN' MA 010 I SIGN --""' KIND OF SIGN 1-644..o (Designate) 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated .. ... Non-illurninated 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, wind, w or door? NO... Marquee 3. Lower edge will be ft ins above the public way. Projecting 4. Upper edge will be ft ins abow the public way. Roof 5. Height ..c..ft..a..ins Width K....ft/2 nins Tempspry 6. Face area 13...sq.; Wall 7. Inner edge will be . ..ins from the building or pole. Grou d 8. Outer edge will be6 " irifrom the building or pole. Other 9. Face of buildinGrA pole isIG..ins back from the street line. 10. Sign will project,-1 ins beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend ft 0..ins above the buildinxyle. 4 12. Of what material will sin be constructed? Fram 14 It%lit P A Face/ 6e4.0i... . 13. Estimated cost $._.5, 000 I The undersigned certifies that the above statements a ue to be o hi kno edge and belief. ki (Signature of wner or Agent) 508• CV la .60 q s Li ht,000 d hop k., s e 410,4cir t\k,--t. Page 1 of 3 4(00 itIF WBO 14 -� x- �SILVE' .APE DESIGNS NW Mill 3Ill f, . 1 WI, 8'2-t12' 14 I 1"— —2-7/8" , - ;1- F-LA5E i p-Al! I I 111 VW*tit ilium ti• ...y some vnr 1 • 1 l DIMENSIONS TO BE oaw� I,C ry1 I�t V U til a l(1 1 c �.' S .3 ' dee7 �'��' site- As �-k1S'fl Nrj Z I DESIGNER- DB 5 PHILADELPHIASIGN CHS.N6.1077-Northamptona ISAN ORIGINAL uNP aua ECCRAwmo CREATED CHASE King Street CREATED - 09 08 22 BYPSCO IT IS SUBMITTED FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE IN CONJUNCTION WRH A PROJECT BEING PLANNED FOR Northampton,MA 01060 O SYOOUE BY o@�w2�AnoN TNOPEi0070 SHOWN E TO ANYONE DRAWING - B102225 "!0']WEST SPRING GARDEN Si•PALNIYRq NJ•OB016 P'856-829-1460•F:BS6-829-8549•WEB MI,Nnw.,philaditideolguqn COPIED,REPRODUCED.OR EX,,IBREC IN ANY Fq,+pN. DUG Page 5 8'-2!11' i b'-3' / 5' I'-b 1/2' MOUNTING `�LOCATION TTP. 1 / .: ': p A , 0 ....------ rOPENi o \ / J 090'FABRICATED ALUM.LETTER-PAINT 1 FACE TO MATCH MATTHEWS'MP-33800 WHITE 090'FABRICATED ALUM.OCTAGON SEMI-GLOSS/RETURNS TO MATCH MATTHEWS ELEVATION 1 MOUNTING LOCATIONS SEGMENT-PAINT TO MATCH MATTHEWS T1P-00366 CHASE BLUE SEMI-GLOSS TIP-49353 METALLIC BLUE SATIN FINISH CHISELED OCTAGON TO BE MANUFACTURED (4 SEGMENTS REQ'D) 4 INSTALLED AS(4)INDIVIDUAL SEGMENTS 3' 2' -t-1' General Notes, 1- 3' ALL EXPOSED FASTENER HEADS SEE SHEET 1 OF 1 FOR PREFERED DISCONNECTSHALL BE PAINTED TO MATCH SWITCH LOCATION FOR REMOTE,NON-PARAPET I Design Is based one IEi mph 3 ascend gust wind design 1 AI THE EXTERIOR CABINET FINISH WALL INSTALLATION per IBC 2011(ASCE t•10).Category II,Epoetre C. Components and Cladding Zoned. 2. No additional wend catching surfaces are added to the e building structure.The Cwtomer'e building engineer lb to .090'FABRICATED ALUM. determine the adequacy of the cupportIng structure. LETTER-PAINT FACE TO 3. Extruded ahmlreat eehhapes stall be 6001-T6 alloy.AlumMwt MATCH MATTHEWS T1P-33800 /- 4,4- CORNERS OF SEGMENT SHALL sheet 90524434 11ab 3003-HI4 alloy.Altmrnw plate e1 all be WHITE SEMI-GLOSS/RETURNS _ BE FABRICATED TO MAINTAIN 4. All wild+shall be made wing a 40c 1 eerie,frier for TO MATCH MATTHELLS 1 in SHARPNESS,NOT FORMED alumlym by pe-urn a gunned In accordance with Ale T7?-00Jb6 HASc BLUE t n j>�"r standards sithi n the Nest'.wo rare. @Ehd GLOSS I Y :>.e 9. All fasteners shall be st..,nlese Steel or zinc coated to -- 1'-0 lib' ' rdreveot vttr Aelat • b 5/8' )( 5 1/2' 2'3-�`-1't b. All wall penetrations shall be sealed to prevent water .090'FABRICATED penetration. ALUM OCTAGON ® 1. JP.Morgan Chase will not be responsible for tits safety on this job ells betas,dosing or after Installation of this SEGMENT-PAINT TO structure.It is the reeponalbNlty of the contractors and Installers to ensure that tin Installation and erection of this 1P-49353 METALLICstructure le performed wug methods whit are in NII BLUE SATIN FINISH trt compliance with 08HA regulations. . . .. . .. (4 SEGMENTS REQD) - -- B. My deviation frm this design or fham ary pert of this drawing,Including the General Notee,without prior written cent from JP.Morgan chase voids this drawing in IcentntiretSIDE VIEW OF CHANNEL LETTER OCTAGON SEGMENT DETAIL 9. the structure deoigrod on this drawing is prototypical and \_ should not be wed for Site specific applications unless MANUFACTURER TO PROVIDE A TEMPLATE deemed suitable by a Competent Profseslonel Engineer. SIDE VIEW OF OCTAGON TO ENSURE PROPER ALIGNMENT OF SIGN ELEMENTS AT INSTALLATION . nwcreaum .leVota Gwarx I wMraaee-elalVsn'Ati a.oNwN i r 7J0'YO MRRCdwumraul�oAVm PoraeerrLr OW K Vint ew.maw.ur»nmewarw.w.eueem. TItIi K slam,Lao saws PLAYS oat TOs lawPMR rorura euL2Pa 11'D K aAiN Aco®wcvriarwaYS W,C K Of Mal ar..o�i ens IRK K - 91t1a2 i ONI DOR K AI IMA61 GWIOED LEDs IRRIPE1iigHT TO OE `'MR I K 1 There documents represent prototpled design drawings SHT. BY: Projeot No. I MAm/lo 1A0t ^AYSO�c le Trb K CHASE ' ceded specifically for use by JP,Morgan pax.Use I TMD 08-1218 D avoE +e aj a Tp¢ K-GRAPHICS DEPICTED ARE FOR of we wpuaiehee nark fa any purpose oz..- wlJreempuo,pa.IPVIem000 um -ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLTI me Intended a ppibauon w elongiy dbocur OF DATE: Drawing No, eiaro3 'tea am y ' Tro K Dtedoare a reprodaclim of any of the illormaaon 9 A. pp'raeglallelrafrwoa r,aa•a USE ONLY APPROVED ARTWORY DESIGNATION: contohee.ithN these documents without the written 1 3/26/09 B244083 rpj101o`a FOR PRODUCTION. consent of the owner b euica sr. Welly REV. DATE DESCRIPTION . APR. - LIN-WEs0-14•LED 3/4'x3/4'x3/16'x I IQ'LONG CLEAR POLYCARB.ANGLE CLIP, GE 1100'K WHITE RIVET 4 ADHERE TO BACK WITH TETRA MAX LED ,i___i TWO-PART ADHESIVE SYSTEM MOUNTING LOCATION GEMX11-UA TYP. E€ 3 F. T1'PIGAL / �; �_ o p G° 9� '� -V ��%r,f fE 93 � 046�"�r'J' ;� 4 ,4, p4 ;',tir F 3 f �� F : 4 4 `L '�Cty p .O r pp�� ,E---a 17 O '+> F I-gyp,,, 0 I,-, r Al r i V ,... � ELECTRICAL �,, o ° y £ ,;d> 3 IfitiS' o �}',`�_ENTRANCE . (` qP�, /q/ j. ?'L31\ TYP. ,.'"))Li r v'e ,u- wo1 N o ti, •F F '� 1�y, y>O `L F p�' F 3 F5" 3 F 10 LEDs II LEDs II LEDs 12 LEDs 12 LEDe 20 LEDs LED LAYOUT ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS: ALL PRIMARY 4 SECONDARY LEDS:(16)1100'K U11-IITE GE TETRA MAX 1GEMX1I-WI WIRING