43-088 (3) V-U 1 SD F--
Massachusetts Energy Code n Permit #
MAScheck Software Version 2.0 / '
3 U/L 9)/V6- /1,'5PiA .. Checked by/Date
CITY: Amherst
STATE: Massachusetts (PWdLg-e_/?
HDD: 6614
CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 1 or 2 family, detached
HEATING SYSTEM TYPE: Other (Non-Electric Resistance)
DATE: 4-24-1998
DATE OF PLANS: April 24, 1998
TITLE: Home Renovations for Richard & Karen Marquis
Make existing garage into a heated family room. Convert existing porch into heated
mud room. Add attached 2-car garage with 2nd floor storage room and stairs. Re-roof
house and barn. Add side porch and entry stoop. Replace barn slider door 1,4h w'shilow,
Gougeon & Locke Builders of Williamsburg, MA
One 2846 Andersen Window on west wall of new family room. 3" of rigid foil faced
foam board on Mud Room floor. Neer Faw►4y Room WaNs: Ae t mud R wjs: 1keA
50ot.I watt= Zy'xg'=192. SZO west 1i; $'x$'=64
COMPLIANCE: PASSES West Wcb�� 17'x`�' _-47 f/Are{ ate I:13°3($':NL�
Required UA = 119 nDrtk watt .. 241'x 81= Ma -36 svbl3441=/6$
Your Home = 119 50b+wtaJ-520 _12.
Area or Insul Sheath azing/Door _18
Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Value UA „la
JeW F4w CEILINGS 2N'K 17'_408 35.0 0.0 lc /20
MucCEILINGS 13'x 8'=104 38.0 0.0
fey,/ WALLS: Wood Frame, 16" O.C. (se above) 377 19.0 0.0 2c
M12d WALLS: Wood Frame, 16" O.C. (52e411:0o 120 19.0 0.0
4-fe../f4enGLAZING: Windows or Doors 5),(13.37 67 c i n w►nd.(f,G/w?5,K)0.320 4 ,.21
&y,/,oFA.hGLAZING: Windows or Doors 6/X6.7/: 40 P.1la. door C#1'3 0.300 11'
to GLAZING: Windows or Doors ) x(12.43)1= 12 9nder5eh aiiAck,(f1) 0.320 "--'"o
dew FA4DOORs 2x(2.1x6.1'):36 'T-aygor door3.(a/0 ft/21 0.080 LhwIvec
Mud DOORS 2.7'x6.7' _18 altar door 4413)# 0.080 q.
riodDOORS 2.11x6,7' =18 Stanley doer( y) 0.290
U,W FiAMFLOORS: Over Unconditioned Space 2j'X{7'= 408 15.0 2c
MJdFLOORS: Over Unconditioned Space /3'x $' - 104 22.0
COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building design represented in these
documents is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other
calculations submitted with the permit application. The proposed building
has been designed to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts Energy Code.
The heating load for this building, and the cooling load if appropriate
has been determined using the applicable Standard Design Conditions found
in the Code. The HVAC equipment selected to heat or cool the building
shall be no greater than 125% of the design load as specified in
sections 780CMR 1310 and J4.4.
