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42 Harkness Avenue .10
}fi FAX: 413-525- 1885 ,
East Lon meadow, MA 01028 : :5
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Representing : Arbella Mutual Ins . Co . -Quincy
P . 0. Box 9103 DEC
Quincy, MA 021699103
December 7, 1993
To :
Inspector of Buildings
210 Main Street
Northampton , MA 01060
Re : Insured : Noel T. Bosanquez , Northampton , MA 01060
Property Address : 66 Whittier St . , , Northampton , MA 01060
Policy : D1001612
Date-Loss : 12/02/1993
File or Claim Number : 17523
Claim has been made involving loss, damage , or destruction of the above
captioned property, which may either exceed $1 ,000 .00 or cause "Mass . Gen .
Laws , Chapter 143, Section 6" to be applicable . If any notice under "Mass .
General Laws , Chapter 139, Section 3B" is appropriate , please direct it to
the writer and include a reference to the captioned insured , location ,
policy number, date of loss and claim or file mumber .
On this date , I caused copies of this notice to be sent to the persons
named above at the address indicated above by first class mail .
Robert F . Trinceri, President