MUST BE GROUNDED POWER SUPPLY:(I)GE GEPSI2-S0U-NA•058A PER ALL APPLICABLE UL AND SEE SHEET 1 OF 1 FOR PREFERED DISCONNECT TOTAL LOAD:058A C 120V NEC GUIDLINES SWITCH LOCATION FOR REMOTE,NON-PARAPET CIRCUITS:(I)20 AMP REQ'D. WALL INSTALLATION 20 AMP DISCONNECT SWITCH WITH WEATHERPROOF GE eGEP312-60U-NA LED POWER GANG LEVER COVER PLACED WITHIN SIGHT Gf SUPPLY WITHIN EN LOSURE SIGN OR REMOTELY MOUNTED 4 CAPABLE OF BEING 1.00(ED'N?TIE OPEN CIRCUIT POSITION 1/2'SEAL-TITE ELECTRICAL_—t I/2'STRAIGHT C NPUlr-� ---- _� �� CONDUIT TYr•. '` CCA+IECTOR?Ye. • 1 , —�*g- • �—` s TO PRIMARY 77: 1 E�--------------------L CIRCUIT Jr i. L , , rr______,H ,,, ‘.114 1 L , , , , . a IQ C BUILDING WIRING DIAGRAM FOR REMOTE.NON-PARAPET WALL INSTALLATION JUNCTION BOX FOR WALL OCTAGON SEGMENT CONNECTIONS i wove rcw tou Lan A�Wifiolgbt v KK K If,� V3M wins mw�a�n'wirma TPoF K •+Yr>D LWo IlA C0.g11 rII Ir Maw Pwaw°rwi taatsw nyK 1® D/WD I room MIMI wn GIK K A Game aura '`c�O1n na N W um K %WI OV1 TFR K I SmAb I CRAWLED LEDs N10M PEfi4gNf TO GE I IRK I K i Th..e doamente represent prototypkd design drawings Siff. BY: Protect No. N�/t0 .} m ccarn ro ThV K created specifically f«use by J.P.Morgan Chase.Use 2 TMD 08-121W nr3vme re�vi ooctJm a K-GRAPHICS DEPICTED ARE FOR C H A S E �� tNe a puN(ehed.a k for any ru pa.ou a man c"4"use"a":" ",a UM ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLYI Ua Nlmded ppuwfbn Is.trengY�• uoo rmmr61+•""'em'o»mr'Y°o°O� WO K Ukdcsua ar rproexUm a(mY of lM1v Mlonooum OF DATE: Drawing No. ® KCVOS sawiswa,rn:s raty.... USE ONLY APPROVED ARTUIORIC DESIGNATION: contained�u�these documents without the written 1 3/16/09 B244083 °011r01n" FOR PRODUCTION!. consent of the owner a strictly prohibited. raEv. DATE DEECOEPTIRI BY._APR LIH-U1B0-14-LED ----------- e8x1R'COUNTERSUNK FLAT- /" _ \ PHILLIPS HEAD THREAD !' 3' ROLLING SCREW(I PER CLIP) ` r —1 f` I 3' _ I- 3/4'x3/4'x3Ab'x 1 IR'LONG •'�. /: � '7 I CLEAR POLYCARB.ANGLE CLIP, -- --/ it [1110-1 \ '. IRIVET 1 ApHERE TO BACK WITH 3/8'DIA.WALL FASTENERS TWO-PART• ADHESIVE SYSTEM tI� J WTIH OVERSIZED WASHERS 1------------- _ i `� ON BOTH SIDES,TYP. 3/16'DIA.ALUM.RIVET �I D90'ALUM. 1_ (2 PER CLIP REM") p>11111E LETTER RETURN flail (WELD TO FACE) .111'CLEAR POLYCARBONATE ( 3/8'DIA.WALL BACK FASTENER WITH TI .090'ALUM. (. OVERSIZED WASHERS FORMED.050'ALIJ"I. 1/2'SEAL-TITE STRAIGHT LETTER FACE\ L ON BON SIDES TYP. DRAIN HOLE COVER CONDUIT CONNECTOR TYP. '_ (I PER SEGMENT REO'D) GE 1100'K WHITE INTERIOR SURFACES OF ALL ALUMINUM I/4'D DRAM I• HOLE .LE TYP. TETRA MAX LED RETURNS 4 BACKS SHALL BE PAINTED KiEMX11-WI TYP. SPRAYLAT STARBRITE WHITE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 10'SEAL-TITS STRAIGHT CONDUIT —1 S I IN CONNECTOR 1 t_�_ ALL POLYCARBONATE ASSEMBLIES SHALL EMPLOY A SOLVENT TYPE CEMENT FOR 1 IIII INITIAL RAPID ASSEMBLY FOLLOWED BY A MONOMER-POLYMER-SOLVENT(MPS)TYPE CEMENT AROUND ALL BONDED EDGES. �—.IT CLEAR I I POLYCARBONATE 1 PACK WIN:Al'3135-50 _J • (" DIFFUSER ON'NSIC•E —' SURFACE OF BACK • FORMED.050'ALUM. \- 13 .I11'CLEAR POLYCARBONATE DRAIN HOLE COVER \ t�! BACK WIN 3M03135-S0 DIFFUSER /D90'ALUM. OCTAGON RETURN TYP. ON INSIDE SURFACE OF BACK I/4'DIA DRAIN (WELD TO FACE) II • HOLE TYP. GE 1100'K UMITE TETRA MAX f i IA l LED KsEMX1I-W TYP. ,11111 •il� TYPICAL SECTION THROUGH CHANNEL LETTER 090'AUK + LETTER FACE tf SECTION THROUGH OCTAGON Q uerva �M21�[� rresst[LnOG1 NWMgaMmlMlWedtla,e11� LLL Mrwu wuxae�Nw�ys eoeen eiwtr 6NC K VIM aa.memwrmwmana.•.wo.unnn. MR K ® dM940 w nreuraai AGeO�" T(L K _'!MT Mom DCEITOMI1 OW K anoroa eleeeo�i eoeue net K MTAT 'tom ",I 1$AVII TRR K A I amp I GNNGED LED.IRGt1 PEPPLO t TO GE I TR12 K Them dawnode wined protolypkN design drawings SNT. BY; Protect No. Mai MOM" ^•p TO CHASE vem�specifically 1«use by J.P.uayan Chow Use ° "O�� it, K GRAPHICS LUSTRAT DEPICTED ARE FOR '� of tnro unpualened eo k f«ony y pose otna loon 3 TMD 08-1218 G WnID 1, Nap .CIOV tRR K ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLYI the Ntended opp12:k etnnyly dbc«, d. o�vrraeaeer»mreaeo Dleckane vithNUwa doammlyi ei tUoutF1M Witten OF DATE: Drawing No. adY09 v11° p"��.''� a Thn K USE ONLY APPROVED ARTWORK DESIGNATION: consent of the owner B Wray prohibited 1 3/l6/09 B244083 My DATE v DF.BCRIPDRJ SY,Ar'� FOR PRODUCTION. LIN-WBO-I4-LED r3' /+ 4 V2' Y 13' /Q' % .� 3' $ 111111.1m1,--11L'' 3' 0 �.. ?1 ao•.marww%.v. 0 ills ICE y`/ i! H � �wwa..�r !Ill , 0 Id t: WI 0 wnarrww.�., / �• NOTE. 011 •_ / PIPE SPACER MAY BEAR ON WALL SHEATHING ONLY Bum n rn a 1i / IF THE SHEATHING 18 14'NICK PLYWOOD OR I 01 GREATER IF THE WALL SHEATHING IS PLYWOOD THAT 18 LESS NAN IR'NICK OR 18 ANYTNMG OTHER THAN d F.YWOCO,THE PIPE SPACER SHALL BE EXTENDED SECTIONS FOR FRAMED WALL INSTALLATION TO BEAR ON NE WOOD BLOCKING BEHIND. SECTIONS FOR BRICK WALL INSTALLATION WALL SI;caTHING BRICK WALL EXTERIOR SHEATHING EXTERIOR FINISH ; r t-- 1 -- '- "-' 1x4 WOOD BLOCKING 13EMEDI i 1.— I IR' _4 \ / \ • r ,• __ 'STUDS•ATTACH BLOCKING TO — I IR' EAGii STUD NI • HILT,ANCHOR SYSTEM OR EQUAL SHALL i WALL STUD 3/6'DIA A301 BOLT �iE BE INSTALLED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE ON 16'CTRS. WITH NIlTi OVERSIZED WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S I h'n tl!/&'Mi 'I WASHERS TYP. ;1..... '��IIIIII SPECIFICATIONS 1 RECOI B IENDATIONS N. P WALL STUD 3/8'DIA A36 THREADED ROD EMBEDMENT its I i /, �ON 16'CTRS. WITH NUT I OVERSIZED WASHER6 I I I / EMBEDDED A MIN OF 3 I/8'INTO .011 HILTI HY-10 ADHESIVE OR EQUAL TYP. IQ'DIA PIPE SPACER R (' L J FROM BACK OF LETTER TO I TYPICAL BRICK WALL MOUNTING DETAIL OF BLOCKMG rYP. L I � � HILTI SCREEN TUBE OR EQUAL PER TYPICAL FRAMED WALL MOUNTING DETAIL MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS ® 30,xtl'rxrar.ura4 Wnlm'vrosn erp,t1 ant K & tom inn 1Dwan mwroa iw:nwi119tic+. 