Builder/Designer Date
Massachusetts Energy Code
MAScheck Software Version 2.0
Home Renovations for Richard & Karen Marquis
DATE: 4-24-1998
[ ] 1. R-35
Comments/Location Alf"( Fam,iy Room 3" 511(by() ur tIvAhe, 4 l'-I) kutts
[ ] 2. R-38
` pn DD )) �
Comments/Location tLJ f,o.?M h'5Z bctt Lv" E .n.1 /y
[ ] 1. Wood Frame, 16" O.C. , R-19 �� /I
Comments/Location Al€w ro.m.6 Roam - 2 L spr,wye i ✓(`eit'I1prIe,
[ ] 2. Wood Frame, 16" O.C., R-19 �� /I
Comments/Location Mud ROOM L Spl`dtt u-r1e A4rle_
[ ] 1. U-value: 0.32
For windows without labeled U-values, describe features:
# Panes Frame Type Thermal Break? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Comments/Location Aie.M. Fra,mily ROor.t tiL:ri o f„�A Ohl ritd W41 ,,cows
[ ] 2. U-value: 0.30 1
For windows without labeled U-values, describe features:
# Panes Frame Type Thermal Break? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Comments/Location fsJ vv Fare.Iy Room FrenuAL AXt
[ ] 3. U-value: 0.32
For windows without labeled U-values, describe features:
# Panes Frame Type n Thermal Break? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Comments/Location i i_;] klonoyl £)61 frivn �✓rn {� v
[ ] 1. U-value: 0.08
Comments/Location Weka FA,M;Iy 6o0,"1 — 2 T yler- Site/ /✓1SJI/ Ooar-
[ ] 2. U-value: 0.08 Comments/Location M ROOM IIOOM — I I asyIor 3tw/ 1y15,,I, Air
[ ] 3. U-value: 0.29 1
Comments/Location Kid ROOM -' 1 Re sed Stet n lei Steel Asti l .r
[ ] 1. Over Unconditioned Space, R-15
Comments/Location NON/ I aM.ir I\00r% "- 2 rill �ut "Faced AN�1 ,•ar
[ ] 2. Over Unconditioned Space, R- 2 I �`V r
Comments/Location I")ud RAOM '" 3" r/qld T()11 -ALCM DUG+��
[ ] Joints, penetrations, and all other such openings in the building
envelope that are sources of air leakage must be sealed. Recessed
lights must be type IC rated and installed with no penetrations
or installed inside an appropriate air-tight assembly with a 0.5"
clearance from combustible materials and 3" clearance from insulation.
[ ] Required on the warm-in-winter side of all non-vented framed
ceilings, walls, and floors.
[ ] Materials and equipment must be identified so that compliance can
be determined. Manufacturer manuals for all installed heating
and cooling equipment and service water heating equipment must be
provided. Insulation R-values and glazing U-values must be clearly
marked on the building plans or specifications.
[ ] Ducts in unconditioned spaces must be insulated to R-5.
Ducts outside the building must be insulated to R-8.0.
[ ] All ducts must be sealed with mastic and fibrous backing tape.
Pressure-sensitive tape may be used for fibrous ducts. The HVAC
system must provide a means for balancing air and water systems.
[ ] Thermostats are required for each separate HVAC system. A manual
or automatic means to partially restrict or shut off the heating
and/or cooling input to each zone or floor shall be provided.
[ ] Rated output capacity of the heating/cooling system is
not greater than 125% of the design load as specified
in sections 780CMR 1310 and J4.4.
[ ] Refer to 780 CMR, Appendix J for requirements relating to swimming
pools, HVAC piping conveying fluids above 120 F or chilled fluids
below 55 F, and circulating hot water systems.
----NOTES TO FIELD (Building Department Use Only)
' 0O'i BI E- !LN(3 i9NtbeRsI A)
Technical Data / Specifications
NWWDA'Performance Grade Canadian Performance Ratings
Andersen Tilt-Wash Double-Hung= Design Pressure(DP)30
Andersen Double Hung Picture=Design Pressure(DP)40 Tested to:CAN/CSA A440-M90 Units tested:TW3862,N 3862,DHP4262
Andersen Double-Hung Transom=Design Pressure(DP)30
Classified as: Tilt-Wash Narroli e Picture
Andersen Narroline Double-Hung= Design Pressure(DP)20(or DP40-see note) Air tightness A-2 A-2 Fixed
Andersen Narroline Picture=Design Pressure(DP)40 Watertightness 8-3 8-4 8-5
Andersen Narroline Transom=Design Pressure(DP)40 Wind load resistance and blow-out' C-2 C-3 C-4
1 National Wood Window&Door Association.See the last page of this catalog for NWWDA performance Resistance to forced entry Pass Pass N/A
grade requirements.
NOTE Narroline meets Design Pressure 40 with optional DP40 sill stop. 1 Two windows were mulled and subjected to positive and negative pressure differences.f 2000 Pa to check
mullion deflection,and 3000 Pa for blow-out.The standard requirements were met. A PROPRIATE USAGE:
Compliance CMHC permits the use of this product in construction financed or insured under the N tional Housing Act.
Andersen double-hung windows comply with the following requirements: •
N.W.W.D.A.-I.S.-2.N.W.W.D.A.-I.S.-4(NWWDA license No.129).Hallmark certified. 3
Independent testing laboratories have performed all required tests on No.3862.4462.TW3062.and DHT3831 size 5
units.These performance standards are further assured by a continuous testing program in Andersen Laboratories.