1142 K LiiS B/e3Ate Q1"'1,..rt?Or 7°-a'+.o'an O1''' TPA K A mpg .rco®eutinarrare cx�On� OW K A n�/e3 owcm'aoal „r—c w n. . TPR K A Sf1/I grgq ra a1 t net K A I VfA6 I CHANGED LEDs Mai PE744I01{7 TO GE I ilfit I K Thew dowm.nI re t prololyplcol design drawings SHT. BY: Project No. ® pylp� au.n®.OaO nwre cc.cw*o C created epedikdly or use by J.P.Hagen Chose.Use P 0 °eOe T"D K GRAPHICS DEPICTED ARE FOR '_ of this unpublished wort tar any purpose omen than 4 TMD 08-128 A DAvos o'''"'" DdII"."'"' Aw"'" TRRR K ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLYI rthe Mended application la strongly discouraged. D LIP MSrr.TA.10API Ooo r Disclosure or reproactlan of any of the Information OF DATE: ()rowing No, A woe ^� ,ZI MI, K USE ONLY APPROVED ARTWORK A contained within these documents without the written 1 3R6/0S 8244083 `°"°""'OR 'FOR PRODUCTION. DESIGNATION: consent of the met is strictly prohblted. REV. DATE DEBCRIPIICFJ Bra APR LIH-WBO-I4-LED City of Northampton Map:Lot 32A-135-001 Massachusetts Date issued 02/03/2023 Inspector of Buildings Permit # BP-2023-0098 Permit Fee $60.00 SIGN PERMIT Business Address 1 KING ST Applicant Installer HAZEL WOOD HOPKINS Applicant Installer Address 27 OLD MEETINGHOUSE RD, AUBURN, MA 01501 Work Description ILLUMINATED WALL SIGN SIGN E-02 Estimated Cost $3000 Building Department Approval by: Jonathan Flagg City of Northampton Map:Lot 32A-135-001 Massachusetts Date issued 02/03/2023 Inspector of Buildings Permit # BP-2023-0098 Permit Fee $60.00 SIGN PERMIT Business Address 1 KING ST Applicant Installer HAZEL WOOD HOPKINS Applicant Installer Address 27 OLD MEETINGHOUSE RD, AUBURN, MA 01501 Work Description ILLUMINATED WALL SIGN SIGN E-02 Estimated Cost $3000 Building Department Approval by: Jonathan Flagg Z,p14 File #BP-2023-0098 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON:HAZEL WOOD HOPKINS 27 OLD MEETINGHOUSE RD AUBURN, MA 01501 508-612-6954 PROPERTY LOCATION 1 KING ST MAP:LOT 32A-135-001 ZONE THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid $60.00 Type of Construction: ILLUMINATED WALL SIGN SIGN E-02 New Construction Non Structural Renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/ Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRESENTED: )( Approved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:* Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management Demolition Delay 12. it b 3 /P -3 Sign-ture of Building Official Date Note:Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Depart ent of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. *Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact Office f Planning&Development for more information. • �o� • City of Northampton r�iassachusett:> , 4.` -'� •• ., i• ._3 t h* . DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS ma's 212 Main Street • Municipal Building IA a ; No_t'- sampton, MA 01060 "- -- �c w_; Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign:,. Or other Advertising Device, or Marquee .769 )19 (Application to be filled out in ink or typewritten) Number r- "_' Plans must be filed with the Building Inspedtor n�-�, Erection { before a permit will be granted. '—_.. Alteration / - .: ' '7 Repair j Repainting JAN //Reemoval 2 2023 FEE.If!L1 P AGE PLOT r)9NA _n,C ,' 8 1(3 INSP_• n 'IN_1,4gn'��� mpton, Mass. L. ..a.3 20.1 . Application for a permit to place or maintain a sign or other advertising device, or marquee BUSINESS NAME e I4AS C, S.. 1. Location,Street and No. ....-.k:.1.N, Lt--T 2. Owner's name OP f - GAN C 5 3. Owner's address i` ` ( ?0(Al-is PkIAN' C u - eLts OW 43240 4. Maker's name 1-I t(A-sb(a21-tkil. -1,.(oN aka/40V/.. :- 5. Maker's1 01 � . S ('(�S� (9"tcc address � 1-k• 4zikAvi2,s rJ. O goc9 6. Erector's name?I-WA-CO-PH ) - Si 01.- _ .COI4 oAK) 7. Erector's address .�00 ' 0l /- �h aT(06p O( 3� • At4, (A,�Ij` AAA O1' O I KIND OF SIGN 0 (Designate) 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated ..... Non-illuminated 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window ur door? .NC.. Marquee 3. Lower edge will be ft ins above the public way. Projecting 4. Upper edge wilt be ft ins above the public way. Roof 5. Height ..(...ft.a..ins Width '...fl4 i2.ins Tem ry 6. Face area 13 sq. Wall 7. Inner edge will be ..W.ins from the building or pole. Ground 8. Outer edge will be .C ...ins om the building or pole. Other 9. Face of buildingpcpole is 1(o..ins back from the street line. 10. Sign will project ins,beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend ft .. ..ins above the building pole. /A( • 12. Of what material wi sign be constructed? . Fram i.044N1,41"t Face.,�'t.4 .(.,I 13. Estimated cost $..3,..0.QO..... The undersigned certifies that the above statements aV) e t e b t hi kno dge and belief. 't-,.. 4_, (Signature of wner or Agent) 508' G? 1a4.0g59 , Page 1 of 3 h�00 Et e d- �T IH WBO 14 111 alpr,," i 4.1 i . ej'� n�r ry Rm ti sin GRs A' IWSIGl�k:! it • Z L 1"— —2-7/8" .._ A i p 0:.._.1,r,il I I mi i L / 0 NM LIH WBO 14 Back lit 4111111111111111 E02 CHASE 0 • i • T� Acc ri, ri, �c t`; - 2`l k l p 3 n CHS.NB.1077-Northampton DESIGNER- DB k THIS AN OITLSSU SUBMITTED FOR CURPERSCREATEE CHASE 5 PHILADELPHIASIGN BY B.COIT NW oFFORYOURPERBONNEISE IN CONJUNCTION WITH TPRFORYBEINGRSONALI 1 King Street CREATED - 09.08.22 FOR YOU BY Ps.c.o.RSNO TO BE SHOWN TO ANYONE Northampton,MA 01060 IN OUTSIUY O�AreuFrWNOB EINGPuS B TO OWD. DRAWING - B102225 707 WEST SPRINO GARDEN ST• ALAN ,w•08065 P.856-8491460•F.856-B29-BBAY•M�:IM1�9/+ww.pliliOyYiripn.cam COPIED.REPRODUCED.OR IXHIBITEO IN ANy cABH o, DRC Pape 6 8'•2 1/2' I i 6'-3' , 5' 1'-61/, MOUNTING � LOCATION TYR ri..., . nA 0 J / N I Q.: 0 'FABRICATED ALUM.LETTER-PAINT J FACE TO MATCH MATTHEWS IMP-33800 WHITE 090'FABRICATED A OCTAGON ' SEMI-GLOSS 1 RETURNS TO MATCH MATTHEWS ELEVATION 1 MOUNTING LOCATIONS SEGMENT-PAINT TO MATCHTCH MATTHEWS "MP-00366 CHASE BLUE SEMI-GLOSS MP-49353 METALLIC BLUE SAIN FNISH CHISELED OCTAGON TO BE MANUFACTURED (4 SEGMENTS REQ'D) I INSTALLED AS(4)INDIVIDUAL SEGMENTS 3' 1' +1'tGeneral Notes: I- 3, 1 AI ALL EXPOSED FASTENER HEADS SEE SHEET 1 OF 1 FOR FREFERED DISCONNECT SHALL BE PANTED TO MATCH SWITCH LOCATION FOR REMOTE,NON-PARAPET I. Design Is based on a 15 mph,3 second gust Wend design THE EXTERIOR CABINET FNISH WALL NSTALLATION per IBC 2012(ASCE 1-10).Category II,Exposure C. Cosponente and Cladding zone 5. 2. No additional wind catching surfaces are added to the • building structure.The customer's building engineer is to 090'FABRICATED ALUM. determine the adequacy or the supporting structure. LETTER-PANT FACE TO Pee o9 MATCH MATTHEWS aMP-33800 /- CORNERS GF SEGMENT SHALL 3. Extruded l be 30 shapes shell be 6061•Tb all Aluminum sheet shell be 3003•HI4 alloy.Altminum plate ehull be WHITE SEMI-GLOSS 1 RETURNSBE FABRICATED TO MAINTAIN 5052•H34 allay. TO MATCH MATTHEWS 4. All welds shell be made using a 4000 series filler for ;n SHARPNESS,NOT FORMED aluminum by persons qualified in accordance with AWS IMP-00366 CHASE BLUE - , '''' yam standards within the past two years. SEMI-GLOSS 5. All fasteners shall be etelnleee steel or zinc coated to 1'-0 1/8' 3' prevent corrosion 6 5/8' 5 I/z' $' b. All wall penetrations shall be sealed to prevent water 2030.FABRICATED penetration. ALUM OCTAGON • --""-" "-'--IIIi \. - 1. JP.Morgan Luse will not be responsible for the safety on SEGMENT-PAINT TO this Job site before,during or after Installation of this structure.It Is the responsibility of the contractors and MATCH MATTHEWS installers to ensure that the Installation and erection of this 'MP-49353 METALLIC ^ structtre is performed using methods that are in full BLUE SATINFNISH compliance with OSHA regulations. • (4 SEGMENTS REQ'D) S. Any deviation from this design or From ary part of this � _ drawing,including the General Notes,without prior written \ • consent from JP.Morgan Chase voids this drawing in its entirety. SIDE VIEW CF CHANNEL LETTER OCTAGON SEGMENT DETAIL 9. The structure designed on this drawing Is prototypical and \ should not be used for site specific applications unless MANUFACTURER TO PROVIDE A TEMPLATE deemed suitable by a Competent Professional Ergkleer, SIDE VIEW OF OCTAGON TO ENSURE PROPER ALIGNMENT CF SIGN - ELEMENTS AT NSTALLATION • ® P,we eov m�e.wrmmeexmee¢ .pent wr°ee"°.61e`3/0YG erteae[wunoe,u•oerm r Toe eirrtr OK K Vint sane nem K ® aM5/i® AM TO'Lip!pgp�''ro II'D K 3/mN 4w2D DcmR1al l.,r! CiK K ® 13/30/09 aweo a.w>.,m.ear,see w.v TIM K 341R WFamerigeMNIEgN4IN Tee K ®I 9,17/16 I GMeelED LED.Fart PER'LGHT TOGS 11FR I K Thee documents represent prototyplcoi design drawings SHT. BY: Project No. ® Kum m Lo rrnoro ru.,. so K '_ «ea ed aped kony f«use by J.P.Morgan Chose.Use P=ram„ GRAPHICS DEPICTED ARE FOR CHASE of hob unpublished.«h r«my purpose nine than TMD 08-1218 ® Dn ro9 n t�w z.s ro sus nex e s s t� K rtn.Intenaea appuaatioa m so-ongly eeaa,rogea. a.,u. � ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLYI Decloexe«reproductien of oy of the infomation OF DATE: Drawing No. A 54"" ` eTro.�rwoereorrar. TI'D K USE ONLY APPROVED ARTWORK-DESIGNATION: contained withh these documents without the written 1 3/26/09 B244083 ci`n FOR PRODUCTION corset of the owner a strictly prohbited. REv. DATE DEsermwriat 8Y: APR LIH-WBO-I4-LED 3/4'x3/4'x3/16'x I I/2'LONG CLEAR POLYCARB.ANGLE CLIP, GE 1100'K WHITE RIVET/ADHERE TO BACK WITH MOUNTING LOCATION TETRA MAX LED r__-, TWO-PART ADHESIVE SYSTEM 'GEMX11-WI TYP. •---- TYPICAL 3 `" , feTp� '�,�pr - VfC OS r � � ,,4. `a4 4 4 °��`� l __f °"�3 EQ: A3 f 4., iEW7j / ♦ F---a 1-, i 0 ON..,,, ELECTRICAL �d9 *-. ' <1 y gA.�""'33 ,i0° 2, ° ENTRANCE 4 ..�'# 4 4 "3, Tf 4 4 ` 6`-' TYP. �' 11 0 t1 fR t . I ��v °44 4 4 ' • , 5",'A : fir. a, 40, p` '�` 3` -,- \ ' /4 4�' am,, Y � �c 0 0 30 f3- 10 LEDs II LEDs II LEDs 12 LEDs 12 LEDs 20 LEDs LED LAYOUT ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS: ALL PRIMARY 4 SECONDARY LEDS:(16)1100'K WHITE GE TETRA MAX YsEMXII-WI WIRING MUST BE GROUNDED POWER SUPPLY:(I)GE'GEPS12-60U-NA•OSSA PER ALL APPLICABLE UL AND SEE SHEET 1 OF 1 FOR PREFERED DISCONNECT TOTAL LOAD:OSSA s 120V NEC GUIDLINES CIRCUITS:(1)20 AMP REO'D. SWITCH LOCATION FOR REMOTE,NON-PARAPET WALL INSTALLATION 20 AMP DISCONNECT SWITCH WITH WEATHERPROOF GE'GEPSI2-60U-NA LED POWER GANG LEVER COVER PLACED WITHIN SIGHT OF SUPPLY WITHIN ENCLOSURE SIGN OR REMOTELY MOUNTED 1 CAPABLE OF 2'SEAL-TITE ELECTRICAL I/2'STRAIGHT CONDUIT BEING LOCKED IN THE OPEN CIRCUIT POSITION CONDUIT TYP. CONNECTOR TYP. 1 • a—K® 6�----_—_--- I® 1 TO PRIMARY jr jr j . BEt..' A____ j-Iri . C III H • A S L ,/ BUILDING WIRING DIAGRAM FOR REMOTE,NON-PARAPET WALL INSTALLATION JUNCTION BOX FOR WALL OCTAGON SEGMENT CONNECTIONS {tpp] 3' D MAW PA2laJ bOLTALg 1'.ELECII i ow K & om ,�c rierawsi"wr�wr�'wr Lows. 1F& K I. umro �";..n ro° 'mw"°"`° MID K A s ^2110,1 we K ® 7/30/09 owes �.n°::wow TFR K A 3021/12 'i 3i Zi Wowri i TPoe K ®I YRK I GMANGFP LEG WTI mgaruc r TO GE I Tyd¢I K Theca document,represent protatpicol design drawings SHT. BY: Project No. ® dT0/10 owm wry sew<nwn cnnero 110 K «sales epeAr Nl Tar use b J.P.Ya an rnrse.use �'111f mruTaxa.0 GRAPHICS DEPICTED ARE FOR CHASE �� a,so.onoaa �.a k Ta any Durpox ath�than 2 TMD 08-1218 ® DAI/05 a,,,�„ n_�,. T� K ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY! the Intended application,e strongly d'accuroged. Diealasure or ductian or an or the inrormation OF DATE: Drawing No. ® 52r09 ow"a�era_*rt 6.7.r. c.7 1rD K USE ONLY APPROVED ARTWORK rWth Y 'n=�w'a'".1LO�" DESIGNATION: contained.any these a«ament,without the written 1 3/16/0S 82440S3 FOR PRODUCTION. consent o,the caner is strictly pronedea Imo. DATE DESORPTION BY: APR LIH-WBO-I4-LED --------- '8x1/2'COINTERSIAIK FLAT- �/ 3' PHILLIPS HEAD THREAD ROLLMG SCREW(I PER CLIP) — �� r —tI' 3' 1 W"1: 3/4'x3/4'x3/16'x I I/2'LONGS _ /: i ■ {� CLEAR POLYCARB.ANGLE CLIP, -. —_/ I. �, I I I RIVET E ADHERE TO BACK WITH 3/8'DIA WALL FASTENERS I_ I ! TWO-PART ADHESIVE SYSTEM tl Wi1H OVERSIZED WASHERS \_� ON BOTH SIDES,TYP. w --r---- L i 3/I6'DIA.ALUM.RIVET b 'ALUM. ■I ��;,(t (2 PER CLIP REQ'D) 1lrl•`'I LETTER FACE)ETURN .Ill'CLEAR POLYCARBONATE 'j 1'I I (WELD TO FACE) BACK 1 3/8'DIA WALL FASTENER WITH 1�! LETTER FACEALUM I. OVERSIZED WASHERS FORMED DSO ALUM. I/!'SEAL-TITE STRAIGHT ON BOTH SIDES TYP. DRAIN HOLE COVER /!