Andersen double-hung windows are manufactured under the following U.S.patents:2.926.729:3.340.665:3.432.885: ao
5 243 783 5.301.467 5 544 450 and 5.566.507-Canadian patents:758.928 and 788.225.Other patents applied tor. ❑
Andersen Double-Hung Windows Average Unit Performance Data o
NFRC Certified Total Unit NFRC Certified Total Unit
Center Inside ', Sound
Thermal Performance Values Solar Heat Gain Coefficient' of Glass Visible Ultra Kiochmann / Glass Relative Trans.
Unit Residential' Non-Residential' Non- Glass"U" Shading Light Violet Damage Relative Surface Heat Gain' Class
Type of Glass Unit"U" Unit'R" Unit'U" Unit'R" Residential Residential Value Coefficient' Trans.' Trans.' Functions Humidity' Temp.' Bfu/s.l./hr. (STC)'
Double-Pane Insulating
High-Performance'"(HP)111. 0.31 3.2 0.30 3.3 0.32 0.34 0.25 0.50 73% 17% 34% 63% 57°F 104 27
Double-Pane Insulating
High-Pert.Sun(HPSun)1° 0.33 3.0 0.32 3.1 0.24 0.25 0.28 0.35 40% 16% 24% 60% 56°F 76 27
Double-Hung Transom
Double-Pane Insulating
High-Performance'""(HP)"' 0.30 3.3 N/A N/A 0.35 N/A 0.25 0.50 73% 17% 34% 63% 57°F 104 27
Double-Pane Insulating
High-Perf.Sun(HPSun)1° 0.32 3.1 N/A N/A 0.26 N/A 0.28 0.35 40% 16% 24% 60% 56°F 76 27
Double-Hung Picture
Double-Pane Insulating
Hjgh-Performance''"(HP)m 0.31 3.2 0.30 3.3 0.35 0.35 0.25 0.49 73% 16970 33% 63% 57°F 102 26
Double-Pane Insulating
High-Pert.Sun(HPSun)10 0.33 3.0 0.32 3.1 0.25 0.26 0.28 0.35 40% 15% 23% 60% 56°F 74 26
Narroline Double-Hung
Clear Double-Pane Insulating 0.47 2.1 0.48 2.1 0.59 0.57 0.47 0.91 83% 62% 65% 41% 45°F 191 25
Double-Pane Insulatin
3.2 0.31 3.3 0.34 0.35 0.25 0.50 73% 17% . 34% 63°/° 57°F 104 25
ou - nsu ating
High-Pert.Sun(HPSun)10 0.33 3.0 0.32 3.1 0.25 0.26 0.28 0.35 40% 16% 24% 60% 56°F 76 25
Narroline Transom
Double-Pane Insulating
High-Performance'"'(HP)10 0.29 3.4 0.28 3.6 - - 0.25 0.50 73% 17% 34% 63% 57°F 104 26
Double-Pane Insulating
High-Pert.Sun(HPSun)10 0.30 3.3 0.30 3.3 - - 0.28 0.35 40% 16% 24% 60% 56°F 76 26
Narroline Picture
Double-Pane Insulating
High-Performance TM(HP)'° 0.28 3.6 0.28 3.6 - - 0.25 0.49 73% 16% 33% 63% 57°F 102 -
Double-Pane Insulating 1
High-Pert.Sun(HPSun)10 0.29 3.4 0.29 3.4 - - 0.28 0.35 40% 15% 23% 60% 56°F 74 -
1 For basic TW and NL units,residential represents 36"x 60"size,non-residential represents 48'x 72"size.For picture windows,residential represents 48'x 48'and non-residential represents 48'x 72'.
For transom windows,residential represents 48'x 48',non-residential represents 48'x 72'size.
2 The shading coefficients and solar heat gain coefficients listed above may vary(+or-)a few percentage points depending on the unit size.For information on specific units,contact Andersen Corporation.
3 Visible Light Transmission:In the visible spectrum(380-780 nanometers)the percentage of light that is transmitted through the glass.
4 Ultraviolet Energy:The transmission of energy in the 300-380 nanometer region of the solar spectrum.This shortwave energy can cause fabric fading.
5 The Krochmann Damage Function represents a weighted transmission of the glass in the 300-600 nanometer portion of the solar spectrum.