� CONDUIT CONNECTOR TYP, �,-- (I PER SEGMENT REQ'D) GE 1100'K WHITE ' NTERIOR SURFACES OF ALL ALUMINUM I/4'DIA DRAM I• HOLE TYP. TETRA MAX LED RETURNS I BACKS SHALL BE PANTED iGEMX11-W 1 TYP. SPRAYLAT STARBRITE WHITE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. I/1'SEAL-TITS I 1 STRAIGHT CONDUIT CONNECTOR II 11111 ALL POLYCARBONATE ASSEMBLIES SHALL 1I1I1 41 EMPLOY A SOLVENT TYPE CEMENT FOR 1 In INITIAL RAPID ASSEMBLY FOLLOWED BY A 1 MONOMER-POLYMER-SOLVENT(MPS)TYPE CEMENT AROUND ALL BONDED EDGES. I� ® I. Ill'CLEAR POLYCARBCNATE BACK WITH 3M'3135.50 J 1 DIFFUSER ON INSIDE SURFACE OF BACK FORMED 250'ALUM. 1 Ill'CLEAR POLYCARBONATE DRAIN HOLE COVER 'i BACK WITH 3M'3135-50 DIFFUSER D90'ALUM. TYP. w ON INSIDE SURFACE OF BACK ■7■';:},i, OCTAGON RETURN IIII I/4'DIA.DRAIN I "_ (WELD TO FACE) - - NOLE TYP. ,^ ���, GE 11001K WHITE TETRA MAX 'I till W'�\•�1 LED*GEMXTI-W TYP. �I�IE ' TYPICAL SECTION THROUGH CHANNEL LETTER .0 0'ALUM. LETTER FACE IIi ii • SECTION THROUGH OCTAGON IMRtOilar R\�6STi4 MYibOYOteswwad= (p�3,'M'D .n.waa[Inunaw HaltlelRr GIIC K 19A1 .asa.wrbesm.. IRE K a? Now NM 1.41 l *' BID K Y/M7 ACM O�Ie:el rov OW K A D/AO/OS arswa1i r b.. TR! K 3,21R2 TSPFIEWICIIMPWAMIT IPR K ®I T/2V41 DOMED LED.LAUGH P6lLYirt TO GE I TAN I K These doerne,te represent prototypical desiy:drawings SHT. BY: PmJ.a No. aroro c"o�1Ooo B""a'"'001O1eTO 4D K CHASE seated npu specifically for use by P.rorgan Cher Use ,�',',`�1"6"P''''' GRAPHICS DEPICTED ARE FOR '_ of this unpublished Bark for any puryoee otne man 3 TMD 08-1218 CAuOE Gml1m�ewaaAewro Eu Tm.m �' K ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLYI me Mended epplkotbn le.bonyy dbwvaged. D'odo.rte or r oduction of an of the Mfamation OF DATE: Drawing No. ® 61E/09 c'n'n�'o—'1e��"�w01"es' !ND K USE ONLY APPROVED ARTWORK ror T ac'r''R^'..�Me.'''oroa DESIGNATION: cantdned rimin these documents without the written 1 3/26/05 8244083 '°n`b""GY1°e FOR FRODUGTION conemt or the oener a strictly prohbitea IEV. DATE DEEGRIMION BY: APR: LI1-1460-14-LED 41/2' V2' ----�— I I/2' �„,a, ao, 7 4 I Id' :`i} 0-- 4 V1' — i — 3 �� 1R'4�, % s: f— 3' ;IIII/5///' /. D.X.ii.-v"$•''.1,:.•,t•P,..-,..Y5to-..f.f..Fe:l Imo. 1 7, �e / i i.I i1 r_.$#0,,o.f1 i . 1•- 1,I...!I=,1E.: I , :—i':I•.t i/ I / ( • ice- I,: i1 - z NOTE: 0 PIPE SPACER MAY BEAR al WALL SHEATHING ONLY .._ I! -•' - 0 ..; HE IF THE SHEATHING IS I/2'NICK PLYWOOD OR FYe ••. GREATER IF NE WALL SHEATHRYs IS PLYW TH OOD AT r �� IS LESS THAN 1/2 NICK OR IS ANYTHING OTHER THAN PLY1I OD,THE PIPE SPACER SHALL BE EXTENDED SECTIONS FOR FRAMED WALL INSTALLATION TO BEAR CM THE WOOD BLOCKING BEHIND. SECTIONS FOR BRICK WALL INSTALLATION • BRICK WALL WALL SHEATHING EXTERIOR SHEATHING EXTERIOR FINISH r , r — ' 2x4 WOOD BLOCKING BETWEEN $ f 11/2' I 1 STUDS-ATTACH BLOCKING TO I *-- I I/!' / 1 EACH SW „ �' i 'I.' HILTI ANCHOR SYSTEM OR EQUAL SHALL WALL STUD I BE INSTALLED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE am e! ---•:-;.. .• . ON 16'G?R5. 3/8'DIA.A301 BOLT 'i I / WITH THE MANUFACTURERS 111�111� N_��1�111�1���1�1�1NI WITH NUT*OVERSIZED Ilm SPECIFICATIONS t RECOMMENDATIONS rI I' ` WASHERS TYP. ji I �I Ii.11111111' 3 1/8'MIN. 1 liF . FA WALL STUD 3/8'DIA.A36 THREADED ROD EMBEDMENT • ��ON Ib'CTRS. WITH NUT/OVERSIZED WASHERS I EMBEDDED A MN.OF 3 1/8'INTO :I HILT'HY-10 ADHESIVE OR EQUAL IR'DIA.PIPE SPACER TTP ' FROM BACK OF LETTER TO I TYPICAL BRICK WALL MOUNTING DETAIL J FACE OF BLOCKING 1YP. __ HILTI SCREEN TUBE OR EQUAL PER TYPICAL FRAMED WALL MOUNTING DETAIL MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS ® eMwamamma liunaR uo�rm ruleeiwlr 6HC K V!M �emgarm c"�'�"aw.wrwe°Oww"0irw.u'araww T10[ K um Lrno emae rurt rows ro ® M05/10room sw urt sin ivsa L Srwa TI'p K ® D/M7 ucm�e+crrr.H rrm GHC K ®D/30/O9 paw.V.wVIVna.a.. TAR K A 341R ro rrse nE a UA TIOF K ik,I 9/72M I LWNGED LER M:el PERLIGNT TO GE I TAR I K, These documents represent prototypical design drawings SHT. BY: ProJ�et No. ® eA®/ID �o�em'Y run cacwro fiD K _ 'urt Tc rurcw eupc created specircolly for use by J.P.Morgan Chase.Use a eaec aweeroe •GRAPHICS DEPICTED ARE FOR CHASE ' hid unpuNished Kirk for my purpose other than 4 'RID 08-1218 ® D 3I/� cwwep roearNlo n�Ywn K ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLYI Me Intended application ie aVongly d'ocouraged. 4-,�, tin°, Dodwure a reprodxtim of any of the i 7%,,on OF DATE: Drawing No. ® 5/UO3 r irD K USE ONLY APPROVED ARTWORK DESIGNATION: if contained witnis these documents without the written l 3/26/0S B244083 FOR PRODUCTION consent of the owner is strictly pronlhited REV. DATE DE9CPoPTION win er: APR LIH-WBO-I4-LED City of Northampton Map:Lot 32A-135-001 Massachusetts Date issued 02/03/2023 Inspector of Buildings Permit # BP-2023-0099 Permit Fee $60.00 SIGN PERMIT Business Address 1 KING ST Applicant Installer HAZEL WOOD HOPKINS Applicant Installer Address 27 OLD MEETINGHOUSE RD, AUBURN, MA 01501 Work Description ILLUMINATED PROJECTING SIGN - SIGN E-03 Estimated Cost $2000 Building Department \\,c. • Approval by: Jonathan Flagg City of Northampton Map:Lot 32A-135-001 Massachusetts Date issued 02/03/2023 Inspector of Buildings Permit # BP-2023-0099 Permit Fee $60.00 SIGN PERMIT Business Address 1 KING ST Applicant Installer HAZEL WOOD HOPKINS Applicant Installer Address 27 OLD MEETINGHOUSE RD, AUBURN, MA 01501 Work Description ILLUMINATED PROJECTING SIGN - SIGN E-03 Estimated Cost $2000 Building Department Approval by: Jonathan Flagg z-0 File #BP-2023-0099 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON:HAZEL WOOD HOPKINS 27 OLD MEETINGHOUSE RD AUBURN, MA 01501 508-612-6954 PROPERTY LOCATION 1 KING ST MAP:LOT 32A-135-001 ZONE THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid $60.00 Type of Construction: ILLUMINATED PROJECTING SIGN-SIGN E-03 New Construction Non Structural Renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/ Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRESENTED: X Approved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management Demolition Delay LILL .11r ' a/3/d3 Sig4ture of Building Official Date • Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Departinent of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. *Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. r City of Northampton e-. 4 Massachusetts '$S.~ "-•.<'\ E '.c, e. !1 .. DEPARTMEN'i' OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS y. ; r 212 Main Street • Municipa'- Building J•. te.' " Northampton, MA 01060 3 ,�JQ Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign Or other Advertising Device, or Marquee / !S 0 (Application to as filled out in ink or typewritten) Number `7U1 Plans must be filed with the Building Inspector • Erection _( ) before a permit will be granted. Alteration .,,�•� , Repair ( ) Repainting ( ) FEE(Removal//�� ( ) .PAGE PLOT Northampton, Mass.w 1 I d 3 20.( Application for a permit to place or maintain a sign or other advertising device, or marquee BUSINESS NAME e I4A,5. i 1. Location, Street and No. ...1.. ..1.N.G --SiTEL—e-T 2. Owner's name U'� Moe. `O AN C 1446 3. Owner's address i l t ( ?CIA IZAS 1Pk wAl• CAAI-412 L15 o 4 l32L/O 4. Maker's name 14l(A1, / �- H.6' .(YJ.N/�.. .... 1n_AiL.'V.. :.. -- 5. Maker's address ` 0 l w . SP tN& 6ce�J f J�'• (li' y,z4. Wu- 0 g09 6. Erector's name?I-II LA-CUP 14.LA' Si( N.- .CDR .) 7. Erector's address .�' Olh / lbEr Vim .O�•54., 420 ' Atkt1 / " ' 01U KIND OF SIGN 06 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated (Designate)Non-illuminated 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window or door? ..'hto. Marquee 3. Lower edge will be ft ins above the public way. Projecting , 4. Upper ecIte will be ft ins above the public way. Roof 5. Height ... . ft.d..ins Width 1 ft..0 ins Temporary 6. Face area , ...sq Wall 7. Inner edge will be rr� .ins from the building or pole. Gro�jj , 8. Outer edge will beY. .in om the building or pole. Other .„koa L (, 9. Face of building or pole is- ..ins back from th street line. ! r4, ON(. 10. Sign will project ins eyond the street line.C� l5T'I►N°. y 11. Sign will extend ft ... . .ins above the building or pole. F 12. Of what material w �9 e constructed? Frame Face (d is AU 13. Estimated cost $..Ci iu.0 Ot*k V The undersigned certifies that the above statements rue t e • • h. kn ledge and belief. . \ E . , (Signature of *caner or Agent) Page 1 of 3 h Woo d hop Li NS e. al a,y4c 5."' DL A, E03A - REFACE E04A - REFACE TBD Ort 0 • m • qkqe (Clk) • ._. , CHASE . . tii irt V 0 REFACE CUSTOM REFACE OF EXISTING CLOCK-DIMENSIONS TBD Existing SCALE:NTS . t -- illi Ili TBD E03A • CHASE 0 ,� m 1- • 1 • E04A REFACE CUSTOM REFACE OF EXISTING CLOCK-DIMENSIONS TBD oft ScALe:NTS Proposed DIMENSIONS TO BE DETERMINED CHS.NB.1077-Northampton DESIGNER- DB AaPHILADELnHI /�SIGN T NAN ORGNALUNPUBUSHFn DRAWNG CREATEDCHASE r rl BY PS C.O.IT B SUBMITTED FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE 1 Kin Street CREATED - 09.08.22 NWNUNCT IS WRITTEDF RYOU PERSONAL Northampton,MA 01060 FOR YOU OU ORGANZAATIONNN LS NOT O BE ORIIS TTWN TO OWLBEADONE p 704 WEST SPRING GARDEN Sf.PALMYRA,NJ.08085 DRAWING - B102225 R856-829-1460•R856829-8549•WEB:MfpWwww.Rhiado*Dini9C.0001 COPIED,REPRO.TED,OR EXHIBITED IN ANY FASHION. DRC Page 7 Lb k....) E03B - REFACE E04B -REFACE TBD II 1 :, .!i•�. ' a'LVFkSCAPE • sr- 1\ :I : 6 I g CHASE .(autr Diamond; _ REFACE CUSTOM REFACE OF EXISTING CLOCK-DIMENSIONS TBD Existing SCALE:NTS 0 • \. 0 TBD 1 get % 4C • CI— ASE E03B :' • , a �;• . ._ a. co .. E04B REFACE — CUSTOM REFACE OF EXISTING CLOCK-DIMENSIONS TBD • SCALE:NTS Proposed DIMENSIONS TO BE DETERMINED DESIGNER- DB I-I - ---�---C H A S E CHS.NB.1077-Northampton 5 P H I L A D E L P H I AS I G N THIS AN ORIGINALUNPUBLISHED BEAD PL CREATED BYSGAN.RGSAL UNPUDFORYOUR DRAVON CREATED 1 King Street CREATED 09.08.22 INBNAL USE CONJ.O.ITC SUBMITTED FORPROJECT P PLANNED Northampton,MA 01060 FOR You BY PSC.o.RGNOT TO BE SHOWN TO ANYONE ]0]WEST SPRING GARDEN ST•PALMYRA,W•OBOBB OUTSIDE YOUR ORGANIZATION NOR IS I TO BE USED, DRAWING - B102225 P:856-829-1460•F',856-829-8549•WEB:nIT5154 w•OhIMO MIN9,o00 COPIED,REPRODUCED.OR EXHIBITED IN ANY FASHION. DRC Page 8 City of Northampton Map:Lot 32A-135-001 Massachusetts Date issued 02/03/2023 Inspector of Buildings Permit # BP-2023-0104 Permit Fee $480.00 SIGN PERMIT Business Address 1 KING ST Applicant Installer HAZEL WOOD HOPKINS Applicant Installer Address 27 OLD MEETINGHOUSE RD, AUBURN, MA 01501 Work Description 8 AWNING SIGNS Estimated Cost $5000 Building Department Approval by: Jonathan Flagg City of Northampton Map:Lot 32A-135-001 Massachusetts Date issued 02/03/2023 Inspector of Buildings Permit # BP-2023-0104 Permit Fee $480.00 SIGN PERMIT Business Address 1 KING ST Applicant Installer HAZEL WOOD HOPKINS Applicant Installer Address 27 OLD MEETINGHOUSE RD, AUBURN, MA 01501 Work Description 8 AWNING SIGNS Estimated Cost $5000 Building Department Approval by: Jonathan Flagg -644 File #BP-2023-0104 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON:HAZEL WOOD HOPKINS 27 OLD MEETINGHOUSE RD AUBURN, MA 01501 508-612-6954 PROPERTY LOCATION 1 KING ST MAP:LOT 32A-135-001 ZONE THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid $480.00 Type of Construction: 8 AWNING SIGNS New Construction Non Structural Renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/ Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRESENTED: X Approved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission _ Permit DPW Storm Water Management Demolition Delay a Sign ture of Building Official I Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. • City of Northampton .0,,,` t, Massachusetts .s :.sicc 4. {Cr't DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS a . �' r` ' 212 Main Street • Municipa' Building y0'•. a '163 North s 'ampton, MA 01050 Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign Or other Advertising Device, or Marquee (Application to be filled out in ink or typewritten) Number Plans must be filed with the Building Inspector Erection before a permit will be granted. Alteration 'ki" Repair Repainting ( ) Removal ( ) (O k 8) FEE'18v AGE PLOT • Northampton, Mass. I i a 20.(1 Application for a permit to place/ or maintain a sign or other advertising device, or marquee r BUSINESS NAME C AS C. 1. Location, Street and No. ...I..k.1 N.G.. Lt-T. 2. Owner's name J P , _ `oe AN C 445 ` 3. Owner's address1 ( ?CIA iz.is Pk wy • Co GtALI 13I4' 0 E 4 '132`/c) 4. Maker's name 7 N U A ..PH.(6..--�1.(�9.N ak,,./..,/.. ... 101 (A) . S g t N(o com ( u- y,z. ON 5. Maker's address � �• � 0 O��19 6. Erector's name . tLA. PH IA 1 y COo4V 7. Erector's address .P� OW /" l -['006, OU 6 1J O . .. l RA( r1 / 4A 01 SO SI KIND OF SIGN (Designate) 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated Non-illuminated . .. 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window or door? .I,,)O.. Marquee 3. Lower edge will be .