This value includes both ultra-violet and the portion of the visible light spectrum that can cause fabric fading.
6 Percent relative humidity before condensation occurs al the center of glass,taken using the center of glass temperature.
7 Inside Glass Surface Temperatures are taken from the center of glass.
8 Relative Heat Gain is calculated under a different set of assumptions than thermal performance.
9 STC ratings given are for individual units based on independent tests and represent the entire unit.Higher STC values may be available with other glazings.Contact Andersen Corporation for more informa ion,
10 High-Performance' (HP)and High-Performance Sun' (PP Sun)are Andersen terminology for'Low E'glass.
Clad Out-S`vin `�, ea
?(-0 French Doors
Designer Design Data
Clear Opening Visible Actual Glass** (1)
Vent Glass Frame Design
unit Width Width Area Area 1rea Pressure
Number (Full) ( 90 Height ft.' ft.' ft.' Width Ileight psi
'y.cr 3081-F ---- ---- ••••• 8.2 16.6 9-13/16" 64-11/16" 60
'0 3081-L,R 26-5/8" 24-9/16' 76-13/16' 14.2 8.2 16.6 19-13/16" 64-11/16' 60
8 6081-A1,1A 56-1/16" 50-15/16" 76-13/16" 29.9 16.4 33.0 19-13/16" 64-11/16' 40
sa 3681-F ---- 10.8 19.9 25-13/16" 64-11/16' 60
ti,i: 3681-L,R 32-5/8" 30-9/16* 76-13/16" 17.4 10.8 19.9 25-13/16" 64-11/16' 60
K°' 7281A1,IA 68-1/16" 62-15/16' 76-13/16 36.3 21.7 39.6 25-13/16" 64-11/16" 40
3082-F ---- ---- •••• --- 8.4 16.9 19-13/16" 66- /16" 60
0 3082-L,R 26-5/8" 24-9/16" 78-3/16" 14.5 8.4 16.9 19-13/16' 66- /16" 60
0 6082-A1,IA 56-1/16" 62-15/16" 78-3/16" 30.4 16.8 33.5 19-13/16" 66- /16" 40
b 3682-F ---- ---- --- ---- 11.1 20.3 25-13/16' 66- /16" 60
3682-L,R 32-5/8" 30-9/16' 78-3/16' 17.7 11.1 20.3 25-13/16" 66- /16" 60
fD 7282A1,IA 68-1/16' 62-15/16" 78-3/16" 37.0 22.2 40.3 25-13/16" 66- /16" 40
o) 3096-F ---- ---- ---- ---- 10.2 19.8 19-13/16" 80- /16' 60
::cc 3096-L,R 26-5/8' 24-9/16" 92-3/16' 17.1 10.2 19.8 19-13/16' 80- /16' 55
0 6096-AI.IA 56-1/16" 50-15/16' 92-3/16" 35 9 20 4 39.3 19-13/16" 80-L/16" .'
Q. 3696-F --- ---- ---- ---- 13.5 23.8 25-13/16" 80- /16" 60
0 3696-L,R 32-5/8" 30-9/16" 92-3/16" 20.9 13.5 23.8 25-13/16" 80- /16" 55
°D 7296-A1,1A 68-1/16' 62-15/16' 92-3/16' 43.6 27.0 47.3 25-13/16" 80- /16* 35
3017 ---- ---- --- 2.5 3.5 19-7/8' 14 7/8" 60
3617 ---- ---- ---- 3.1 4.2 25-7/8' 14 7/8" 60
3025 ---- --- --- 4.0 5.2 19-7/8" 22 7/8" 60
3625 --- ---- - 4.9 6.2 25-7/8" 22 7/8' 60
6017 --- --- 5.0 7.0 57-1/8" 14 7/8' 60
7217 6.4 8.4 69-1/8" 22 7/8' 60
6025 8.1 10.3 57-1/8' 14 7/8' 60
7225 9 9 12.3 69-1/8" 22 7/8" An
1881 ---- ---- ---- ---- 4.6 10.0 12-1/16' 64- 1/16' 60
1882 ---- ---- ---- 4.7 10.2 12-1/16" 66- /16" 60
1896 ---- ---- ---- ---- 5.7 11.9 12-1/16" 80- /16" 60
** Actual glass of exterior glazing.Double glazing panel is 1/2"smaller. (1) Maximum design pressure performance when glazed with the app r r Hate glass thickness.