(Q.ft..Q...ins above the public way. Projecting 4. Upper wile will be I,3...ft...O..in>� above the public way. Roof 5. Height �..ft. ....ins Width .. ...ft..ta.ins Temporary 6. Face area ..l$..sq. ft. Wall 7. Inner edge will be .r,. .ins from the building or pole. Gro ., 4. 8. Outer edge will beo1...insj'gm the building or pole. Other.... 9. Face of building ole is .-1.(a.ins back from the street line. II'.mime, 10. Sign will project .ins yond the street line. ; 11. Sign will extend ft ..A).ins above the building ,p.ole. 12. Of what material w sin be constructed? Frame-.gg��. kLAN 0?-1 I� '�IINL.IM... Face C-- 13. Estimated cost $.7t..U.a..0 The undersigned certifies that the above statements a true o he s of his k ledge and belief. - ..t......... . .... .... .K,... (Signature o Owner or Agent 508. cp la . cocis,i ' Page 1 of 3 /1 wood hop k t tis e 4?-( 5 LN ; 41k.)NI c 9 S 40 <-1--‘c ( E05, E06, E07, Eu8 - AWN-RESKIN E13 - ADA-EP _ .Ulelr.:., 1 y h'. CHASE li 1 �£ " I I�1 �° CHASC fiu 01f' N r 2.a 5'' At: E05 E06 a_z" ' 1. > E07 E08 • - E13 South West Elevation DIMENSIONS TO BE FIELD VERIFIED !. L{ ' -O D Ly ` 1' 6" ,I I 7- 9' m n91 Artln Door A�,.D�. lib 111--11 Ija S.. _1[ e�ma nn a,c s.a. m aow..uA..gn a CHASE ,dleIhe "h.�h1A..,�. ADA-EP ` HANDICAPPED ENTRANCE PLAQUEMETAL SIGN E0�MOUNTED AWN-RESKIN SCALE:NTS TO WITH PINS.KER RESKIN EXISTING AWNING-DIMENSIONS TBD • SCALE:NTS CHS.NB.1077-Northampton DESIGNER- DB PH I L A D E L P H I AS I G N n1S5ANOROMALUNPUBLISHEO DRAWNOCREATEO CHASEPBCO RBSUBN9 TEDPORYWRPERSONAL SE 1 KingStreet CREATED - 09.0H.22 INCONJUNCTIONWITHAPROJECTBEINOPLENNED FOR YOU BY MC.O.R IS NOT TO BE SHOWN TO ANYONE Northampton, MA 01060 7O7 WEST SPRING GARDEN ST•PALh4rRA,NJ•08085 OUTSIDE YOUR OROAW2AIION NOR IS IT TO BE ISED, DRAWING - B 102225 P:856-829.1460•F:SS&829-8549•WEB:htl jA,„„„Wda5Chiav 0,,„ COPIED,REPRODUCED,OR BOWED IN ANY FASHION. MC Page 0 EOQ, E10, E11, E12 - AWN-RESKIN r • CHASE 4 CHAS: ■■ a7 • Ell i E09 E10 E12 1 . 4. ', • x. • South East Elevation DIMENSIONS TO BE FIELD VERIFIED TBD C CHASE AWN-RESKIN RESKIN EXISTING AWNING-DIMENSIONS TBD SCALE:NTS DESIGNER- DB PHILADELPHIASIGN CH King Street -NorthamptonMOxu+owoNALUNAPROOJECTBFnwmc CREATED NED CHASE BY P.S.C.D.R B SUBMITTED FOR YOUR PERSONAL 180E 1 King Street CREATED - 09.06.22 4':9ED'i BA NOS [ FOR YOU IF UBMA MOTTO BC GOPLONAL Northampton,MA 01060 ONE OUTSIDE WYOUR CORouvPTO TO B0 0BEJU 70 DE TO]WEST 055-8 A4DEN 8r•PNIAYIM to•Deo F4 DRAWING - 8102225 P.B56-629u60•F:856-829-E5/9•W®:htlp/MwitiWopM1Naaptcwn COPED,REPRODUCED.DR DEVOTED IN ANY,SHION. DRC Page 10 JPMorganChase October 25, 2022 Philadelphia Sign Company 707 West Spring Garden Palmyra,:NJ 08065 Subject: Permitting.Authorization To Whom It May Concern;. As applicant for the signage permit referenced.above, JP Morgan Chase & Co, Is this Letter of Authorization for Philadelphia Sign Company and counterparts desfgn i ed idlng by Philadelphia Sign Corhpany.. This letter authorizes representatives of Philadelphia Sign Company to act on Our behalf when submitting and signing applications and obtaining project approvals during the_2022 calendar year. If you have any'questions or require additional information, I can be reached at (614) 46- 1172. Sincerely c--ona, a „. \pp Mary A Donahue Vice President,. East Region Signage Manager Client#: 122011 PHILSIG ACORD,,, CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMIDD/YYYY) 12/30/2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW.THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT:If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer any rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER ACT Diane Pavilonis,CIC,CISR Huntington Insurance, Inc. PHONE FAX (A/C,No,EM):412 667-6538 (NC,Np): 877 489-9126 310 Grant Street, 2nd floor E-MAIL diane. ilis ton.com Pittsburgh, PA 15219 ADDRESS: pavon @huntin g 888 576-7900 INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A:Zurich American Insurance 16535 INSURED INSURER B:Imperium Insurance Co 35408 _ Philadelphia Sign Company INSURER C Zurich American Insurance 16535 707 W Spring Garden St INSURER D:Travelers Property Casualty Co of Am 25674 Palmyra, NJ 08065 Federal Insurance Company20281 INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ---- ------ ------ ADDL SUBR -_---- - --_-- ----- POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSRWVD POUCY NUMBER (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) ITS A X COMMERCIALGENERALLIABILITY GL03759749 12/31/2022 01/01/2024 EACH OCCURRENCE $2,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR PREMISES(Ea occ rrrence) $300,000 MED EXP(Any one person) $10,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $4,000,000 POLICY X JECT LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $4,000,000 OTHER: $ CAUTOMOBILE LIABILITY BAP3759750 12/31/2022 01/01/2024(Eaaaac dEenntp INGLELIMIT $2,000,000 X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS X AUTOS ONLY X NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ AUTOS ONLY (Per accident) $ B UMBRELLAUAB X OCCUR ARUIICCX000008100 12/31/2022 01/01/2024 EACH OCCURRENCE $5,000,000 X EXCESS LIAR CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE s5,000,000 DED1 XI RETENTION$0 _ $ c WC3759746 12/31/2022 01/01/2024 X 1STATUTE ER WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y/N ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE[—]� E.L EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? [ N J NIA (Mandatory in NH) E.L DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 D Excess Liab EX3W17875222NF 12/31/2022 01/01/2024 $10,000,000 E Crime/3rd Party 82626749 12/31/2022 01/01/2024 $1,000,000 i I DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILiy BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) 1 of 1 The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD #S2001894/M2001336 PADI1 the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ' Department of Industrial Accidents kt__ Office of Investigations .air_ 16 #1 Lafayette City Center ' 2Avenue de Lafayette, Boston, MA 02111-1750 , Vf www.mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name (Business/Organization/Individual): PHILADELPHIA SIGN COMPANY Address: 707 WEST SPRING GARDEN STREET City/State/Zip: PALMYRA NJ 08065 Phone #: 856-829-1460 Are you an employer? Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): 1. ■❑ I am a employer with 1 00 4. ❑ I am a general contractor and I 6. New construction employees (full and/or part-time).* have hired the sub-contractors 2.❑ I am a sole proprietor or partner- listed on the attached sheet. 7. ❑ Remodeling ship and have no employees These sub-contractors have 8. [' Demolition working for me in any capacity. employees and have workers' 9. ❑ Building addition [No workers' comp. insurance comp. insurance. t required.] 5. ❑ We are a corporation and its 10.0 Electrical repairs or additions 3.❑ I am a homeowner doing all work officers have exercised their 11.0 Plumbing repairs or additions myself. [No workers' comp. right of exemption per MGL 12.0 Roof repairs insurance required.] t c. 152, §1(4),and we have no employees. [No workers' 13.® Other S I Q Il install comp. insurance required.] *Any applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. tContractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: ZURICH AMERICAN INSURNANCE Policy#or Self-ins. Li . #•WC3759746 Expiration Date: 0 1/01/2024 Job Site Address: 1 k I NKD C J Id 2. 1' City/State/Zip: Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to $1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations o the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereb ertify under th ain a enalties of perjury that the information provided ove is t ue and correct. Signature: () . Date: Phone#: 856-829-1460 Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official. City or Town: Permit/License # Issuing Authority(check one): 1❑Board of Health 20 Building Department 31:City/Town Clerk 4.1:Electrical Inspector 5lumbing Inspector 6.❑Other Contact Person: Phone#: THIS FORM IS PART OF THE SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION File No. ZONING(INFORMATION PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION }. 1. Name of Ap licant 4 till- I-I I4 S I(41 C M Q, Iv1 ?14 1 pt. Address l OW Aar/(1/4.4a H{)1A5 A, AH&eN, (�9)Telephone( 12. -1 L( 2. Owner ofPropert . PA , (�4N CI-tit-a:- v I40 I \\\h(+moocc hapj, llxx� t-h 4er.. �i Ne4 Address:H(, &Are* Pki 41. C(jUd.kl&•t 5,GW 1 43246 ale —<1 4.67 3. S tus of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser _Lessee r Other(explain): 5/LIN I k)5TAC( 02- 4. Job Location: I KIN Co 5T/21---Z'"'r h Parcel ID: Zoning Map# 32 ii Parcel# I J'S '01 District(s) (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property: 3 N1< 6. ' De ription of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occup on: (Use ad"iitional shee s if necessary) (,4c . ,c l l.Vb2s L4 PC. i COO 5, l(IN S M,tt1 "C ` -( TGCO WAIL 3(061 5 Ci3 47 g4(;-) j E E.PA U-: 0.1-L-LT-I kko 51LoN,) OWE EL 8 Isri (4W%4CoS.. 7. Attached Plans: N Sketch Plan Site Plan _ _Engineered/Surveyed Plans 8. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DON'T KNOW K YES IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES: Enter: Book Page and/or Document# 9. Does the site contain a brook,body of water or wetlands? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES: Has a permit been,or need to be,obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained ,Date issued 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES _ NO I YES: scribe the size,type and Iocati I 5 t tou S crk Atl- Nw-1 tk(4o t,wt _, E Q 11)4=, - l b!15--tiolo 5l(oS 1Cgilb .. \`SIUJ 1,46 51 s' ' Are there any proposed changes to,or additions of,signs intended for the property? YES J NO IF J : Describe the size, type and location: I ' ll'174(,� M K ( QPPL4L6M1 L SAfi-t-'_ Page 2 of 3 ( `M 11. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED:PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION. 12. This column to be filled in by the Building Department. Existing Proposed Required by Zoning Lot Size 100 q A6P--t-,S ND C ._ Frontage'1j(d9 , 10 -C I? b L coL Front: Setbacks:(for sign)Side: • L: R: I L: R: Rear: I Building Height ttt--- Facade Square Footage l 1 `7'/ i No (AN #of Parking Spaces NO C 1,4(0(-2" 13. Certification: I hereby certify that the information containe h rein is true and ccur a to the best of my kno ledge. DATE: _ 3 U Z APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE NOTE: Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an apolicant 's burden to comply with all zoning Requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. FILE# Page 3 of 3 Site Plan Exterior Scope of Work E01 LNIC-W80-14 NON-ILLUMINATED WHITE W/BLUE OCT DIMENSIONAL LETTERS 12.7SF �.•` ' r EO1.1 CUST-MP-XX CUSTOM BLACK METAL PAN 25.8sf r • „lit....,.* �` E02 LNIC-WBO.14 NON-ILLUMINATFD WHITE W/BLUE OCT DIMENSIONAL LETTERS 12.7SF -'.\-1 Y E02.1 CUST-MP-XX CUSTOM BLACK METAL PAN 25.8SF `{ ?' a •. • S ' ` E03A REFACE CUSTOM REFACE OF EXISTING CLOCK -S ..-/' - . _�// E038 REFACE CUSTOM REFACE OF EXISTING CLOCK 4 v0:,- . /' EO4A REFACE CUSTOM REFACE OF EXISTING CLOCK E048 REFACE CUSTOM REFACE OF EXISTING CLOCK = 1 E05 AWN-RESKIN RESKIN EXISTING AWNING a ` Y •E06 AWN•RESKIN RESKIN EXISTING AWNING � -� r� I u,Us EaE(oo And PICRE InQ E07 AWN•RESKIN RESKIN EXISTING AWNING lip. ti - E08 AWN-RESKIN RESKIN EXISTING AWNING ,`'� . - ..i t ;, i E09 AWN-RESKIN RESKIN EXISTING AWNING III- f .,' 't _ Smith Charities E10 AWN-RESKIN RESKIN EXISTING AWNING - • ' E05 ♦ ' - f . • - ~- E11 AWN-RESKIN RESKIN EXISTING AWNING \• E06 .4® ♦ 14K'ing ® \ E12 AWN-RESKIN RESKIN EXISTING AWNING •E01 ‘E01.1 `�"a -t, `41111V � E02.1 E02 E07 'r� �.• E12 Ell A E08itt, IN_ E10 E09 � ° - ilk ...: '-'9,„. . E03A E04A �� ♦�I`' E036 E046 na Bandefra C � `` '/"40 O • Nry Ama ` 4/6 ``� 8 \. alITODDIPIDO Nowt' Pr mfn • y Group Insurance Trust �``` w Exterior Signs Pdsd,, ,Ny� ' 4• -"..1)1rE"..--,v,..:k. ■ Interior Signs DESIGNER- DB 5 P H I L A D E L P H I A S I G N T YOU BY PS"0 I6 NO,ED DRA MNG CREATED CHS.N6.7077-Northampton THrsrsu+owGlNa UNPUBLISHED CHASE IT SUBMITTED FOR YOUR PERSONAL YE A PROJECT BEING PLANNED 1 rth Street CREATED 09.08.22 FOR oeESHOWN TO ANYONE Northampton,MA OlO6O 0 WES PfUN GARDEN ST,PA NIYM,NJ,aeoe6 OWSIOE YOUR ORGANISATION NOR IS r TO BE USED. DRAWING- B102225 P:856-824.60•F.856-S2X.ES49•WES Mip//www oredelphlrian.con COPIED.REPROIXICEC.OR EATIBITEC IN ANY FASHION. ORC Page 3