Refer to general performance section of this manual for more info ation.
Thermal Pe •rmance
General Notes:
• Performance data is based on the WINDOW 4.1 and FRAME VERSION 4.0 computer pm- • Performance data represents units evaluated using glass as shown bet.w.which is standard for
grams that analyze window performance.FRAME software is the latest technology in testing units in the Specified sizes.
"U"values,solar heat gain coefficients,and visible light transmission values. When doing • Screens,blinds and shades improve"U"values,from those shown below.They also lower
product comparisons with other manufacturers,it is important to verify how these values were solar heat gain coefficients and visible light transmission values fro those shown below.
• Performance numbers shown below are total unit values.For center-glass values,see page (1) Based on computer simulations:A=38"x 82"frame size based on FRC 100 size table.
PD-12 in the Product Performance section of this manual. For more information on(2),(3),(4)and(5),see the general pc ormance section of this e•
i =
manual. o
N v o
SmarfSash5 Total Unit Values '"0
OUT-SWING FRENCH DOORS Solar Heat Gain %Visible Light
"U"Value(I)* Coefficient(SHGC) Transmission(VLT)
Type of Glazing 1 I B A B A B
1/8"Clear with 1/8"Clear DGP 0.46 ---- 0.45 ---- 45 ---
1/8'Clear with 1/8'low-E DGP 0.38 ---- • 0.43 ---- 42 ----
1/8'Bronze with 1/8'Clear DGP 0.46 ---- 0.38 ---- 34 ---
1/8'Bronze with 1/8'low-E DGP 0.38 ---- 0.34 ---- 32 ----
1/8'Gray with 1/8'Clear DGP 0.46 ---- 0.36 ---- 31 ----
1/8"Gray with 1/8"low-E DGP 0.38 ---- 0.33 ---- 29 ----
5/8'Clear I.G.w/1/8"Clear DGP 0.36 --- 0.41 --- 41 ----
5/8'Clear I G.with 1/8"low-E DGP 0.32 ---- 0.38 ---- 38 ----
5/8'InsulShield®[.G.w/1/8'Clear DGP 7 ---- 0.24 ---- 36
5/8"InsulShield"I.G.w/1/8°low-E DGP 027 i ---- 0.23 ---- 33 ----
`Total unit"R"value calculation is R=I U.
-{-9 YL..0 f.
l! DOOR. Durador/Ifni-Door Comparison
. Durador Uni-Door Uni-Door
Builder Series Premium Serie , Premium Series
Specification Primed Steel Primed Stee Stainable Steel
(pages 3-7) (pages 9-29) (pages 9-29)
Gauge Steel 4) 26 Gauge° 24 Gauge4) 22 Gauge°
Galvanization Electromagnetic Electromagnetic Hot-Dip
Stiles /Rails 2 Pc. Steel-Unitized 2 Pc. Steel-Unitized 2 Pc. Steel-Unitized
Wood Lock Block Yes - 4" x 12" Yes - 4" x 12" Yes - 4" x 12"
Solid Core Environmentally-Friendly Environmentally-Friendly Environmentally-Friendly
Polyurethane Polyurethane Polyurethane
R Value 10.8 13.0 ( O3)
13.CU Value .09 .08 0'
Fire Rating 20 Minute* 90 Minute# 90 Minute#
Primer Color Gray White Beige
Stainable/Paintable Paint Only Paint Only Stainable/Paintable
Hinge Type Fixed Adjustable Adjustable
e Hinge Reinforcement 20 Gauge 20 Gauge 12 Gauge
Lockguard Optional Optional Optional
Security Plate w/Deadbolt Prep w/Deadbolt Prep w/
Deadbolt Prep
Security Rating N/A Grade 40° Grade 40°
Weatherstripping Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic
Sill Adjustable (Std) Adjustable (Std) Adjustable (Std)
Fixed (Optional) Fixed (Optional) Fixed (Optional)
} Handicap (Optional) Handicap (Optional) Handicap (Optional)
Oak (Optional)
6'6" Heights Yes Yes Yes
Sidelight(s) 6 Designs (12" & 14") Complete Selection Complete Selection
Transoms 3/0 Single Door Complete Selection Complete Selection
Warranty 5 Year 25 Year 25 Yea:
NOTES: * With 20 Minute Fire Frame COI
# With 90 Minute Steel Frame
V With Deadbolt and Lockguard Security Plate
4) Remember,the lower the gauge numbers,the heavier the steel.
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FROM : I P I INC. PHONE NO. : 941 3519831 Jun. 03 1998 05:54PM P3
Stu: British thermal unit. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water, one
degree Fahrenheit.
k factor: Thermal conductivity for a unit thickness (one inch)of material. Expressed as Btu-in/hr-ft2-°F.
C factor: Thermal conductance. Thermal transmission (heat flow) through a material of uniform composition,
independent of thickness. Expressed as Btu/hr-ft2-°F.
_ 1 , IS (°
thickness(inches) R 2_.15 R
Note: C = k at one inch thickness of material.
R factor: Thermal resistance. The resistance to heat transfer of a material. Insulators have relatively high R
factors. Expressed as°F-ft2-hr/Btu.
R 1 thickness(inches) 1S g . Av,S
C k i15
3,5 W.33 GIIuIv�S
Overall thermal resistance of several materials assembled in a wall or roof is calculated by adding the
individual R factors:
RQ R1 + R2 t R3 + ... + Fin -i
• U factor: Overall thermal conductance;equal to the inverse of the overall A factor. Expressed as Btu/hr-ft2-°F.
U 1
Note:While thermal resistances are additive (R factors can be added to determine the overall
thermal resistance),C factors cannot be added to determine the overall thermal conductance:
i.e., U C1 + C2+C3, etc. The formula for calculating U from C factors is:
lJ 1
1 + 1 + 1 + ...
C, C2 C3
754015th Street Fad
Sarasota.Florida 34243
06/03/98 16:18 FAX 4134982649 JE HANRAHAN&SONS [2]02
15OFOAMm Technical Bulletin
Adiklik1 PI A Division of PMC.Inc. k ft( 4' iiov't kr %a A.( (,,t e 4-->v'4 4" vice at D -(;3/-7 L I l C
IYI 505 BLUE BALL ROAD PHONE: (410) 392-4800
P.O. BOX 70 FAX: (410) 398-7391 D
ELKTON, MD 21922-0070 3
SS-1281 3
Description Typical Physical Properties
ISOFOAMR SS-1281 polyurethane Density, Core . lbs/cu. ft. 2 . 0 ASTM D-1622
chemical foam system is a two
component system designed for Compressive Strength, psi ® % Deflection ASTM D-1621
spray applications to produce Parallel 20 0 5%
a rigid polyurethane foam with a Perpendicular 13 0 10%
nominal overall density of 2.0 pounds
per cubic per foot. Compressive Modulus, psi ASTM D-1621
Parallel 615
ISOFOAMR SS-1281A is a polymeric Perpendicular 315
isocyanate containing reactive
isocyanate groups. Closed Cell Content, % >90 ASTM D-2856
ISOFOAMR SS-1281B is a combination Thermal Conductivity,BTU/hr. ASTM C-518
If polyols, catalytic agents, and sq. ft. °F/in
HCFC 141b. "K" Factor ® 77°F, Init 0 . 15 ,6. E6 for /vtcli
ISOFOAMR SS-1281BC is a more Humid Aging, % Volume Change, 158°F ASTM D-2126
reactive version. (70°C) , 100% R.H.
1 Day 4
ISOFOAMR SS-1281 is a winter 7 Days 6
System. 14 Days 8
28 Days 13
Typical Handling Characterististics Cold Aging, % Volume Change, ASTM D-2126
A/B -20°F (-29°C)
Viscosity a 20°c 300/250 2 Days <1
Specific Gravity a 20°C 1.23/1.16
Mixing Ratio by Volume i00/100 Heat Aging, % Volume Change, 200°F ASTM D-2126
Spray Reactivity, Tack Free. Secs. 1 Day +1
SS-12818 2-3 7 Days +3
ss-1281Bc 1-2 14 Days +6
28 Days +12
The foam's properties were determined
on samples sprayed through a Gusmer Typical Combustibility Properties
H-II unit at 800 psig with a preheater Nominal Thickness 2 Inches
temperature of 110°F (43°C), and a._ Flame Spread* <75 ASTM E-84
hose temperature of 105°F (41°c). Smoke Density <450
The system was sprayed at 70-75°F